
Chapter 106

The next morning, I slipped soundlessly into the midnight hallway. The rest of the crew waited behind the door of the dining room, weapons clutched tight, ready to spring into action at the sound of a struggle. Not only was this Plan B, it was also a doppelganger trap, and I was the bait.

Mase and Ellison had immediately tried to argue me out of it, but once I explained the entirety of Plan B, they agreed, though reluctantly. I left Plan C out of the whole conversation.

The crew hadn't left the sanctuary of the dining room, so the light at the end of the hallway hadn't been fixed. Its metal clanked against metal, harder, louder, the closer I drew.

I shined the map of the Vicious with the red dots - me and the doppelganger the only solo ones - along the walls where the ship's outline warped into the metal doors. The doppelganger hovered near the engine room, unmoving.