

In the Hogwarts library, Virgil glanced at his waist the moment Hassan appeared in his book. He didn't care at the moment and continued reading his book.

Alchemy fascinated him. The recombination of different elements produces more than a rude mixture of things. He finally realized why turning stone into gold was such a big deal.

To recreate such a feat in the natural world would require the fusion reactor of a star's core. And even then, producing such heavy metals would kill a star.

The fact the philosopher's stone can make gold means far more than the worth of the gold itself.

He realized that the items he created could be more perfect. The Boggart's body could be further fused with his wand, preventing the magical leakage that happened in class.

Just when he was engrossed in an ocean of knowledge, the librarian Ms. Pince walked towards his table.

Virgil turned his head, wondering why she was disturbing him.

"It is time for the library to close." She didn't beat around the bush and simply stated her purpose.

"Is it time already?" Virgil's brows raised in surprise and he nodded in understanding.

He collected the books on the table and easily put them back where they belonged.

Walking out of the library and down the hall, he felt a malicious gaze cast toward him.


Virgil didn't stop his steps and turned the corner leading towards the stairs. Before he took another step, his body leaned backward and a fist swung over his face.

His eyes glanced down and saw James twisting his body after throwing a haymaker with clenched teeth. Behind him were Peter and Remus with looks of surprise on their faces.

At the same time, he could hear rapid footsteps rushing toward his position from behind.

"Ohhhh! They're going to fight!" The portraits that donned the walls gasped in surprise.

Virgil clicked his tongue in annoyance and snapped his fingers. All the portraits around that were about to alert the staff paused.

James turned his head in surprise, never thinking that his ambush would fail. "Get him!"

He stepped forward to attack again and Peter and Remus struggled before moving forward. At this time, Sirius had run behind Virgil and surrounded him.

"You shouldn't have helped that freak, Shafiq!" Sirius showed the grin of a victor and cracked his knuckles.

James saw that Sirius had arrived and smiled. "No teacher is going to come and save you this time."

Virgil just watched this with a flat face. For him, this was no different than a child's tantrum. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No more talk!" James stepped forward and threw his fist.

Virgil stepped towards him and turned his body. He dodged the punch and placed his hands on James' back and pushed him while sweeping his legs.

James was launched behind Virgil and punched Sirius in the face. "Ahh!"

Both boys screamed when their bones clashed together.

Virgil didn't stop and continued kicking his left foot out, kicking Peter in the square in the chest. "Ohh!"

The air was pushed from his lungs as his body bowed like a shrimp. Remus looked at him with fear and started to turn so he could run.

"Late!" Virgil hopped forward with his right foot and his body twisted in the air.

Remus had just turned around and had not had a chance to take a step when a left whip kick hit him in the shoulder.

Remus flew out and crashed into the wall with a thud.

"Bastard!" Sirius screamed, recovered from the pain by the time Virgil landed and charged toward him like a beast.

He launched forward, intending to tackle him from behind and throw him to the ground.

Virgil didn't even look back and snapped his fingers. A shockwave flew backward and hit Sirius, flinging him back faster than he came. He tumbled in the air like a cannonball and crashed into James.

The two boys fumbled to the ground and Virgil's eyes scanned the four boys in disappointment. The deeds of these four were too great and his expectations were too high. Now they couldn't even attack him with a spell.

"Obliviate." Virgil waved his fingers and a white light flashed in the hall.

He erased their memories of this confrontation with him and their plan to ambush him.

A blank look appeared on their faces and Virgil walked away. When they came to, the four felt the pain in their bodies and looked at each other in confusion.

"What are we doing here?" James stood up and shook his hand in pain.

"Where is this even?" Sirius rubbed his cheek and looked a bit annoyed.

Virgil didn't care about the four who couldn't even use magic yet and made it back to his room before curfew.

"Our scholar is back." Shane was the first to speak when he walked back into the room.

"I'm studying alchemy, I don't know why Hogwarts doesn't have a course. It's far more practical than astronomy in this day and age." Virgil shrugged and started changing his clothes.

"How else will you navigate when flying on a broom at night?" Rabastan shook his head and disagreed.

"Flying on a broom?" A look of disgust appeared on Virgil's face but he didn't argue.

For him, flying on a broom was the stupidest thing. Even a flying carpet was more practical than a broom.

"Do you not like flying on a broom? Or do you not know how? We have flight lessons in two days with Gryffindor." Henry caught Virgil's look and was a bit surprised.

For him, flying was the best thing in the world.

"I don't have time to play on a broom." Virgil shook his head and lay in bed to sleep. He could sleep for a few hours before starting his night activities.

Severus looked a bit jealous, he couldn't afford a broom at all.

The four soon quieted down and the lights in the room were turned off.

As everyone in the castle was settling down, a golden serpent slithered into the female dorm area. It could sense Narcissa's position and easily entered her room.

It was made from Narcissa's hair and no protection would keep it out.

The serpent found her bed and climbed underneath the covers. It swam between her legs and into her nightgown.

It brushed aside her black panties to reveal her pink lips and small fluffs of blonde hair. The serpent flicked its tongue before pushing its head inside.

"Mmmh." Narcissa moaned slightly and her body shifted.

The serpent squeezed past her cervix and its entire body slithered inside. The serpent coiled up in her uterus before transforming into a magic circle.

Four runes flashed on Narcessa's lower abdomen before disappearing.

The moment the serpent completed its mission, Virgil's eyes snapped open. He sat up and took a minute to realize what was going on.

"The fertility serpent is in place." Virgil climbed out of bed and went towards the door. As he walked his body disappeared.

In the common room, he looked towards the female area and smiled. "There are so many good things at Hogwarts."

He shook his head and left. The fertility serpent will collect the egg that makes it through ovulation every month and stores it. This was originally a magical form of birth control but his uses were less pure.

A similar spell had been used on Victoria to screen out the most suitable egg for his next body. Looking for some sort of mutation from being transformed into a familiar or the genes with the best match.

Finding everything was in place, Virgil left the common room.

Virgil left the ground floor and went to the first floor. "The most suitable area has already been cursed, I'll just have to pick an empty classroom."

Virgil sighed and went toward an empty classroom. Inside, he pulled out his book and started laying runes.

When he was finished, the runes flashed and the formation disappeared.

At the next moment, Virgil felt this room was connected to the nexus point on the second floor. The runic formations were synchronized and their power increased. Instead of being happy, Virgil's brows furrowed.

"Does my room count as the basement and not the ground floor?" He clicked his tongue and felt a bit stupid for making such a simple mistake.

He hesitated a bit and decided to go up instead of down. The space around him shifted and he arrived in the second-floor bathroom in the blink of an eye.

The familiar sobs coming from the stall drew his eyes but he didn't have time to study ghosts at the moment. Even the spell from crossing the black lake was still sitting in his book.

Based on preliminary analysis alone it was the trace.

Virgil turned invisible and left the room. Instead of the empty hall that he was expecting, he saw Professor Kennedy walking around with a dim lamp.

His head moved from side to side like he was looking for something but Virgil could see the tension on his face.

Virgil could feel that his body was cursed from down the hall. It wasn't very powerful, maybe it could bring a bit of bad luck, but a steady stream of dark air was seeping towards the teacher's body.

Just from this, Virgil could tell Voldemort had attained an immaculate level in the art of curses.

Virgil couldn't help licking his lips and staring at the ceiling. "I have to hurry and build nexus points to take control of the room of requirement."