
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · 映画
51 Chs

ancient tablet, the mysterious wand

James paid the money while Cassandra also got the wand in the five, it's the green one Alex touched at first. She smiled and looked at Alex with provocation while Alex smiled at her with a warm and sunny face.

Cassandra huffed and turned away angrily while Alex who saw the affection increasing gradually smirked. This girl is acting all arrogant and high even with her crush. Hehe, she is fun one to tease.

Though Susan is glaring at Cassandra and immediately hugged Alex then looked at her with a warning which made Cassandra burn a flame in her heart which even confused her. She didn't think much and paid the galleons then exited the shop.

James also paid the galleons and bid farewell to ollivander, then after buying the remaining things. The group is divided Alex, Susan and sirius are in one while James, Lily and Harry are in one.

They're taking a stroll around the diagon alley for liesurely to see if there is anything worthwhile to buy. Alex and Susan ate many foods along the way in the stalls and Alex at one time sneak attack Susan when she has a food stains near her lip.

He moved closer and licked it away while Susan turned red immediately pushed him away. She is red to her ears and sirius grabbed his head and began to rub it with his fist and asked," what did you do to my daughter?".

Alex smiled cheekily and asked," I gave her a shork kiss on cheek. That's all uncle Sirius", sirius scoffed and didn't say anything while Alex looked at Susan who is looking away from him.

Alex then after a buying a few things tht caught his eye including a metal tablet with runes on it, he checked the description and is ecstatic to find something that he can learn an enchnatment that will counter death curse.

He is studying it through the items he bought but the system items don't reveal the runes so he can only sigh and bought them. Now there is a palm sized tablet with a magic enchnatment :

[ Ancient stele

Use : records the enchantments of many generations on it. As the tablet is kept in harsh environments without a care some of it is damaged through rust.

Current available enchnatments : life sheild( stops a immediate death attack to body and soul), magic array( gathers magic in the atomosphere for magic items to work continously),???,???,???.]

Alex bought it just for 1 galleon that others will spend more than they have to obtain not to mention the magic array that gathers the magic continuously it is simply a breakthrough for present generations.

Alex plans to use this get a name for himself, cause why not you know to get the philosopher's stone you have to attract the greatest alchemist in this time. The philosopher's stone is an important thing for his alchemist template to advance and if wants to build it with his own hands it is necessary for him.

Alex then placed it in his system inventory while looking at his wand with a jaw dropped expression :

[ Red Dragon's bone wand

Description : made from the bone of the red dragon king arthur got his dragon heart from. This wand is only works for those blessed by spirits of nature or fairies or the inheritors of dragons.

Core : Red Dragon's nerve, celestial bird feather, druid's heart crystal combination.

Effects : Aerial domination, dragon fear, dragon blood suppression, fire and lightning control, druid's blessing(healing bonus+100% on healing spells), Strom call, charms amplification +80%, transfiguration amplification +80%, white magic amplification +100%,dark arts amplification +70%.


Alex gulped looking at it's description if word gets out about this information he is sure to get killed. This wand will be regarded as a treasure according to any one of the scared twenty eight families.

Alex then stuffed back into his inventory while Susan looked at him with concern. She saw Alex is frightened there for a second and want to ask what happened but Alex is back to normal and she also ignored it after she saw Alex's smile.

Alex smiled back at her and took her towards the others as they're going to get their pets. Alex is thinking what pet is better suitable for him. He didn't want a noisy one he wants a pet that is very loyal to him. Alex wants Hedwig mainly because in the series it even sacrificed itself for Harry. So now he wants to get Hedwig rather than another noisy owl.