
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The calm before the storm

After that black shadow had disappeared, we remained cautious and kept an eye out just in case, but contrary to our expectations, nothing else happened.

After confirming our safety, we quickly left the school and walked along the night road under Saber's protection, staying vigilant. Fortunately, neither the other Servants nor that shadow attacked us again, and we managed to return safely, but...

"...So, it's about time you explain. What exactly happened?"

As soon as we arrived home, Tohsaka immediately raised the question as she sat down in the living room. Perhaps sensing something ominous from our heightened vigilance during the journey back, her voice carried a serious tone.

The content wasn't something we could discuss on the way, and I was preoccupied with suppressing the discomfort myself, so we hadn't really had a proper conversation until now. But once we reached home, a sense of relief naturally set in. After exchanging a glance with Saber, I proceeded to explain the outline of what had happened so far to Tohsaka.

Shinji was the Master and the culprit behind the barrier at the school.

He inflicted a serious injury on Rider, but both Shinji and the injured Rider managed to escape with Lancer's interference.

And then, the mysterious shadow appeared, seemingly connected to the frequent incidents happening in the city.

When the conversation turned to the shadow, Tohsaka furrowed her brows.

"A shadow? That thing wasn't a Servant."

"No... it was something I've never seen before. It doesn't fit any kind of illusion I know, whether it's related to humans, Servants, or any other kind of fantasy species. However, from my perspective, it seemed like it was driven by a desire for magical energy."

With Saber's words, I suddenly recalled that moment.

The battle in the forest, when Saber and Lancer were about to activate their Noble Phantasms, the shadow appeared. And its first target was Lancer, who was gathering magical energy from the surroundings.

If it was after magical energy, then it made sense with Lancer's mention of people being abducted or collapsing. We had predicted Caster's actions, but it was hard to believe that disappearances would occur.

However, I couldn't imagine that the monster had the intelligence of a Servant. If it was intentionally seeking magical energy, it wouldn't be strange even if it swallowed humans whole.

As I imagined that scene, a sense of fear and discomfort overwhelmed me. I didn't know what that thing was, but we couldn't just leave it be. We had to eliminate such a devouring existence no matter what.

"We're in trouble. I don't know which mage it is, but they're pulling a ridiculous stunt."

"Yeah. That thing is our enemy. If we were attacked by something like that, even Servants—"

Just as I was about to continue speaking, I suddenly remembered Archer, who hadn't shown himself up until now.

Archer couldn't have been unaware of the battle at the school. But from start to finish, Archer never made an appearance. I didn't have any means of contacting Archer either. Tohsaka and Saber could communicate telepathically, but it seemed that Archer had rejected my attempts, and the best I could do was confirm the connection through the Command Spells.

There was no abnormality with the Command Spells, and I couldn't imagine that arrogant man being in a predicament...

"Hmph. So, you've stubbornly survived, you mongrels."

Just as we were worried about him, Archer suddenly entered the room, sliding open the fusuma door.

I looked up in surprise, but Archer seemed unchanged. He smoothly passed through our astonished gazes, took a seat at the vacant head of the room, and acted as if nothing had happened.

While we were taken aback by his sudden intrusion, Tohsaka was the first to regain her composure, staring intently at Archer. Without attempting to hide her displeasure, she snorted.

"Hey, what have you been doing all this time?"

"I... had a bit of fun playing with a witch. This Caster is quite a cunning vixen."

"You fought Caster!?"

Saber exclaimed in response to Archer's casual remark. It made sense... that was why he hadn't returned until now. There really was a Servant attacking us in the city.

We had stationed Archer in a place where he could monitor the school grounds, taking into account the possibility of a surprise attack from a Servant. If another Servant were to approach, we would know immediately if Archer were on the rooftop of a building, and if he caused a commotion, the surrounding area would become aware of it. So, the fact that there had been a battle meant that our opponent was a presence surpassing our expectations.

All eyes focused on Archer, who radiated an air of calmness, as he nonchalantly crossed his arms. Although I couldn't see a single scratch on him, it was incredible that he had fought a Servant and returned safely.

"I don't know their true identity, but they made a futile attempt to hinder my movements. So, what about you? The fact that that mongrel appeared before me means something must have happened on your end."

Archer seemed to have sensed something, as he addressed Tohsaka and me. I repeated the explanation I had given Tohsaka earlier. After I finished speaking, Archer's barely noticeable composure diminished slightly, as if he finally understood that this was indeed a serious matter.

"...A shadow, you say?"

"Yes. Archer, do you have any idea about the true identity of that thing?"

To Saber's question, Archer shook his head. As expected, it seemed that even this man didn't know about the existence from that other realm. Tohsaka sighed wearily at his response.

"We have no choice... Let's put aside thinking about that strange thing for now. It's true that we can't overlook it, but without information, there's nothing we can do. We should summarize what we know so far."

There were too many unknowns regarding that irregular shadow. We needed to deal with the creature attacking people as soon as possible, but it was clear that rashly interfering would only result in getting burned. Even Servants recognized the threat it posed, so rushing in without careful consideration would be reckless.

Just as we encountered something we couldn't ignore, Archer's words also held something we couldn't dismiss. Raising a hand, I pointed out the part that caught my attention.

"Archer. You mentioned that Caster came to hinder you. Which means..."

"Hmph. A witch came to my side, and a dog appeared on your end. As a result, that Rider managed to escape unscathed... It seems we are not the only ones forming alliances."

Archer murmured with a mocking tone. But the prediction derived from his words made everyone's expressions naturally grow stern.

Lancer, who obstructed Saber, and Caster, who stood before Archer. The movements of these two Servants were synchronized. And it was evident that both of them were acting to aid Rider.

The reason for Servants, who should be enemies, to cooperate and assist other Servants needed no explanation. Lancer, Caster, and Rider were probably in some form of alliance. It wouldn't be surprising to think that Caster's support had contributed to Lancer's increased strength.

"It's becoming even more troublesome... I never expected that three sets of Servants would form alliances."

Tohsaka's expression turned into one that seemed like she had just chewed on a hundred bitter pills. I could fully understand her sentiment.

Tohsaka and us forming an alliance was an exceptional case, a kind of miracle resulting from the circumstances aligning perfectly. The participants in the Holy Grail War were originally beings who aimed to take each other's lives, eternal enemies. That three sets had established a cooperative relationship was abnormal, no matter how you looked at it.

However, once an alliance was formed, things became complicated. Even if it was any Servant, it would be almost impossible to stand against three opponents simultaneously. While we had Saber and Archer as our two Servants, having a numerical disadvantage in a two against three situation was still disadvantageous.

"Perhaps they formed alliances with the expectation of the Berserker battle. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,' as they say."

Tohsaka analyzed the situation. On the other side, Archer was fidgeting with something. As I observed him, he took out several shogi pieces that had been placed in the corner of the room and began arranging them on the table.

There were three, two, one, and one piece, respectively. It seemed that this represented the current state of the battle.

The alliance of Lancer, Rider, and Caster. The alliance of Saber and Archer. The formidable Berserker faction. And the Assassin who had yet to reveal themselves.

In terms of power dynamics, the unknown Assassin, shrouded in mystery, was at a significant disadvantage. However, as assassins, their role wasn't in Servant battles to begin with. Their main tactic was to lurk in the shadows and assassinate Masters. Once they seized an opportunity, they could turn the tide with a single strike. Their continued absence meant they were likely observing for an opening or focusing on gathering information.

"If it's a one-on-one situation, the Caster faction is the most vulnerable..."

"It figures that the one we could easily handle is the one that has formed alliances. Strange things keep happening, and this Holy Grail War is a complete mess."

Saber and I both wore grave expressions. Meanwhile, Archer, who had been silent until now, casually moved the shogi pieces he had brought out. Chaotically moving his hands, the neat arrangement of pieces quickly became indiscernible. As we watched this scene, the golden-haired youth wore a cynical smile.

"If we're at a disadvantage in organized warfare, we can find an advantage in chaotic battles. Fragmenting the enemy's forces is a basic tactic; there's no other way than to crush them one by one. Otherwise, we can wait for the other mongrels to tear each other apart. In that case, we will likely be the first targets."

Indeed... It would be ideal if the other factions fought among themselves, but in group battles, it was customary to target the weakest faction first. With the whereabouts of Assassin still unknown, if I were a different Master, I would undoubtedly target us without hesitation. While Saber was undoubtedly a strong Servant, she didn't possess invincible abilities like Berserker. And as for Archer, it went without saying.

The battle situation was highly disadvantageous for us. If we remained silent, we would eventually be cornered. In order to find a way to turn the tables from here...

"...Let's take the initiative and attack. If we're at a disadvantage, we should at least make the first move."

As I made this statement, the expressions of the three of them changed.

Tohsaka widened her eyes, Saber furrowed her brow slightly, and both of them displayed expressions of surprise. Meanwhile, Archer, as expected, wore a faint smile that seemed to find it amusing.

"This is unusual. Weren't you the one who said you hated fighting...? What brought about this change of heart, Shirou?"

After a moment of silence, Tohsaka, who had recovered from her surprise, voiced her doubt.

...Well, it wasn't unreasonable for her to be surprised. I had always made it clear to everyone that I despised this Holy Grail War game and had no desire to actively engage in combat. I hadn't willingly participated, nor did I have any wish I wanted to fulfill. For someone like me, it would be difficult to step out of the passive position.

...However, if I were to aspire to be a hero of justice, there was a line that I absolutely couldn't cross.

"Ah, I hate fighting. But Shinji said it outright, 'Humans are food.' Because of him, innocent people were attacked, and they might have even died.

We can't afford to have any more victims. I will do whatever it takes to stop those who sacrifice unrelated people... Even if it means defeating them."

The moment Shinji crossed that forbidden line, my resolve had already been decided. It didn't matter if he was a classmate or a longtime friend. Before involving any more people, I had to stop them no matter what. That was why Emiya Shirou became a participant in the Holy Grail War.

"Hmm... You've become a bit better, Shirou.

Fine, I'll help you. As the administrator of this city, I cannot overlook Shinji's actions. I agree with the strategy of taking down Rider first. I don't like being on the defensive."

"I also agree, Rin. Rider seems to be lacking in magical energy, and in the previous battle, she received wounds that could have led to her disappearance. Even if she is cooperating with Caster, it should take time for her wounds to heal. If we can eliminate Rider while she's not at her best, it will make dealing with Caster and Lancer easier."

Rin and Saber expressed their agreement. I was slightly taken aback that my thoughts were accepted so readily.

But upon further consideration, as Archer mentioned earlier, it made sense to divide the enemy's forces and attack the weakest opponent first. And considering that Assassin had yet to appear, it was undoubtedly Rider who was the weakest among the Servants. Although my personal emotions may have influenced the decision, it wasn't necessarily wrong.

The enemy had been determined. The problem now was how to bring Rider, who was likely allied with Lancer and Caster, into a fair fight...

"But there's something that doesn't quite add up."

As I tilted my head in confusion, Tohsaka voiced her doubts.

"If Rider had already been in an alliance with the other Servants from the beginning, they could have attacked earlier. And it's also strange that they chose to help Rider just as she was about to be defeated."

Now that she mentioned it... that was indeed true. If they truly wanted to defeat the other Servants, it would have been more efficient for Rider to cooperate with Lancer and Caster. Yet, the enemy didn't do that. Even assuming there was a reason they couldn't act together simultaneously, neither Shinji nor Rider showed any signs of waiting for reinforcements. On the contrary, Saber had nearly defeated them. In other words, they didn't anticipate Lancer's arrival at that time...?

"Perhaps the order of events is different."

"Order of events?"

"Yes. Lancer and Rider were initially unrelated. But for some reason, Lancer needed to help Rider. This would explain their actions now without any contradictions.

However, the question remains: Why was it necessary to help Rider? It's eerie that we don't know the reason... But there's a high possibility that they will interfere when we face Rider again."

Saber calmly spoke with a matter-of-fact tone. Her analysis was impressive.

However, the problem hadn't disappeared. Even if we managed to fight Rider somehow from this point on, it would be meaningless if we were obstructed by Lancer and Caster. We needed to understand the underlying reason or create an environment where Lancer's interference could be completely prevented...

"Hmm, the chessboard seems to be set up quite conveniently."

With a sinister and arrogant smile, Archer suddenly spoke out. His eyes, tinged with a blood-like color, were gazing into the distance, not focused on the present.

"Kid, it seems luck is on your side after all."

"What's with you all of a sudden?"

As everyone gave him confused glances, Archer snorted and casually picked up the chess pieces he had arranged on the table, toying with them absentmindedly.

"Rider, you said, suffered a deep wound from Saber. A wound that could cause her to disappear if left untreated. In that case, it's natural for her to focus on healing the wound.

But she doesn't have enough magical energy. With such a severe wound, it's unlikely she can recover without a substantial amount of magical energy. Even if she relies on Caster, that fox woman wouldn't be kind enough to take care of her to that extent.

Now, let me ask you one question. What happened at your school?"


At that moment, I noticed that Tohsaka's complexion had turned pale. Most likely, I had a similar expression on my face.

The school. The boundary set up by Rider was still in place there. If activated, it would absorb the magical energy of hundreds of students and faculty. With such a large amount of magical energy, even if Rider was severely injured, healing would be a simple matter... at the cost of sacrificing a vast number of people.

"It will be the weekend by the day after tomorrow... Which means..."

"If Rider is going to take action, it can only be tomorrow."

Tohsaka's face contorted with frustration, as if cursing the despicable act of using others as stepping stones. I shared the same anger.

We couldn't disable the boundary ourselves. In other words, to deactivate the boundary, we had to defeat Rider. However, Rider had narrowly escaped, and she was currently hiding. It would be nearly impossible to find Rider by tomorrow.

We had to figure out a way to confront Rider without involving the students. If deactivating the boundary was impossible, could we prevent humans from approaching the boundary instead?

"Hey, Tohsaka. Can't you use a spell to repel people? Like a ward against humans?"

"I considered that, but that boundary would likely interfere. It has become a self-contained space. Spells that interfere with the space itself cannot be overwritten by someone like me."

"Damn... So it seems defeating Rider is the only option after all. But how do we find her..."

"We don't need to search for her. She'll come out on her own."

With a confident tone, Tohsaka asserted.

"When the boundary reaches such a scale, the spellcaster herself must be nearby for it to be activated. If Rider wanted to activate that boundary, she would have no choice but to come to the school herself. And since the boundary itself is incomplete, even if she activates it, I doubt its effect will take immediate hold."

"In that case, we will lay in wait near the school. We'll ambush Rider when she appears. Rider will likely be of little use as a combatant, and even if Lancer and Caster show up, it will be two against two in terms of numbers. Regular magic won't work much against me, so we will have the advantage."

Following Tohsaka's words, Saber made a calm judgment. Archer, who had been silently observing, didn't seem to oppose it.

Using the condition required to activate the boundary against them, we would defeat Rider. It would likely be our last opportunity to gain an advantage. If we missed this chance, the situation would quickly turn against us.

If Rider could return to the battle as a combatant, the odds would be three against two. Even if Rider was a weak Servant, we didn't know her true name or Noble Phantasm. Ensuring the safety of unrelated students and securing a strategic advantage meant we had no choice but to launch a preemptive strike.

We had only one night left. Within that time, we had to prepare for the decisive battle.



From my hand, the bamboo sword was forcefully knocked away. I sensed trouble and instantly found Saber's sword pointed at my nose.

"Darn, I messed up again."

"No, your movements have improved significantly compared to last time. Perhaps due to the experience gained from actual combat, there is less hesitation in your actions, Shirou. However, it's difficult to say that you're making the appropriate decisions. Your timing is good, but whether to evade or block, that judgment is proving to be challenging."

After I slumped down on the floor, feeling defeated, Saber lowered her bamboo sword and offered her advice. I keenly felt my own powerlessness while breathing heavily.

It was immediately after the strategy meeting in the living room. I had asked Saber to give me another lesson, despite the unpleasant atmosphere caused by Archer's interference during our previous practice. Through today's battles, I had come to reassess what I should do.

Archer had severely reprimanded me before, expressing his disdain for a mage like me desiring means to fight against Servants. He claimed that humans cannot defeat Servants and that training with a sword was futile. His words were a cruel reality, and it was a mistake for a mere imitation of a mage like me to engage in a fight against a Servant... yes, against a Servant.

Driven by my aversion to killing humans, I unconsciously limited my options. Servants were not humans, so I could fight them. Unconsciously clinging to such foolish reasoning, I had been heading in the wrong direction, disregarding both my ally Servant and the enemy Master.

...But. In that forest, facing Shinji, I realized it. Not only the Servant but also their Master could become an enemy who would kill humans. If a Servant's role is to fight Servants, then as a Master, it is my duty to fight other Masters. And if I must fight humans, then training with a sword would never be in vain. In fact, it was because I had witnessed Saber's sword strikes multiple times that I was able to dodge Shinji's clumsy attacks.

Perhaps, what Archer wanted to convey to me was exactly that. If I think that way, I can understand the purpose behind seemingly unrelated questions. Those enigmatic words of his had hit the core of the matter the more I pondered.

To oppose a Master—Shinji—who kills ordinary people. Rather than fixating solely on defeating Servants, I had resolved myself to fight Masters as well. Now that my determination had solidified, I apologized and pleaded with Saber, and she willingly agreed to accompany me.

"Can I defend against this? ...I think, but in practice, I somehow always end up being hit. Maybe my ability to judge is still lacking?"

"Yes, I agree. Whether to defend, dodge, or counterattack. It would be better to observe the opponent's movements carefully before making a decision. However, countering is difficult at Shirou's current level. Until you improve your defense and evasion techniques, you should abandon the idea of blindly retaliating."

"Mmm, I see." I nodded in agreement with Saber's words. Indeed, I had been fully occupied with how to withstand attacks, leaving no room to focus on Saber's movements. However, since every attack requires some preparatory motion, if I can discern that, I will naturally understand how to respond.

Glancing at the clock, I realized the date was about to change. We had been engaged in combat for quite a long time. Due to the high possibility of facing Rider, and potentially Lancer and Caster as well, tomorrow, Tohsaka had decided to concentrate on her own preparations. She had already completed her preparations if it were just a matter of fighting other Masters and Servants, but because we also had to deal with that mysterious shadow, an irregular monster, it seemed she no longer had the luxury of looking after me.

Sensing my gaze directed at the clock, Saber's expression momentarily softened. She put away the bamboo sword used for training in the corner of the dojo and turned to face me without showing any signs of fatigue.

"It got late, didn't it? Shirou must be tired. Shall we call it a day?"

"Yeah, let's do that. ...Thanks, Saber. I'm sorry for dragging you along even after the battle."

"No, please don't worry about it. Teaching someone is also an enjoyable experience."

Saber smiled like that. However, there was a distant look in her eyes. It piqued my curiosity, and I couldn't help but ask a question.

"Saber, by the way, have you ever taught someone swordsmanship like this before?"

"Yes. Although not many, there have been such opportunities."

I nodded in response. Saber was a Heroic Spirit summoned for her swordsmanship skills. She was a perfect candidate for teaching swordsmanship, and I assumed she would be an excellent instructor.

But Saber's expression suddenly changed, and it carried a shadow that was absent until just now. It was a darkness that seemed mismatched with recalling pleasant memories.

"...However, I couldn't guide my students well. So, I wasn't a good leader, was I?"

Looking up at my face, but not really looking at me—more like gazing at something else—Saber murmured those words.

"Is that so? I think Saber is a good teacher."

"No, a good teacher is someone who establishes a strong connection with their students, guiding and developing their abilities in a better way. In that regard, Taiga is a truly admirable teacher."

"However, I wasn't either of those. Although I could teach sword techniques like this, it seems that I couldn't bear the burden beyond that."

I was surprised when Taiga was described as a good teacher, and my eyes widened... but upon further consideration, it might indeed be true.

She may seem careless, but she grasps the important points and carries out her duties properly. She is popular among students and genuinely listens to their concerns. Despite appearing like a useless person most of the time, Taiga seemed to be fulfilling her role as a teacher.

However, that wasn't what Saber wanted to say. She had spoken about not being a "good leader." It didn't seem to carry the connotation of a teacher.

As a Heroic Spirit, Saber looked back on her past as a hero. And heroes, including kings and emperors, often held leadership positions. Perhaps Saber was reflecting on her own self as a hero.

However... the expression Saber wore was far from the confidence and pride of a hero. Rather, it carried a weight that seemed to be filled with regret, as if she was blaming herself.


For some reason, I couldn't help but be curious about this person called Saber.

The valor befitting a hero and the desire for the Holy Grail, which is praised as all-powerful. It's understandable if it's a Servant who looks like an obvious hero, such as Archer or Lancer, with their numerous reasons. However, the fact that this girl... who even appears younger than me... is burdened with something unimaginable is not something that can be easily accepted. And I couldn't be cold-hearted enough to ignore Saber, who stood there with a solemn expression.

"I don't know what happened to Saber in the past, but if you understand all that, then Saber is indeed a good teacher. Saying that you couldn't guide your students, that's not something solely your responsibility, right? Not all students are serious, and there are bound to be problem children. Even if we try to teach them correctly, things may not go well."

As I said that, Saber widened her eyes in surprise.

I've known Taiga for a long time, and I've had many opportunities to hear her complaints about school. Among them, there were problems like bullying or troublesome students. She would ponder with a serious expression why problems would occur even though she was teaching properly.

However, I think it's strange to conclude that whenever a student causes a problem, it's always the teacher's fault. Neither the one teaching nor the one being taught can be perfect, so mistakes are bound to happen. In terms of numbers alone, there are likely more problems on the side of the learner.

I don't know what happened in Saber's past, and it's not an area where I can tread lightly. However, with Saber's sincere personality, she surely earnestly confronted the problems. Even if something regrettable happened as a result, it shouldn't be something that only Saber should feel responsible for.

"Ah, sorry for saying such presumptuous things. If I offended you, I apologize."

"No, please don't worry. I know that Shirou is considering me."

Saber quietly spoke these words. The surprise that had appeared in her immaculate face transformed into a gentle smile. It seemed that my words didn't have a negative effect after all.

However, her eyes still seemed focused on something distant. It was clear that she was lost in thought. Deciding that I would only be a hindrance by staying here any longer, I stood up from the wooden floor.

"Alright, it's getting late again. Well, I should head back."

"Shirou, please go ahead. I will clean up this bamboo sword and then return."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble, Saber. Thank you for today."

"No problem. Good job, Shirou."

Turning my back to Saber, who gracefully bowed, I headed outside, my legs feeling a bit sore from the consecutive physical activities. It was already pitch dark outside, and not a single sound could be heard. It was natural since it was the middle of the night.

Tomorrow, there would be a battle. Before involving other students, we had to defeat Rider. And since I had to fight Shinji, her Master, as well, I should switch my focus today and rest early. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the outcome of the battle would determine the course of the conflict.

"──If I had the ability to see through people's hearts like Archer, would it have been different?"

Right before leaving, I felt like I heard those words from behind me.


At the same time, in a room at the Emiya residence.

"─That should do it. Phew, I wonder if this is the best I can accomplish overnight..."

Rin Tohsaka picked up the desired gem from among the numerous tools arranged on the floor. In its place, she placed another gem she had been holding. Next to it was a hand-drawn map with detailed annotations. In preparation for the next day's battle, she was taking every possible measure.

If they couldn't eliminate the enemy in the next battle, the situation would become even more unfavorable. Additionally, there was the irregularity of the Shadow seeking mana. If it was being manipulated by the Caster faction, countermeasures against this threat were essential. Depending on the situation, she might have to use her trump card. Rin, an intelligent individual, certainly understood that the outcome of the war was mostly determined by preparations beforehand.


Rubbing her tired eyes from excessive concentration, the girl temporarily placed the gem back on the floor. She briefly considered continuing her work, but she had already taken sufficient precautions. She concluded that pushing herself further would only lead to exhaustion and reached out to collect the scattered tools on the floor. At that moment,

"Hmph. You seem busy, young lady."

The door creaked open, and an unexpected visitor stepped in. Ignoring Rin's surprise, the intruder crossed the room leisurely and claimed a chair as if it were their own. Plopping down on the floor with a carefree attitude, Archer looked down at Rin.

The expression on Rin's face, which had recovered from the initial shock, gradually turned into displeasure. For her, as the Master, it wasn't just the fact that she hadn't noticed the approach of this mysterious Servant, but also the fact that her own magical techniques, her trump card, were being observed without her consent. Even if her current state could be seen, it wouldn't pose a significant problem, but it certainly didn't put her in a good mood.

"Hey, when you enter a girl's room, at least knock."

"Hah, you amuse me. You're not someone who fits the description of a 'girl.' You lack about three levels of elegance."

"What did you say?"

Rin turned to face Archer, who was laughing through his nose, but as soon as she realized she was being teased, she frowned and glared directly at him.

Engaging in a battle of wits with this man, who enjoyed teasing others and had a sharp wit, would be a waste of time. Moreover, Archer had purposely come to her place, not on a whim, but with some sort of purpose. Rin thought it would be best to quickly address this unusual situation as she had intended to rest soon.

She stood up from the floor and plopped onto the bed placed near the wall. Crossing her arms, she matched Archer, who was leaning on the chair, and subtly conveyed that she was the one in charge of the room. Without further ado, Rin decided to get straight to the point.

"So, what did you come here for?"

"It's not a particularly important matter. Come to think of it, we haven't exchanged words much, have we? I've become a little curious about Saber's Master."

Rin, though grateful, felt slightly annoyed by Archer's mocking words. In essence, this Heroic Spirit had come just to have a conversation with her. However, since he referred to Rin as "Saber's Master," there was also the implication that he wanted to determine if she was suitable for that role.

Rin smiled, finding it amusing. Despite her crimson Mystic Eyes that could see through everything, she didn't show any signs of intimidation. In the first place, as a cautious Heroic Spirit, it was natural for Archer not to expect Rin Tohsaka, someone who should be his equal, to show any weakness.


As Rin observed his behavior, Archer's gaze shifted to a piece of paper on the floor. Seeing that it was a map of the school area, his lips loosened, indicating his good mood.

"You've prepared quite thoroughly, young lady. But indeed, to outwit the other mongrels and obtain the Holy Grail, no effort can be spared. The all-purpose wish-granting device holds an irresistible allure for humans, after all."

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested. I don't have any wishes I want to be fulfilled."

"Oh? That's unexpected."

Archer's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected response. As an Archer who enjoyed the desires of humanity, it was somewhat disappointing that Rin, his Master, didn't exhibit any desires.

"Then, what are you fighting for? I hope you don't plan to spout something like wanting to help people, like that kid."

"Don't joke. I'm not that much of a do-gooder. ──I fight simply because there is a battle. The Holy Grail is just like an extra."

On the night of the summoning, Rin responded with the same words she gave to Saber. No matter how many times she was asked, her answer remained unchanged. The Holy Grail, which grants the desires of humans, was nothing more than a convenient gadget prize to her. This conflict was a duty imposed on herself, an inevitable obstacle. Therefore, she must overcome it ── she and those who seek the Holy Grail are fundamentally different from the very beginning.

Showing a faint hint of surprise at Rin's unexpected bold words, Archer appeared to be amused and unable to contain his laughter.

"Haha! Hahaha! What a rare woman you are, to make me laugh like this! Both Saber and you, there's more to you than meets the eye!"

Ignoring Rin's bewildered expression, Archer continued to laugh. However, after a moment of laughter, Archer abruptly returned to a serious expression. His cold eyes pierced into Rin's, completely different from before.

"But if that's the case, Saber and you are incompatible. That young girl has a heartfelt wish entrusted to the Holy Grail. A Master who doesn't seek the Holy Grail and a Servant who does. If you don't open your hearts to each other at some point, distortion will inevitably occur."


Rin's expression tensed at Archer's observation. Now that she thought about it... she hadn't yet heard Saber's wish. There was no doubt that Saber had a noble nature, but the quality of her wish might not be compatible with Rin's own.

The tragedy of ten years ago was caused by the one who obtained the Holy Grail. Even if Saber had no intention of it, unexpected events could arise from the byproduct of her wish. It frustrated Rin that she had overlooked it until Archer pointed it out, but she secretly resolved to ask Saber about her wish.

"Besides, this so-called Holy Grail War is suspicious. It claims to be all-powerful, but it's dubious."

Continuing without a change in his cold expression, Archer opened a beer can he had brought from somewhere. Despite Rin's displeased frown at his arrogant behavior, Archer took a sip of the beer he had taken from the refrigerator without permission and nonchalantly crossed his legs again.

"Girl, let me explain once again what this so-called Holy Grail War, this game, is all about."

"Huh...? Didn't you already explain it when you were summoned?"

"It doesn't matter if I know it or not. It holds meaning for you to speak of it with your own words. Speak quickly."

Faced with Archer's demand, confusion appeared on Rin's face. Archer's speech was a display of his exceptional intellect and observation skills. The seemingly disorganized series of words and questions were connected by lines that only he could see. Coupled with the overwhelming presence emitted by this extraordinary Heroic Spirit, the person confronting Archer, whether it was his Master, Shirou Emiya, the Servant Saber, or the highly skilled magus Rin Tohsaka, would be entangled in the chains of his words without being able to anticipate where the conversation was heading.

The Holy Grail, said to be capable of granting any wish, bestows upon seven selected magi the power to summon and control Heroic Spirits known as Servants. The chosen magi become the Masters of their respective Servants and enter into an antagonistic relationship with the other Servants and Masters. The Holy Grail War continues until six Servants are defeated, and the remaining pair of Master and Servant is awarded ownership of the Holy Grail.

While bewildered by the hidden intentions, Rin complied with Archer's request and began to explain the overview of the Holy Grail War, just as she had done on the night of the beginning, in front of Shirou Emiya and Archer. But when Rin finished speaking, Archer nodded with a smile that seemed to say he was satisfied.

"Well, it's odd from the very beginning."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Hmph... The fact is, I'm just stating the truth. What's there to be dissatisfied about?"

"Hmm... Well, it's difficult to understand why you all believe in something like the Holy Grail. Your naive sincerity is harder to comprehend... No, it might be impossible to change the fixed notions in the minds of mongrels like you. Well, I suppose I'll go along with your level for now. Consider it my gratitude."

Archer, with his arrogant attitude, opened a can of beer he had brought from somewhere. Ignoring Rin's frown, he took a sip and then crossed his legs again.

"Girl, let me tell you once again. This so-called game is suspicious in many ways. It's not just about stating the obvious. Believing that there's nothing hidden behind it is nothing more than foolishness."

"Deceiving people with sweet words and using them for your own gain has always been a part of human nature. What kind of thorns lie hidden behind the honeyed shadow called the all-purpose vessel, I wonder?"

Gazing at Rin's frozen expression with delight, the golden Heroic Spirit dismissed the contradictions of the Holy Grail War as merely part of his entertainment.

"You're still inexperienced, little girl. There's more to this Holy Grail War than meets the eye. It's a gamble of life and death. If you don't maneuver well, it will lead to your downfall."

"...Why are you telling me all this?"

Rin replied to Archer's words with composure, hiding her inner turmoil behind a mask of calm. Despite being shaken to her core by the doubts cast upon the ritual she had undertaken over the past ten years, her composed demeanor showed her true qualities as an exceptional magus.

On the other hand, Archer snorted in a manner that seemed to betray his nonchalant attitude towards Rin's unwavering composure. After finishing the can of beer he had been drinking throughout their conversation, he stood up and readjusted his crossed legs.

"Well, it's undesirable for there to be discord between you and Saber. It would be dull if Saber were to eliminate you over some trivial matter."

Saying so, Archer toyed with the empty can as if indicating the end of their conversation, then leisurely left the room.


As Rin confirmed Archer's departure, her body suddenly relaxed. Collapsing onto the bed, all the vigor she had shown earlier vanished without a trace.

For an ordinary person, simply standing in front of that man would induce tension. Even Rin, who possessed the courage that was unbecoming of her age, found herself exhausted in the face of his perceptive eyes and weighty words.

Moreover, Archer had pointed out numerous contradictions that Rin had overlooked until now. When she thought about it, it was true... Why hadn't she questioned these things before? Perhaps when one is taught from childhood that things are a certain way, the option to doubt is eliminated... However, blindly believing from the start is problematic for a researcher in the field of magecraft. In that regard, she should have been more open to change.

"Come to think of it... Why were other magi allowed to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

It was fine up until the point where the Three Founding Families created the Holy Grail. Each family boasted a history spanning hundreds of years, with the Einzbern family even surpassing a millennium. However, individually, none of the families had the power to create the Holy Grail. It was not uncommon for different families to cooperate in the world of magecraft.

But when other magi became involved, the situation changed. Magi are generally conservative and would be unlikely to allow the intervention of other magi, even if the Three Founding Families were to divide over the ownership of the Holy Grail.

In that case, the assumption that the Holy Grail War was the result of magi vying for the Holy Grail would be fundamentally flawed. Instead, it was more natural to assume that they had predicted it from the beginning... In other words, it was necessary to gather seven individuals, including other magi...

It was probably the most reasonable conclusion. Magi do not expend unnecessary effort. For such an elaborate magecraft ritual, even more meticulous calculations would have been made. In that case, the process of summoning Servants and the conflict between Masters must serve some purpose.

The hidden intentions behind the appealing words, the unseen purpose of the Holy Grail War... The Three Founding Families, who initiated it, why did they establish the rules of war? Continuing the fight without knowing that would be an extremely dangerous choice for Rin, who belonged to one of those families.

"For what purpose, I wonder..."

The ultimate goal of a magus is to reach the Root. Considering that the Holy Grail is capable of summoning Servants, an extraordinary phenomenon, it would not be strange to assume that there are even greater miracles involved. Undoubtedly, that was the reason the Three Founding Families created the Holy Grail.

However, with that in mind, the claim of the "all-purpose wish-granting device" starts to sound suspicious. If we assume that gathering seven individuals was necessary, this claim becomes the perfect bait. Moreover, in all the past Holy Grail Wars, no one has been confirmed to have had their wish granted. Considering that, it makes sense.

The number of participants, the existence of Servants, the method to reach the Root... The pieces to solve the puzzle are in place, but there is still a crucial piece of information missing. It was frustrating that despite being from the lineage that created the Holy Grail, Rin lacked that information due to her father's premature death.

"Well, there's no point in pondering over things I don't understand. The most important thing is to win, just win."

Reaching that conclusion, Rin struck the pillow with determination. Regardless of what lies hidden, the first priority is to win. Whatever the facts may be, the other Servants are enemies that must be defeated.

Even without the factor of the Holy Grail War, she cannot forgive the wicked magi spreading throughout the city. As a supervisor, she feels a sense of responsibility to fulfill her duty. And with her own power and that of Saber, she has the confidence to defeat any opponent.

"However... I wonder what kind of person he really is."

As she lay on the bed, Rin glanced at the doorway where Archer had left. He acted as he pleased, causing chaos and then swiftly departing like a storm. One could still accept it as a natural disaster, but considering that he also brought the blessing of information, it couldn't be simply dismissed as a nuisance.

Indeed, the discussion about Saber and their desires, the new perspective on the Holy Grail War, all of it was valuable information for Rin. The fact that she had never deeply contemplated these matters before was a realization made possible by Archer, who viewed everything from a higher perspective.

Among the Servants summoned this time, Archer was an irregular Heroic Spirit unlike any other. While undermining the fundamental premise of summoning spiritual bodies, he himself had missing information, making him unstable. However, according to Saber, that hero had the potential to become the strongest trump card, the Joker.

Archer, who boasted invincibility and mastery over countless Noble Phantasms in the previous Holy Grail War. Even in his current far from perfect state, his observational skills and analytical abilities were genuine. While it was reassuring to have him as an ally for now... there was no guarantee that the power that led the King of Knights to declare his defeat would not turn against them. In any case, it was certain that Rin should not let her guard down when it came to that Servant.

"But before that, first comes tomorrow's battle. I will win, no doubt about it."

Clenching her fist tightly, Rin injected herself with determination. The time until the decisive battle was already drawing near.

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