
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Determination choice

Early morning. I woke up to the chirping of birds and felt discomfort throughout my body.

"Ouch... Damn, is it muscle soreness?"

Perhaps it was the result of practicing swordsmanship with Saber last night. I feel a tingling pain in my arms, legs, and back. Not only that, but upon closer inspection, there are bruises and scratches scattered all over my body.

A duet of muscle soreness from using muscles I don't normally use and wounds from being struck with a bamboo sword. It's quite tough, but I can still move. If I were to complain about this level of pain, I would only be laughed at.

With determination, I get out of bed and stretch, taking a deep breath. The cold winter air fills my lungs, completely awakening my groggy mind. Shaking my head, I glance at the clock and see that I still have plenty of time. At this rate, I'll even have some change left after making breakfast.

Calculating breakfast in my mind, I change my clothes and head out of the room towards the kitchen. Yesterday, due to the commotion, I ended up eating leftovers, so there's nothing left for breakfast. I'll just make a simple side dish or two and rely on furikake and miso soup for the rest.


I hear a sound, a clattering noise, just as I'm about to enter the living room. It's unusual for someone to be awake at this time.

"Good morning, senpai."

"Ah, good morning, Sakura."

When I slide open the fusuma, there stands my familiar junior. Judging by her apron and holding a ladle, she must be in the midst of preparing breakfast.

As I look to the side, I see a pot on the stove. It seems she has just started making miso soup. In that case, maybe I can help... Wait a minute. Wasn't Sakura unwell?

"S-Sakura!? Are you... okay?"

"Yes, I just had a slight cold, so I'm fine now. I'm sorry for worrying you."

Sakura bows as she speaks. Her smiling face looks genuinely lively.

But... why is Sakura here? What on earth does this mean? Just yesterday, we almost defeated Shinji and Rider. In such a situation, would Shinji really send his own sister to the enemy Master's house?

"Sakura, did that guy say anything?"

"Huh? Aniki... I mean, my brother... he hasn't come home since yesterday..."

"He hasn't come home? That guy?"

It's strange. Rider suffered such serious injuries, and Shinji himself has no means to fight back. He should have had no choice but to seek refuge in his own house.

But there's no trace of a lie in Sakura's expression. So, does that mean he really hasn't come home? Perhaps he's intentionally avoiding his own home and being sheltered by Caster or Lancer. If he was considering Saber's pursuit, that possibility is also quite likely.

"Yes. Lately, my brother hasn't been coming home... More importantly, I apologize for causing trouble for you and the others. Today, I'll make breakfast for everyone, just like old times. Senpai, please take it easy and rest."

With a clenched fist, Sakura says so while smiling brightly. She seems full of energy, and there doesn't seem to be any involvement with Shinji in the cause of her resting. There's no need to press her further.

...What were you thinking, my loyal junior?

In my mind, the smile I was about to show freezes.

No matter what Shinji does or what position he ends up in, the fact remains that he is Sakura's older brother. But the reality is that he and I have become enemies... What sorrow will Sakura experience when she finds out?

I thought I had made up my mind. There's no doubt that I must stop Shinji. But if that leads to... taking Shinji's life. How can I face Sakura after that?

"...I see. In that case, I'll leave breakfast to you. But if you're still not feeling well, be sure to tell me. I don't want your cold to relapse."

Within my rigid thoughts, I manage to come up with just that.

"Yes, please leave it to me, senpai."

Without noticing the strained tone in my voice, Sakura turns to the half-made miso soup and resumes cooking. She seems to be in a good mood, even humming a tune.

Normally, many people would find cooking bothersome, but in our household, it's quite the opposite. Cooking is more like entertainment. That's why conflicts often arise in the kitchen. Lately, I've had fewer opportunities for Sakura to make breakfast for me, so I can entrust her with this.

...And above all, if I spend any more time with Sakura, I won't be able to hide my emotions.


"...Hey, isn't something strange about this?"

In response to my soft voice, Archer chews his pickles in silence. He doesn't utter a word, but the intense discomfort in the air gives away his dissatisfaction.

Looking around, both Tohsaka and Saber wear bitter expressions. At this breakfast table where cheerful conversations should be exchanged, everyone remains silent, exuding a sense of disgust. It's clearly abnormal.

However, there is one exception.

"Senpai, how about this spinach dish? I had some delicious spinach, so I tried making it."

With a smiling face, my junior offers me breakfast. In this abnormal atmosphere, Sakura alone remains as she always is... No, that wording is misleading. Among the people present, Sakura is the only one who stands out.

Only she seems completely unaware. Sakura, who is usually adept at reading the atmosphere, cannot sense the prevailing mood, which is something unprecedented.


Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Tohsaka puts down her utensils and asks Sakura with a serious look in her eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"Um... What do you mean, Tohsaka senpai?"

"This. Don't you feel anything about it?"

Tohsaka points at the dish of spinach that Sakura just offered me. Sakura, who doesn't seem to understand what she's being pointed out, wears a confused expression. The fatal gap, which she alone fails to notice, becomes apparent.

With a tilt of her head, Sakura tries a bite of the spinach. While she chews the spinach under everyone's gaze, she only wears a puzzled expression, completely unaware of the dissonance.

"Well... I think it's just a normal dish. Did it not suit your taste? If so, I'm sorry."

Apologizing with a dejected expression... but she's not intentionally doing this. It's not a joke. Sakura truly doesn't understand what is wrong. It feels not so much frustrating as it does unsettling to see Sakura, who usually appears cheerful, acting as if nothing is amiss.

"Hey, Sakura. I tasted this, right?"

"Yes, I intended it to be as usual..."

"It's too strong. How much salt and soy sauce did you use?

And it's not just the spinach. The pickles, the miso soup, the salt-grilled salmon... Everything is unbelievably strong in flavor.

...Hey, Sakura. Maybe you're feeling unwell?"


Suddenly, color drains from Sakura's face. She looks at each of our faces in turn, then turns her gaze back to the food. An expression of fear appears on her pale face.

There were indeed mistakes like this when she first came to this house. But recently, I don't recall any fatal mistakes in all the dishes, let alone all of them. Besides, even if there were mistakes, she should have noticed them during the taste test. The fact that she doesn't... Could it be that something is wrong with Sakura's condition?

"Sakura, if you're not feeling well, please don't hesitate to say so. I'll get a thermometer and a towel right away! Saber or Archer, either of you, please carry Sakura to her room!"

As Tohsaka, who rushed around the table, takes hold of Sakura's body with a serious expression, I panic and rush to the washroom.

I quickly fill a basin with water and wring out a towel. When I return in a hurry, Saber is already carrying Sakura away. Holding the basin and towel, I follow closely behind.

I should have realized it sooner. Sakura was so unwell that she couldn't even leave the house until yesterday. There was no way a sick person like her could recover enough to cook in just one day. If I had thought about it calmly, I would have understood.

Perhaps due to my preoccupation with Shinji, I hadn't paid enough attention. I was convinced that Sakura was resting because of Shinji's influence, and even after realizing that wasn't the case, my focus remained on that matter. I neglected Sakura's well-being, and that's entirely my fault.

...With this, I'm not fit to be a senpai. I've been so preoccupied with the future that I couldn't see what was right in front of me. How can I protect others when I've been neglecting my own junior, treating her with contempt and uncertainty?

...I feel as though those serpent-like eyes are watching me.


"...38.5 degrees. Maybe the cold has relapsed."

Tohsaka, who came out of the living room, sighed and showed me the thermometer. If it were just a simple cold, it would be fine, but with such a high fever, it could possibly be the flu or something else.

"I would like to take her to the hospital... but honestly, it's not a good idea to take her out of this house right now."

"Especially when Fujinee isn't here. It's just bad timing..."

I had thought that Fujinee wouldn't show up, but just a while ago, she called me while taking care of Sakura. It seems that Shinji regained consciousness last night and immediately went to the hospital in the morning, so she didn't stop by here. She will be staying at the hospital today and won't be able to come to school until much later.

It's an unexpected stroke of luck that Fujinee is unlikely to be involved in the upcoming battle that could potentially harm other students. Otherwise, I would have had to come up with a way to keep her away from school. But on the other hand, the option of entrusting Sakura to Fujinee is no longer available.

"Oh, right. Shall we ask Fujinee's housekeeper? If we ask Leiga-jii, he'll probably send someone over here."

"Fujimura-sensei's housekeeper?"

"Yeah, that's right. They have a housekeeper who's familiar with Sakura, so it should be fine."

"Hmm... I guess we can't afford to hesitate in this situation. Then I'll leave that to you, Shirou. By the way, how was Ayako doing? She went to the hospital, right?"

Tohsaka seems particularly concerned and keeps asking about her friend. Slightly overwhelmed by her persistent questioning, I can only tell her what I know at the moment.

"I only heard that she regained consciousness. I don't know the details, but we'll have to wait for Fujinee to come back to get more information."

"I see... Well, it's good that she's recovering. If it was just her life force being drained, once she regains consciousness, her body will naturally get better. Later, let's ask Fujimura-sensei for more details."

With preparations to attend to today, Tohsaka continues, "Well, I have things to do now..."

"Hey, Tohsaka."

Interrupting her as she tries to continue the conversation. Hm? She tilts her head, but her composure remains unchanged.

Concern for Sakura, and preparations to fight Shinji. She handles both without hesitation or wavering. Doesn't she have any thoughts or concerns about it? Tohsaka should know that Shinji is Sakura's brother.

She's not resolute. She can't take the final step. Unable to suppress the growing doubts any longer, I speak up.

"Tohsaka, are you okay with fighting Shinji if it comes to that?"

"What are you saying all of a sudden? We're not the ones who picked a fight. I'll make him pay a high price, that's for sure.

...But asking me that now. I guess you're still worried about Sakura?"

She sees through my inner thoughts in an instant. I let out a sigh, unable to hide my agitation and turning my gaze away.

"I understand what you're trying to say, Shirou. I don't want to do anything that would make her sad either.

But... even if something were to happen to Shinji... that would be a result he chose for himself. He chose to step into the battle and fight. And by choosing methods that involve ordinary people, he can no longer make excuses. If Shinji really intends to use the boundary... as the overseer, I have a duty to stop him."

So, I'm prepared to face criticism and condemnation... that resolve is already within me. It is evident in Tohsaka's eyes.

Unlike me, she has already accepted the path she must choose as Tohsaka Rin, a magus. Even if it leads to Sakura's sadness, she will not deviate from her responsibilities. Her strength, which is uncharacteristic of a girl her age, is perhaps the reason she is a Master.

"In that case, I'll get started on the preparations soon. I'll leave Sakura to you, Shirou."

She nods to herself as if reminding herself and then turns on her heel. Without saying another word, she heads towards the living room. After seeing her off, I turn my gaze to the closed sliding door.

I... can't clearly make a decision like that. Shinji is my friend, and Sakura is my junior. If it were just a matter of Shinji being my friend, I wouldn't have hesitated this much. But... the consequences of my fight with him will affect someone else. The existence of a person relies on their connections with others.

It's not just Sakura. Shinji has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. If he suddenly disappears from their lives without any explanation... and if I can't even talk about the Holy Grail War itself, the cause of it all...

"But I have to stop him."

However, that applies to the many people Shinji is involving as well. The sacrifice of hundreds of students' lives and the tragedies it will bring. I absolutely must prevent that.

Maybe he will have a change of heart. Perhaps he will realize the weight of his actions... but it's probably futile to hold onto such hope. I witnessed firsthand that Shinji's sense of ethics has completely collapsed.

"Can I do it?"

Sakura, who fell ill with a high fever. Normally, if something like this happened, I would take Sakura to the hospital, even if it meant skipping school... But today, that's not an option. I have to stop the guy who is trying to involve many students, Sakura's brother, with my own hands.

Sakura's feelings and the lives of hundreds of students. I understand. Choosing either one is impossible in reality. It's different from yesterday, when I was filled with fighting spirit. Now that I have become calm, I must reach a conclusion based on careful thought.

"...Well, things are getting quite interesting, aren't they, that girl?"

Suddenly, a voice from behind. I involuntarily flinch at Archer's voice echoing from behind me.

"Don't startle me... And hey, you could have helped a bit instead of just watching."

"Hah, you expect me, a king, to attend to the affairs of a mongrel like her? Don't make me laugh. Offering such filth to me would be a sin deserving of death... However, that girl still has potential. That's why I'll overlook this rudeness for now. But don't misunderstand. You mongrels exist to serve and obey me, not the other way around."

Hmph, Archer spits out disdainfully. I'm amazed, not just at his incredible arrogance, but also at the fact that he has been like this from before I lost my memories. Anyone who had dealings with him before must have had a hard time.

"So, how is the girl's condition?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, her fever is a bit high, but it's just a regular cold, I think. Maybe it relapsed because she insisted on cooking and exerted herself."

"Hmph, just... a... cold. Is that how it appears to you?"

Suddenly, after expressing concern for Sakura, Archer nods as if satisfied. I still can't understand this Servant's thoughts.

"Well, never mind. What about the time? Can you afford to be caught up in trivial matters, mongrel?"

"...Yeah, you're right. I've been taking care of Sakura, so time is getting tight. I should go soon."

Time is crucial for today's operation. It's a strategy to infiltrate the enemy's territory, and since we are outnumbered, we need to constantly take the initiative and maintain control. Tohsaka released her familiar last night to monitor the school, but there doesn't seem to be any unusual activity. The enemy probably plans to appear after the scheduled start of classes when the students have gathered. The more students there are, the more magical energy they can absorb.

We have to strike the moment they reveal themselves. If we don't defeat Rider quickly, the students will be in danger. But on the other hand, once we defeat Rider, all my concerns will be eliminated.

"I'll be discussing things with Tohsaka downstairs, so Archer, join us soon. I know you understand, but time is running out."

As I emphasize this, Archer waves his hand casually. Taking it as a sign of affirmation, I turn on my heel and head towards the living room. Tohsaka made the plan last night, but we need to go over the final details before putting it into action.

However, for some reason... I couldn't help but be bothered by Archer's meaningful gaze towards the guest room.


The strategy devised by Tohsaka was straightforward and clear.

For Rider to activate the bounded field, she needs to appear at the school. However, the bounded field is still incomplete, and even if forced to activate it, it will take time to take effect. During that time, Rider must avoid being seen in public, and the secluded grove at the back of the school becomes a suitable candidate.

The grove contains the focal point of the bounded field. It is the perfect place to activate the bounded field discreetly. Therefore, it is only natural for us to lie in wait there and set up traps.

If Rider blindly rushes in, that's fine. Tohsaka's trap combined with the two Servants' coordinated assault will be enough. Even if Caster and Lancer appear simultaneously, we can handle them with the advantage of the terrain. Even if Archer uses spatial teleportation to launch a surprise attack, if the manifestation point is here, it will be like a moth flying into a flame.

On the other hand, if Rider tries to activate the bounded field from a different focal point, the options are limited. As soon as other Servants step foot inside the school, we will be able to sense their presence. They might be able to do the same, but since we are already inside the school grounds, we have the advantage of striking first. We can attack faster than Rider can reach any focal point. Even if Rider could activate the bounded field instantly without using a focal point, we would still have the advantage of taking the initiative.

In the first place, it doesn't matter if Rider doesn't appear here or if she tries to escape. If Rider cannot acquire enough magical energy, there is a possibility she will naturally disappear. If she seeks assistance from Caster, who seems to be gathering magical energy, we can undermine the overall strength of that faction. Of course, in that case, we will need to devise the next strategy.

In other words, no matter which choice Rider makes, it is not inconvenient for us. Tohsaka's strategic insight, which demonstrated a significant restriction on the enemy's movements with just a simple ambush, is truly remarkable. Archer might be capable of it, but I couldn't come up with such a profound idea.


Before the battle begins, we want to avoid revealing our presence here. Ambushes only hold meaning when they have the element of surprise.

To mitigate that risk, Tohsaka cast concealment magic on both herself and me, then circled around to the back of the school, avoiding attention, and moved to the archery dojo once classes had started. The visibility is slightly limited, but from here, we can oversee the entire schoolyard, and with careful placement, our presence cannot be seen from outside, and students rarely come this way. It's an ideal location for monitoring the school while remaining hidden.

All that's left is for them to appear, not missing the signs of their arrival...

"Hey, Tohsaka, do you really think Rider and the others will come here?"

"They will."

Without a moment's hesitation, she answered.

We are at the entrance of the archery dojo, while Saber and Archer are positioned a little farther away for surveillance. If anything unusual happens, they will come flying immediately. However, even without any signs of their arrival, Tohsaka confidently asserted her belief.

I understand that. They say a cornered rat will bite, and someone pushed to their limit will do anything. They might even massacre all the students at the school.

...However, even so. I still can't easily believe that my old friends would commit such heinous acts. The feeling of not wanting to accept reality remains within me.

"I get it, Tohsaka. This bounded field can dissolve human beings indiscriminately within the school. But doesn't that contradict the fundamental principle of concealing the mysteries for mages?"

My words were an attempt to deny the possibility, a somewhat flimsy argument. Unlike me, Tohsaka had already accepted reality, and she merely shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Shirou, mages aren't good people. I don't know what your father was like, but... certainly, concealing the mysteries takes priority over everything else. You're right about that. But, you know... in other words, as long as the... myst... is concealed, that's enough."

"That... is..."

"Even if it means killing one or two people, as long as the secret is preserved, it's fine. Erasing witnesses is even encouraged... I don't want to do such a thing. If all the people at the school were to be killed, it would be difficult to cover it up. But if we can come up with a plausible explanation... like terrorists releasing poison gas, or the school collapsing due to a sudden ground subsidence. If we can fabricate such evidence, we can at least conceal the connection to magecraft. In the common sense of mages, as long as we can do that, there won't be any problem."

In a composed manner, Tohsaka continued. Her cold gaze affirmed that she was undoubtedly an elite mage, distinct from someone like me, who was merely an apprentice.

Even if it means losing a whole school... sacrificing hundreds of students, as long as the connection to magecraft remains hidden, it's the end of the matter. There won't be anyone to condemn or pass judgment. Those who know about the victims will be left hating something that doesn't exist, blaming an imaginary disaster or nonexistent terrorists. They will trample countless hatred and sorrow underfoot, while the true culprits live on unperturbed.

...That's it. If such things have been repeated countless times throughout history, not just in the Holy Grail War, but with mages committing atrocities themselves, I can't help but feel that they are unforgivable existences.

"I understand your feelings, Shirou. But what we can do now is to stop those idiots from doing such foolish things."

She noticed my clenched fist. Tohsaka said that while maintaining her composure.

...However. I also sensed a slight tremor in her fist, and I felt the faint anger inside me recede. Tohsaka feels anger towards those who treat human lives as mere toys, just like I do. While she has the resolve of a mage, whether she will actually commit such atrocities depends on the individual. And the Tohsaka I know is not the type of person who would condone such evil deeds.

Suppressing my anger, I try to face reality calmly, just as Tohsaka does. The dimly lit emotion that had stirred within me felt somewhat disgraceful.

"Yeah, you're right. We need to stop this bounded field."

"That's right. Now that you understand, let's end this discussion here... By the way, Shirou, how did you even muster the courage to come here? To be honest, you didn't seem like yourself yesterday."

As she brushed her long hair aside, Tohsaka now looked slightly worried. Apparently, I was quite disturbed yesterday.

Certainly, there is a sense of fear towards that unknown creature. The instinct that touching it would result in death is probably not wrong. If it's as Saber suspected, that thing might appear again in the battle to come. I have no confidence that I would survive another encounter with it.


"More than that, this bounded field is more important, right? If we leave it alone, we don't know how many more lives will be lost."


Hearing that, the girl's expression tightened for some reason.

A gentle breeze passed through the rooftop. However, without attempting to fix her slightly disheveled black hair, Tohsaka gazed at me with serious eyes.

"Shirou, are you really willing to risk your life for the sake of others, even if it means facing death?"

"Yeah. If someone gets hurt while I'm hesitating, it's better to risk my life. It's naive to think that you can help someone while being picky about the means."

Behind my closed eyelids, a splendid golden shadow appeared.

"If you say you want to save people from being Servants, then being fixated on the means is the greatest folly."

That's right, he's right. Whether it's my own power or the help of a Servant, ultimately it's meaningless if I can't help people. If I had realized this earlier and made a decision, I might have been able to stop Shinji and prevent Miyu and others from getting involved. I could have protected many people without teetering on the edge like this in front of the bounded field.

However, reality didn't turn out that way. I couldn't stop Shinji, Miyu fell into his clutches, and the lives of hundreds of students in this school were put in danger. Simply risking my life won't be enough to make up for it.

"...You really are strange, Shirou."

Tohsaka muttered softly. Her voice carried both coldness and pity in equal measure.

"I'm fine. I've been preparing for this battle for years, and I'm ready for it. Shinji probably knew about the Holy Grail War, and he must have had his own reasons to fight.

But you're different. Even though you're basically an amateur, you were suddenly dragged into this battle and yet you're willing to risk your life without hesitation. And not for your own sake, but for the sake of unrelated others."

"No... I'm not fighting for the sake of others."

That's right. If Masters seek the Holy Grail for their own wishes, my wish is simply to "help people."

On that night of flames, souls spilled over. There were too many lives to be scooped up with my small hands. But now... now I have bigger hands than back then. If there is even one life that I can save with these hands. If my hands can reach them, I won't hesitate.


"I just don't want to see someone die for an unreasonable reason anymore."

I've seen enough scenes of lives being lost. Many people died in this Holy Grail War. It's enough for people to die in such futile conflicts. That's the only reason, a very simple reason.

In the hell ten years ago, innocent people died. But even in such a terrible situation, I survived. I was saved. So, surely... it's my turn to be the ally of Emiya Kiritsugu's justice.

...That's all it is, but Tohsaka.

"If that's the case, are you saying that you're willing to die for it?"

Her gaze turned hostile as she looked firmly at me.

"No, that's not--"

"It is. Shirou is saying exactly that.

...Yes, I finally understand now. You're not an ordinary person. No matter how good someone may be, their own life is always a factor. Rather, it's precisely because they have themselves at the core that they can be good people.

But Shirou is different. It's not that others are more important to you than yourself; you don't even consider yourself. Because you don't care about yourself, you can easily throw away your life."

In a low, flat voice, Tohsaka spoke, suppressing her emotions. I wanted to retort instinctively, but I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere and could only open my mouth in vain.

If asked whether I'm treating life lightly, I can firmly say no.

If asked if I'm afraid of dying, I can admit it.

But when asked which is more important, my life or someone else's, I had no choice within me. I understand what Tohsaka means by saying that I'm strange. But for Emiya Shirou, that's common sense and everyday life.

...However, I was most astonished by the fact that I didn't question it at all and even felt it was natural.

"...Hey, Shirou. Even if it means saving people, excessive self-sacrifice is the same as a death wish. Even if someone is saved in exchange for your life. Do you think the person who was saved can genuinely be happy about it?"



Let's say I was saved by someone. Thanks to that person, I was able to survive. Like how I was saved by Kiritsugu on that hellish day.

But... in exchange for my life, that someone died. There is no one to thank or apologize to. The only one left is me, the one who was saved.

Kiritsugu died at an unbelievable speed. Perhaps I had something to do with the cause. I had vaguely sensed that even before. I can't say that I don't feel guilty.

But even if it meant sacrificing my own life. I can assert that Kiritsugu had no regrets. Because he was able to help me, he had that genuine smile--that's why I was able to come this far.

Even if the one who was saved has lingering feelings. Even if the saved person can't help but feel uneasy. There is always something left in the person who was saved.

...That's why.

"Still, if there are lives that can be saved, I want to save them. I believe that this path is not wrong," I said confidently.

"Shirou..." Tohsaka glared at me with anger. I couldn't grasp why she was so furious... I was perplexed. The cold wind brushing against my cheeks seemed to reflect her emotions.

"Step back, Rin, Shirou!"

I felt a strong push, knocking me off balance. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I found myself sitting on the ground, unable to resist.


In an instant, I could barely feel the sensation of the ground beneath me. Before I could react, something red swiftly passed by right in front of me. Moments later, a thunderous sound of wood shattering echoed through the air.

I looked beside me, stunned, and saw Tohsaka sitting there with a similarly shocked expression. And beyond her, embedded in the large tree next to the archery range, was a familiar red spear. That unmistakably belonged to Lancer...

"Tch, I didn't expect this kind of thing... to dodge that. But well, being continuously ambushed like this is starting to get pathetic."

Disdain filled the voice that resounded irritatingly. When I blinked again, there stood the familiar blue-clad warrior, calmly withdrawing his spear.

...Idiot. Until just a moment ago, there was no one there. It wasn't just a surprise attack. Lancer appeared abruptly without any indication. He didn't give off any presence, as if no one had been there from the beginning.

"Imitating Assassin's assassination techniques, huh, mongrel. Can't sense your presence... no, this must be some kind of magecraft. If so, there must be more than just you lurking in this place," Lancer spoke confidently.

With a resounding voice, Archer who was standing on the roof, clad in golden armor, looked down at us. Recognizing the golden sword gripped in his hand, my frozen mind finally began to work.

Using some means, Lancer completely erased his presence, slipping through the magical traps that Tohsaka had set up. And without giving any indication to us, he attempted to kill us. If Saber hadn't flown in at the last moment, Tohsaka and I would have been sent to the afterlife together. It was a close call, a matter of life and death.

"I'm impressed by your perception, Archer. It seems it was a shame to turn you into an enemy," Tohsaka said.

"Hah. I'll give you credit for not noticing me. But that's it. No matter what trickery you have, it's boring when there's only one seed," Archer replied.

"Well, well, it seems like you were also planning to put on a magic show, weren't you? But too bad. Before that, your seed was discovered, so don't expect applause from the audience. The difference in experience as magicians between me and that young lady over there is clear."

I wondered where they were looking. Archer, who had been glaring at us, suddenly turned his gaze in a different direction, and from nowhere, a woman's voice could be heard... Then, after a moment, a black blotch-like thing appeared in the sky.

Initially resembling mist, it gradually solidified and took on the form of a person. A woman wearing a purple robe, holding a staff. That must be Caster's Servant, the one who attacked Archer.

Archer and Caster faced each other overhead. Saber and Lancer confronted each other before us. Four Servants aimed their blades of killing intent at each other. Even one Servant with extraordinary destructive power is a force to be reckoned with, but when there are four at once, if they were to fight at full power, this forest would instantly turn into a barren wasteland.

"That's a lie. To be able to completely erase the presence of a Servant like this... and my magecraft has been completely broken," Tohsaka said, quickly realizing the situation and gritting her teeth. Her profile showed a sense of humiliation.

I hadn't been informed of the details, but several traps had been set up by Tohsaka around this archery range that had the power to affect even Servants. The fact that she managed to break through all of them, without Tohsaka herself or even Archer and Saber, who were also Servants, noticing anything, was a testament to her skill in magic. Even though they were Servants, it was an astonishing feat of magecraft.

Wait. Servants, you say...?

"Wait a minute, where is Rider...!?"

Just as I realized that and stood up abruptly...

The world was dyed in the color of blood.

"This is Rider's boundary...!?"

Saber was the first to react, her eyes widening in surprise. Reflected in her emerald eyes was nothing but red.

The previously clear sky had completely vanished. All colors disappeared, replaced by a sinister, bloody red that gave off an eerie atmosphere. The entire school, the space itself, seemed to have been overwritten by something abnormal.

This was the boundary set up by Rider. A fortress of blood, Blood Fort, which indiscriminately slaughters all humans within its range, absorbing their life force as magical energy. Everything was painted over by this blood-red hue, giving off a sense of dread.

Once it was activated, the only way to stop it was to defeat the one who activated it. Even though I was only an amateur, as a mage, I could feel its repulsiveness. The students, who had no magical power, wouldn't be able to endure it.

By a stroke of luck, this boundary is incomplete. It shouldn't be that everyone dies instantly upon activation. However, if left unchecked, the result will be the same in any case. There is only one way to prevent it... But Rider's figure is nowhere to be seen here.

"Tch, this is your doing, Caster. By completely concealing your presence, we can't locate Rider...!"

Tohsaka glared at Caster, accompanied by a clicking of her tongue. Beneath the floating robe, a cruel smirk was visible.

"I see. Lancer and Caster were meant to keep us occupied while Rider replenishes her mana through the boundary. If we can endure until Rider is restored, the three Servants will overwhelm us together. That's your plan, Caster," I said.

"That's about right... Well, how did it come to this? Why do all these battles seem so uninteresting?" Lancer responded, his tone reluctant.

In contrast to his words, Lancer's posture, poised with his spear, showed no trace of vulnerability. Regardless of his intentions, his body had adapted to the point of being ready for a deadly fight.

...The situation had taken a turn for the worse. We had set up traps, thinking we had the upper hand, but our strategy had been completely anticipated. The three Servants had come to defeat us with perfect coordination overnight. We were now on the defensive, trapped in a dire situation.

Our plan was to defeat Rider with a direct assault before she could move the boundary. If we cut off the source of mana, they would be at a disadvantage.

However, once the boundary was activated, the situation would reverse. As time passed, the mana supplied by the boundary would increase. To protect the students and with no other option, we had no choice but to attack forcefully. On the other hand, Rider's side only needed to endure. The difficulty level of victory was far too different.

"Damn it, what should we do...!"

The plan, which relied on being able to sense the enemy's location, had already failed due to Caster's concealment magecraft. It was certain that Rider was within this territory, but we didn't know where she was... Moreover, there was no reason for Caster and Lancer to let us go unnoticed.

I clenched my fist tightly, producing an unpleasant sound. Once again, people would die if we didn't defeat Rider... No matter how much I thought or acted, I couldn't stop the hands of the murderous magic. What was the point of being a hero of justice? There was a means to stop this right in front of us, but it was out of reach.

"Rider must have been weakened to her limits. So, to minimize further exhaustion, she must have activated the boundary near the origin point..."

Tohsaka pondered, seemingly regaining her composure or suppressing her impatience. Just staring each other down would only put us at a greater disadvantage with each passing moment. Caster and Lancer didn't need to fight as long as they bought time. In other words, if we didn't move, there was no way out, but without a strategy, we couldn't make a move.

The origin point. Quite literally, the place that served as the basis for the boundary. The blood curse inscribed within this territory. The location that was the key component for activating the boundary would be the most suitable.

However, Rider was not at the location that was considered the most likely. No matter how superior Caster's magecraft was, it couldn't conceal the activation of the boundary itself. Therefore, Rider must have activated the boundary at another location, where there was another blood curse. However, the boundary was incomplete and required time to absorb mana. It would be more convenient for her to be near the curse to efficiently restore mana.

The remaining blood curse. Among them, the place most convenient for Rider. A place where she wouldn't be found by others and suitable for surveillance. That place was none other than...

"The rooftop...!"

As soon as I realized it, Tohsaka seemed to reach the same conclusion. Our eyes met, and she nodded towards me. If Rider was anywhere, it had to be there.

However, we couldn't easily escape from this place. Caster's face was concealed by the robe, and Lancer, with a stony expression, played with his spear absentmindedly. But if we made a move, they would mercilessly attack us.

Saber poised her invisible sword, paying close attention to the movements of the enemy Servants. Her tensed back, reminiscent of a drawn bow, would instantly turn into an arrow and fly when the enemy made a move. Faced with Lancer, who had matched her twice before, and the enigmatic Caster, there was no way she would let her guard down.

And then, the golden archer...

"So, what are you going to do, mongrel? If you leave it be, the fools will die."

As always, he stood arrogantly on the rooftop, as if unaware of the disadvantaged situation.

An opponent he had fought once before. Moreover, one of them was Lancer, who far surpassed Archer's skill. Yet, this Servant's imposing presence remained undiminished. As I was stared at by his crimson eyes, even redder than the blood boundary, I pondered what I should do.

"What should I do...?"

"Shirou. Saber and I will take care of things here. You, together with Archer, defeat Rider," Tohsaka said, interrupting my attempt to speak. In her low voice, her words carried the reckless meaning. For a moment, my brain rejected understanding it.

"What...? You mean Saber and Tohsaka alone will face two Servants!?"

"No matter how reckless it may be, it's the only option we have. To defeat Rider, we need at least one Servant to hold these two off. And the only one capable of that is my Saber."

Tohsaka continued calmly. I couldn't argue back because there were no words to refute her. I understood myself that it was the most logical choice.

If it were just Caster alone, or maybe even Archer, we might be able to handle it somehow. But Lancer couldn't be stopped by Archer. Although he managed to block the spear of certain destruction once, it was a one-time miracle. Furthermore, in terms of pure skill, Lancer surpassed Archer. With Caster and Lancer working together, we would undoubtedly be defeated. I thought about using Noble Phantasms, but wishing for what we don't have is futile.

However, if it were Saber, it would be a different story. With her overwhelming anti-magic ability, she nullified almost all forms of magecraft, giving her a significant advantage over Caster. She might be evenly matched with Lancer, but this time, Tohsaka, who was also a Master, was there. If necessary, she still had Command Seals, and holding them off should be possible.

Tohsaka and Saber would be exposed to danger. However... I had neither time nor choices left.

"...Understood. Can I leave it to you, Tohsaka?"

"Yes. We'll definitely hold them off. In return, defeat Rider as quickly as possible. ...We don't have much time."


Tohsaka took out several jewels, took a step forward, and faced the Servants. She turned her back to me, standing side by side with Saber. Her determined posture left no room for doubt... Therefore, it forcibly made me recognize my role.

Defeat Rider. Before any students become sacrifices, before Tohsaka and Saber get injured. We had to defeat Rider's Servant as soon as possible.

If we couldn't... the scene from that night awaited us. Many people burned in flames, writhing in agony, losing even their human form. Among the faceless victims, familiar faces would be added. The teacher who helped me, the classmates I got along with. That, I absolutely couldn't forgive.

The hero of justice. The hero everyone needed. Such idealistic notions were required... now, at this very moment. The people to protect and the evil to defeat were clear. What did it mean to be a hero of justice if I couldn't even do this?

"...Let's go, Archer. Defeat Rider and stop this boundary."

"Hm. You speak of not killing even the Servants, but now you seem to have made up your mind. If you were to keep spouting such nonsense at a time like this, I would have cut off your head with my own hands."

"But that's fine, mongrel. Rider's Master is your friend, right? If you continue down this path... you will end up killing your own friend."

"Well, that..."

In a calm and indifferent tone, the reality was mercilessly thrown at me, as if discussing today's weather. Its weight pressed on me, colder than an iceberg, even more than the words threatening to kill me... The weight of the choice I was about to make.

His inhuman, demonic eyes pierced through me with the sharpness of a blade. His cruelty made it clear above all else. If I chose this path... there would be no turning back.

I happened to be involved in the Holy Grail War. I fought against Servants because I didn't want to die. Such excuses no longer held any weight. No matter what noble cause or situation there might be. What I was trying to do contained the potential to kill... It was by no means an act that could be forgiven.


"It doesn't matter. If Shinji were to say he wants to kill many people..."

I clenched my fist. The path I should choose had long since been decided. Helping people was the way I existed as a human being. And if I let Shinji and Rider go... countless lives that could have been saved would be lost.

The words I tried to say to bring him back echoed emptily. My determination to stop my friend was met with a blade of murderous intent. At that moment, our relationship was decisively broken. Shinji Matou became a heinous murderer... and Shirou Emiya became a magus who would defeat him.

In the battle of yesterday, I couldn't stop Shinji. I had the resolve to stop him, but I hesitated until the very end about the choice to take his life. However, I no longer had the luxury to hesitate.

The boundary had been activated. That meant he had surpassed the final battle. Crushing and exploiting the lives of many for the sake of his ego. It was not just me who couldn't turn back anymore.

If you continue to obstruct us, there will be no mercy. Even if it makes people think poorly of me, I, with my own will, will harm those who harm others.

"I will defeat him with my own hands."

"Well said. Despite your incompetence, immaturity, and twistedness... You have still made the decision to bear your own sins and choose a path. In that case, I, too, as a Servant, must respond accordingly."

Saying so with a sarcastic smile, the golden archer landed gracefully.

Here we go again. This hero always presents me with inconvenient truths, challenges my doubts, scolds me... Even though it may seem like he's pushing me away, he's waiting just a step ahead.

Acting as he pleased, not listening to others, seeming to work alone... Yet, always looking far ahead, showing a clear path without hesitation. He was more like a king guiding humans than a Servant following a magus.

"...And what about it? Do you think we will let you go?"

On the other hand, despite having stared down Archer until just now, Caster, ignored like a roadside stone, emitted an aura of anger.

A hand imbued with ominous magic power emerged from beneath her robe. It emitted a visible light, unmistakably a precursor to magecraft. Despite being trapped in the boundary, in the calm air, a storm of magic power was about to unleash.

"Hmph, the witch seems displeased. Well, if you're going to be so cocky, anyone would get angry. I don't feel like it either... but this time, I agree with Caster. Do you think you can escape, you bastard?"

"You're going too far with your pointless talk, Lancer. I'll let it slide this time... but if you ever call me a witch again, I'll give you a fitting punishment."

"Oh, scary, scary. Then let's get this show on the road."

In the tense atmosphere, Lancer made light of the situation. His nonchalant attitude in the face of Caster's anger was an uncharacteristically frivolous demeanor for a warrior on the brink of death. However, contrary to his tone, Lancer slowly aimed the tip of his spear towards us.

The matter of Saber and her Master had nothing to do with this. That man's target was me and Archer from the beginning. If "Gate of Skye" was unleashed, their victory would be assured at that moment.

"You fools. It's you who are underestimating us, you mongrels."


Despite that, Archer, as if ignoring it completely, directed a scornful expression. Caster, who held her anger back, and Lancer, who looked bewildered... This man utterly looked down upon them. Perhaps he didn't even feel threatened.

His boundless confidence was that of a king towering in the heavens. It was a composure far removed from the current situation, which was attempting to flee.

"You mongrels may gather in a pack, but you're nothing more than a crowd of insignificance. Do you think you can defeat that woman?"

"--Indeed, Saber. There is no reason for a Heroic Spirit like you to be outmatched by rabble like them. If anything, I wouldn't mind slaughtering those two mongrels right there."

So he said. Saber herself was more surprised than anyone by those arrogant words.

Her eyes, looking up at Archer, widened in astonishment. It was unusual for her to avert her gaze from the enemy, but it seemed that Archer's words were unexpected. Tohsaka, standing next to her, also wore an astonished expression.

She knew that this man favored Saber. But even so, this was the first time he had directed such cold words at her and, face to face, evaluated her. In her crimson eyes, there was no hint of exaggeration or falsehood... It was purely that this man had complete trust in Saber.

Considering the power of the directly confronting Caster and Lancer, the fact that Archer could confidently determine that Saber would not lose was remarkable.

"Hmph... Of course, Archer. No one will pass through me."

"That's what I wanted to hear, Archer. Fine, I'll show you the power of my Saber, just as you wished. Before defeating them, make sure to come back quickly."

Slashing through the wind, Saber readjusted her sword, while Tohsaka brought her Magic Circuits to the surface of her left hand, preparing for an incantation. The two girls showed confident smiles in unison. It was the first time that both of them, who had been at odds with Archer, showed such expressions to this Heroic Spirit.

The Servants facing them remained silent. The gathered magical energy and the trembling spear spoke more than words at this point.

"Let's go, Saber. Aim for Fixierung, Eile Salve, simultaneous barrage!"

"Yes. Let's live up to your trust, Master. We'll settle this, Lancer!"

With those words, Tohsaka and Saber charged forward. Entrusting their backs to them without witnessing the outcome... I ran towards the rooftop where Rider was waiting.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts