
Chapter 105

But buried near the center under a popup window featuring a DOWNLOAD NOW! link for bunny dust was a picture of my face on my wanted poster. At the top, it listed the bounty on my head, a number with an unholy amount of zeroes behind it. I clicked on the picture, curious about what I'd been up to. The article's headline read "Wanted Fugitive Look-Alike Goes Missing After Wild Party on Space Station." I sure hadn't been to any wild parties lately. Or ever. The article stated that the victim was thought to be nineteen-year-old Absidy Jones, wanted fugitive from Mayvel, but close friends stated otherwise. Daphne Otecea was her name, a waitress from Wix who ran away into deep space years ago to flee her controlling parents. A quick scan of the rest of the article revealed evidence of foul play had been found, the police said, and this was the third Absidy Jones look-alike to have gone missing in the last week.