


supahsanic6969 · 書籍·文学
12 Chs


''Why would you give away almost three and half million gold to the southerner Hadrian?'' his grandmother Lyarra Stark asked him. He is currently inside the solar of Avalon. The solar itself is lavishly decorated like the other castles he had built. With the castle being built using gothic style making it stood out from the rest of the city. It had been only two days since he returned from Lannisport.

The arrival of both himself and the victorious northern army was met by a massive crowd of cheering people that come from all over the North. He wasn't a bit surprised that so many people would come from all over the north to welcome them home. They had after all just destroyed one of the most hated enemies of the North and added another new territory for the North.

Of course, the cheering of the crowd would only intensify once he ordered the prisoners to be unloaded from the ship. The crowd would welcome the prisoner by throwing rotten vegetables and other stuff at them while mocking them all the way to the prison where they would be held until the victory day parade that would take place later this day.

The solar itself is currently packed with all the members of his family, except for the younger children. Said younger children were currently either wondering the castle grounds or playing in the children's room. The reason why his entire family were even here was because today would be the first official time that his entire family would be seen in public by both the Nobles and the common folk.

With the death of his father, aunt, and grandfather a few years ago and the many enemies that he created in the last couple of years, it's been something of an unspoken agreement between his family members that they try to make sure that not all of them go out in public at the same time. Since if some member of the family was killed than at least there would still be a couple of spares to continue the family line.

''Because grandmother it is easier to defeat your enemy when they are divided rather than united''. Hadrian said toward his grandmother who would look confused by his answer something that was shared with the other people in the room.

''What do you mean by that, Hadrian?'' his grandmother asks him since they wanted him to elaborate on his plan so that they can understand it.

''It's quite simple really, if we wanted to truly defeat the Targaryens and the south we need to make sure that they are more interested in fighting each other than us''. Hadrian said but this answer still confused them.

''And giving money to them is going to weaken and divide them?'' his uncle Benjen asks with skepticism in his voice.


''I'm sorry to say these Hadrian, but you're plan didn't really make sense, since by giving them money, we only help them strengthen themselves, and we already heard from our spies, that they are already preparing for war and the money we give them would make their preparation easier''. His uncle Benjen said.

''Well it would be the logical thing to do but as we know logical isn't something that the southerners do''.

''I still don't get what you're trying to say, Hadrian''. His uncle Benjen said, causing him to release a sigh. Even after giving them, all the information they needed to connect the dots, they still don't understand it.

''The Iron Born have devastated the south especially the Westerlands, the Reach and the Riverlands. The three million gold that I give them if use correctly could be used to help lift the massive burden that those three kingdoms have, but the question is would the money be distributed evenly between those three kingdoms or if one would have more than the other or a better question, would the crown give them the money''. Hadrian said before stopping since he wanted to know if they were still paying attention and they were.

''If the crown distributed the money evenly to those three kingdoms, they would, in turn, be more loyal to the crown, if they choose a second option than the other two would hate the one that gained more and of course the crown, and for the third, I don't really need to say it of course''.

''So which option that is most likely to happen?'' His uncle Benjen ask

''The second''. Hadrian said with a smile

''And who would gain it?'' Benjen asks. This made him smile much wider since his uncle did just ask a very good question.

''Now that is a good question, uncle, the only really two likely candidates are the Westerlands and the Reach, while the Riverlands would probably gain only what is left. If the crown gives more money to the Westerlands than the Reach would not be happy and this would cause the Reach to resent the crown and the crown needs the reach for their manpower and food, not to mention they need the Reach to protected their backside form an attack from the Daynes if war happens between us and them,

''And if the Reach gains more than the Westerlands thn it would mean that even with the Old Lion's daughter being one of Rhaegar's queens, he couldn't control the crown, that his power is deteriorating and after ruling the Westerlands using fear for that long, the resentment of the nobles would boil over because of the Old Lion's failure to protect them from the Iron born and also his failure to give them justice and the spoils of war'' Hadrian said.

''That is quite a good analogy Hadrian but there just is one thing wrong with all of it'' his uncle Ned said

''And that is?'' Hadrian asks his uncle, who has been mostly silent in this kind of meeting except if he wanted to ask something or he able to figure out something that couldn't happen. Something that he appreciates since some of his plans were quite wild, to say the least.

''That you believe that the crown wouldn't just give the money equally to all of the kingdoms''. His uncle simply said.

He kind of expected this kind of question from his uncle since his plan did in fact hinge on the fact that either of them would want more for their own kingdom but then again, he was quite sure that his plan would work after all he is playing with one of the basic human emotions. Something that he told his uncle with a smile.

''Ah that could technically happen but I don't think realistically that it would happen''.

''And why is that?'' his uncle asks him after he stops talking since he wanted to know if his uncle could guess what he about to say. But it seems that his uncle isn't able to guess it causing him to answer his uncle's question.

''One word uncle greed''.

''Greed!'' His uncle Ned said again toward him, with a questioning tone.

''Yes, you see with the amount of money that is at stake everyone would want a piece even if they aren't entitled to it''. Hadrian said

''And you are hoping that the Lannister, Tyrell, Tully, and Targaryen would want a piece of this money''. His uncle said

''I'm not hoping, I know it will happen and we just have to wait for it''. Hadrian said

''Well since we already know the reason you give the three million gold to the crown for the Iron Islands, why did you give the Arryn half a million gold, since unlike those three kingdoms we have already beaten them''. His mother asks him since unlike the other people in the room she still remembers that he didn't just give money to those three kingdoms but also the Arryn.

''Ah well, the reason because we can and because frankly, I'm tired of hearing Jon Arryn talking about the three sisters'' Hadrian said to his mother.

''Is that really all, Hadrian you are my son and I know you don't do anything without a reason''. His mother said

''Fine there is a small reason. With the Arryns so focused on rebuilding their fleet and their army for war against us, they have started to neglect their internal affairs'' Hadrian said.

''And you wanted to exploit their weakness but haven't we already created chaos in their kingdom by supporting the mountain clansmen?'' His mother asked.

''That is right mother but there is another player in the Vale that has started to usurp some of Jon Arryn's power''.

''Who is this person?' Benjen asked since there aren't many people that would attempt such.

''Someone named Baelish''.

''Baelish, never heard of him''. His uncle replied

''Of course, you haven't heard of him uncle, after all, he someone that is quite efficient in hiding in the shadows''.

''So then tell us more about this person''.

''Well there's not much to tell really, he is from a small house in the Vale, he was sent by his father to foster with house Tully, but he was sent back to the Vale before he finished his fostering, he would spend of a couple of years creating many "bussiness" in the Vale, before Lysa Tully or now Connington asked him to move into the Stormlands, and somehow he was able to climb his way to become one of Jon Connington's trusted advisors.

'Impressive, but you haven't told us how did he spread his influence into the Vale''.

''Well after we destroyed their fleet, Jon Arryn was desperate to rebuild it and make sure the Vale's economy recovered, and at that moment Baelish appeared, he somehow was able to rebuild the fleet and help recover their economy''.

''Very impressive''.

''It is quite impressive but it also caused the Vale to incur a massive debt with the Iron Bank''.

''The Iron Bank?''

''Yes, since he was able to do this by borrowing money from the iron bank''.

''And Jon Arryn allowed this?'

''I have no idea but the Iron Bank would want the money I just give him''.

''So that is your plan for the Vale Hadrian'' Benjen said now able to understand how he would destroy the Vale.

''Yes'' Hadrian said, the plan to destroy the Vale itself is quite simple and that is to make the Vale indebted to the Iron Bank.

''Now I think that's enough talking about the south, aunt Ashara did the Company of the Rose agree to our terms''.

''They did'' his aunt said.

''Good, we would need them if we want to control Pentos''. Hadrian said

''One question Hadrian, why do you wanted to control Pentos?'' His uncle Benjen asks since like usual he hasn't told them the reason why he wanted to expand the North by conquering Pentos. While there is a huge area just outside the Wall waiting for him to conquer.

''It isn't that I wanted to control Pentos but what I wanted to control is the land that surrounds it''. Hadrian said toward his uncle who would raise his eyebrow since he didn't understand the importance of the location of that free city.

''And why would you wanted to do that'' Benjen asked

''For revenge'' Hadrian said.

''Against who?'' Benjen asked once more since he didn't know anyone in Pentos who was stupid enough to challenge his nephew. Since even though the city banned the sale of their product in the open, they couldn't stop them from gaining profit by selling it through their black market.

''The south or more precisely the Faith of the Seven''.

''And controlling the land surrounding Pentos is going to help us gain payback how?'' his uncle Benjen ask slowly still not getting the importance of the land surrounding Pentos to the Faith of the Seven.

''Because those lands are their holy land''. Hadrian said simply, shocking his aunt Ashara who able to piece together what he just said.

''This would mean a Holy War Hadrian'' Ashara said with shock in her voice.


''What do you mean by holy land, Hadrian'' Benjen ask still didn't get why his sister in law and nephew are talking about. As far as he knows the Faith of the Sevens holy place is in Old Town but that place is currently being rebuilt. Except there is one more place that could be considered their holy land and that is Andalos. His suspicions were confirmed by his nephew's next word.

'''Pentos or more precisely the land that surrounds it is the location of Andalos''. Hadrian said

'' Don't you think we already have enough enemies, Hadrian'' his uncle said with a short laugh.

''Maybe, but conquering Andalos is just revenge for what they did to us, all those thousand years ago''. Hadrian said

''By the gods Hadrian, you truly take our words seriously''. His uncle Benjen said

''The North remembers uncle''.

''I bloody know the North remembers Hadrian but don't you think we have enough enemies already?''. His uncle Benjen said

''The Faith of the Seven and the Southerners are one and the same, if we have to destroy one why not destroy the other''. Hadrian said.

''You know we have some followers of the Faith of the Seven here too Hadrian, and I don't think they would support us if we are waging a war against the Faith''. His uncle Benjen said

''That is true uncle but I think the Manderlys would support us in this endeavor'' Hadrian said since there is currently only one house in the North that still worshipped the seven. And even then there is a rumour that is going on through the North, that the new generation could change their religion to the Old gods. To try to distance themselves from the stigma the Seven currently has in the North

''And why is that?'' his uncle ask.

''Because I'm going to marry Wyman Manderly's eldest granddaughter". Hadrian said

''You what?!'' His mother and Lyarra shouted

''I'm going to marry Wynafryd Manderly'' Hadrian replied.

''Why?'' His grandmother asks him.

''Because it's the logical thing to do since marrying her would cement my rule over the North'' Hadrian replied.

''But you barely know each other''. His mother said

''Actually, I quite know her, since we sometimes send letters to each other''. Hadrian said

''And why haven't you mentioned this to me, Hadrian'' his mother said, a bit sadly.

''Because it's not important'' Hadrian said.

''of course, it's important, Hadrian, as you're mother it's my duty to know who are you interested in''. His mother said

''I'm not really interested in her''. Hadrian said

''Then why are you planning to marry her'' his mother asks him again.

''Because like what I said, it the most logical choice, but if there someone more suitable than I would marry her'' Hadrian said

''So, you're saying that you're not really sure if you want to marry her or not'' His mother asks


''Ok'' His mother said with confusion in her voice

''Since we are talking about weddings and all, I believe it's time that you finally settle down Benjen''.

''What, why?''

''Because I'm getting old Benjen and I want to at least have a grandchild from you before I die'' Lyarra Stark said in a wistful tone.


''No buts Benjen. Now the question is which suitable bride for you''. His grandmother said toward both his aunt and mother, who would started suggesting the names of a possible northern bride for his uncle.

''Look, let just make this easy for all us, why don't I married Dacey Mormont, I mean I'm already quite close to her and it would also help us reward the Mormonts'' His uncle said to the group of women, with depression in his voice. Since some of the suggestion that was being thrown around is for woman who are much older than him or much younger.

''That is a good suggestion Benjen'' His grandmother said

''Then I will write to Maege Mormont tomorrow about the possibility of you being engaged to her eldest daughter'' His mother said.

''Sorry to do this but I need to be ready for the parade'' Benjen said before running away after one of the servants come into the solar to tell him to prepare himself for the parade which would be happening a couple of hours later.

''I believe that we should also prepare ourselves '' Hadrian said to his family members who all nodded to him and left the room.

The parade it selves would take place in the afternoon and would come to a close when he executed the last two children of Balon Greyjoy. He was quite happy when Maege Mormont had told him that she was able to capture the two youngest children of Balon when she invaded Harlaw. It seems that after the Northern army destroyed the Iron Fleet that was sent to the North, Balon sent his two youngest children to Harlaw since the Ten Towers was one of the most formidable castles in the Iron Islands.

But in the end, even though the castle was formidable, it fell under the might of his army and Balon's youngest children were captured. Of course, after executing them that would leave their uncle as the sole remaining Greyjoy in the world. That was what worried him since Euron Greyjoy was quite well known to be mad and a mad man playing the game of thrones could become a huge problem.

Even though he didn't really know the true intentions of some of the players. All of their intentions are quite easy to decipher especially the Tyrell and the Lannister one. But for today he could stop thinking about the Game of Thrones and just enjoy the day with his family.

After getting dressed for the parade, he and his family left the castle went to the makeshift stage that was built for the parade. The stage itself was occupied by the nobles and other important and powerful figures on the North.

The parade would start with the Northern army marching toward the parade ground before lining up and then the cavalry would come after the entire army is in line. after that the Northern army band would start singing the Northern national anthem.

Finally, after the anthem is done, a detachment of Northern soldiers would come forward and parade the banner of the destroyed Iron Born Houses and would throw the flags unto the ground in front of the stage. After the flag was thrown some northern soldiers would start to pour oil into the pile of the flag and then.

While all of this was going, the high-profile prisoner would be marched to the front of the fire where they would be executed by his uncle. The first one who will be killed would be the Greyjoy siblings followed by the other prisoners. After they were dead their body would be thrown toward the raging inferno.