Aika had a hard life… She was born with the gift of magic, being capable of executing and mastering most styles of magic, which is very rare since most of them are apt to do one style of magic. The covenant where her family belonged took advantage of her gift, training her with methods that were painful physically and mentally. When her mother found out what they were doing to her daughter, she left the covenant. However, Aika’s mother was raised all her life inside a covenant and never had to depend on herself to live. Her father was a common human, he met her mother by chance in a coffee shop and when he found out how she lived, he took the opportunity of never having to work again to sustain anyone. But when she decided to leave the covenant, he became worse and worse, drinking too much, having affairs, and being abusive, until he abandoned them when her mother got pregnant again. Aika had to start to work very young to help sustain her family, but the worst came when her mother died of cancer when Aidan, her little brother, was only 2. At only 18 years old, she had to face many battles to sustain her little brother and raise him with love. After many hard times, Aika finally found a job good enough to sustain her and Aidan, working in Alpha Airways. She just didn’t imagine that her life would have a huge turnover there too.
Cankyoto is a charming little city, known for its bars and nightclubs, and also the factory wing of the city. It has a small airport, which holds mostly national flights and few international flights, but even little it's a busy airport. One of the biggest-known airlines is Alpha Airways. It's the one that has the newest technologies in the market, with good airplanes and with the best customer service. The only thing that needs improvement, like in any airline, is the system, according to Aika Moonhild.
Aika is an airport agent, nothing less than a security agent that checks in passengers, tags their bags, and then boards them onto the airplane. Looks like a simple job, but only airport agents know how fast-paced and, sometimes, controlled chaos things can become.
After delivering one more flight on time, Grant, the supervisor, and Aika's boss congratulated the team on the victory. Aika sits to rest a bit and gives a relieved sigh.
"All flights on time. I'm glad I don't have to make reports to the manager about delayed flights." Grant says after having a sip of water.
"Yeah. But there are reports of vouchers and some e-mails to send to other bases." Aika tells.
"Let's go. So we don't make extras and leave soon. I want my home." He says, standing up again. Aika checks if her coworkers need any help before leaving with Grant. As they're walking, they chat." You're quick to think and act. If we had to wait for Paul to tell us about the load sheet, we would delay the closing of the doors for a minute or two. Luckily, you know the process. I wish everyone here were like that." He speaks.
"Thanks, Bosley. Hire more nerds like me, then." She says and he chuckles.
They arrive at the office. Everyone is already chatting happily because of the end of one more day of work. Aika sits in a position with a computer next to Grant's. A coworker brings all the vouchers to Aika, regardless of how many there are. Aika thanks her a lot and starts doing the reports. Everyone leaves for their homes first, but Grant and Aika stay to finish all the reports and system checking.
"Tomorrow we have four flights with high reservations. I need you to do the same, keep everything organized so nothing gets delayed." Grant tells her.
"Tomorrow is my day off, Bosley." She says with a laugh, and he curses for that, making her laugh more.
"Oh man… You're my right hand." Grant says tiredly, just to imagine the next day.
"Sah and Josh will be there tomorrow. They're great." She says.
"Yeah. They will have to make up for it. But hey, I need you for the online meeting tomorrow morning. Don't forget. You're my focal agent." He says as she stands up, taking off her blazer.
"Sure." She says, taking her purse.
"Oh and another thing. About the company's annual party in two weeks. I heard you were hired as a DJ by another super." He spoke standing up and walking towards her.
"Yeah. Need to save money for Aidan's next year's tuition." She answers. When she looks at him, she can see he's worried.
"You should be enjoying the party and resting with us." He says softly.
"Last year I did the same. Don't worry." She shrugs her shoulders.
"Exactly. You did the same… You need to try to relax more." He says and she smiles. Grant is not only a good supervisor, but he's also a good person and is worried as a friend.
"Thanks, Gra. Really. I'll try to relax more, but I'll need this money. Next time, maybe." She says.
She leaves saying goodbye and Grant says goodbye sighing, knowing she will not relax so soon. She really appreciates the worry, it's not like she doesn't want to relax, but she knows she can't waste the chance of getting extra money. She also avoids spending too much of her off time with people from work because she's not much into the things they like too.
She goes to one of the few selfish things she did for herself… Her Harley, her baby.
She rides back to the building where she lives, then parks her Harley in the underground parking lot. She walks back outside and then goes to the front gate, then goes up the stairs, since the building doesn't have an elevator.
On her floor, she finally gets to the front door of her apartment. Taking her keys and then opening the door, stepping into the kitchen, she hears running.
"Hey, sis!!" A boy jumps on her, hugging her waist. He has dark short blond hair, but blue eyes like Aika.
"Hey, bro! How was school today?" She asks with a genuine tender smile.
"Boring, as always. Students make fun of me because I'm smart, but want me around because they want answers from tests." He answers, and that makes her laugh.
Aidan is only 7 years old, but he's very mature for his age. When he was only 2, their mother died. Their father ran away with another woman when their mother discovered she was pregnant with Aidan.
Aika was 18 when her mother died and raised her brother by herself. Aika had to leave traditional colleges to work and sustain them, but she decided to go through courses that would help her have a job more easily, like administration, even if her thing is arts and technology. She doesn't complain at all, because this way, now she can give her brother a good life. Aidan wants to grow up faster to help his beloved sister. He studies hard just like her. He's self-sustained for many things already.
"Well, today is Friday. Tomorrow you don't have school, and it's MY DAY OFF!" Aika says, and they cheer together.
"Doritos?" He asks.
"And pizza?" She asks and they give a high-five in agreement." I'll go shower, and you choose the movie! Then we can play" The Last of Us" from where we stopped." She says, walking to the corridor after putting her shoes in the closet on the wall next to the door.
"It's a deal!" He says, happy.
Aika washes her long red hair, relaxing in the cold water. She tries to take good care of her skin and body, keeping herself healthy with good food and exercise. One day or another, she has some junk food with her brother to relax and have fun. Aidan is also very healthy. Every day, Aika prepares balanced meals for them.
They have a lot of fun together until very late. When he falls asleep on the couch, she carries him to his bedroom. She goes to her own bedroom and opens her notebook to start studying. She could finish college online, but sideways she learns what she loves, which is technology, arts for games, and music.
The next day, she enjoyed free time with her brother. They went hiking together for meditation.
Aika is an Enchantress, her mother was also one, and Aidan also has magical powers, so she's teaching him how to control his powers. They know a few people who have powers in Cankyoto. They're always hidden, so people who like to use their powers for selfish benefits do not find them. Unfortunately, Aika knows very well how bad and selfish other wizards can be.
On the following days, Aika worked normally. The manager and supervisors always relied on her very much. The manager himself chose her to hire, and he's very proud of her, seeing her as a supervisor very soon.
After several more days, the base of Cankyoto had an unthinkable visit.