
Hell Bound?

a Harry Potter love story with anger, betrayal, blood, love, etc.. A girl who was now almost healed with the past incidents and was now focusing on her extracurricular activity, living a normal life but then........... She turned thirteen, she stepped into her teen age and had many plans for it but everything changed when an old man came to her house and told her things she had only dreamt of and now she is stepping into a whole new world with secrets that were breaking the unbroken, so can she keep up with them or will she broke? Can she cherish the love of her life or will be dragged to hell? Will she be able to rescue the ones she love or will watch them die infront of her eyes? Will she make the right choice or will choose the wrong? Read it to find out. POA: Complete [94,219] GOF: ongoing OOP: .......... HBP: .......... DH1: .......... DH2: .......... STARTED: 30th May 2022 ENDED: N/A *REGULAR UPDATES* The description sucks-but the story is pretty good! Mention of deaths, blood spill, language. It is a crossover of Fate:the winx saga... NOTE: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE ALL RIGHT GOES TO J.K. ROWLING. I only own Adriana Black, Alex, Stella, Coral, Mille, Robert, Sara,Mia, etc.. Now open it and enjoy!! A sweet message: HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN KINDLY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS STORY!!!!

unnoticed_user · 映画
12 Chs

2- The Weasleys

~Adriana's POV~

One week has passed since Dumbledore's visit and tomorrow is 1 September.

And if I tell you truly I am scared that they forgot me because if any of this shit is real then I will be more than pleased to attend this.

My mother just served us breakfast and as expected..... My sister pored the whole bottle of blueberry syrup.

"Mills stop it, it's too much." I said irritated

" Nah it's not, I wonder how you eat you breakfast. It looks so dryyyy." she said while peeking in my plate.

"Like you! " she added while sticking her tongue out.

"Oh this is Re—" I was not able to complete my sentence as there was a loud bang.



"Yeah, comming!" I yelled and got up to open the door.

When I opened the door I was met be a pair of identical red-heads.

They had red hair and were 6ft tall. I looked at them in confusion and asked.

"Hi! How may I help you?" I asked them politely.

"We are here to pick you up."one of them said and I raised my eyebrows.

"for Diagon alley." the other one finished.


My face lit up at the name of Diagon alley.

" You a wizard?!?!" I asked grinning.

"No! We are vampires!" one of them said

"Vampires are real?!?!" I asked astonished

"of course they are!" again one of them said.

"oooooooo.... Cool" I said

"but we are wizards." one of them said

"I am George and je is Fred." both of them said at the same time.

Hmmm. Playing tricks, are we? I thought

"Heya Georged and Frege!" I said while smirking "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

The both looked at each other and bursted in laughing. While I just gave them an innocent smile.

"that's a nice one little one" said one of them.

"so gonna tell your real names or I should go with this?" I said.

"I am Fred"

"and I am George"

"and I am Adriana Roc-Black"

They both glanced at me and said "well let's get going we are gonna be late."

"Huh?" I asked

"Diagon Alley!" said George

"Oh yeah let me tell my parents–please come in"I said gesturing them to come inside.

"Yeah!" both of said together

"Mum! Dad!" I called my parents

"Yes sweetie!" said my mom comming with dad and stopped when the saw Fred and George.

"Now! Who are these gentlemen?" my father asked dramatically.

I facepalmed "Dad!"

The twins snickered and said

"Good morning sir! I am Fred"

"and I am George, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Oh! How may we help you boys?" my mom asked

"Mam we are here to take our little witch here to Diagon alley, so that she can buy her school stuffs." George said

"so you both are wizards?" my father asked

"yes sir, we are in our 5th year."

"OK." my father said but looked unconvinced.

"Dad I'll be fine, trust me."I said with a small smile

"we will be late our family is waiting for us in the car, so let's go?" George asked

"yes of course! Let's go. Bye mum, dad." I said and turned around to leave but my father stopped me.

"wait a minute, take the money."

"oh yeah! I forgot about that." I said with a cheeky smile

I took money from him and left with the twins.

They leaded me to a car where I saw 3 more red-heads.

When they saw me they threw a kind smile and the lady came out of the car.

She was not very old but looked exhausted. She wore a long one piece dress and a kind smile.

"Hello dear! Are you Ariana?"she asked as she came near me.

"Yes it's me, nice to meet you Ms.?" I asked with a polite smile.

"Oh I am Molly Weasley! It's a pleasure to meet you too!" she said.

I smiled as she lead me to the car where I met Ron Weasley and Arthur Weasley.

Apparently, Ron will be in my year that is 3rd year and Arthur Weasley works in the ministry of magic and he is Ron's father.

We talked about my world and they talked about theirs.

The twins and Ron told me all about quidditch and Hogwarts and I told them and Mr. Weasley about normal people's lives.

We reached a pub called Leaky cauldron which led to Diagon alley.

It was a long one way road with shops on both sides. It was very crowded maybe because the term is starting tomorrow Ron, twins and Mr. Weasley went to buy books while Mrs. Weasley led me to a shop called Ollivanders.

She told me that he was the finest wand makers. I didn't knew much about it so I went with her.

When we entered the shop I felt something weird around me like some waves travelling around me which made me feel free.

Mrs. Weasley must have seen this because she said

"The feeling you are feeling right now is magic. It's a wand shop so the place is full of magic.

I was going to reply when an old man came.

"Good afternoon! How may I help you?" he asked while his eyes were fixed on me.

"Good evening Sir, please can you show her a wand?" Mrs. Weasley said.

He nodded and asked me to stand in the front of the counter while he measured my arm length by a magical inch tape.

Wow! I love magic. I thought .

After measuring the inch tape fell on the floor and the man went inside to grab some wands.

After 5 minutes he came with 5 boxes of wands.

"Ms. Black please take this wand and give it a swish." he said while handling me a wand with carved patterns in the middle and a crooked tip.

I grabbed the wand and gave it a swish. As I moved it all the drawers slid open and papers started flying all around the circular room.

"I am so sorry!" I yelled

"Oh, it's absolutely fine your father broke my favorite vase." he said

I looked at him with a confused expression because my father was a muggle.

As I was going to ask him Mrs. Weasley started talking.

"Sir, please can you continue we have to buy her books and uniform also." she asked politely.

He nodded and gave me another wand. As I was going to swish it he grabbed the wand and took it away from me and muttered to himself.

After trying 3 wands he said.

"of course! How could I forget that! Please wait I'll be back in a minute"he said.

And in a minute he came with a Brown box.

He opened the box and took the wand out of it and handled it to me.

It was a pitch black wand with carving at the handle and was a little uneven from the middle.

After I saw that and I said.

"it's so beautiful, if it doesn't choose me I am going to steal it."I said with a cheeky smile.

Mrs. Weasley laughed while the wand man smiled lightly and said "I don't think you will need it."

I grabbed the wand and felt power raising from my fingertips to the whole body.

I gave it a swish and some sort of sounds started to play in the surrounding and some golden wisp of shimmery light started covering my legs.

It was like the fairy movies I have seen and wanted to be, but I didn't got time to admire it because the wand man took the wand from me and started rotating it.

"Hmmm. I should have known. Ms. Black these types of wands are very proud and don't choose it's master easily."he said with a kind smile.

"what kind of wand is this?"I asked with excitement.

"Cherry Wood, Phoenix Feather and... fairy hair...hmm.....7 inches..... Hmmm..." He muttered more to himself.

"What?" I asked

"Your wizarding wand, seven inches long, made from cherry wood with a phoenix feather core and fairy hair...very rare....very.... The wood used to make this wand is one of the rarest in the wizarding world, and it is given to people with great potential. The core of this wand has been said to have the widest range of magic." he said and I looked at him in confusion.

"We can expect great things from you Ms. Black." he said

"and your powers r–"he started but was interrupted by Mrs. Weasley.

"we are getting late thanks a lot Mr. Ollivander." she said and I gave him the money which we changed in wizarding money from a bank called Gringotts.

We left the wand shop and continued to buy my school stuffs.

After they helped me buy my schools stuffs Mr. Weasley dropped me to my house and bit me goodbye.

I went inside my house and saw my sister sleeping on the couch and my mum had her head on my father's shoulder both fast asleep maybe because of the boring movie they were watching.

The scene brought a small smile at my face.

I switched off the TV and went to my room and kept the bags on the table and began packing for tomorrow.

~Ron's POV~

Today I met with a girl of my age she will be starting Hogwarts in third year. Her name is Adriana Black but she doesn't know this.

After shopping for the school me and my family went to leaky cauldron while my father went to drop Adriana to her house.

I went to my room and packed my clothes and books.

As I was going to go down for dinner I heard someone call my name.


I turned around and saw Hermione my best friend calling my name and coming towards me.

"Ron, I searched for you everywhere, where were you?" she asked

"Oh yeah! Dumbledore told mum and dad to help a girl who is joining Hogwarts for her third year." I told her

"A transfer student?" she asked

"No, she is not a transfer student." I said

I told her about Adriana. How she is the last Black and she was living with the muggles.

After I told her the whole story she stared at me in disbelief.

"You are pranking me, aren't you?" she asked

"No! Why would I prank you!" I asked more like yelled.

As she was going to answer someone whose voice I recognised as my best friend called.

"RON! HERMIONE!" Harry yelled.

We talked for whole day and I forgot to tell him about Adriana.

3 hours went by and we were still talking.

"CHILDREN! DINNER IS READY, COME DOWN AND EAT." my mum yelled from downstairs.

"YEAH! COMMING! " And we all went down

My brother Percy accused me that I have stolen his head boy badge and all but the matter sorted out and we found that the twins have took it.

After another hour of yelling we finally went to our rooms and fell asleep.


So thats all for this chapter and in next chapter Harry and Hermione will meet Adriana.....



unnoticed_usercreators' thoughts