


supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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He was currently walking toward the Casterly Rock solar since today meeting between him and the member of the small council would be held there. There are a couple of reason why he believe the small council member change the venue of their meeting from last night. The first reason and the most likely is that today meeting would be talking about more sensitive topic that couldn't be told to the general public. While the second reason was because the first meeting has proven to be a disaster to the small council. Since not only did one of their own insulted him in front of most noble in the seven kingdom, they also have failed to united the noble in their outcry for what he did to the iron born. Since most noble during last night meeting from what he see is glad that the iron born gone.

Also unlike yesterday he didn't brink the Northern lord with him. The reason why he didn't brink the northern noble with him was because there isn't any reason why he need them. Since the only reason that he even bring them yesterday was so that he can use them to intimidate the southern noble. Of course there were another reason to why he didn't bring the northern lord and lady with him. And that is because all of the older generation of Northern noble didn't have a single diplomatic bone in them.

The walk form his ship to the solar has taken longer than it should. Since it seems that the Lannister servant that was send to guide him and his guard toward the solar, has also been order to use this opportunity to show the Northerner the wealth of the Lannister. The reason why he believed this was because the servant has been taking him and his group through both the hall of heroes and The Golden Gallery. Both of this place was were the Lannister hoarded their wealth with the golden gallery acting as their vault. While even though the hall of heroes was technically a graveyard, it was a very much a lavishly decorated graveyard with many golden armour of death Lannister lining the wall.

He wouldn't have problem seeing both of this place if it was in the same way toward the solar but it didn't. Now why did the servant was order to do this was quite simple really since the old lion was trying to give to him and the Northern lord the image of a wealthy and powerfull Lannister. This kind of thing could work for some lesser lord but it didn't work for him since frankly speaking the wealth that the Lannister has didn't even start to compare to the wealth that the North has. Not to mention he very much know that with the Lannister mine started drying curtesy of his spy, the Lannister position in the game was very much questionable for the future. After all the biggest thing that the Lannister have was their gold and went it started to disappear. Well let's just say that even with Tywin history of destroying his enemy, it wouldn't stop some upstart noble to stab their liege lord in the back, if they sense that the old lion was weakening.

Finally after a couple more minute of walking he and his guard would arrive into the solar, of course went he arrive in the entrance of the solar. Both the kingsguard and the household guard was there, this wasn't something unexpected and suprising to him. of course once there the kingsguard would quickly open the door for him, but his guard was ask to stay outside. This wasn't again something he was surprised at since it wouldn't be proper for him to bring armed guard with him while inside the same room as the king.

''lord Hadrian''. the hand of the king said went he enter the solar

''lord hand''. Hadrian said back toward the hand of the king, before talking the empty seat at the end of the table. The solar it selves like the other part of Casterly Rock was lavishly decorated with gold, jewels and statue of lion. After talking his seat, he would then survey the people in the room not surprisingly most of the member of the small council that join the war was here, But there is someone missing.

''as lord hadrian has arrive here, than we may begin this meeting''. Rhaegar said to the people in the room who would nodded to what the king say but before Rhaegar can continue he would interrupted him. Since the people in the room seem to not be interested in telling him why one of their member isn't here.

''sorry to interrupted but I believe we are lacking one of you're member''.

''ah, you must mean lord mace, lord Hadrian, but lord mace couldn't attend today meeting since after yesterday meeting he decided to return to Highgarden so that he can help manage the relief effort that is happening in the Reach''. Jon Connigton said to him, causing him to raise one of his eyebrow since he know what the hand of the king just tell him was a lie.

Of course the lie is very good lie, since what the hand of the king said to him was something that any reasonable leader would do. After all if the Tyrell was seen helping the people of the reach that has suffered because of the iron born. This could finally united the reach under the Tyrell banner since even after three hundred years of their rule. There are still many people that believe that the Tyrell as nothing but upstart that was only able to become of a great house. Because they were one of the first people who kneel to Aegon after the field of fire.

But as he said this was only what any reasonable leader would do and Mace Tyrell, the fat lord of Highgarden isn't a reasonable leader and instead was an idiot. It was very much a known fact that the fat lord of the Reach didn't care for anyone but himselves and that he like to claim what other people has done. Now this isn't something shocking since most noble is also like this. But the problem is that Mace did this against more influential people than him. Now most people assumed that House Tyrell is the most influential house in the Reach but this something that very much could be contested.

Since there are three house in his mind right now that he know to be more influential that House Tyrell. Now one of the house was in a bit of trouble but they would be able to recover in the next couple of years. So that leave two house and both of those house has getting more prestige in the last couple of years because of the iron born rebellion and the conquest of the step stone. The two house he is talking about is House Tarly and House Redweyne. This two house is the biggest challenge to the Tyrell rule, since House Hightower is currently busy fixing Old town after it was sack by the iron born.

Both house Tarly and Redweyne commanded more respect both inside the Reach and the other kingdom than House Tyrell have. Hell he bet that if House Tarly and House Redweyne suddenly rebeled again the Tyrell most of the Reach would Join them. Since not only is House Tarly and House Redweyne is more respected in the reach. But also because most of the reach is tired of the continue stupidity of Mace Tyrell.

''well that was very nice of him to do''. Hadrian said with a fake smile

''well lord Tyrell is the warden of the south and as warden of the south it is duty to help his people went in need and it his duty to also avenge them should someone harm them''. Jon Arryn said while looking toward him

Of course the only respond that he give to the Master of Justice was a smile something that would make the master of justice angry. But before he could say anything else that could make the Master of justice more angry the hand of the king would speak.

''perhaps we should start today meeting right now''. The hand of the king said trying to make sure that unlike yesterday this meeting would be able to begin in a good way, not to metion also not having the discussion going to another direction.

''of course lord hand''. Hadrian said still with a smile

''since yesterday meeting didn't get the desire result that I would like, I would like to say again to you Lord Hadrian that you need to start returning your men back to the North since the iron island is a part of the seven kingdom and you couldn't just occupied them''.

''and like I say yesterday I wouldn't allow it since there not need to do it''. Hadrian said using the same uncaring tone that he use yesterday

''it didn't matter what you think Lord Hadrian since as youre king I order you to do it''. Rhaegar said with anger in his voice while slaming his hand to the table.

''no''. Hadrian said not really intimidate by the king

''what''. Rhaegar said surprised that the Heir of the North would still be defiance of his order. Even after he order it directly.

''I said no''. Hadrian said with a louder voice

''this is treason boy''. The master of justice said while looking toward Hadrian

''is it''. Hadrian said

''of course it is''. Jon Arryn said

''then that this would mean war, right''. Hadrian said with a smile, that shock the people in the room since he just easily say that they would be going to war again.

''what do you mean war, Lord Hadrian''. The hand of the king ask him after processing what he just said

''well the punishment for treason is death and I would expect my people would avenged me if you kill me, so shall we prepare for war''. Hadrian said

''this didn't mean war lord Hadrian''. Jon connigton quickly said

''but the master of justice said that because I refused the king order than this mean treason and the punishment for treason is death''. Hadrian said with a raise eyebrow toward the hand of the king

''well not everything would be punish by death lord hadrian after all king Rhaegar isn't like King Aerys who excecuted people because he like it and just because you rejected what the king said didn't mean you conducted treason''. Jon Connigton said trying to reason with the Heir to the North that even though saying to no to the king was an offence. It wouldn't be an offence that would result to your death even though so many people wanted him death.

''so what I just say isn't consider treason''. Hadrian ask

''no lord Hadrian''. Jon Connington said quickly glad that they didn't just start a war with the North

''so can we continue then''. Hadrian said a couple minute later

''of course, Lord Hadrian, so if you don't want to return your armies back to the North then we need to find a solution lord Hadrian ''. The hand of the king said

''then what is you're suggestion, Lord hand''. Hadrian said

''you need to help to bring the southern army to the iron island so that we can secure it, the second is that you need to give half of the treasure that you have taken from the iron born''.

''I get the reason for the first one but why would I give you the money that I get from the iron born to you''. Hadrian ask

''becouse lord Hadrian it isn't just the North that fight in the war against the iron born''. Jon connington said.

He of course know about the real meaning about what the hand of the king was saying and that is about the unwritten rule of war in westeros. The law it selves was quite simple and That is should an enemy was defeated by a coalition of allies than the war spoil be split between the winner. Of course technically this wasn't true in this war since there was no cooperation between the North and the south. But they did still fight againt the same enemy, so some people could say that they are fighting alongside each other and that the south should get some spoil.

And frankly speaking it didn't really matter if he get to save the spoilt form the iron born or not since with the money the North has, it could easily rebuilt the iron island by herselves. But using the spoilt form the iron born to rebuilt the iron island could make him save some money. But he know that he need to give something to the southern lord. Since it seems that they already give up on trying on taking back the iron island for now that is.


''youre not trying to get out of this one lord hadrian''. Jon arryn said

''why should I, I think it's fair but I believe that I should give you a little bit more since after all you need all the money you can to rebuilt your settlement that was destroyed by the iron born''.

''and the price for this''. Rhaegar ask knowing that this generous offer would come with a price

''I wanted the iron island''. Hadrian said

''absolutly not''. The master of justice shouted

''look the iron born has destroy most of the western westeros coast line and you needed money to rebuilt it''. Hadrian said not really caring what the master of justice just said

''even if we agree to it, we couldn't just allow you to buy an entire kingdom''. Jon connington said trying to reason to the Heir of the North that there wouldn't be a possibility that would allow them to let him buy an entire kingdom.

''why not the iron island is a just barren island''. Hadrian ask

''perhaps it is a barren island lord Hadrian but it also have a strategic position, a position that would allow you to attack every major western coast line''. Randall tarly said

''well it did have a strategic position but then again are you assuming that I would wage war againt the south''. Hadrian said toward the master of war

''im not assuming anything lord Hadrian but there is no love lost between the North and the south, is there lord Hadrian''.

''well I guest it's true somewhat, but you still need money to rebuilt the settlement that the iron born devastated, so I ask you again make you decision''.

''we accept''. Rhaegar said

''you can be serious my liege''. Jon Arryn said with shock in his voice since he couldn't believed that the king would allowed the North to just buy an entire kingdom.

''I'm serious about this Lord Arryn, even though I don't like it, we need money to repair the damaged that has been done to our settlement in the coast and I would rather give the iron island than let our people continue suffering''. Rhaegar said

''how much you're going to give us lord Hadrian''. Jon connington ask since if the king would allowed the North to buy the iron island then they need to at least get as much money from it.

''three million gold wolves''. Hadrian said to the shock to the people in the room since they didn't believe that he would spend that much money just for the iron island.

''that's quite generous, of you lord Hadrian''. Tywin said with a calculated look in his voice, something that he can contributed with the old lion trying to find out how much money he has. Since after all unlike the Lannister and the Tyrell that like to flaunt their wealth. His family isn't that much interested in showing off their money. Making it very hard for people to just count how much his family is really worth with the only that their sure is that the money his family has already eclipse the money that the south have.

''well it's not really that much since after all we all the gold that is flowing through my treasury everyday that amount is nothing, well if that is everything than good day gentelmen''. Hadrian said before standing up intending to leave the room. but before he was able to leave the room the master of justice would call him.

''actually there is one more thing lord Hadrian''. Jon Arryn said

''and that is, Lord Arryn''. Hadrian said while looking toward the master of justice

''you know what I'm talking about lord Hadrian''.

''I may have some guest but I think it's better that you said it''.

''the three sister''.

''what about it''.

''you conquer a territory of the Vale and that couldn't be just be forgotten''.

''what do you want''.

''I want you to hand over the island back to the Vale''.

''well I couldn't hand you over the island after all under you're rule the island was nothing but a place for pirates, raiders, slave and other criminal organisation, so rather than giving you the island let me give you the same offer that I just give to you're king let me buy the island''.

''do you really think that I would let you just buy those island after you slaughter thousand of my people there''.

''I don't really get why you so mad with me slaughtering those people after all they are nothing but criminal and are you really willing to go war with me for those island since let me remind you that the last time you did that it didn't go so well and should happen are you really sure that you can keep your home in order''. Hadrian said with a smile toward the master justice

''are you're implying that my lord would be disloyal to me''.

''I'm not saying anything about you're noble but it isn't just the noble that could create chaos in you're kingdom and it would be a shame should something happen to your wife and you're child should I bring this group into our war after all they the true master of the vale, so do we have peace or should we go to war''. Hadrian said toward the master of justice.

Of course the master of justice would easily understand what he is implying after all the group that he just mention has been plaguing the vale for thousand of year. The group that he is talking about is the vale mountain clan. Like the mountain clan of the North, the vale mountain clan is one of the best guerrilla fighting forces in the world. With them having a wage a war againt the vale man for thousand of years already.

But with the amount of time that they have been waging war againt the vale, the army of the vale are already quite proficient in fighting them. And for the last couple of hundred of years the tactic of the vale mountain clansmen have already started to be more easily stop. Of course that is until he started sending military advisor and supplies to the mountain clansmen.

With his help the mountain clansmen have started to be started to be efficient once again. And by using them he has make sure that the vale wouldn't be able to send their full troop out of the vale. Since they would a

''I would have peace''.

''good, how about half a million gold wolves for those three island''.


''good, now is the meeting over gentelmen''. Hadrian ask the hand of the king

''it over lord Hadrian''.

''than with that I say good day to you gentelmen''. Hadrian said before leaving the room


''The North couldn't be just allowed to continue doing this my lord''. Joa arryn said after Hadrian stark leave the room

''don't you think we don't know that Lord Arryn''. Tywin said toward his master of justice

''then why didn't you try to said something during this meeting after all it seems that you didn't really much care that he just blackmail this entire council to be allowed to purchased an entire kingdom''.

''becouse we need preparation if we should go to war againt the North and unlike you I know we need to play the long game here''. Tywin said

''what do you mean with the long game''.

''unlike the North which is united, we are divided and to make sure of our victory, we need to fix some problem first''. Tywin said

''what lord tywin said is true, should the south and the North go to war right now, we would lose, and it wouldn't be even a true war since the North would slaughter or haven't you notice the Northern fleet that was currently anchor just outside this city''. Rhaegar said toward his master of justice, the Northern fleet it selves was currently being anchor just outside this city ever since the heir to the North arrived here. The navy being here was to send a clear message to him and the small council that should anything happen to the heir to the North, The Northerner would attack casterly rock and lannisport.

The problem that has been plaguing the seven kingdom since it inception has finally come back to bite them hard. The problem it selves was something that even after there hundered years of his family rule haven't gotten around to fix it. The problem that he is talking about is the lack of unity that existed inside the seven kingdom.

Thankfully because of the thread that the North posses, the problem would finally be able to be fix. The first thing that has to be done to fix the problem is that the creation of a professional royal army would be implemented immedietly and recruitment would open for both noble and smallfolk. With the master of war being the highest commander of the royal army just below the king. The reason why the master of war would be the commander of the royal army. Was quite simple and that is to prevent some noble who believed themselves to be better than the master of war who could be below their standing in the noble hierarchy to take command of the army and make questionable decision.

The second thing to do was to strengthen the tie between him and the noble and to do this he and his hand has agree to use the the North senate method. But with some different since unlike the North who only a couple dosen noble house, he has almost a thousand noble form the powerfull great house all the way to the small noble. The different would be that the south senate would be split in three with the lower house being the place for the small folk, the second house for the noble and the third house being the higher house which would be the place for the great house and the other powerfull noble.

The reason why the senate was split in three was because, the great house and the other more influential house wouldn't want to have their power be the same like the lesser noble house. Of course hopefully with the creation of this system, they would be able to mend the rift between the North and the south but that is only a hopefull thingking in his part.

The third thing that he needed to do was strengthen the economy of the souther kingdom, while their economy isn't bad. He knows that they needed to strengthen their economy should war happen since with the amount of money the North has they can financed a war for decades. While he can only financed a war for a couple of years.

The fourth thing that he has to managed was the Dayne question since with the Dayne being now tie to the North with both marriage and economic tie. Should war happen it was very likely that the Dayne would join the North. And if this happen then the war would be over before it begin since the Dayne can attack the Reach, the Stormland and the rest of Dorne. While the North could invaded the riverland and then use their Navy to raid the entire coast of the seven kingdom. Making the great house diverted their men to protect their land first and then making them couldn't contributed fully to the war. But he is hopefull that with the creation of the senate, he is able to prevent war for happening in the first place.

The last thing was the step stone question since ever since he conquer it, the three free city that is bordering it has re created the triachry with their goal being to re conquer the step stone from him. The triachry it selves has try to intimidate him by re counqering the disputed land. Of course he wasn't really impressed by it, since they already did this the first time the triachry was created. And by the end of it they would split apart. So he wasn't really that intimidate by them since there was always a way to split them apart. But even though he wasn't intimidated by them it didn't mean he didn't know that should war happen they can quickly conquer the step stone and then attack dorne.

This is the reason why even now the bulk of royal fleet was being re send there to make sure that the triachry didn't try anything. The reason why the triachry didn't even try something right now was that because he ask the dornish army to occupaid the island until the royal fleet return. This is the reason why Dorne barely send anyone to fight in this war since they were busy trying to make the triachry didn't do anything.

''then how long do we need to wait''. Jon Arryn ask

''as long as it needed, Lord Arryn even if it wasn't in our lifetime the war with the North is something that will happen, so it better to prepare now and hope for the best than suddenly having our children fighting the North without having any preparation done by us''. Randall Tarly said

''I believe today meeting should be finish, since I believe all of us need to process what just happen''. Jon connington said