
Hero But Not A Pro

After All Might crushes Izuku's dreams, he decides to take his father's advice and become a police officer. How bad can it be? Especially when his father is police too!

soulofdarkandlight · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Raid

Tsukauchi was very close to slapping the stupid Aldera principal. In fact, if it wouldn't be police brutality, he would have done it.

The raid had been successful. The police had breached the school at lunch break and had swiftly moved through the school. They had caught most of the bullies torturing the weak-quirked ones red-handed. Tsukauchi had led a separate team into the staff room where they caught all the teachers and the principal physically abusing all the students there and jeering at them, telling them to just die. Most of them seemed to have broken bones too. Tsukauchi couldn't fault Sansa, his instincts had kicked in and he had nearly taken off some of the teachers' heads.

Meanwhile, Kenji had confiscated all the school tapes and had made his way down to detain all of the bullies. Aldera wouldn't be able to refute anything since Kenji had all the tapes. Hisashi had also ordered all of them to wear body cams, just in case. So, they had all the evidence they could have needed. That is of course until they came across Aldera's official papers. Tsukauchi had only caught a glimpse but that was enough. Kenji had kept the papers with him, probably to show Hisashi later.

Tsukauchi sighed with annoyance once more. After they had arrested all of the teachers, they had hauled them into a police bus and transported them to detain at the station. Some of the teachers were crying at the fact that they would be going to jail. On the other hand, the other teachers were acting all smugly like they were untouchable. And the principal? He was going on and on about how he knew someone who was very powerful and they would come and save all of them, and that the police would be sorry.

"Tsukauchi, the kids are acting up," Tonuma said exasperated.

"Well, break them up,"

"We tried to. But they keep fighting each other and attack the police,"

"Do you have cameras in the room?" Hisashi asked, entering the station suddenly.

"Uh, yeah, we do," Tsukauchi turned to meet Hisashi.

"Good. So we have evidence. Charge them and get them into separate rooms. They attacked the officers, right? That gives us authority to detain them. Letting them stay in a comfortable room was being kind to them. Let them out once the parents get here and give them the charge sheets," Hisashi ordered.

Tonuma looked at Tsukauchi who nodded, "He has way more authority than me so don't go looking at me for confirmation,"

Tonuma nodded, "Yes sir!" and he rushed off to carry out the orders.

"Where have you been?" Tsukauchi asked Hisashi.

"Meeting my informant for underground information,"

Tsukauchi nodded and didn't ask anymore. It was an unwritten rule in the police force that officers didn't ask each other about their informants. This was to protect said informant's identities and make sure there were no leaks.

"Hisashi!" Kenji greeted his old friend, "Long time no see,"

Hisashi laughed and hugged his friend, "Yup. How was the raid?"

"Straight to business, huh? The raid was successful and went as we thought it would. But I have something to show to you," Kenji said and handed Hisashi the papers he had confiscated. Hisashi read them with a bored expression. His expression contorted slightly into anger but he kept calm, "So what?"

"Just thought it might be something you wanted to see," Kenji replied, "There shouldn't be any problem though, right?"

"No. This makes sense though,"

Kenji raised her eye, "What do you mean?"

"I'll explain later," Hisashi said and took the papers with him. He sat in front of the smug principal and smiled, "So, you're the principal. You do know that no one can save you,"

The principal snorted, "Yeah sure. When my guy gets here, he's going to wreak havoc on all of you stupid police,"

Hisashi's smile didn't waver, "Oh, you mean Wazashi?"

The principal's face dropped slightly, "How do you-"

"We caught him in Switzerland last week. He's in Tartarus now and will be executed. However, I am curious as to know how you two know each other,"

The principal started sweating, having realized that he wouldn't be bailed out. Hisashi continued, "You know, this case was going to be simple. I mean I am furious about the way you treated my son but we had all the evidence. But now this case got interesting. How does someone like you know an international criminal? Someone who was on the most wanted list until last week. Care to explain?"

The principal didn't speak, "No problem, you don't have to explain," Hisashi said, "I'm sure your answer wouldn't satisfy me and I already know some of it. Tsukauchi, here's a list of questions I need you to ask," Hisashi handed the detective a piece of paper and stood up.

"Should we tell Nedzu?" Kenji asked.

"Already messaged him. He's helping us to get dirt on all of the staff and already seemed to know that the principal had ties to Aldera's principal. Boy is he furious!"

"Really pulling the strings, huh?"

"Yup. No one messes with my son and gets off scot-free," Hisashi growled.

Kenji sighed, "Speaking of, what did you mean when you said you already had an idea of what's going on?"

"My informant," Hisashi explained, "He said that something is going on that's making him uncomfortable. Apparently, people are going missing and most of them aren't reported because they are people the world forgets. Most of the cases aren't reported to us police and the ones that are all went cold. Something isn't sitting right."

"You're right, that isn't good news. But what does it have to with the Aldera case?"

"My informant told me that most small-time villains nowadays are people who ran away from middle school or high school. And can you guess which school most of the villains come from?" Hisashi asked in a rhetorical tone.

Kenji sighed, "Aldera,"

"You guessed it!" Hisashi said mockingly, "Most of the criminals are from Aldera, and considering the amount of bullying there, it's no surprise. But another thing to note is that most of those who go missing are also the ones who ran from Aldera,"

"You think there is something else going on?"

"Possibly. It can't be a coincidence. As soon as this case is over, I want to investigate that. I have a really bad hunch,"

"Care to tell me what you think?"

Hisashi shook his head, "No, I'll have to ask Nedzu about this first. If it isn't what I think, it would just cause chaos. But if it is what I think... then we need to move fast," he said vaguely.

Kenji looked at his friend suspiciously and nodded. He had no clue what Hisashi was talking about but he trusted his friend. He was rarely wrong and was always careful about what he did.

Plus Bubaigawara was a very trustworthy source. He had done a lot of crimes in the past but he had paid the price for it and had redeemed himself. Once Hisashi had left, he had entrusted Kenji to look after him because of his mental instability. Kenji could see why Hisashi looked out for Jin, he was a good guy and rarely did anything villainous except the occasional crime to keep up appearances and get some cash. His quirk also meant that he was in the inner ring of the underground criminals.

"So, who do I get to interrogate first?" Hisashi said, cracking his knuckles.

"No one. Go home," Kenji said.

"Huh? But you said-"

"I know what I said. That was only to get you out of the raid. So, go home. Go and be with your family," Kenji said.

"Well give me something to do!" Hisashi pouted.

"No. You kept talking about how you're disappointed in Inko. But you've been away for nearly 10 years. Instead of trying to work a case, take your vacation and go bond with Izuku," Kenji said to Hisashi.

"Fine, I'm going. But can I get one file?" Hisashi asked. Kenji narrowed his eyes and stared at Hisashi with a pointed look. Hisashi pouted but left to go home. He did need to make it up to his son.