
From A Young Successor To Chief Book 2

Five years after Hiccup unified dragons and Vikings with his friends and Team Prime, they're all growing up but sometimes things never change no matter the age they are in. But a madman by the name of Drago Bludvist wanted a war to rule the world with a four members who Team Prime knows joining his army. Secrets will be discovered and sacrifices will strike those close to be hurt but it won't stop them from protecting those they love. Will Hiccup have what it takes to protect his home and family? Creation date (July 25, 2021)

Daoist9aRwJg · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Truths Revealed

Just before Hiccup was snatched from the ship...

At the ocean, Team Prime and the Dragon Riders with Stoick were still searching for the trio.

"I hope we reach them before they're gone." Emily muttered while Optimus warbled softly.

"Silvia, Tai, any sign of a ship yet?" Vince asked as Silvia and Tai were using a telescope to find their friends.

"Not even a ripple of water." Tai said.

"I got nothing." Silvia said with a frown.

"That's because they're down there." Miko said as she pointed below them.

They saw the ship and Hiccup, Revna and Toothless were on it with Dragon Trappers.

"Attack!" Stoick commanded.

Snotlout ordered Hookfang to snatch Hiccup up while Barf and Belch sliced through the sail.

Now back to the current situation...

"Dragon riders!" Eret shouted while Revna shook her head.

Toothless lets out a roar and climbs onto the top of the boat as he got worried but when he saw Team Prime and the Dragon Riders, he relaxed while perched on the support beam of the ship.

"Put me down! Snotlout! What are you doing?" Hiccup shouted in annoyance.

Snotlout ignored his cousin's question while turning to Ruffnut.

"See how well I protect and provide?" He stated and Ruffnut groaned at him while Team Prime rolled their eyes.

They saw incoming nets and quickly started dodging them as Barf and Belch dodged one out of the way.

"Aggh! What is with all the nets?!" Tuffnut question in surprise.

"Hey, watch it! That was close..." Ruffnut said but time seemed to slow down for her as she saw who seemed to be a god in her eyes.

"Oh, my. Me likey." Ruffnut said dreamily while eyeing Eret's muscles as he launched a net towards them.

"Take me." Ruffnut spread her arms out while the net entangled her and Barf while Tuffnut watched in disbelief.

The Predabot Riders saw that even the Predabots and some of them gagged at Ruffnut falling for Eret while Jack looked green.

Hiccup has enough and pushes off against Hookfang and glides back to the ship in his flight suit.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Revna shouted while running towards Eret who was about to fire another net.

Astrid pushes Eret away from the net catapult as he fires and causes the net to barely miss Hiccup. Hiccup glides towards the sail before he grabs the rope and rides it down to the deck.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" Hiccup asked loudly as he put his flight suit back.

Grump then landed on the ship along with Team Prime and Dragon Riders.

"We're here to rescue you!" Gobber said as Hiccup facepalm.

"I DON'T NEED to be rescued!" Hiccup argued back.

"Tell that to your Dad." Emily said as she and Optimus stayed in the air.

"ENOUGH!" Stoick boomed while Skullcrusher landed near the sail.

He got off his dragon before he marched over towards Hiccup while Eret tried to block his path.

"Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh? I am Eret, son of-" Eret said but Stoick just shoved his face away from him.

Gobber then hits him on the head when he starts to get back up and Grump drops his chin on top of him, falling asleep and pinning him to the deck as that knocks the breath out of Eret.

"Get... this... thing... off... me!" Eret strained as he tried to get up.

"Anyone else? That's what I figured." Gobber asked as the Trappers eyed the Predabots warily as they eyed the Trappers warily.

Emily made those same noises again only gently and stern and they calm down somewhat. Stoick stood in front of Hiccup.

"You. Saddle up. We're going home." Stoick said but Hiccup shook his head.

"No." Hiccup said and Stoick was at his limit.

"Of all the irresponsible-" Stoick was about to scold him but Hiccup cut him off.

"I'm trying to protect our dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible?" Hiccup yelled.

"BECAUSE WAR IS WHAT HE WANTS, SON!" Stoick yelled but the truth was out as everyone stared at Stoick in shock.

The Predabots shifted nervously while Bumblebee crooned softly while Raf patted his head. Stoick realizes he has to explain the truth of how he knew the man.

"Something tells me this story is even darker." Emily said softly while Optimus warbled sadly.

Flashback Stoick's POV 20 years ago...

Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and he alone could keep us safe, if we chose to bow down and follow him.

This caused the other dragon riders to laugh minus the rest. Emily just gripped her staff as Predabots looked uncomfortable.

"Stupid." Ruffnut snickered.

"Good one." Tuffnut agreed with her but they stopped when they saw the grim look on Stoick's face.

Flashback Stoick's POV 20 years ago...

Aye. We laughed, too... Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, "Then see how well you do without me!". The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground.

Flashback ends...

"I… was the only one to escape." Stoick admitted with a heavy tone as everyone looked at him in horror.

Team Prime just looked grim for the chiefs that perished in that incident as Stoick turned to Hiccup.

"Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with." Stoick said as Hiccup shook his head.

"Maybe." Hiccup said while heading towards Toothless.

"Hiccup..." Stoick started in a warning tone.

Eret just watched in fascination and confusion. This kid is something.

"I'm still going to try." Hiccup said as he hopped on Toothless.

"This is what I'm good at. And if I could change your mind... I can change his mind too." Hiccup said as everyone just stared at him with mixed emotions.

"Come on." Hiccup said to Toothless before the dragon took off and left the others behind.

Revna was about to follow but stopped when Stoick sent her a look.

"NO! Lead the others back to Berk. I've had enough mutiny for one day." Stoick said firmly as he marched off and walked past a love-sick Ruffnut.

Ruffnut is seen lying on the deck, admiring Eret who is still pinned beneath Grump as she flirted with his muscles.

"Ooh, I like that." Ruffnut said dreamily and Eret recoiled in disgust.

"Ruffnut!" Stoick yelled and she groaned.

"Ugh! Okay!" Ruffnut yelled back.

Before leaving, Ruffnut plants an indirect kiss on Eret, who is completely disgusted by that and shudders.

Emily then patted Optimus on the neck and he understood what she needed and took off to who knows where while the others watched in concern.

"Do... you think she's okay?" Raf asked in concern.

"I don't know but we better follow just to be sure." Silvia said.

The others agreed and took off after the two Primes.