
Chapter 104

Mase slid around me and treaded slowly into the kitchen, his head bowed. "Captain, we need to move the - " He glanced over his shoulder at me and winced. "We need to move Randolph somewhere safe."

Captain Glenn nodded. "The stasis pantry."

They covered him up with an old burlap sack from head to both left shoes, and once Mase gently guided Ellison away, they hefted him up and walked him into the weird blue light in the pantry as if it were a gateway into the next life.

He didn't need me for that, not that this came as a surprise or a disappointment. But I would miss his need for me, period. I would miss him.

I hoped they settled him next to his wine, next to the very thing he'd finally found an escape from in death. If I'd been able to speak around the knot in my throat, I would've made sure of it.

A light touch skimmed over my elbow. "Sit with me," Mase said, his voice gentle.