
Hero But Not A Pro

After All Might crushes Izuku's dreams, he decides to take his father's advice and become a police officer. How bad can it be? Especially when his father is police too!

soulofdarkandlight · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Plans and Trial

It had been almost two weeks since Hisashi had returned home. Hisashi had been busy, not with the case, but he had been trying to make it up to Izuku for going away too long. However, he had no clue what to do. He wasn't really there and couldn't even talk to Izuku much since he was undercover. Therefore, much of his first few days were spent in Inko coaching him on everything Izuku liked and disliked. Hisashi was glad Inko wasn't vindictive after their argument and had gone through the trouble of coaching him. Not that Inko was that sort of person, but the chance remained.

Over the course of the week, Hisashi had gotten closer to Izuku, really fast, and had learned a lot of things. The first thing he had learned was that if Kenji thought he is manipulative, he should meet Izuku. Compared to his son, Hisashi might as well be a saint. Why? The answer was simple. Izuku had guilt-tripped Hisashi and Inko into getting him not one, but two cats and a kitten. And he cackled like Nedzu after they had bought the animals home.

At least Izuku was happy, that's what mattered the most. Hisashi had tried taking him to the park to make friends and was promptly scolded by his wife who reminded him Izuku isn't a toddler.

"Hey Izuku," Hisashi said.

"Hmm?" Izuku looked up with questioning eyes. He had been painting.

"Well, I was just thinking. There's no way you're going back to Aldera. So do you want us to search for a new school? Or would you prefer homeschooling or online school?" Hisashi asked.

Izuku put down his painting brush and thought, "Well... I want to be police,"

"I know but even police don't take people who haven't graduated middle school,"

"They take people who haven't graduated high school?" Izuku asked, surprised.

"Well, we have this program where those who passed middle school can enroll in. They are basically trainees and are babysitted by other officers. You aren't allowed to move anywhere by yourself or go off alone. But you do get police authority while you learn alongside your officer. You need to have graduated high school before becoming full-time though," Hisashi explained.

"Great, so I'll do that!"

Hisashi frowned, "You need a police endorsement to do that though. Sort of like UA's recommendation exams,"

"Well, can't you endorse me, dad?"

"I can. But you are too young right now. You're just 14!" Hisashi replied.

"Yeah, but Katsuki will be at UA next year and I don't want to be left behind,"

"Doubt that little shit will get into UA," Hisashi muttered under his breath, "Especially if I ask Nedzu," he thought. He shook his head, "Look, you'll be 15 in July. You can take the police trainee exam then. Not before,"

Izuku grumbled but nodded, "If I get homeschooled, I can take the graduation exam for middle school anytime I want, right?"

Hisashi nodded.

"I'll do that then. I don't really want to go to school anymore," Izuku said quietly. Hisashi sighed and ruffled his son's hair while thinking. He wanted Izuku to go to school to make some friends, but even he didn't really trust any schools at this point. At least Izuku could try to have friends at the police academy.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Izuku said.


"If I need to graduate high school before becoming a police officer, don't I need to take a break after the trainee program?"

"That's really far into the future so you don't have to think about that you know," Hisashi deadpanned, "But to answer your question, no. You'll be attending the police academy at the same time which acts as a replacement for high school. They teach you the same syllabus plus extra things. So there's no need to worry about that."

Izuku nodded at the explanation.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go to the Bakugou's court case since I was the arresting officer," Hisashi got up.

"How come I don't need to be there since I am the victim?"

Hisashi winced at the lack of emotions in the sentence. Anger filled him once more but he calmed down in front of his son, "Because you are a minor. I have the body cam for evidence and the court has exempted you from appearing due to the fact that it would be reminding you of said traumatic event. And I have your signed confession saying that you were suicide baited, so that will do," Hisashi explained and wore his coat, "Inko, I'm going now!" he shouted to his wife who acknowledged that she heard from the kitchen, "See you afterward," Hisashi smiled to Izuku.

Izuku nodded. It was weird having someone stand up for him, him who was useless. Izuku hadn't known that Hisashi was undercover. All Inko had told him was that he was a cop who was overseas. In his mind, Izuku had thought that Hisashi didn't want to be associated with a useless son like him, so he had gone overseas. He had used to guilt himself all the time, telling himself he wasn't good for his parents. But now that Hisashi was back and was taking care of Izuku so much, Izuku felt happy. He smiled a real smile as he went back to painting. Sure, his mom cared for him too, but it was nice having someone who showed that they cared in their actions as well.


"10 years, huh?" The prosecuting lawyer, Shikamaru asked.

Hisashi smiled, "What can I say? The operation ran a little too long," Shikamaru had been Hisashi's go-to lawyer for all of his cases. The two of them combined had yet to lose a single case.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "Well, anyway. This case is an open and shut case. You had a body cam on so that counts for a huge piece of evidence. We also have your son and Bakugou's confession statements. It should be easy," the lawyer said, "However, I did go through your body cam tape and I saw you tase Katsuki,"

Hisashi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "I lost control. It shouldn't make a problem right?"

"It shouldn't but depends on the judge. Don't worry, I can take care of it,"

Hisashi nodded. The judge walked in at that moment with the Bakugous in tow. Katsuki didn't dare glance at Hisashi. He had already been knocked out by him once and it was because of Hisashi that he was in this mess. He was angry but he had enough common sense to not show his anger in court.

Masaru looked at Hisashi through the corner of his eye. He wanted to apologize but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He didn't think it would be appropriate to apologize now after everything had come to light. It would only seem like they were trying to get him to drop the case.

Unfortunately, Mitsuki didn't seem to think things through as much as Masaru and had rushed to Hisashi, "I am really sorry," Mitsuki bowed her head, "I didn't know that Katsuki had been bullying Izuku. If I had I would have done something,"

Hisashi scoffed, "Well now you know, but did you still do anything?"

Mitsuki bit her lips and stayed silent. She knew Hisashi was right. Even after learning of what Katsuki had done, what did she do? It was only Masaru that had done something.

"Now, you will have to answer to the court. Don't waste time by asking for my apology. You will never get it," Hisashi said coldly. Mitsuki nodded and walked away. Shikamaru gave Hisashi a calculating look, he had never seen Hisashi lose his cool before.

"My name is Fuji and I am the judge for this case today. We shall start the case now. Will the prosecution please present the case?"

Shikamaru nodded and stood up, "Your honor, we have evidence that Bakugou Katsuki bullied, attempted to murder, and suicide baited one Midoriya Izuku along with physical and mental abuse. We also believe that his behavior may have persisted due to negligence from his parents and guardians, Bakugou Masaru and Bakugou Mitsuki,"

Fuji nodded, "Very well, start your prosecution,"

"Your honor, I would like to start my prosecution by pointing out the signed confessions you have on your desks,"

The judge nodded and shifted through his desk to find the papers in question. The court waited in silence as the judge read, "The convicted has also offered a confession that seems to be in line with the confession of the victim. Does the defendant wish to object?"

"Yes sir," The defendant said, "I believe that the defendant may have been forced by the police to give a confession,"

"Your honor, Katsuki was not forced. We were there and Katsuki had said everything once he was asked. There was no force involved from the police," Masaru stood up and said.

The judge narrowed his eyes, "You are his parents?" Masaru nodded. The judge continued, "We rarely see the defendant try to provide evidence to accuse themselves,"

Masaru shook his head, "If I had it my way, I would not have gotten a lawyer to defend Katsuki and would have accepted his punishment in court. Katsuki asked for a lawyer by himself,"

"A bit late to discipline your child no? Especially after all that has happened. And I also see that you have a conviction on child negligence,"

Masaru nodded, "Yes, your honor,"

The judge sighed, "Sit down Masaru-san. Mr. Suchi," The judge addressed the defendant's lawyer, "There is no evidence to prove tampering of evidence on behalf of the police. Please provide proper evidence to support your claims, especially when you go after public defenders like the police,"

Suchi nodded, "Apologies, your honor. However, there is no proper evidence to support these claims. There are only confession statements,"

"Which is still enough to convict Katsuki. If you have any proper evidence, please show them," The judge repeated. Suchi fell silent but Shikamaru smirked, "Your honor, we also have a videotape showing the assault on Midoriya Izuku if you would like to take a look at it,"

The defendant almost fell at the news but the judge's face seemed to glower, "Yes, I think a video would be perfect. Please show us,"

Shikamaru nodded and walked over to the monitor. A few moments later, the tape started to show. Masaru and Mitsuki were also interested, they hadn't seen the video proof before. However, they regretted it the instant the tape started. The judge gagged as he saw the horrific way that Izuku was being beaten. There was a pool of blood on the ground and Bakugou had a sadistic smile on his face, each attack aimed to kill and hurt.

Mitsuki started sobbing once more and Masaru shook in anger. He got up angrily and ran to his son with rage. However, before he could reach, Hisashi had put him into a chokehold, "This is a court Masaru-san, not a place for violence. If you wanted to discipline your child, you should have done so before. The fact that you didn't notice is a poor excuse," he whispered.

"Hisashi-san. I am thankful for your intervention, but please let Masaru-san go," The judge ordered. Hisashi obliged. The tape clicked just as Hisashi tased Katsuki and slammed him into a concrete wall, "I assume since Hisashi-san is the arresting officer, this is from his body-cam?" The judge asked.

Hisashi nodded.

"Normally I would disapprove of using even non-lethal forces such as a taser on a minor, but in this case, I can't help but believe he deserved it. Still, the law is the law and I must issue you a warning. Since your son was the victim, I understand your loss of control and will not be placing you on a suspension," The judge notified,

"Thank you, your honor,"

"Does the defendant wish to object or provide any new evidence?"

"No your honor," Suchi sighed, "We concede,"

Katsuki looked at the lawyer with rage and horror. Hisashi smirked.

"Very well. Bakugou Katsuki is hereby sentenced to a juvenile detention center up to the age of 21. Afterward, he will be released and kept under probation for a further 2 years. During his stay at the detention center, he is to undergo mandatory therapy and counseling. The results will be released to the court to oversee. Quirk usage in the center will also be prohibited. The defendant is to appear at the Aldera case in two weeks' time. Based on the findings and confession statements there, the sentence may be shortened or lengthened," The judge declared.

Katsuki shook with anger and finally burst, "Who do you think you are!?" He demanded, "You can't do this to me! My quirk is perfect for a hero. I am destined to be the strongest, to be number 1!"

The judge looked at him with narrowed eyes, "Hmm, you are right," Bakugou smirked, "It seems I must lengthen your sentence right now. Your sentence will carry on after 21 years old. You will be placed in prison for 1 year as you are no longer eligible to be in a juvenile detention center after the age of 21. Enjoy your time there,"

Katsuki growled in rage and exploded the table before rushing towards the judge with his hands outstretched. However, he was stopped, not by Hisashi, but by the police presence in the court. They dropped him to the ground and placed quirk-suppressing cuffs on him and then escorted him out.

"Now, for the parents. Do you wish to say anything to defend yourselves?"

Masaru shook his head, "While Mitsuki may have parented Katsuki badly, I am also to blame for not stepping in. I apologize for that and am willing to take the punishment,"

The judge looked at Masaru with a calculating look, "Very well. For now, I am stripping you off of Katsuki's guardianship. You will both have to go through mandatory counseling and parenting classes. If your therapist or counselor determines that you are ready to be a guardian, they will inform the court who will hand over the guardianship. Until you are ready the court will take guardianship of Katsuki. Is that understood?"

"Yes, your honor," Masaru said. Mitsuki nodded quietly, head still bowing in shame.

"Does the prosecution have any problems with the sentencing? And do you wish to provide any evidence?"

Shikamaru looked at Hisashi with a questioning look. Hisashi sighed and shook his head, "No your honor,"

The judge nodded, "The court is dismissed!"

"You aren't going to press further charges?" Shikamaru asked as the judge stood up to leave.

"No, the father seemed apologetic. So I'm willing to slide on that. But Katsuki will have to pay,"

Shikamaru nodded, "I know why you didn't ask Nedzu to check up on your son, but you could have asked me you know?"

Hisashi nodded, "Yes, but Inko and I didn't know this was happening either,"

"So kind of your fault too, not just the Bakugous,"

"...Yes, but I'm trying to make amends,"

Shikamaru patted his friend on the back, "You will get there. Now, are you gonna take me home and introduce me to your son?"

"Why not," Hisashi shrugged, "Hey maybe you two can be friends!"

Shikamaru looked at his friend as if he had gone crazy, "I'm 28,"

"A fun uncle then!"

"Not that old," Shikamaru drawled.

"Brother it is then,"

"Oh, adopted me now have you?" Shikamaru snickered as Hisashi groaned his defeat.