
Fated Elven Queen

Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.

Ludinor · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Unthinkable Visit

On the following days, Aika worked normally. The manager and supervisors always relied on her very much. The manager himself chose her to hire, and he's very proud of her, seeing her as a supervisor very soon.

After several more days, the base of Cankyoto had an unthinkable visit. The CEO of the company is paying a visit to check how such a small base with few staff can be one of the best.

Odir Salazar is the CEO, he has long black hair and very deep blue eyes, always wearing expensive and high-tailored suits. He is only 37 years old, young for an airline company, but he owns a very powerful company. Most people believe he looks younger, but he's mature like an old experienced man.

The manager of Cankyoto, Gregory, didn't imagine in many years of carrier to receive a call from the CEO asking for a tour of his base. He's just blown away, but happy and excited. Odir's visit is on the same day as the annual party of the base, and Gregory didn't miss the chance to invite Odir to the party.

Who wouldn't want to have a closer relationship with the CEO? Odir only said how great it would be to have a party, but didn't say he would go. Everyone in the base is excited and excited to have not only the manager watching the operation but the CEO himself.

Odir walks through the lobby, hearing Gregory explaining how they work. Odir spots a red-haired woman, tied in a ponytail, wearing a white long-sleeve shirt and blue pants, walking in high heels to a position and looking at the computer of another agent. She hears the agent pointing to the screen confused, then she answers something back, pointing the antenna of her radio to the screen.

Apparently, she was teaching something to the agent, who smiled at her in appreciation, thanking her for the help. The woman smiles and walks away to her own position, she speaks on the radio and keeps attending to clients.

"That woman is a supervisor?" Odir asks, pointing to Aika.

"No. Practically, actually. That's Aika. She was my first hire when I got here, and she's amazing. She's a focal leader, someone we can rely on in the absence of a super. She's smart, fast-thinking, loyal, and mature. One of the best here, for sure." Gregory says, proudly. He was very proud of Aika, he always opened the way to her growth, because he always knew she would ascend quickly in the company.

"Oh really? She looks young, but as I can see, she carries responsibilities in this operation." Odir says.

Gregory keeps explaining things, but Odir still has his attention on Aika from the corner of his eyes. She's called on the radio, then she finishes checking a customer to close her position. She stands up and walks to the lobby, spotting Odir and Gregory. Gregory calls her and she goes to them. Even wearing a uniform, her walking is mesmerizing, like she could float. Odir aims his eyes at hers, and they shake hands, greeting each other.

"Greg was telling me how proud of you he is." Odir tells her.

"Oh really? I'm even prouder just to be on his team." Aika says.

"Oh, sweet girl." Gregory says, smiling and hugging her shoulders.

Aika looks quickly at Odir and sees he has pointy years, then looks away to not expose that she noticed he's an elf. Through pictures, it's not possible to see his ears because it's hidden through a magical artifact. Aika imagined he could be an elf since it's a race of rich people connected to the higher ranks of society.

"Are you going to the boarding lounge?" Gregory asks her.

"Yes. Going to help Glenn." She answers.

"Great. We will go too, so Odir watches the boarding process. -

The three of them walked to the security and then to the gate where the airplane is. Gregory does the talk all the time. Aika excuses herself for starting to work. Odir watches Aika and Glenn working fast and in perfect sync.

"Glenn, only 50 remaining. I assume from here, you go to the ACAFT to check things out. I'll call you to pass the missing paxs." Aika tells.

He nods and rushes down the finger. Aika keeps tracking the passengers with a smile on her face and wishes them a nice flight to all of them. When the line is done, Aika checks if there are any passengers missing, and luckily there are no passengers with dispatched bags. When a passenger with a dispatched bag is missing, they need to call the charging team to remove the luggage from the ACAFT, airplane in other words, that can take 3 to 15 minutes.

Aika passes the missing ones to Glenn and then rushes to the speaker to make the final call to those passengers. One comes running, Aika checks the ID and boarding pass, and lets him go down the finger.

"Glenn, 28C went down the finger." She announces on the radio. She checks the other system. "Load sheet on board. Let's close the doors, man. We're -13." She tells. -13 means they're 13 minutes earlier from departing. According to law, they can close -15, and the sooner the better for them.

"Just checked the last seat. Only 36E missing. Did speech on board and until now no one appeared." Glenn tells.

"All right. I made a speech here too and only 28C appeared. We got 311 in total, one pax missing with no luggage." She announces.

"Copied." Glenn answers. "Closed doors, controller. Kiss my ass! We're awesome, Aika." Glenn cheers.

"-11, Glenn! We're the champions, my friend." Aika answers, singing.

Glenn comes up running and shares a strong high-five with Aika.

"Good job, guys. You were great on your own and closed doors before the challenge of -8." Gregory happily says, startling Glenn, who didn't know the manager was watching, and he gets even more shocked when he sees Odir there.

The manager and the CEO watched them sending a flight on time. That's huge.

"Congratulations. Aika, I've met you before. Now, Glenn, isn't it?" Odir asks, shaking hands with Glenn.

"Yes, sir… Thank you very much. It's an honor." Glenn says almost without a voice.

"It's my honor to meet such a dedicated team. You two were more than efficient. I'm proud." Odir speaks and both thank him for the words. Odir's eyes ended on Aika's again. It had been mostly watching her since he first saw her." Now, I must say Aika, you have the spirit of leadership and your knowledge on many parts of the process puts you on the front of any problem resolution. Congratulations." Odir says, looking deeply into her eyes, trying to find any reaction, but she just thanks him again for the words.

After finishing the post-flight, they walked together to the office where the rest of the team was. As Gregory introduces Odir to the team, Odir can notice the eyes of lust coming from some women, and men too. However, Aika doesn't show that reaction to him as she only listens at the back, next to the computer and Grant. After talking to the team for some minutes, thanking them for their dedication, everyone leaves to get ready for the party. Aika and Grant sit to finish some reports.

"See you two at the party later?" Gregory asks them.

"Sure. Can't wait for some drinks." Grant answers.

"Me too. And you, Aika?"

"Everything ready to rock bodies." She answers.

"Great! See you later." Gregory says and accompanies Odir out.

Odir gives a last look at Aika. At the party, he would have more chances to have something with her, and since she talked about rocking bodies, maybe she likes parties and dancing.

"Where is this party going to be? I'll be leaving only tomorrow and don't have anything planned for tonight." Odir asks Gregory. Who happily gives the location and address.

Having a closer connection with the CEO is good for any manager's career, and that will be Gregory's opportunity. Of course, Odir knows the interior motives that Gregory has, but it's normal behavior in this world of executives. Odir is only going to the party to have some fun, and he can't deny he is interested in Aika. It's a feeling that is hard to explain to him, there's something about her.

Odir gets ready in his hotel room, then leaves for the location Gregory sent. It's a simple night pub, they'd rent it for the night. Everyone was shocked to see he actually came. The girls had to check themselves again to be sure they looked hot enough. Gregory and the supervisors have the chance to know him better and have a higher contact. Odir sits at their table, then travels his eyes around.

"It's a nice, cozy pub." Odir speaks out, but he's actually looking for Aika.

"It's a simple place, since we don't have much money, but it's a nice place." Gregory says.

Odir finally spots Aika behind a counter at the dancing stage. She was facing a screen with headphones with little devil horns on her head.

"Is that Aika? On the dancing stage?" He asks Gregory. He focuses his eyes on getting details of her. Elves have a sharper and higher vision and hearing than humans.

He can see she's wearing darker makeup on her eyes, and her hair is untied, showing its full beauty of color and waves on her back. She's wearing tight black jeans with a large dark purple shirt with deep cuts on the sleeves, collar, and hem. Almost looking like a cropped. Under the shirt, she's wearing a black top. She has some tattoos on her arms, and that impressed Odir. She looks very different without a uniform.

"Yes! She will be our DJ. She's great. Believe me." Gregory answers.

"She will be working? Or is it just for fun?" Odir asks.

"Working… Well, in the end, she ends up having fun too." Grant says not so happy and sure of what he's saying.

"Oh…" Odir says without voice, now understanding the" rock bodies".

He imagines she has her motives to be working as a DJ too.

A waiter comes bringing a bucket of beers and some drinks. They toast together, and Aika puts on some more lively songs, so everyone gets more excited and relaxed. When they start following the beats without noticing, Aika puts on a famous song everyone likes. They scream happily and run to the dancing stage.

Odir is only standing next to a high table next to the dancing stage with Gregory and two other supervisors, Jean and Robert. Grant is dancing with his wife. Odir looks at a group of girls dancing, one of them is looking at him with inviting eyes, but he just smiles and looks away, taking a sip of his drink. The music goes down a bit, calling his attention to Aika again.

"I can see all this family having some crazy fun tonight! This party is to celebrate us, as a team and as a family. Seeing you all having so much fun is great. HOWEVER! Some of you know me, and I came here to set fire in the yard!" She talks on the microphone, making them cheer loudly.

Aika prepared some games to make them have even more fun. The laughter filled the club. She calls Gregory to a dancing rope game, leaving Odir by himself for some moments. Grant goes to make him company.

"Aika is always your DJ?" Odir asks Grant. Again, he's curious about her.

"It's her second year. She offered herself. She needed the extra money to pay next year's tuition of her little brother's school." Grant says. He's drunk, so he ended up talking more than he should have.

"I see… I didn't imagine." Odir softly says, his eyes changing about her after that.

-"She lives alone with her brother. She's a very strong woman. Her mother died, and her brother was very young. She has taken care of him by herself since then. I admire her." Again, Grant says more than he should, but it's what he thinks.

"How old she was?" Odir asks.

"18, I guess. She's 23 now, but her mind is more mature than many people I know that's older than her." Grant answers, and then takes a sip of beer. Odir listened silently, absorbing her story as he watched her. She looks even more beautiful now.

The party didn't get too long, so the ones that will work next have more time to rest. Odir noticed Aika stayed since she had the equipment to disconnect and put down. He pretends he's waiting for a cab as everyone leaves the local. He goes inside again and finds Aika sitting on a chair next to her equipment, drinking a beer directly from the bottle. She gives a sigh and takes another sip of beer. She stands up to start organizing the cables.

"Want some help?" She hears and she turns to see Odir.

"Oh… I thought everyone had left already. Thanks. I'm good here. Taking my time for some beers." She answers while putting the cables inside a bag. He chuckles, sitting on the chair she was sitting on.

"I saw you by yourself here. I couldn't just leave. I'll keep you company." He says, taking a beer bottle from the bucket next to his feet. After opening the bottle, he raises it to her, so they toast together. She takes another good sip and keeps gathering her stuff." So, you're an airport agent and a DJ. I almost didn't recognize you here." He says, making her giggle.

"You're not the only one who told me that." She says. She wonders the reasons he's there, wondering if he's only being polite and courteous to not let her alone." I'm not actually a DJ. Only sometimes when it's needed." She tells.

"Well, you were really great. I liked it a lot." He affirms with a smile.


He takes a sip of beer to think about what else to talk to her, since he knows she will not start the conversation.

"Talking about work. I want you to be sincere and don't worry about me telling Greg or other supers about it. What's your career plan? Where do you see yourself in the future?" He asks.

"I'm not sure… I think a super would be good. Airport agents don't have much to think forward. Being a manager is too distant." She answers.

"As I could observe, you're more than capable of being a super. You already are, but still in a white uniform. Do you wish to be a manager?"

"I would be lying if I told you I didn't want to grow that way. Who doesn't? But until then, we should just do our best with the opportunities we have." She wisely answered him, and he liked the answer. He takes another sip of beer.

"A little base like yours is good because you end up being multi-skilled. You're way more advanced than your fellow workers, and even than other leaders from other bases."

"On bigger bases, the volume of situations, passengers, and flights are way bigger as well. That's why it was necessary to put well-divided sectors to keep things organized… Well, I shouldn't be explaining what you know better than me. Sorry." He chuckles at her answer.

"You're right. But bigger bases have other kinds of problems. The staff are not loyal, and doing things unnoticed is easier." He tells.

"I can imagine…" She answers, thinking how she can be talking about this with the CEO.

"Would you like to change bases?" He asks, trying to get more things from her, trying to get closer somehow.

"Sometimes I thought of the Zealand base, because of the beaches and mountains. My brother and I love these kinds of things."

Zealand base… Hum. Probably almost the same size as Cankyoto's base. Why don't you try?" He says, agreeing that it is a nice little city.

"I don't know… Many things to think about, and my brother needs to be more mature to face a… restart." She tolls softly. He remembers that they lost their family, and are alone in this world. He feels she fears hurting her brother somehow." But I'll talk to him about this. For now, I'll keep doing my best here." She tries to brush off the subject. He thinks of telling her he knows a bit of her story, but he stops himself, imagining she would probably feel awkward.

"I understand. Well…" He says softly, but then stands up to help her carry a machine, so she wears it with a specific case.

"Thanks… If I may, you're different from other CEOs. Everyone was happy to be noticed by you. And coming to our party made them feel you're closer to us. I'm sure they will work more proudly." She tells him with a small smile, after finishing packing her stuff.

"I'm still learning, and will always be learning. I think that visiting your base made me realize where to look for inspiration and answers." He says, smiling at her too.

His interest in her grew stronger. He feels he will not have more than that from her that night, though, being one of the reasons he's more interested. But he also feels that she has more than it looks.

She has an energy that makes him watch her all day, get closer, smell her breath, and feel the warmth of her body. Things are escalating fast for him there.

"What the hell?" He thinks.

He helps her to carry her equipment outside, and he is shocked to see her Harley. She uses the cart attached to the side to put her equipment.

"Wow! You're a biker. You keep impressing me more and more. Which one is that?" He asks.

"An Iron1200. It's my baby. Someday, I'll have a Heritage or Sport Glide, but I can't afford it yet." She says petting her hand on the bike like it was a pet.

"Awesome. I have a CVO Limited, but it stays at home as decoration since I don't use it much." He tells. She makes an" o" with her mouth, hiding her naïveness. She's talking to one of the richest men. He can be compared to a multi-billionaire prince." Would you like a CVO?" He asks her. She laughs impressively.

"What biker wouldn't? But it's way out of my reach." She says.

"All right. When you come to Saint York, I'll let you ride it." He said with a conviction that soon they would see each other again. He takes his cellphone, a really expensive one, Aika wants to take it from his hand and study it all over." Your number?" He asks.

Her voice misses for a moment, but then she tells her number. She feels a buzz inside her pocket, then pulls out her simple, but efficient, cellphone. It's a message from an unknown number.

"This is my private number. If you need anything, tell me. Don't pass this number to anyone, please. My cell phone from work gives me headaches already with so many calls and messages. -

"Sure… I imagine." She nods.

Silence comes after that.

"Will you work tomorrow? Actually, today." He asks, trying to remove the tension. She nods." Great. See you later, then. I'll be taking the flight to Saint York from 10 am. Put me on a nice aisle seat, and bring my boarding pass." He tells, flagging a cab.

"All right." She answers. A cab stops, they give good night to each other, and he leaves.

She hops on her bike, thinking what the hell just happened? She asks herself if she should have let her curiosity know where he wanted to go with her.

But she knows that any closer he might notice she's an Enchantress, and she doesn't want to leave her job, putting her brother through hard times again.

He must be a player, she thinks, and she's not interested in superficial things. For her, it's a waste of life.

When she was about to arrive at her building, she noticed a group of punks talking to a man wearing a black leather jacket, black pants and shoes. As she passes, their eyes turn to her. She looks to the leader of the group, he gives her a light nod and she understands the message.


She doesn't turn to her street, she goes forward and in the rearview, she can see the man in black talk the group off and start walking in the direction she went.

"Vampire." She tells herself. She could sense that just through his eyes.