
From A Young Successor To Chief Book 2

Five years after Hiccup unified dragons and Vikings with his friends and Team Prime, they're all growing up but sometimes things never change no matter the age they are in. But a madman by the name of Drago Bludvist wanted a war to rule the world with a four members who Team Prime knows joining his army. Secrets will be discovered and sacrifices will strike those close to be hurt but it won't stop them from protecting those they love. Will Hiccup have what it takes to protect his home and family? Creation date (July 25, 2021)

Daoist9aRwJg · 映画
15 Chs

Chapter 6: He can be very persuasive

Inside the Dragon Hangar, Stoick started barking out orders for the war that would happen any day now.

"GROUND ALL DRAGONS!" Stoick ordered loudly.

Team Prime and Revna just looked towards Stoick in shock and confusion as they entered the hangar. Every Viking started to lead their beloved dragons inside their pens for their safety.

"What? Why?!" Hiccup exclaimed in shock and confusion.

"SEAL THE GATES! LOWER THE STORM DOORS!" Stoick continued to give out orders.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait! What is happening?" Hiccup questioned. He was getting confused about what was happening.

"You heard the man! Lock it down!" Gobber exclaimed.

"No DRAGON or VIKING sets foot off this island until I give the word!" Stoick declared as Hiccup came up behind him.

"Because some guy you knew is stirring up trouble in some faraway land?" Hiccup stated in confusion.

Hiccup stops as Stoick turns to him and grabs him by the shoulder while giving him a serious look.

"Because Drago Bludvist is a madman. Without conscience or mercy. And if he's built a dragon army... gods help us all." Stoick said as he resumed giving orders.

"And if Unicra is working for this Drago guy, it's even more than we thought." Miko said worriedly.

"Who's Unicra?" Hiccup turns to Miko in confusion.

"Let's say she and I have a history." Emily said as she and the others glanced at each other.

"Get them into their pens!"

"Aye, Stoick!" Hoark nodded as all of the dragons went inside the pens along with their riders.


The dragons all entered the hangar as the team were looking worried for the safety of their friends. Hiccup stood in front of Stoick to try and reason with him.

"Then let's ride back out there. We'll follow those trappers to Drago and talk some sense into him." Hiccup said. That usually works right? Berk changed and is now a place where Vikings and Dragons live in harmony. What could be different from Drago?

"No. We fortify the island." Stoick argued with a stern look.

"It's our duty to keep the peace!" Hiccup argued back but Stoick had that look.

"Peace is over, Hiccup. I must prepare you for war." Stoick said and that made Team Prime gasp in shock.

A war?! That shouldn't be happening here in this dimension! They need to prevent the war from happening.

"War? Dad, if Drago's coming for our dragons, we can't wait around for him to get here. Let's go find him and change his mind." Hiccup said as he was looking at his dad hopefully that he would agree but there was no stopping Stoick.

"Some minds won't be changed, Hiccup. Berk is what you need to worry about. A chief protects his own." Stoick said before he went off to continue giving orders.


Hiccup couldn't take it anymore and he was ready to leave with Revna. Astrid saw this and tried to stop Hiccup from doing something risky.

"Hiccup, don't!" Astrid tried to warn him but Hiccup gave her a stern and determined look.

"I have to." Hiccup said before hopping on Toothless with Revna turning into her full Night Fury form while Stoick was busy giving orders.

"THIS WAY! QUICKLY!" Stoick was then shocked when he saw Toothless and Revna flying towards the exits.


They try to fly through one door, but it seals shut. Then they saw the main hangar door and Toothless quickly flew towards it.

"Come on!" Hiccup said as he leaned forward so Toothless can have more speed.

Toothless spins around and dives through the gap in the second lowering storm door.

"Hiccup!" Stoick tried to stop him but he was probably out of earshot.

Revna soon blows past Stoick and slips through the storm door before it shuts, leaving Stoick fuming and Team Prime could swear they saw steam coming out of his ears.

"Oh for the love of Thor! Emily! You and the rest of Team Prime come with me! With the Riders!" Stoick ordered.

They just nodded and got on their dragons and Predabots before they took off and went to find the two lovers and Toothless.

Somewhere in the ocean, Eret's ship is seen sailing through the ocean as they were sailing to where Drago is.

"Keep your eyes peeled, lads! With this wind, we'll reach Drago and Commander Unicra by daybreak, so best we fill this ship up with dragons and quick! It's no time to be picky." Eret said as his crew were getting some nets ready before one of them spotted something flying towards them.

"Uh... Eret?" Ugh called as Eret turned to him.

"Not if we want to keep our..." Eret said before he followed Ug's line of sight and spotted something flying towards them.

As they got a bit closer, they saw that it was the Night Fury and a girl with dragon wings as the two were flying towards their ship.

"HEADS! OFF THE PORT QUARTER! Net 'em, lads! Take 'em down!" Eret shouted as everyone started to load their net launchers.

"You're not getting away this time. Fire! Reload!" Eret shouted after missing but

The two flyers just landed on the deck of the ship while Toothless looked around warily with Revna staying close to his side.

"And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed." Eret said as he pointed his sword at them.

Revna growled and hissed softly at him but Hiccup gestured for her to calm down.

"Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up." Hiccup said and everyone just stared at him in disbelief.

Hiccup got off Toothless as he led a confused Revna towards the cage lower deck.

"That's one Night Fury, one Night Fury Shapeshifter and one of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk. That ought to make the boss happy, right? Excuse us." Hiccup said as Toothless followed but growled at one of the trappers.

"What are you doing?" Revna asked as she climbed down.

Hiccup winked at her to follow along but she was still confused. Toothless warbled worriedly and tried to follow them in but Hiccup stopped him.

"Toothless, stay. The Night Fury doesn't really care for cramped spaces, so he'll just hang out with you. He won't be in any trouble." Hiccup explained to them.

The Dragon Trappers then pulled out their swords and spears and caused Toothless to jump like a startled cat before he started to growl at them.

"Unless you do that. Wooden boat, big ocean- How's your swimming?" Hiccup said before he asked one of the trappers, causing them to look down.

"Not good." No-Name said as Eret rolled his eyes.

A burst of flame erupts from the live well and causes the crewmen to jump back in surprise. Hiccup thrusts Inferno through the grate as he opens it again.

"Oops. Almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners." Hiccup said as he retracts the blade and offers it to Teeny who takes it cautiously while looking it over.

"How is this a plan?" Revna asked in confusion but Hiccup made a motion that he got it under control before explaining how his Inferno works.

"Just what every Dragon Trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva." Hiccup explained and started to duck for cover when the trappers flipped a switch and caused Zippleback gas to be released.

"The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and..." Hiccup explained and Eret quickly backs off, knowing what was about to happen.

No-Name clicks the lighter and ignites the gas. Hiccup ducks quickly as the sudden explosion sweeps over the deck before he looks up and almost bursts out laughing when he sees Teeny and No-Name covered in soothe from the explosion.

"Oh, yeah, there you go! Once they see you as one of their own, even the testiest dragons can be trained, right, bud?" Hiccup said as Toothless was chasing an ember and pawing at it like a kitten.

"Give me that!" Eret said before he threw the blade away but Toothless was quick to catch it.

"What game are you playing?" He asked the heir suspiciously.

"No game. We just want to meet Drago and this Commander Unicra." Hiccup said as Eret narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I'm going to change their minds about dragons." Hiccup concluded and this caused Eret and his men to laugh.

Revna then joins Hiccup and gives them an inquisitive look and a smirk.

"He can be really persuasive." She said as Toothless came to Hiccup who pets him on the head.

"Once you've earned his loyalty, there is nothing a dragon won't do for you." Hiccup said while petting Toothless.

"Puh! You won't be changing any minds around here." Eret scoffed as Toothless gave Inferno back to Hiccup.

"I can change yours. Right here. Right now." Hiccup said before he locks Toothless' tail while Eret watches him suspiciously while he climbs up.

"May I?" Hiccup asked but cried out in surprise when something snatched him from the deck.