
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 11 : The Great Forest

Suddenly the familiar letter appeared in front of Tian and interrupted his thoughts

   [Name]: Medicinal Materials of the Mysterious Continent Book One

   [Introduction]: This book records 10,000 kinds of common medicinal materials, 5,000 kinds of spiritual medicines, 1,000 kinds of bronze medicines, 100 kinds of iron medicines

   [Status]: Upgradeable

    [Energy points remaining]: 494

"More than 10,000 kinds of medicinal materials? Just the first book? That's amazing!"

Tian sat on the chair and flipped through a few pages as Long Wan asked, thus obtaining a preliminary understanding of the continent's medicinal materials

Firstly, some of the medicinal substances in this world are the same as the medicinal substances in his previous world and even have the same names, such as ginseng, angelica, astragalus, eucommia, ganoderma, radix, isatidis, etc., only their appearance appears more vibrant and their medicinal properties are much better due to their absorption of spiritual energy.

As for the classification, it was the thing that shocked Tian and made him remember that he was in a new world

Common herbs and materials are suitable for those who have not yet begun training, and herbs and spiritual materials are suitable for fighters in the world of the combat trainee and its five levels, and their effects vary after that according to their age, as the older they are, the better their effect.

As for the bronze, it is suitable for fighters in the world of the combat warrior, and the iron is suitable for the fighters in the world of the combat knight, and there are many later levels. Unfortunately, Wan does not have any specific idea about them, and was content with explaining some of its unusual effects on bodies and talent, which made the three salivate.

'Ah, if I get one it would be great! '

'Hey! Yes? '

   [Name]: Long Tian

   [Introduction]: 12 years old, human

   [Status]: First-class warrior (healthy)

         [Talent]: 5 stars high (can be upgraded)

      [Training Method]: The first part of the Immortal level technique Asura Body (can be upgraded) Mastery None (can be upgraded)

      [Skills]: Mysterious Continent Medicinal Materials  Book 1 (Upgradable)

     [Energy Points] : 494

'Is this a skill? '

Tian thought for a moment and then chose to upgrade

"Hiss! Damn!"

Tian felt his head almost explode, and a huge amount of information then flowed into his mind and formed a green book the same size as the real one.

The pain slowly subsided and Tian smiled big and laughed hard afterward


'No need to waste time and memorize diligently? Just 10 energy points and you have finished memorizing and understanding all the contents of the book! '

'Screw it! My ability is pretty amazing, isn't it? '

Tian looked up at the sky and laughed hard like a madman, then lowered his head and stared at the two worried sisters and smiled at them evilly.

"Do you want to get something amazing?"

The two sisters did not understand what he meant, so he decided to clarify directly instead of explaining

Quickly checking Wan's status, he found that she already had this skill so he chose to promote her as well


Wan then screamed frantically for a while, then once she calmed down, she stared at Tian in disbelief.

"Titian! How did you do this?"

"Hehe! This is a secret!"

"What are you two talking about? What did he do?"

Ruru didn't understand what was happening in front of her, so Tian asked her to read the book for a while, and then once she acquired the skill, she suffered the same thing as her sister.

Pain, shock, disbelief and then insane joy

The three then agreed on a departure time tomorrow, then went to sleep and calmed their overheated brains



The next day, Tian held two steel traps in one hand, a thick ax in the other and a simple spear hanging on his back. The two sisters also grabbed their weapons and tools and prepared to go.

The three did not leave before hearing their aunt's advice and directions that seemed to never end, so Tian decided to intervene and help her upgrade many of her skills, which enabled her to comprehend all the books that she had previously studied and had not been able to complete and comprehend completely, so she focused. She gave her advice on the importance of staying on the outer edge of the forest and not going deep into it for fear of facing strong monsters. Then she bid them farewell and entered her room and closed the door tightly behind her.

The three of them then exited the majestic village gates and headed south. Once the forest began to appear in front of them, they chose to go towards the eastern side to avoid the path of the Black Serpent River within the forest, which was considered an area of activity for many groups of powerful and dangerous monsters.

North of the Great Forest, also known as the Eternal Forest, is Long Village, Black Serpent City, and even the Heavenly Serpent Kingdom, complete with many other kingdoms and empires.

For thousands of years, many powerful individuals have tried to venture within it and explore its borders, but no one has been able to reach the other side of it and return to tell the tale, and so its size and extent remain unknown until now.

But the main thing that all humans and even other races were sure of, was that the amount of monsters within them was unlimited

Thousands of years ago, every few years, many waves of monsters poured out of the forest and caused a lot of trouble and heavy losses within the various human and non-human kingdoms and empires.

Therefore, in order to protect against these repeated attacks, the human leaders, for their part, decided on a plan to invest a little and support the residents of the villages surrounding the forest, firstly, to form a permanent economic resource for them by providing them with corpses, monster meat, medicinal plants, and various resources from the forest constantly, and secondly, to monitor the monsters inside the forest and work to discover Any activity or abnormal increase in their numbers, so they have the time necessary to deploy their armies and avoid disasters and unnecessary losses.

A plan that over the next hundreds of years showed such success and role that even the rulers of empires and kingdoms were shocked by it. Therefore, they all increased the resources, methods and privileges provided to the inhabitants of these villages and founded many cities along the northern forest to exploit the forest's resources in a better and more organized way.



The three walked for about half an hour and then the trees grew denser around them and they became slower and more focused

"Tian, Ruru! Don't go too far, there are many spiritual and ferocious beasts in the forest that move in groups and we are not strong enough to face them and we might get seriously injured from that!"

Long Wan looked very serious as she explained to them in a low voice

"Don't worry, I will just see if there are any medical materials in this place and I won't go far from here."

"Don't worry, we won't walk around stupidly!"

The two nodded and then looked at the surrounding plants carefully, and because very few people were aware of the knowledge and information they had, at first glance they found dozens of common medicinal materials!

Before the two started harvesting madly, Wan motioned to them

"Come here! Let's set traps first and then we will go back to collect medical materials."

"Okay, but where are we going to put it?"

"There aren't many monsters here!"

There is a small spring near here. We will approach its outer perimeter and install it there."

"Okay! Let's go!"



Not long after that, the three arrived at the spring area

The area was surrounded by larger and denser trees, and they also noticed the presence of many low shrubs, which made the area a little darker, but much more beautiful than the previous area.

"The scenery in this place is very good!"

Ruru praised slightly

"Yes, but the situation is also dangerous, because many monsters come to this area to drink and hunt, so we better hurry!"

Wan looked around and after she found a path that monsters usually used to pass and move, she began digging in the area and placed her trap there, then placed withered grass and leaves on it to camouflage it.

Ruru also used her sword to cut some branches and stack them on either side of the clip and hide it

After making sure that there were no defects around the trap, the three set the second trap, and after they finished, Tian put his hands on it and examined it, and its information appeared in his head.

   [Name]: Low quality steel trap

   [Introduction]: It can capture common monsters. Spiritual monsters have high breakout potential, moderate bite force and average durability

   [Status]: Upgradeable

   [Energy Points]: 414

Tian and his family spent this entire month eating fish and sea creatures, and although Tian still loved them, he wanted to diversify their food a little, so he didn't hesitate after he saw the message and chose to upgrade.

   [Name]: Improved steel trap

   [Introduction]: It can capture large spirit beasts at the second level and below. Monsters of higher levels have a high probability of breaking free. It has the effect of luring monsters and hiding, has strong bite force and is very durable

   [Status]: Upgradeable

    [Energy points remaining]: 404

' millimeter ! Can it be upgraded again? '

Tian was a bit surprised because the items he found that could be upgraded more than once were so special

' What does this mean ? '

Tian frowned slightly and thought hard as he hurried to the other trap and upgrade it as well. Then the three quickly left after they heard the roar of monsters coming from nearby.

" Let's go ! "

Wan urged the two to hurry up, then the three left in the opposite direction to the direction the sound came from