
Flesh and Felt

Gore Noun Blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence. "I want you to be the one to tear my pathetic felt body apart..." This is updated semi-daily, I gotta feed you fireflies.

MuddyMuck · 劇場
11 Chs

Julie's Lament.2

Julie watched as your friend messily pulled into the driveway barely closing the door behind her as she hustled to your front door, "Wyatt! I'm here! Open the door!" She called out banging on the door. Julie frowned knowing that the person she was looking for wouldn't be coming to the door, it'd be Wally masquerading as Wyatt. She hoped that Wally would have some heart and spare you the pain of knowing that another one of your friends had to die in Wally's destructive path. Wally was a hurricane and you were just a cow swirling around in it for cinematic effect, Julie felt that she was in the same situation as you but Wally had never gone so far as to hurt anyone when it came to her.

Ms Julie Johnson, a wonderful woman with just as wonderful of a husband, the two of them were practically inseparable always sticking to each other like a fly to a trap. They'd been happily together since they were in high school and nothing could shake the love they had for each other not one single thing would break them until poor Julie got the news that her husband had been in an accident while on his way to work, she fell into a deep depression. Neighbours said that she could barely function and that if she even tried to leave the bedroom she collapse to the floor and cry. Julie only managed to compose herself for the day of her husband's funeral, and that's when she met a kind young man. He had come up to her quietly while she sat dazed in a chair unable to fully bring herself to look at her husband yet, "Ms Johnson correct?" Julie looked up at him warily, he was a handsome young man, with soft features like a feather and a voice as smooth and velvety as silk. She simply nodded words failing her at the moment, "I sincerely apologize for your loss. Of course, you must have heard this many times before me, but I felt that I should still give my condolences as your neighbour." She could feel herself tearing up again, she had been holding in her tears for so long, no one else cried no one had given their condolences only that young man. Julie could contain herself no longer she covered her face and sobbed uncontrollably, wailing like a banshee. The young man stood by her side rubbing her back and softly whispering words that she could not register at the time, he didn't stop or leave until she had gotten everything out and her wails became soft whimpers and sniffles. In her hazy vision, she saw a handkerchief and gladly took it drying her face as she thanked the man. "Anything for a woman in need." He smiled turning to leave, "Wait! You mentioned that you were my neighbour, I don't believe I've seen you before. What is your name?" He turned back to her his face seeming even softer than before. "Wall-" He hesitated for a moment, "Wallace Darling." Julie gave him a gracious smile. "Well, I'd like to talk to you more sometime Wallace." She had to contain a giggle at seeing Wallace's face flush a sweet red, "You too Ms Johnson!" He exclaimed. "Oh, please love call me Julie. We're neighbours aren't we?" Wallace nodded fiddling with his suit hem. "I best be on my way Ms J- Julie, Julie, I'll be on my way now Julie." Wallace made eye contact with her, she felt comfortable in those warm, sweet, half-lidded eyes of his. "I wouldn't want to hold you any longer love." Wallace hooded and then took his leave. Julie and Wallace had quickly become close spending hours at a time talking and laughing on the phone, one night Wallace had gotten the courage to invite Julie to his home to which Julie happily accepted. Julie had dressed in her most excellent dress and it seemed that Wallace had the same idea, he looked like a dream the way everything perfectly complemented him from his glowing skin to his glittering eyes. Even his hound, Barnaby, had a little bowtie on, "You look like an angel Julie." She giggled at the flustered look on his face, "I could say the same about you Wallace." He became even more flustered to the point Julie thought he might faint with how red his face was. "I uhm prepared dinner…" He mumbled with a smile, "Oh? What has the handsome chef cooked up?"

Wallace perked up grabbing Julie's hands. "Lemony Salmon with Pesto Cauliflower Mash, Red Citrus Salad with Berries, Pears and Pomegranates, oh and I can't forget drink options. What would you like? Water, sparkling water? Wine? I could get something stronger if that's what you want." Julie couldn't help but giggle at his adorable ranting, "That sounds wonderful Wallace, I think the wine will be fine. Just to be on the safe side." Wallace nodded guiding Julie to the table. The two happily chatted while enjoying their meal, Julie giving compliments to the chef any time she could which was met with a flustered Wallace saying it wasn't anything too fancy. Once they had finished Wallace got up from the table, "Wait here I'll be back in two shakes of a rabbit's tail!" He disappeared somewhere into his home most likely going to get wine. Barnaby came to lay beside Julie's feet huffing to get her attention, "Hello Barnaby, has Wallace been treating you well?" She scratched behind his ear earning a pleased grumble from him. "So, I've got uh La Rioja or Champagne take your pick." Julie hummed before shrugging. "La- how did you say it?" Wallace chuckled, "La Rioja, it's Spanish." She repeated it slowly in her mind before another question came up. "Do you know Spanish Wallace?" He grinned walking over to his record player. "I know quite a bit of Spanish. My mother always said it'd be good for me to learn it, she said I'd be able to serenade any woman that way." Julie was intrigued, not only was he a kind and handsome young man but he was also talented. "Would you mind speaking some for me?" Julie questioned. "Oh, it'd be my pleasure to Julie. Anything in mind or would you rather have me just enjoy myself?" There was an air of playfulness between the two, Julie didn't care what he said she just wanted to hear him do it. Wallace swooped her off of her feet, twirling her around like a dancer with their umbrella, "Oh, mi atrevimiento te la vista más hermosa en la que jamás podría poner mis ojos…~" Julie felt her heart skip a beat, his voice paired with the words he spoke made her feel like she was floating. Now it was his turn to chuckle at her flustered face, "I see what my mother meant." Julie couldn't meet his eyes for she thought that if she were to look into his eyes she'd melt where she stood. For the rest of the night, the two enjoyed each other and their drinks. Finally, the night had to end, "This was a wonderful night Wallace, thank you so much for everything." Wallace smiled a hint of sadness in his half-lidded eyes. "You're welcome, Julie. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." The two stood silently in Wallace's doorway before hugging. "I'm glad to have you as my neighbour Wallace…"

"I can say the same, Julie…"