
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 10 : Betting

Long Hai finally said his true purpose in all of this

He was still unwilling to lose and did not want to give up the academy seat

"Mmm..! Why should I fight you..? The seat is mine anyway and your talk doesn't make any sense."

Long Hai smiled immediately after he heard her words

"Do you want to bet?"

"Okay, if you defeat me I will give you 10 white spirit stones!"

Long Hai had been locked in the house for more than ten days, during which he trained in the Bronze Level Fierce Bull Technique that his older brother had banned from the city for him.

Using it, a second-level martial cultivator could strike with a force comparable to even those at the third level

That's why he was confident that he could defeat Long Rourou, who had only ascended to the second level of the martial cultivator world about two months ago.

"Heh!! You want to bet on the seat for just ten white spirit stones? You should bring at least 100!"

At this time, a clear voice rang in Long Hai's ears, as Long Tian slowly walked forward and stood beside Long Rourou.


"100 White Spiritual Stones? I don't have that much with me right now."

Long Hai cursed secretly and thought for a while, then turned to his friends and quickly borrowed from them, then threw the bag on the ground

"Okay, here are 100 white spirit stones ready in front of you."

After examining the bag, Tian shouted loudly and alerted the people in the square around them

"The brothers and sisters saw it."

"If we win, these 100 White Earth Spirit Stones will be ours, and if we lose, we will lose the seat of the Black Snake Academy to Long Hai!"

"Okay, I'll be your witness!"

shouted a young woman in her early twenties as she threw the massive steel weight aside and approached them with an active and curious expression on her attractive face.

"Yes, start quickly!"

A man laughed in the middle of it and watched the whole event from the side very interested

Several people on the side also shouted at them to start fighting quickly

Well, entertainment on the Mysterious Continent is not up to par on Earth, so any incident, no matter how trivial, will definitely get more attention than it deserves.

"Okay, shall we start?"

Ruru relaxed her muscles stiff from the exercise for a bit, then stood on the training ground, looking at Long Hai in front of her intently

'You little one! It's too late to give up already! '

'My revenge against you will begin by humiliating you here and wounding you severely.'

The two looked at each other for a while and then suddenly moved at the same time

Long Hai directly executed the violent bull style, the veins on his body and muscles swelled greatly, and his skin became slightly red.

Smoke flew violently from his running, then as soon as he approached Ruru, he preceded his left foot and rested on it, then brought his upper body back and concentrated his strength in his right fist, then like an arrow he directed it towards her and did not retreat at all.

Ruru was not at all flustered by his flamboyant outburst, and she also rushed towards Long Hai quickly, then as soon as she was almost touched by his punch, she dodged it by leaning her body to the left side gracefully, and then she leaned on her left foot and delivered a direct kick to his stomach with her knee, making him almost lose consciousness.

Long Hai did not have time to react before Ruru settled on her right foot as soon as she lowered it, then pulled back her left fist and directly punched him in the right side of his face, throwing him several meters away.

Long Hai bled heavily from his face and immediately lost consciousness

" M ! ... "

" That's it .. !? "

The young woman's eyes sparkled as she watched Long Ruru's astonishing movements, while the spectators who were preparing to watch the exciting display felt extreme disdain and indignation towards Long Hai, who lost so quickly, and then left sadly.

"Haha! Well done Ruru! Great!"

Long Tian patted Rourou on the back, picked up the bag from the ground and quickly put it in her pocket. Then the two of them returned to their house, leaving Long Hai lying in the yard bloody and miserable.

As for insulting the son of the village leader, with all the witnesses in the arena, no one would dare to move directly against them and harm them.

'Waaaa! Screw it! This is not the end in my imagination! '

'Why is she so strong despite being a second-level cultivator while I have a technique that allows me to match those at the third level?' '

After they returned, Ruru opened the bag in her pocket and took out 50 spirit stones, which she handed directly to Tian.

Tian didn't think much and simply accepted it

Although he still has 900 White Spiritual Stones, getting more is not a bad idea, and he will make sure Ruru makes good use of them and will definitely make up for it later.

Then Tian entered his room, then sat quietly and began to think about his next steps and how to make optimal use of his ability

After a month of training, Tian realized very well that his inability to perform Asura's full body movements was due to the condition of his body and his lack of vitality, so he brought out a box of strengthening powder and upgraded it.

    [Name]: Strengthening pills

   [Introduction]: As a result of upgrading body strengthening powder, it can help strengthen muscles and bones. Medium effect, effective for martial cultivators at level four and below

   [Status]: Cannot be upgraded

    [Energy Points]: 494

Tian spent 6 energy points to upgrade his body strengthening powder pack to 6 strengthening pills

"Mmm! The effect of the pills must be much better than just taking the powder?"

Tian stared intently at the white ball and the thin silver line connecting its two sides in a beautiful arc for a while, then swallowed it directly and began to perform the exercise poses in order, maintaining the breathing method of each pose and making sure to execute it perfectly.

His skin and muscles began to tremble, his bones stretched due to the positions, and his sweating increased from the intensity of the pain of the exercise.

Less than a minute later, once the pill had taken effect, a warm energy surged from his abdomen, flowing through his entire limbs and body, making him feel much better and making his stiff, slow movements smoother and lighter.

Benefit from this support! Tian continued to perform the poses seriously until he was able to perform the 9th pose and almost succeeded in doing the 10th, but he stopped near the end because the effect of the medicine had worn off at this time.

He continued training and consumed all 6 strengthening pills and was finally able to painstakingly complete the 10th pose


Tian then touched his stomach and his tired body and felt the muscles forming in it

He did some bodybuilding moves and then smiled a little narcissistically

"Damn it! This world is amazing!"

"I will gain strength and succeed no matter how much effort and pain it requires of me."

"Power, wealth, authority, women"

He then smiled evilly, and his eyes shone with a sharp and dangerous light

"Hahaha, I'll get them all."

A few minutes later, Tian broke out of his daydream, and once he calmed down, he remembered the precious medical materials that he and his family currently needed to continue their progress, which gave him a severe headache.

"How the hell can I get so many precious medicinal materials?"

"If I wanted to obtain it from the village members and hunting parties, it would cost me a fortune, and the white spirit stones I have are not even remotely enough, and I will not be able to replace them easily if I spend them now stupidly."

He then looked directly at his pile of Spiritual Stones, which he had left out of necessity, and sighed

"Ah! There's not enough money!"

"Hey! Why am I thinking about this alone? Maybe Ruru or Wan know a solution to the problem!"

Tian eventually decided to ask the sisters first and avoid disturbing his aunt at this time

"Medicinal materials? Well I know they are abundant in the Great Forest!"

Ruru thought for a while, then answered Tian and then gave him a suggestion

"It so happens that tomorrow I will be going to the outer edge of the forest with Wan to set some traps and try to catch spirit beasts. Would you like to go with us?"

" certainly ! "

Tian nodded quickly before Wan interrupted his excitement

"Can you locate and identify medical materials?"

" no !!! "

Tian answered her directly

" M ... ? "

The three looked at each other, then Wan seemed to think of something, so she got up and left the room, then returned after a short while carrying a thick book in her hands.

"Materials of Medicine of the Mysterious Continent, Book One?"

Tian and Ruru looked at the book, which was more than ten centimeters thick, then turned to Wan

"Where did this book come from?"

"It is one of the books in Aunt Jia's collection. It contains descriptions of many common and spiritual herbs, medicines, and prescriptions in the Mysterious Continent."

"Okay! Let me see."

Tian looked through the book briefly, and found many illustrations of common and precious medicinal materials, colorful and with many detailed notes and tips for picking them up. It also contained their medicinal properties, their interaction with other medicinal materials, and some simple recipes for their use.

"All this and this is only the first book?"

"Do later books contain more material or more detailed explanations...?"