
Fog the Hedgehog

In an alternate dark alternate future, the world is left in ruins by an evil robot named Superior Metal Sonic and his evil legion of robots. The only ones who can stop them is the son of Silver the Hedgehog Fog and a little blue Hedgehog named Velocity. They will embark on a new adventure through the intense wasteland that was the world to maybe end this nightmare once and for all.

Giggabits606 · ゲーム
10 Chs

CHAPTER 9: Journey to the Desert of Storms



Fog and Velocity journey through a lush forest. They have been journeying for a few days now. Through their journey, Fog has been trying to train Veloicty and himself. Because he now knows the future can be changed. He believes he needs to be prepared and ready for the worst.


"When are we going to get theeerrre?"

Velocity walks in zigzags out of boredom.

Fog smiles and keeps his calm demeanor.


"Soon. I promise."

The two anthromorphs see a light at the end of the forest path and that excites Velocity.


"We're finally here!"

Velocity starts to run toward the end of the path.

Fog reaches out his hand to Velocity to stop him. But Velocity runs too fast causing Fog to sigh.


"Velocity! Wait!"

Velocity stops at the edge of the path.

When Fog gets to the edge of the path and looks out to where Velocity is looking out of astonishment.

The two see an overview looking onto the horrid desert of storms. Not even able to look through the dense sandstorm that covers the entire desert, clothed by strikes of lightning happening every second.


"Lets backtrack into the forest a little ways from the desert and camp out."

Velocity looks up at Fog with a disappointed look.


"Why?! It's right there!"

Fog sighs and smiles.


"We have to make sure to keep our energy up, Velocity."

Fog turns around and looks back at Velocity.


"Lets go."

Velocity sighs and hangs his head as he starts to follow Fog.



A few hours later Fog stands in the middle of the forest with his eyes closed. Everything is silent for a few seconds. Until a leaf is heard flying through the wind to Fog's left. Fog takes a deep breath in and out. Flowing like water, Fog starts to flow into a new fighting stance. Resembling the stance of shaoulin monks. Fog starts to imagine all of the past battles he has fought. Until he finally decides to strike the leaf!..... But he misses. Fog opens his eyes and sees the result and sighs out of disappointment.


"Again, I missed."

Fog looks at his hand.


"I won't be able to become stronger as a fighter until I learn to not rely on this..."

Fog walks back to camp. Where he sees the fire's light in the distance. As he gets closer, he sees Velocity practicing his ability. Reversing and speeding up the time of a half eaten apple. Looking at that Fog smirks.


"I see you're starting to get better at that."

Velocity smiles ear to ear and looks up at Fog.


"Yeah, just a little!"

Fog sits at the camp fire and looks at Velocity as Velocity continues to practice. A picture of the adult Velocity standing over the body of Superior Metal Sonic appears in his mind. Fog starts to hang his head and look at the ground in contemplation. In his mind, Fog zooms in on the scars of the adult Velocity.

"In order to become the hero he is supposed to become he is going to have to go through unimaginable amounts of pain."

Fog looks at his hand.

"But he showed me the future isn't written...…"

Fog looks up at Velocity. Seeing the potential he has always seen. But also seeing the innocence.

"Does he really have to go through that pain?"