
From fiction to reality

Lamine lives on a normal modern world, while he was playing on his old PlayStation four, something happened and from there his world view changed drastically. He gained the ability to bring fiction into reality! What will he do? Conquering his home world obviously. .... I'm writing this for myself but i decided to post it here since I don't lose anything and I'm sure there are readers that wants a fic about a guy who can bring things or beings on the real world but without the overly horny bullshit this sites always offer, so here. Like a said I'm writing this for myself since i didn't find something i liked, so if you have suggestions for world or technologies you would like to suggest, feel free to do so but keep in mind that I might not accept them. and if i find some hate comments I'mma remove them without esitation, so if you don't like the novel you're free to comment it but without insulting me or other readers, you can say why you don't like it or what i wrote wrong. Just like my other stories, this will have irregular updates since i have other things to do. The mc is not the dark or evil type, he smiles and enjoys life but on the serious moments he will be serious, he likes Katanas just like me and even more technology. The story will have super powered people, and battles, the mc is not the only person with an op power or something. He is an antihero but he will be extremely kind to children and tolerant to women (Not a simp) but don't mistake, he doesn't have problems killing anyone if it benefits him or he is in danger. Mc is intelligent and a genius. He will become extremely overpowered really fast, i mean it, since this is what happens when an mc receives an op power and doesn't get nerfed by the author. he will visit the omniverse so he will obviously find other op characters like him, so he isn't invincible. And i will already say it, i will bullshit no jutsu many things since this is fiction, and some things might change since this is my novel. If there will be romance it won't be of focus. Tags: No: LGBT packet, Ntr or horny packet, (Magic probably) No nerf bullshit. Yes: Technology, really fast growth to overpowered , fictional items into the real world, Extremely talented Mc, super powers. well i might add some tags in future. Good read.

Kqro · ゲーム
24 Chs

Chapter 18: Friendship

When Tom talked about his back story he told me that he encountered a demon two days ago, it all happened when he was travelling around england by running to increase his strength, since the more his body is stressed the more it grows.

He was enjoying his time when he found himself teleported into a strange space, this space was a curtain he discovered after he described it to me, anyway when he appeared there, a demonic entity made it's appearance and tried to take his body.

Saying words like: "You're the perfect vessel for me, with my ability and yours i will be invincible!" And other types of yapping, described Tom, who said that he just punched the guy and the two fought.

The Djinn was the mage type so it was pretty much annoying especially since the demon could fly, so what did Tom do? He said these exact words with a smile.

"I grabbed my arm and ripped it off, immediately throwing it towards that demon! Gahahah" i was speechless, this nigga is tweaking, better to stay far from him...

He then continued and said that the demon easily dodged. Duh? What do you think? But what made me raise a brow was that this mf continued until his throwing speed was faster and faster.

Not surprising.

But even then it was useless so when his body was strong enough he just jumped like a rocket, this proved to be extremely effective and with this new move he continued to fight that demon who by that time couldn't even damage Tom since he just adapted to everything he got attacked with.

So after killing the demon by continuing to bounce all over the curtain, he continued to ran all over England until feeling my curtain thanks to his new adapted senses after experiencing it previously, so he just punched through it and entered inside.

This happened in the exact moment where i just crashed so I didn't feel it that much, i better connect my senses with my future curtains so i will always know when someone enters.

I've learned my lesson.

So after our battle we're here in front of the building were we can access the awakeners world.

"So.. are you gonna continue to be Four Arms?" He asked while looking up to my face, i scratched my invisible beard and responded: "Don't you have questions? How can i be transformed into this alien?" I asked wanting to see his thought process.

He shook his head and responded: "When you will want to tell me i will listen, until then it's none of my business, I've always lived like this and i will continue." He said with clear eyes.

This guy... He is worth befriending.

I smiled and patted the Omnitrix dial on my chest, transforming back with a flash of light: "Heh, you are an interesting individual, you know?" I asked while my black eyes showed a small light blue color becoming visible the more time passed.

My essence is changing my very genetical structure, transforming my body to the peak and most optimal state it can ever be, in simple terms I'm evolving like every awakener, so my eyes are becoming more light blue the more time passes.

I like it.

I gave my hand to Tom and introduced myself with sincerity: "I'm Lamine, i hope we will have a sincere and strong friendship." Tom looked at my hand and dabbed me up while saying: "Tom, i hope it too, Lamine." He grinned with a trace of happiness flashing on his eyes.

Wich i caught, I'm good with people emotions and knowing his story, i understand how he feels.

"Good, but bro, we need to hide our identities when going there, who knows what type of people we will find inside." I said and he nodded.

"You're right, do you have a plan?" He asked and i smirked, he smiled and followed me while i walked towards an alley without cameras.

I then deactivated the curtain and we were instantly assaulted by the city noises, cars, pedestrians and various sounds.

We then walked out without attracting attention and headed towards a big shop that sells electrical machines and components. I looked around and with a mental command, my essence covered the building along with the cameras.

Our figures disappeared and we knocked out every civilian inside, including the security, Tom while dusting his hands asked: "Are you gonna use Grey Matter to create high tech technology?" His words made me look at him in a new light.

He is not that slow, that's good, i nodded and responded: "Yeah, he is the best solution and fastest one."

With a mental command a flash of light appeared again and from it a small gray alien appeared, i looked around instantly understanding everything and already having countless methods and ideas to improve everything in front of my eyes.

I enchanted my body in essence and immediately created a technique similar to the susanoo, but in a smaller scale.

A transparent light blue human size Grey Matter appeared with my real body inside floating in the belly, Tom raised his brow in amazement and said: "And it's me the broken one?" He shook his head.

If only he knew that the Omnitrix was not my ability but just a simple item, hehe what face would he make?

I walked with my new susanoo that i will call essence manifestation, wich i will further call EM mode.

I disappeared from my place and collected every useful thing on the store, for normal humans this would look like i just disappeared and three seconds later i reappeared with everything that i needed but for Tom, he just saw me running normally around the store.

This was the best i could enchant the weak body of Grey, even through it's stronger that it's counter part.

After collecting everything i immediately begun to disassemble and reassemble.

I begun with ten smart watches wich i opened easily by simply creating the right equipment with essence, after disassembling them i removed some parts and melted others, while taking some on other devices.

With an essence furnace i smelted many pieces and with a printer, printed some other, even though i consider everything bad, it will be enough to serve our cause for a lil bit until i get my hands on better equipment.

The essence can't do everything.