
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 9 : Mastery

In this way, Tian continued training for a few hours to get used to his improved body, and this time he was able to perform the first 7 poses much better than before and only stopped at the 9th pose, which he was unable to complete.

Tian felt certain that he had mastered all 50 postures in the first part of the Asura Body Immortal Training Method, and only because of the lack of precious medicinal materials and spirit beast meat, his physical fitness and vitality were still lacking, which was limiting his progress and preventing him from performing the rest of the postures!

As for Long Ruru, she was already able to perform the first 15 poses due to her originally being a second-level martial cultivator, so her physical fitness and vitality in her body are much greater than that of Tian, and she meets the requirements for performing more poses.

But this does not mean that the matter was simple or easy for her. On the contrary, her success in executing the exercise poses so quickly was only due to her fighting talent and her iron will. These poses exhausted all the vitality of her body and the energy within it to repair and strengthen its foundations. This was very painful for her, but after seeing the results, she found in the end that this pain was very comfortable

The same thing happened with Long Wan. She was able to feel her body progressing and improving, a feeling that she had almost forgotten, so she continued to practice like crazy and her pace did not slow down until now. She had already managed to surpass Ruru and executed the first 20 poses perfectly.

With this, Tian knew that her body, although injured, was much stronger than that of Ruru, who had broken through to the second level of the Martial Cultivation Realm just a few weeks ago.

As for his aunt Long Jia, Tian spoke to her at length and explained to her his strange ability and how he obtained it after he lost consciousness in the garden. He also tested it in front of her on some of her medicines, which caused him to lose some energy points but made his aunt's eyes shine.

I asked him a little more about his ability and after I understood what he needed, I took out a small bag and handed it to him

"I had decided to buy you some medicinal herbs and spirit beast meat with this money."

"But I think you might put it to better use yourself."

"As for the new exercise, I already see that its results are very amazing, but unfortunately I cannot perform it before I treat my body a little, and I will suffer from very severe pain and will make its condition worse."

"Thank you for your concern Tian, I will only be happy to see you progressing well."

After bidding farewell to his aunt, Tian returned to his room and after examining the bag she had given him, he found it contained 1,000 white spiritual stones.

Because he, Ruru, and Wan had trained so intensely, he had to make three more cages and upgrade them to meet their needs after he felt that their meat consumption had increased dramatically, especially Long Wan, whose body seemed to be seeking compensation for years of hunger.

Since he spent some points previously on his aunt's medicines, Tian lost all his energy points and had nothing left.

Tian directly absorbed 100 White Spiritual Stones, making his Chi Points 500

He also tried to upgrade Wan's talent previously, but a message appeared in front of him saying that he needed 1,000 energy points. He sighed, then decided to wait a little while until her body calmed down and improved.

Tian checked his condition two days later, where he successfully performed the 10th pose, and found it as follows

   [Name]: Long Tian

   [Introduction]: 12 years old, human

   [Status]: Combat Trainer Level 1 (Healthy)

        [Talent]: 5 stars high (can be upgraded)

     [Training Method]: The first part of the Immortal level technique Asura Body (can be upgraded) Mastery None (can be upgraded)

   [Energy Points]: 500

"My talent is five stars!! Hmm, not bad I guess?!"

"Hah! Mastery upgrade!"

Long Tian looked at his new condition somewhat puzzled

He learned some things about training and learned that mastering martial styles and techniques is divided into three stages: basic, flowing and perfecting.

As for basic mastery, the fighter performs the exercise perfectly and achieves 100% of its effects

Flowing mastery means moving between the movements and positions of the style smoothly, multiplying its natural effect many times over

As for perfection, it is a stage rarely achieved by someone who has no idea what distinguishes him yet

"Eh, it seems that this upgrade is for my mastery of the style rather than upgrading the style itself?"

Tian thought about it for a while and seemed to discover a new advantage to his ability

His ability can absorb energy from special items such as spirit stones and then convert it into energy points that you later consume to perform the upgrade process.

He could upgrade everything to some extent, such as artifacts, herbs, powders, medicinal products, training methods, and even his mastery of them, and perhaps even master others as well!

This means that if I learn a specific technique, I don't need to be skilled at it anymore

I only have to practice it for a short time, then I can use energy points to upgrade my mastery and shave off years or even decades of hard work.

Tian looked at the points needed to upgrade his mastery to the basic level and found that it was 1000 points

"It seems that my energy points are still insufficient."

He then looked at the remaining stones in his hands and decided to wait a little while until he drew up an appropriate plan to exploit the energy points and upgrade what he urgently needed in his first stage as a combat trainee only and leave the rest for later when he had a surplus of points.

"I haven't been able to perform the training moves yet, and here I am already trying to improve my mastery?"

"Slowly Tian! Slowly and steadily then the development will naturally reach a stage where it will resemble a massive tsunami and will be unstoppable!"




Long Village Training Field

At this moment, a group of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 14 surrounded a beautiful girl with a lively physique, and continued to train and talk without stopping.

Not far from them, there was another group of young men a little older than them practicing martial arts

One of them looked at the group of teenagers especially the girl in the middle with a flash of hatred in his eyes

Well it was Long Hao. He was locked in the house by his father, Long Fujii, for a while and was not allowed out until a few days ago

Only a few days after he felt happy after leaving, he heard that Long Ruru and the others had returned from Black Snake City and it was revealed that Ruru had a high 4-star talent!

This made him jealous and extremely upset for days

Well, all of this is for two reasons: The first is that his talent is two stars high, and therefore he felt jealous because she had better talent than him, and the second reason is that, with her competence, she has already obtained the qualifications for the entry seat into the Black Serpent Academy, which Sheikh Sani promised to give her for free.

The annual seats to enter the academy are always very few and do not exceed ten in their village

He originally wanted to get the seat and give it to one of the young men to join his faction, but all his plans evaporated in an instant

'Damn Long Tian! '

'Damn Long Ruru!

'And also Elder Sani, you senile old man, why the hell did you mention this compensation? '

Long Hai lowered his head and his eyes were red with anger

He gritted his teeth and cursed Tian, Ruru, and even Elder Sani was not spared his hatred

"Long Ruru! Did 5-star and 6-star talents really appear in the exam?"

"Yes, Sister Ruru! Tell us!"

Ruru was in the field trapped in the middle of her childhood friends who kept bombarding her with questions

She thought for a while, then repeated what she had explained to her family and described the scene more vividly

" wow ! "

" Very amazing ! "

"How do you identify talent????"

" you do not know ? "

"Talent can be measured by the color and intensity of light emitted by a testing stone."

"White represents one star, yellow represents two stars, then orange, red, green, cyan, blue, purple, gray and black. The darker and more intense the color, the higher the degree."

Long Hai listened to the children's chatter and couldn't control his anger, so he walked towards them and stood in front of Ruru

"Long Ruru, you have secured a place to join the Black Serpent Academy but do you have the skills to qualify to go? Or do you want to get beaten up and make our village lose face!"


Ruru was initially surprised when she saw Long Hai walking towards her and provoking her, but quickly a sharp light flashed in her eyes and her expression turned sinister for a second before she quickly hid it and then acted stupidly.

'Hehe! I hit my brother and I didn't look for you, and now you come to me? '

Ruru thought to herself and then answered weakly

"I have the ability..!? This has nothing to do with you anyway!"

Long Hai became extremely angry after hearing her statement

"Who said it has nothing to do with me? I am also a member of Long Village."

If you embarrass us in the academy, how will we raise our faces when we are in the city?"

"Let me give you a chance to prove yourself. If you win against me, I will admit that you are qualified, and if you lose, you will give up your place to me!"