
Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Take over a《Homeworld》Mothership and then travel to the world of《Star Wars》? Tang Xiao: “ This world is so dangerous, Mom, I'm going home. ” Wait a minute, the Mothership database actually has various science fiction game technologies, 《 Sins of a Solar Empire 》, 《 Halo 》, 《 EVE 》, 《 Starcraft 》, 《 Stellaris 》 ?? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire! Official Translation This is the Official Translation of "The Empire Begins With The Fourth Scourge" by Author 镜大人 also known as Kagami. This Translation has the Author's full endorsement and is supported on WebNovel (and now Space Battles Forurms). The Chinese version by Kagami is linked below! Original Book: qidian.com/book/1026417206/ Novel Discord: discord.gg/QjzwEMmPx4

Sean_Morabito · 映画
784 Chs

The Ups And Downs of Life

Karls Wharton also understood the situation, "Whether it is to increase the force to pursue the Transport Fleet, or to concentrate on attacking their Combat Fleet, the other side will take the opportunity to land on the planet to support Ground Operations and, our spaceship cannot enter the atmosphere, the other Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighters are filled with the residents of the Pioneer Group, and they cannot act rashly, and our Ground Troops are at a disadvantage in numbers...it is indeed a bit tricky."

"The opponent's General Telsey is very rejoicing and loves vanity. Moreover, for a Civilization that has been in peace for a long time, but also plays the role of a regional hegemon, it is a great temptation to achieve an unprecedented Military Exploit." Volgograd Canidi's tone became cold, "Let the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter lure the enemy, lower its Shields, pretend that the Shields are broken, and speed up to move in the opposite direction of the Transport Fleet."

"Yes!" The orderly immediately conveyed his order.

"The Warthogs and Mongooses continue to accompany the opponent's Army in circles, and continue to harass the border to cover up our next move."


"Then, countdown to 5 minutes, let's do it." Canidi didn't have much joy on his face, he just waved his hands, sighed, turned around, looked at the universe outside the window through the huge porthole, and stopped talking.


On the cosmic battlefield, the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter began to retreat desperately, as if it wanted to leave the battle from another direction and retreat towards its own Space Station.

"Catch up! Destroy this Warship!!" General Telsey showed a hideous look on her face, "As long as this Giant Spaceship is destroyed, it will be able to revive our morale, which is constantly falling due to the public opinion offensive on Planet Dawn! "

The Ayrou Fighters chased after it and bombarded the Cargo Freighter indiscriminately. Lasers, Blasters, and Missiles rained down on the Freighter almost non-stop.

Finally, the Shield of the Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter flickered and then disappeared suddenly. Two Missiles exploded on the Outer Armor of the Freighter without hindrance!

General Telsey, watching the battle through the monitor screen, laughed wildly, "Hahahaha!! You only have these garbage Fighters left! Want to sneak attack our Transport Ship? Idiot!! Didn't expect me to directly attack your Cargo Ship? Let's go! Hahahaha!! Keep chasing, don't stop! Let me destroy this Cargo Ship!!"

At this moment, 20 Small Spaceships with a height of about 30 meters took off from the Hangar Platform of the Lucrehulk-class. After taking off, these Spaceships ignored the Ayrou Fleet and flew directly towards their Transport Ship.

"General! They took off the spaceship and headed towards our transport ship!"

"Are they trying to exchange with me? Stupid!! Even if I give up the entire Transport Fleet, we can produce more Transport Ships! But for this kind of Lucrehulk-class, they can only get one ship from at a time from the Trade Federation at a high price! Notify the Fleet! Before destroying the opponent's Cargo Freighter, you must not stop!" Telsey said loudly.

"What about the Transport Ships?"

"Let them delay for me! Run away in all directions! After destroying the opponent's Large Cargo Freighter, I will naturally rescue them!" Telsey's eyes were fierce.

"Their Small Spaceships...the models are unknown. They have never appeared in the Milky Way. I don't know how they perform." The Adjutant zoomed in on the optical image and saw that the ships were roughly trapezoidal, with two Turbolaser Cannons sticking out in front of them. There are four sets of Engines at the rear, which look a bit like a flea's spaceship, with a puzzled face.

"Leave them alone! Attack!!"

The Ayrou fleet stepped up its firepower, and the Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter kept flying away from their Transport Fleet. Although the Shields were not turned on, they were also prepared for the greatest defense. The Heavy Armor Plates were lowered from the portholes of the Bridge, the Hangar Platforms were all closed, and all fireproof and explosion-proof gates were closed. Just so abruptly relying on its own huge body to carry the gunfire and keep moving forward.

Those spaceships were more than 3,000 years ago, and no matter how well maintained they are, their combat effectiveness is mediocre. Although they beat the Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter into thick smoke and flames, it is still difficult to cause fatal damage.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

After the 20 Small Spaceships rushed into the formation of the Ayrou Transport Ships, they immediately bared their fangs! The speed of these Spaceships has increased sharply, even much faster than the surrounding Blade Fighters, and they are very flexible. Whether it is turning or accelerating, they are almost at the level of Military Fighters!

Not only that, these spaceships sacrificed their defenses to bring quite fierce firepower. High-Power Purple Lasers and Rocket Launchers continued to explode on the Shields of the Transport Ships, quickly destroying their Shields.

Then, these Spaceships began to emit a strange Light Beam, and the speed of the Transport Ship hit by the Light Beam dropped suddenly, just like a turtle crawling! No matter how hard they struggled, even overloading the Engine didn't help at all, the speed just kept getting slower and slower!

The Transport Fleet, which had been able to handle the attack of the Blade Fighters before, was completely panicked this time and hysterically asked for help in the Holographic Communication, wanting the Fleet to come to help.

But General Telsey, who was already red-eyed, ignored the Transport Ship's plea for help. She just stared at the Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter, watching the Cargo Freighter suffer more and more damage, and even the Gravity Generating System seemed to have both malfunctioned and the ship began to tilt.

Just one step away, this Super Large Spaceship can be destroyed! There is no doubt that I will become the War Hero of the entire Ayrou Civilization!! Compared with this, what is a mere Transport Fleet?

But at this time, something even more desperate happened.

Suddenly, small flashes of lightning flashed in the surrounding pitch-black universe, and then, 40 Fighters appeared out of thin air!

Wraith Fighters!!

They turned on the Stealth System and followed the 20 Stilat-class and Shriken-class Light Frigates out!!

These Wraith Fighters released the Stealth System, allowing the Energy of the Stealth System to recharge. At the same time, there was a rain of Missiles facing the Ayrou Civilization's Transport Fleet!

The appearance of the Wraith Fighters made General Telsey freeze, as if she had been drenched in a bucket of ice water!

If she had known just now that in addition to the 20 Small Spaceships, there were 40 Wraith Fighters taking off from the Cargo Freighter, she would have sent her Fleet back to rescue the Transport Fleet no matter what she said because, if the firepower of the Wraith Fighter is added, it is impossible for her Fleet to destroy the Lucrehulk-class before the Transport Fleet is completely wiped out!

But now...

On one side is a huge Cargo Freighter that seems to be crumbling, but it just won't fall, and on the other side is a Transport Fleet that can't hold on at all and will be wiped out soon. How should we choose?

General Telsey slammed her fist on the Control Console. She exhausted all her strength. This punch left her mouth open and bloody. She yelled hysterically: "Destroy that Cargo Freighter! Never mind the others!! Transport Fleet, I don't want it anymore!!!"

"General! Are you crazy?" The Adjutant stood up to stop her but was dragged out by the Armed Guards called by Telsey.

The Transport Fleet of the Ayrou Civilization has completely collapsed. The Stilat-class Light Frigate can paralyze the engine of the enemy ship, and the Shriken-class Light Frigate can weaken the defense system of the enemy ship. The combination of the two, coupled with the powerful Wraith Fighter... This is completely It's a desperate combination!

One Transport Ship after another was destroyed, and they couldn't even escape!

In desperation, at least a dozen Transport Ships issued surrender notices, turned off their Engines and Shields, and let others slaughter them. At the same time, they handed over the transported supplies to Planet Dawn.

After destroying the Transport Fleet, a powerful force of 100 Blade Fighters, 40 Wraith Fighters, 10 Stilat-class Light Frigates and 10 Shriken-class Light Frigates turned around and flew towards the Ayrou Fleet!

"General! Let our Fleet retreat and enter the atmosphere!!" A Staff Officer said loudly.

General Telsey's eyes were red and she screamed, "No! Absolutely not!! I want to fight to the death with them!!! Even if I fight to the last spaceship, I will destroy this Large Spaceship!!"

She still has 10 Defender-class Frigates, 5 CR-12 Frigates, and more than 80 Ayrou Fighters that took off from these Frigates!

As long as this goal is achieved, she can let her remaining spaceships enter the atmosphere, and then hold out, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements and the arrival of the Supreme Glory!!

She, General Telsey, will be the first person in the entire Ayrou Civilization to destroy a Super Large Spaceship!

The Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter was constantly being hit, and the debris of the spaceship was blown up everywhere, and the B-1 Droids inside that were responsible for damage control were also sucked into space by vacuum.

The Fleets of the two sides have begun to exchange fire. The Wraith Fighters have activated their Cloaking Devices and disappeared without a trace.

"Come on! Come on!! The Spaceship's Engine has been damaged! It's about to... what? No!!!!!!!!!!"

Amidst General Telsey's eye-opening gaze and shrill screams... the Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter that was almost unable to hold on...

Reactivated the Shield...