
Heavell: Born as a Half-demon and Half-angel

Arji is a half-demon, half-angel born in a world plagued by war between demons and angels. His existence is seen as a threat by both sides, and his parents, Celeste and Azazel, have kept him hidden for his own safety. When Arji discovers the truth about his origins, he becomes determined to understand his powers and use them to make a difference. He embarks on a journey to the demon stronghold to learn more about his demonic side, but soon realizes that his abilities are far greater than he ever imagined. As Arji navigates his way through the dangerous world of demons and angels, he must choose which side to align himself with - or forge his own path as a powerful half-breed.

ruszian · ファンタジー
10 Chs

3 (pilot chapters)

Arji spent the next few weeks training with the demons in the stronghold. He practiced controlling fire, honing his wings, and learning to channel his demonic energy. Every day was a new challenge, and Arji relished the opportunity to push himself to his limits.

One day, as Arji was practicing with a group of demons, he heard a voice calling out to him. "Arji, come with me," the voice said.

Arji turned to see Zarek approaching him. "What is it?" he asked.

"I want to show you something," Zarek said, gesturing for Arji to follow him.

They made their way through the stronghold until they reached a large, open area. In the center of the area stood a massive demon, towering over them all. Arji felt a shiver run down his spine - this demon was like nothing he had ever seen before.

Zarek walked up to the demon and spoke to it in a language Arji didn't understand. The demon responded, its deep voice rumbling through the air.

"What's happening?" Arji asked, his eyes fixed on the demon.

"This is Drogath," Zarek said. "He's one of the most powerful demons in the stronghold. I want you to face him in combat."

Arji's heart skipped a beat. He had never faced a demon like this before. But he knew that this was his chance to prove himself, to show that he was worthy of the demon's respect.

Drogath and Arji circled each other, sizing each other up. Arji could feel the heat of the demon's breath on his face, and he readied himself for the fight of his life.

The battle was fierce and intense. Arji called forth his powers, unleashing waves of fire at Drogath. But the demon was quick, dodging and weaving around the flames. Arji felt his energy waning, his muscles aching, but he refused to give up.

In the end, it was Arji who emerged victorious. He stood before Drogath, his chest heaving, his wings spread wide. The demon looked at him with something akin to respect in his eyes.

"You are a worthy opponent," Drogath said. "I will remember your name, Arji."

Arji felt a rush of pride and relief. He had proven himself to the demons, shown that he was not just a half-breed, but a powerful warrior in his own right.

As they made their way back to their quarters, Zarek turned to Arji. "You did well," he said. "But remember, there is always someone stronger, someone more powerful. You must always be ready for whatever comes next."

Arji nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.