
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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the wand chooses the wizard

When ollivander opened the box there are 6 boxes which are looking exquisitic and safely preserved like a valuable property. Each box also has runes on it preserving its quality while ollivander looked at Alex then at the wands for a moment.

Then he said," Even in my father's and grandfather's era, this didn't happen. Not even Dumbledore is close to doing what you're presence did. The wands all swarmed around you which means all of them want you to be their master".

Saying those words he looked at Alex and said," but only a wand can choose a wizard. If all the wands wants as their master then it means they're not worthy of him. Wand is very noble thing for a wizard as it accompanies him for his every duel and magic".

He stopped for a second and then took out the 6 boxes then placed them on table and said," these 6 are ancient wands passed down through generations. These aren't built by any ollivander but found in ruins by the first founder of our store but even he failed to underrtood the mechanism of making those wands".

Ollivander has as smile and said," it is a wandmaker's duty to give a suitable wand to a wizard. These 6 wands rejected many powerful wizards, nor can my family study these wands anymore. So from these 6 wands one will select you as the owner".

He took a box and continued," the wand chooses the wizard Mr Potter. I don't know what caused those wands to react like that. But I'm looking forward to see which one of these chooses you as each one of them is a wand even I don't know what materials they used to make but they're ancient and very powerful than any wand in this era".

Ollivander gave Alex one wandf that looks very mysterious as it's all green and have scales on it, the moment he touched it he felt a connection to the wand but also resistance while ollivander snatched it and said," this one is giving resistance not suitable".

Then he took another box and opened it carefully and gave it to him, this one looks all blue with black lines on it, when Alex touched it he felt excitement in magic but eve this wand is greddily sucking out his magic.

So ollivander snatched it again and said," this one is unruly not suitable for your use", like this another three boxes are used and the last one is the mysterious of them all, it's a red coloured wand that looks it's not made out of wood.

There is a gem at the bottom of the wand and looks very mysterious. Ollivander took it and gave it Alex then said," try it and see", Alex nodded and touched the wand. Then he immediately felt there is bond unlike all others.

His magic moved around excitedly and the wand generated a phantom of dragon amd pheonix clashing with each other before a green aura is emitted and both of them lay in harmony then went back to the wand.

Alex felt the bond between him and the wand, he felt the wand isn't as it looks. He wanted to see the information on it but he chose it check it later. When Alex is thinking like this all the members tgere are looking at the wand in his in a surprise.

James is the first to get out of the shock and rub his nose in pride. Cassandra looked at Alex with a fire and said," I won't lose to you", in a low voice then she come at the counter and said," mr ollivander, I'm Cassandra vole, I also need a powerful more than the one in his hands. Can I give these 5 wands a try to see which one is suitable for me".

Ollivander sighed and said," the wand chooses the wizard little one. But I won't object check the 5 wands. If one is suitable for you I'll let you buy it", then he turned to Alex and said," mr Potter, be very careful with the wand. From what it shown it isn't a simple core that it possesses. The core is complex combination of a dragon and pheonix along with the last one I didn't even know".

Alex nodded while James asked," how much for the wands sir", ollivander looked at him and said," the two wand are 7 galleons each. But this young man's wand is 20 galleons".