


supahsanic6969 · Book&Literature
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''So, how are we going to split the money''. Dowager queen Rhaella Targaryen asks all of the people in the room. She is currently inside one of the chambers of the Red keep, together with all of her children and her two eldest grandchildren. The reason why they all here are so that they can discuss what has been happening in the seven kingdoms.

''why, don't just give it equally between all of us''. Daenerys Targaryen said

''that's impossible''. Aegon said to Daenerys suggestion

''and why is that''. Daenarys ask

''because, both the Tyrell and The Lannister would feel that their sacrifice isn't appreciated by the crown if we give it equally, and if we give one of them more of the share, then the other would feel slighted, and it would cause us to lose an ally''. Aegon said

''maybe, it's good if we lose an ally''. Daenarys said making the people in the room sends her a questioning look.

''I mean we could use this opportunity to see, which of our vassal is truly loyal to us and the one who isn't''. Daenarys added quickly after noticing their gaze

''that is an interesting idea Dany''. Rhaegar said to his little sister, her suggestion it selves would help them know which of their vassal is loyal to them. Something that is quite important especially with the war that would be happening.

''But still, that leaves the question which of them we should give the money, to''. Aegon said

''don't give to either of them, just give it to their vassal but since the Lannister get hit harder than the Tyrell give them more of the shared of money, but only enough to rebuilt Lannisport''. Daenarys said

''a very good idea, Dany''. Rhaenys said, since her aunt's plan is quite smart, since with them giving the money directly to their vassal. Would help secure their loyalty to them, and this would make them not really needing the Lannister or Tyrell support. Since if the majority of their vassal supporter them, then both of them whether they like it or not, would support them. and even if they don't, then went the war ended they could always be replaced with a new noble house.

''Since we are talking about this, is the rumor about the Lannister mine becoming drying true, uncle''. Aegon asks his uncle

''yes, the mine is drying and in a couple of years it would stop producing gold, all together''. Viserys said

''good, if we use this opportunity wisely, we can use it to control the Westernland''. Rhaenys said, since with the loss of their mine the Lannister position in the Westerland has never been so vulnerable, and with Tywin not naming an heir yet, then the Lannister could fall, after his death.

''Did you already send aid to the Hightowers''. Rhaegar asks his brother

''I already did, there my wife family, it's only right that I do that''. Viserys said


''Since we already discussed the money, it still leaves us with our biggest our enemy''. Aegon said

''there's nothing else we can do, they already didn't think that they are apart of the seven kingdoms anymore, the only thing we can do is prepared for the war that will happen''. Rhaella said

''There is one thing we can do''. Dany said to the people in the room, who look questioning to her ''marriage''. She added quickly after noticing the look

''absolutely not''. Aegon shouted

''And why not, if we did this, we can secure the allegiance of the North''. Dany said toward her nephew

''did, you really believe, that if we do this then peace could be achieved because I don't''. Aegon retorted

''what do you think, Rhaegar''. Dany ask her brother

''I think, you are right, the only way for peace is for them to be a tie to the crown''. Rhaegar said

''Now the question is who will be the one married, Hadrian stark''. Rhaella ask

''I would do it''. Rhaenys said

''Rhaenys''. Rhaela said with surprise in her voice, since she didn't expect her eldest grandchild would suggest herself to be married to the heir to the North, after all, she knows, her eldest grandchild didn't really care about politics. But then again she shouldn't be surprised if she wanted to marry the heir to the North. Since she knows about her love for the Northern culture.

''I'm the oldest I should be the one to do it''. Rhaenys said

''This is of course didn't have anything to do with you already being enamored with the Stark heir''. Dany said with a knowing smile

''with me being interested with Hadrian Stark, would help it easier for me to marry him''. Rhaenys said

''so be it, then''. Rhaegar said

''father''. Aegon said

''enough Aegon we need to do this even you don't like it''. Rhaegar said

''now that only leave the question of how we make the stark accept the match''. Rhaella said

''Perhaps we can order it''. Viserys said with a laugh

''the Stark wouldn't really care if we order something to do them, they would do what please them''. Dany said toward her second brother

''so how''. Aegon ask

''We could use an olive branch to help the stark be interested in the match'', Rhaella said

''What are you suggesting, mother''. Rhaegar said

''acknowledge you're son''. Rhaella said simply

''you mean Jon''. Rhaegar said


''if you do this would help fix one of the reasons why the North hates us''. Rhaella said

''Fine, I would order him to go to the south''. Rhaegar said

''And once again, the question remain will the North or more correctly the Stark would allow it''. Viserys said

''they will allow it because I'm not asking Jon Stark but Jaehaerys Targaryen a prince of the seven kingdoms''. Rhaegar said with shock going to the people in the room

''you know if you do this, the Stark could use it to place him into the iron throne''. Viserys said

''what choice do we have, at least if we do this, there is a change for peace ''. Rhaegar said

''so, we are going to married my sister and then legitimizing your bastard and make him a prince of the realm, what could possibly go wrong''. Aegon said

''or maybe because of this, we can achieve peace''. Dany said

''I would send a raven to the Stark later today''. Rhaegar said before adding ''so if this all, then I believe we can leave''.

''actually, there is one more thing we need to discussed''. Rhaella said

''what do we need to discuss grandmother''. Aegon asks his grandmother, even though he can guess what his grandmother going to said since her grandmother has been trying to do this for years.

''The future queen of the seven kingdoms''. Rhaellla said simply while looking toward Aegon

''Can we do this later''. Aegon said while trying to not look toward his grandmother

''no, you already in the age where we need to find a girl for you, especially in a time like this''. Rhaella said simply

''fine, do you already have someone in mind ''. Aegon said knowing there is not a possibility for him to change his grandmother's mind, not to mention that he also agree that they need to make sure the line of succession is clear in a time like this, and have more allies.

''don't be so down Aegon, since I believe you would like my choice''. Rhaella said with a smirk

''who is it''. Aegon ask

''Margery Tyrell''. Rhaella said,

''oh''. Aegon said with wide eyes since he is going to married the little rose vixen, that has been warming his bed for the last months. Ever since she been living in the red keep together with her family this last month. He is quite happy about this engagement since that little vixen is quite the wild thing in bed, not to mention she didn't really care if he sleep around as long as he did it discretely and make sure that he did his job as her husband, something that isn't hard to do.

''Well, you seem happy with my choice''. Rhaella said with confusion in her eyes since she didn't expect her grandson would accept his engagement so quickly.

''of course, he is happy after all the girl has been entering his room almost daily now''. Rhaenys said with a smirk toward Aegon, who would send a glare toward her.

''Usually, I would reprimand you for your behavior but in this case with you already close to her even though because of you sleeping with her, could make your marriage, at least be amicable''. Rhaella said with a shake of her head, after hearing the reason why her grandson didn't put out much of a fight for being engaged.

''not to mention, she probably didn't care about his dalliance, as long as she is queen and you make sure to give her children''. Rhaenys added

''well that's good, just make sure that you didn't father any bastard before you got her pregnant''. Dany would also add

''or are you already father some bastard''. Viserys ask

''he probably has some that he doesn't know, after all with how many women he already sleep with, we shouldn't be surprised about it''. Rhaenys said

''just make sure that you don't go around sleeping with people after I announced you're engagement''. Rhaegar said simply,

''When are you going to reveal it''. Aegon ask

''maybe a week after we talk about it with them''. Rhaegar said

''and when would you tell them about this''. Aegon ask,

''why not now, I go ask the king's guard to call them here''. Viserys said quickly before heading out of the room and then ordering the king's guard to call both Margery and Mace Tyrell. They would wait for the two Tyrell for a couple of minutes. Before finally the king's guard would knock on the door and informed them that the Tyrell has arrived. Once the Tyrell enters the room, they would of course bow before them.

''you're highness''. Both the Tyrell member said

''rise my lord, and lady, and have a seat we have something to discuss with both of you''. Rhaegar said to them while pointing toward the two new chairs that the king's guard has brought with them.

''what do you want to discuss my king''. Mace Tyrell asks his monarch after he takes his seat.

''the marriage between lady Margery and my son and heir Aegon''. Rhaegar said simply shocking both of them since they didn't suspect that they would be discussing the possibility of Margery being the next queen of the seven kingdoms, went they came to this meeting.

''you're highness, this is a huge honor''. Mace Tyrell said

''of course, it is''. Rhaenys said simply earning a smile from Dany and a laugh from Viserys, while both Rhaella and Rhaegar would frown went they hear what Rhaenys said. Since even though what she said is quite funny, it isn't polite to say those words right to their face.

''there would be of course more in-depth conversation between my family and you're family''. Rhaegar said while ignoring Rhaenys word

''of course, you're grace''. Mace Tyrell said quickly

''you don't mind of course my lady of being engaged with my son''. Rhaegar asks the girl who is going to be his daughter-in-law and his son's future wife.

''not at all, you're grace, it is a huge honor of being allowed to join your family''. Margery said

''good, I would announce this engagement next week, if we have finished discussing everything we needed to make this wedding happen''. Rhaegar said

''of course, you're grace, but may I ask a question''. Mace Tyrell said

''of course''. Rhaegar said

''when would this wedding be held''. Mace Tyrell ask

''as soon as possible, you can leave, if you want, and informed you're family about this but make sure that they didn't reveal it to anyone else''. Rhaegar said simply

''of course, you're grace, then by you leave''. Mace said before standing up and bowing toward them, something that Margery would also do before both of them would leave the room.


''can you believe it, Margery, you're going to be the next queen of the seven kingdoms''. her father said to her with excitement in his voice. Something she can guest is because finally, he achieved his dream of having one of his children to be tie to the royal.

She could say that she is also excited about being married to the crown prince, not because she loves him or anything. But because she is finally able to do what her grandmother has taught her all these years, and that is how to be the person to control the kingdom from behind the scene, something that her grandmother has been doing ever since the time of her grandfather and even till this day.

Truthfully speaking she didn't really care much about, the crown prince, sure he is great in bed, and he is very handsome. But the crown prince has a lot of flaws, some she can look aside but some she needed to fix. the major thing being that she needs to fix is to make sure he didn't sleep with every woman and man that he sees.

Sure she could always look away if he sleeps with other men since it wouldn't jeopardize her position in both the court. But if he sleeps with another woman especially a high-ranking one and then impregnating her, then it could definitely jeopardize her position. Since the woman's family could ask for him to marry the woman or legitimized her child. Something that could be used by other people to try to remove her children from the throne.

And she didn't plan on having any of her children be removed from the line of succession. So she needs to real back her fiancée's bad habit or more correctly makes sure that he didn't sleep with anyone that could potentially threaten her and her future children future.

This of course would be a huge undertaking since there is already someone that is going to threaten her and her future children, future. The person is the future princess of Dorne and her fiancée's own cousin, Arianne Martell. The Dornish girl who is quite literally one of the most endowed and beautiful women in the realm has been known for years now, to sleep with her cousin.

This is a huge problem with her since with the girl already being close with her fiancée for years now, she has a very huge head start against her. And she knows that even with him engage with her, the girl would still able to whisper into his ear. this has made her the biggest obstacle for her and her future children's position in the realm.

Removing her from the equation is going to very be hard, of course there some way to do this the simplest being that. She could of course try to marry her off, but she rather doubts that it would work Since she could reject it or her family could reject it. She could also try to assinated her, but with her being the heiress to Dorne, if they found out that she was killed by her then it could make them lose Dorne's support. And not even the blood ties between the Martell and the Targaryen could save it.

''mother''. Her father said toward her grandmother, breaking her from her thought, it seems she has taken quite a long time thinking about her new problem since they were able to arrive at the garden where her grandmother and two elder brothers is currently residing.

''it seems the king has told you some good thing, with how happy, you look mace, so say it''. her grandmother said after hearing the happy face her father is currently sporting,

''Margery is going to be queen''. Her father said toward the group shocking both her brother but not her grandmother

''you don't seem surprised grandmother''. Her eldest brother Wilas said, after noticing the lack of reaction of their grandmother.

''of course not, since this is something that makes sense''. Her grandmother said simply

''how so''. Her father asks

''because the crown is preparing themselves for the war that would happen, and the needed allies to make sure they win this war''. Her grandmother said

''the crown currently ties with two major houses and with Margery engagement with the crown prince, that makes it three now and the crown also unofficially control both the Stormland and Riverland, because of the friendship the current hand has with the king and also because the marriage between the hand and the eldest daughter of House Tully, not to mention Jon Arryn hatred of the Stark is well known, making his support in the war very certain, so with all of that currently the entire southern Westeros is united, something that is quite impressive''.

''very good deduction Wilas''. Her grandmother said

''thank you, grandmother''.

''it is as your son has said Mace, the crown needed all the major house united to fight against the North, they don't want any major house to not join the war, so the engagement between Margery and the crown prince make sense''. Her grandmother said

''oh, please, our kingdom alone could beat the North, there isn't a need for any of the other great house if both the royal family and our family join forces, then we can beat the North more easily and plunder it richest''.

''then you're a fool, the North is currently the most powerful kingdom in the entire Westeros both in wealth and in strength, if you believe that we can beat them alone then you are a fool''.

''grandmother is right father since I doubt we can even beat the North by ourselves, with some of our bannerman having to rebuilt their land after the Greyjoy rebellion, we can't bring our entire strength for this war if it should happen in the next couple of months, and I highly doubt that our noble would send their entire men to fight against the Northern army, especially the noble that life in the coast since the Northern navy could attack their land''.

''well that's why we are building a standing army, so we don't need to depend on the other house anymore''.

''even if we have a standing army, father, it would still take time to build it, even now we just started recruiting and haven't gone to their training stages, not to mention how expensive it is to have a large standing army, so we still need to have them to send their men to become the frontline fighter''.

''correct again, as Garlan, has said we wouldn't beat the Northerner by ourselves, and even if we can, do you know how large the cost for us''.

''fine, it doesn't matter anyway, since Margery going to be queen''.