
Heavell: Born as a Half-demon and Half-angel

Arji is a half-demon, half-angel born in a world plagued by war between demons and angels. His existence is seen as a threat by both sides, and his parents, Celeste and Azazel, have kept him hidden for his own safety. When Arji discovers the truth about his origins, he becomes determined to understand his powers and use them to make a difference. He embarks on a journey to the demon stronghold to learn more about his demonic side, but soon realizes that his abilities are far greater than he ever imagined. As Arji navigates his way through the dangerous world of demons and angels, he must choose which side to align himself with - or forge his own path as a powerful half-breed.

ruszian · Fantasy
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10 Chs

4 (pilot chapters)

As Arji continued to train with the demons, he learned more about the power system and hierarchy of the angels and demons. Zarek took the time to explain to Arji the various ranks of angels and demons and how their powers were measured.

"Angels and demons are ranked based on their power and influence," Zarek explained. "The more powerful an angel or demon, the higher their rank."

"The highest rank among the angels is the Seraphim," he continued. "They are the most powerful and influential angels, and are closest to God. They possess immense power and are tasked with carrying out God's will."

Arji listened intently, his eyes widening at the mention of the Seraphim. He had heard stories of these legendary beings, but had never imagined that he would one day be learning about them.

"The next rank down is the Cherubim," Zarek continued. "They are also incredibly powerful, but their duties are more focused on guarding and protecting God's creations."

"Below the Cherubim are the Thrones, followed by the Dominions, Virtues, Powers, and finally, the lowest-ranked angels, the Archangels," Zarek said.

Arji nodded, taking in the information. "And what about the demons?" he asked.

"The highest rank among the demons is the Demon King," Zarek said. "These are the most powerful and feared demons, and they rule over entire legions of lesser demons."

"Below the Demon Kings are the Princes of Hell, followed by the Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Barons, and finally, the lowest-ranked demons, the Imps," he continued.

"Each rank has its own set of powers and abilities, and as you move up the ranks, you become more powerful and influential," Zarek said.

Arji nodded, his mind whirling with all the new information. He knew that he had a long way to go before he could even dream of reaching the highest ranks of either the angels or demons, but he was determined to push himself to his limits and see just how far he could go.

Zarek gave Arji a meaningful look. "Remember, Arji," he said. "Your power is not determined by your lineage or rank. It's determined by your strength of will, your determination, and your ability to harness your powers."

Arji nodded, understanding the gravity of Zarek's words. He knew that the road ahead would be tough, but he was ready for the challenge. He was ready to become the most powerful half-demon half-angel ever seen, and to use his power to bring an end to the war between Heaven and Hell.