
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Confused Battlefield


Enhancing leg strength with magical power, I ignore the roaring sound echoing from behind and dash through the schoolyard. Although Tohsaka and the others must have initiated the battle behind me, I can't afford to worry about that.

The space, painted red without distinguishing between heaven and earth, completely erases the impression that this is a place of learning. By the time I reach the school building, the smell of death permeates so strongly that I can sense it even without looking.

Caught in that putrid stench... I hesitate right before rushing into the entrance. Perhaps there is already a mountain of corpses inside—such groundless fear seeps into my chest, gradually eroding it.

On that night, hundreds of people were burned to ashes by the inferno.

Numerous people who lost consciousness without knowing the reason, pretending to be victims of a gas leak accident.

Just recently, a female student attacked by a Servant.

Familiar acquaintances are about to be added to those ranks. They are being drained of their life force and magical power while still alive. I feel the urge to confirm the safety of my classmates, but... it won't solve anything. If I don't believe that they are still safe, still alive, and don't act accordingly, this delusion will become reality.

Shaking off the remnants of the nightmare, I rush into the school building. Perhaps due to the proximity to the origin of the barrier, the sticky, sinister air becomes even stronger.

Without paying attention to my surroundings, I confirm the continued footsteps of Archer solely by their sound and leap up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time. It's not far from the first floor to the fourth floor, and the entrance to the rooftop is just beyond that. If I run at full speed, it won't take more than three minutes.

But as I quickly bypass the landing with a single leap to the left, jump over the stairs, and step into the familiar corridor—right at that moment, I see it. I see it all too clearly.


Perhaps due to the time of day, the classroom door was left wide open. The large open door revealed the vivid image of a classroom that must have been filled with vitality in the past.

I have never seen such a red scene before. It's not just the redness that replaced the space itself with the boundary field... this murky scenery is the same shade of red as the blood I've seen many times before. The color of lives being lost.

Students lying prostrate on the ground. Faint groans barely audible. Among the countless figures sprawled on the floor, there are no visible external injuries. Despite being engulfed in a dense red color, they haven't received a single cut. And yet... their lifeless, pale skin, as if their blood has been sucked out, is more unusual than anything else.

Everything is stained with the color of blood, yet no one sheds a single drop. No, they didn't shed blood. It is being forcibly taken from them through non-physical means. In other words, the color adorning this classroom is the blood of the students that has been sucked out, vaporized, and permeated the air.

"Hey, you...!"

What is this anger directed at? What am I furious about? I clench my fist until my bones creak without knowing the answers.

The image that came to mind earlier was not a nightmare but a premonition. The tragedy had long since begun. Although everyone still seems to be alive... if we remain trapped in this hell, we will truly die.

It was Shinji Matou and Rider who created this. They, who should have nothing to do with magecraft, calmly take lives even from their classmates. How naive I have been to tolerate such methods.

I am undoubtedly one of the causes that led to the current situation. If I had defeated them earlier, this wouldn't have happened. My hesitation as Shirou Emiya is putting people's lives in danger... it's a mockery. What kind of justice is it to cause a situation like this? If I can't even help those who are suffering, what have I been living for?

"Put aside your anger for now, boy."

"...Yeah, I know."

The blood in my veins retreats at the usual cold voice that comes from behind. That's right, I can get angry later. Right now, there's something else I need to do. I'm grateful for Archer's coldness in times like this.

Ignoring the voices of pain, I overcome the remaining stairs. I reach the top of the stairs in one breath, kick down the closed door, and open it wide. Even though it's outside, a chilly and eerie air brushes against my skin.

And there, at the end of the open door. On the edge of the rooftop, where the focal point of the boundary field is marked.


A towering figure. Scantily clad in armor-like, thin black garments. And a short sword with a chained grip held in the right hand. I've only seen it once, but I can never forget. The one who cast this boundary field, the Servant of Shinji Matou—Rider. As soon as I lay eyes on her, the anger I had suppressed resurfaces.

The distance between me and Archer, standing right next to me, is just a little over ten meters. If I wanted to, I could close the distance in an instant. But Rider, unfazed by our sudden intrusion, simply turns her gaze towards us from behind the eyepatch covering her eyes. She seems to have recovered from the wounds inflicted by Saber, but... it's probably only on the surface. Rider's aura, which is clearly faint, doesn't possess the same overwhelming presence as Saber or Lancer.

A few moments pass. While pondering how to proceed, Rider, who had been observing us, finally speaks up.

"I'm surprised. I never thought you would come this far... I believed that Caster and Lancer alone would be enough to hold you off."

"Hmph. Just as blind as ever behind that cursed eyepatch, unable to see anything. What good is a swarm of insects against the march of an elephant? ―――Speaking of insects, there's an annoying fly that I can't see. What happened to your Master, girl?"

It's at that moment that I suddenly realize. Apart from Archer and me, the only ones standing in this place... I don't see her distinctive blue hair anywhere in this rooftop that offers no hiding spots. So, she must be hiding somewhere else. If I defeat her Master, Rider will also disappear, and this boundary field should disappear as well, but it seems it won't be that simple.

Considering her personality, it's unlikely she's far away. She was nearly defeated because she separated from Rider and ended up being attacked by me, so it's highly probable that she's observing us from a nearby location.

Despite trying to read something from Rider's expression, that Servant maintains a perfect poker face. Her attitude makes it seem as if she has no intention of speaking, and Archer's eyes sharpen like a spear in response.

"I suppose you won't answer―――Well, fine. Either way, I just need to crush you."

With those words, Archer casually releases the arm that was folded. In conjunction with his motion, twin swords, shimmering with golden particles, appear. The magical power reflected in the blades, the mysteries residing in the handles, are in a completely different league compared to the nail blades wielded by Rider. In comparison, Rider's weapon is nothing more than a stick.

Stretching out both arms, the archer turns the swords in a complete circle. It appears to be an intimidating gesture, but it's a display of his composure. While not on the level of Saber or Lancer, if we consider Archer's skill, he should be able to easily exterminate the weakened Rider. That much should be known to Rider as well... However, the enigmatic beauty in black attire, still holding the nail blades, shows no signs of moving.

Realizing this, I come to a sudden realization. I am standing here only with Archer, excluding myself... If the blue-haired girl isn't present in this open rooftop with no place to hide, then she must be somewhere else. If we can defeat her Master, Rider will disappear, and this boundary field should dissipate. But it seems it won't be as easy as that.

Considering her personality, she can't be too far away. She was nearly defeated because she separated from Rider and was attacked by me. It's highly likely that she's observing us from a place within sight.

I try to glean something from Rider's expression, but the Servant maintains a perfect poker face. It's as if she has no intention of opening her mouth, and Archer's eyes sharpen like the tip of a spear in response.

"If you won't answer... well, that's fine. In any case, I just need to crush you."

With those words, Archer casually releases the arm he had crossed. In sync with his movement, twin swords, radiating with golden particles, materialize. The magical energy reflected on the blades and the mysteries imbued in the handles are on a completely different level from Rider's nail blades. Compared to those, Rider's weapon is nothing more than a stick.

Stretching both arms wide, the archer spins the swords in a full circle. It may seem intimidating, but it's a display of his confidence. While not as powerful as Saber or Lancer, Archer's skills should be more than enough to slaughter the weakened Rider. Rider should be aware of that... However, the enigmatic beauty in black attire, still holding the nail blades, shows no signs of moving.

"Take care of that serpent. Step back, Master."

A Servant speaks without even turning around, maintaining a stance that appears vulnerable at first glance. In battles between Heroic Spirits, there is no room for a Master who can't even use magic properly.

And finally, Archer... even if it was just a whim, he called me "Master." If that's the case, I should believe in the power of the Servant as a Master. Although I feel anger towards Rider, there is no point in rushing in. No matter how weakened she may be, she is still a Servant. If I were to charge in, I would only be defeated.

"...Yes. Defeat Rider, Archer."


Before I could hear his response to my words, the sound of the ground being shattered invaded the space.

A powerful step that cracks the concrete floor. Before Rider could swing her nail blades, the two golden swords approached from the left and right. A single strike that would undoubtedly have bisected Rider was evaded by a single spin backwards. Follow-up slashes, thrusts, and downward strikes were deflected by the nail blades. Regardless of her injuries, at least Rider's mobility remains intact.

A spinning kick released as if reaping crops was evaded through a leap. However, the horizontal swing that followed, carried by the momentum, couldn't be completely defended even with a sword and sent me flying back. Perhaps it was thrown as a feint, but even as it was thrown, the sword was bounced back by Archer's armor without any defense. Despite her superior mobility, Rider's attack and defense cannot compare to Archer's. Realizing that she can't withstand the attacks, Rider focuses on evading and finds herself cornered to a corner of the rooftop in the blink of an eye. In this place without a space to freely move around, she can't fully utilize her speed.

Archer focuses solely on attacking with his swords, delivering strikes that flow like a stream. His swordsmanship overwhelms the cavalry who desperately defends against him.


"How dull. If you want to struggle properly, show me at least one of your Noble Phantasms. If you can't even do that, then rot away here."

Rider grimaces at Archer's proclamation. Her shoulders rise and fall heavily, showing signs of exhaustion just from defending against Archer's attacks. The chances of surviving a head-on battle are close to none. Rider should understand that better than anyone, but even if she tries to escape now, Archer has long-range means of attack. The moment she turns her back, she will undoubtedly be shot by an arrow.

Although I deployed a boundary field for mana absorption, it was insufficient due to interference from me and Tohsaka, as well as the lack of time. If we had enough mana, I wouldn't be overwhelmed like this in the first place.

In other words, no matter how much she struggles, Rider is already cornered. There is no time to absorb enough mana. With the next move, Archer's swords will bisect her body.


The twin swords are raised. Rider, holding up her nail blades, moves slowly and clumsily. She intends to strike down both Rider and her weapon with a single strike...


The fact that I could move was either due to instinctive reflexes or something else. Before witnessing the conclusion of the battle, I felt a chilling sensation akin to malaria and instinctively crouched down.

In an instant, a gray flash slices through the air where my head would have been if I hadn't crouched. It was a blade that looked like bone.


The voice of surprise comes from someone else. Before looking behind, someone jumped in to intercept the attack that Archer had blocked. Just before Rider was about to strike down Archer, something bone-like served as a shield, interrupting her attack.

I stand up with a spring, checking the situation. From where did they appear... On the rooftop where no one should have been, bone-crafted dolls have suddenly emerged in great numbers. The surprise attack that gave no sign of their presence until the last moment is similar to what happened with Lancer earlier. Which means these dolls...

"Caster's familiars...!?"

"Seems so. A fox woman with many tricks up her sleeve."

Archer clicks his tongue. With a sharp front kick, he blows away the bone dolls and swings his sword at Rider once again. However, the cunning woman, who bought herself a little time with the sacrifice of bone, jumps high and escapes over Archer, reaching a safe area. The bone dolls gather around her, as if protecting the landed Rider... no, not only around her. A swarm of them surges forth like a cloud, enveloping Archer, me, and the entire rooftop, continuously increasing. Surrounded by creaking and crawling monsters, before feeling fear, frustration at being hindered by intruders grows.

These bone dolls, individually, are probably weak. With a weapon, I could easily defeat them myself. But their numbers are the problem. The more time I waste with them, the more precious time increases... and with it, the potential for the loss of the students' lives. I need to defeat Rider as soon as possible, no matter the cost!


They are a hindrance.

With no weapons in my hands, even a single bone doll is a threat to me. However, that is not the issue at hand. Right now, these annoying dolls are protecting Rider.

There is only one thing I must do. Scatter the dolls and defeat Rider. But I have no weapon for that. How can I obtain a weapon while surrounded by monsters?

Stealing a weapon from a bone doll... No. Even if they are slow, there are too many bone dolls. If I focus on fighting one, I'll be attacked from behind and it will be over.

Enhancing some tool... No. I am unarmed. Besides, I don't even have the materials to enhance. Creating something out of nothing... Wait a minute.

I possess the ability to create something out of nothing. I was told by Kiritsugu, "It's inefficient, so don't do it," and I stopped training since then. My magecraft involves shaping illusions based on ideals and producing counterfeits.

Projection Magecraft: Gradation Air.

As far as I remember, I have never created a weapon with it. In fact, I have hardly ever worked on this magecraft. It's questionable if it will succeed... but perhaps, I can create a weapon with it. But what should I create?

A metal bat? A knife? A firearm? No, none of those. It needs to have reach, be durable enough not to be overwhelmed, and be easy to imagine... a sword.

Focus. Amidst the approaching bone dolls, I immerse myself in my inner self. The swords wielded by Archer are what I recall.

Without a single scratch, the golden swords shine with a brilliance that can be mistaken for ceremonial weapons. Crafted through means unknown to me, they can transform into double-edged swords or even into a bow and arrows. Possessing various mechanisms while having one single purpose—to be swords created solely for combat. With those swords, I wouldn't lose even if I were attacked by hundreds of monsters. With those swords, even an inexperienced me can fight.

Preparations are complete. My resolve is firm. All that's left is to chant the appropriate spell and materialize the image in my mind...!

"Projection Tracing—"

"Just stay still, mongrels."

Just as I was about to activate my magical circuits, dozens of beams of light descended alongside an arrogant voice.

Leaving no room for reaction, arrows infused with magical power, resembling shotguns, rained down upon the monsters surrounding me. The swarm of arrows released in an instant transformed the writhing army of bones into dust.

Amidst the fragments of bone dolls, Archer, wielding twin swords transformed into a bow, lands beside me. It seems he leaped into the air and sniped the bone dolls from there. Truly, he is worthy to be called an archer, effortlessly piercing through dozens of enemies simultaneously.

Honestly, I would have been in a dire situation without Archer's cover. Using a kind of magecraft I have hardly ever used, to be honest, is nothing short of a gamble. A failure in magecraft would directly lead to my downfall.

"Thank you, Archer. I owe you one."

"Fool. If you can't handle being my Master, then protect yourself."

Archer snorts in response to my gratitude and directs his gaze towards Rider. From his perspective, I am likely just someone he happened to help along the way. Archer's aim is to eliminate the obstacle between us and Rider, our primary target.

The torrential area attack did not only target the area around me but also rained evenly upon Rider's head. Although she was protected by a wall of bones and did not take a direct hit... the bone dolls standing in our way visibly decreased. We should seize this opportunity and push through while new bones have yet to emerge.

"Archer, I'll handle things here. Take down Rider as soon as possible."

I lift up the bone blade that was rolling at my feet and gesture towards the waiting Rider with my chin. Now that I have a weapon, I can fight against her familiars, which have been reduced in number.

On the other hand, Rider shows signs of retreating as the wall of minions crumbles and makes a feigned attempt to fall back. However, her movements come to a halt as she meets Archer's sharp gaze. Perhaps she underestimated the bone dolls, thinking that they could defeat us, but it was a fatal mistake.


"Enough with your tricks. You and Caster, both lack any artistry. Women who can't even entertain a man are not worth mentioning."

Archer steps forward, confronting the faltering Rider. Although there are still many bone dolls remaining, the gap created by Archer's sweeping attacks cannot be easily filled.

...But. Looking at Rider's maneuvers up until now, it doesn't seem like she's fighting with strategy or tactics. It's impossible for her to repeatedly fall into Archer's trap if she were considering two or three moves ahead. From her approach with this barrier and the way she operates, it's likely that Rider is not a proper Heroic Spirit. Without receiving combat training or learning strategy and tactics, she can only fight with sheer force... and as a result, she is easily toyed with by Saber, who surpasses her in raw power, and Archer, who always reads multiple moves ahead.

Unable to withstand Archer's ever-increasing speed of arrows, Rider is finally cornered to the edge. However, as expected of a Servant, she deflects the arrows with her nail sword, momentarily exposing a gap, and counterattacks by whipping her chains like a whip. My gauntlet moves swiftly to defend against it, but the next strike misses its target due to the counterattack, and Archer's arrows disappear into the sky.


In a brief moment, Rider turns her body, seizing the opportunity to escape without missing the open path. However, it's too late. An arrow infused with an unprecedented amount of magical power is already aimed directly at her forehead. This is the same attack that wounded even the berserker, a formidable warrior with monstrous durability. There's no way weakened Rider could survive this.

The arrow of the grand finale is released. Accompanied by shockwaves, the arrow cuts through space like a cannonball, destroying everything in its line of fire. And Rider, being a Servant, is no exception. In a state of shock, she stands motionless as the blade of certain annihilation is about to explode.

...Snap! From her face, the eyepatch falls off.


Meanwhile, as Rider fell into Archer's trap, the remaining Servants engaged in a fierce battle, each risking their lives to diminish their opponents.

A crimson flash that mowed down trees and caused the earth to explode with sheer force. Thunderous magecraft that seemed to tear through the heavens and shatter the sky. These attacks, even a single strike, possessed tremendous destructive power, surpassing the realm of individuals and rivaling tactical weapons. Yet, in the face of the relentless storm of brutality, there stood a knight, resolute and undeterred.

Lancer's spear thrusts and Caster's magecraft were deftly repelled by the proud swordsman, without a single scratch. Despite enduring numerous attacks, his noble figure remained unscathed. Confronted by twice the number of enemies, his unwavering presence resembled a moving fortress.

"What's the matter, Lancer? Your offense is weak!"

Easily evading Lancer's thrust, Saber raised her sword in a lightning-fast movement to sever the heads of the spear-wielding soldiers. The crimson lance, attempting to counter, was forcefully deflected by the mighty sword, causing Lancer to stagger under the impact. However, at that moment, an artillery barrage arrived, forcing Saber to abandon her pursuit.

Lancer took the opportunity to readjust his position, slightly increasing the distance between them. Caster, who had come to Lancer's aid, also cautiously ascended to a higher altitude, as if observing the situation.

The confrontation between Saber and Caster-Lancer had reached a stalemate. Despite the support of Rin, Saber's combat capabilities were effectively outnumbered, with a ratio of one to two. Both Caster and Lancer were not weak opponents but summoned Servants who responded to the call of the Holy Grail and were experienced heroes. The decisive factor maintaining the balanced situation, even with the numerical advantage of the Caster faction, was their overwhelming numbers.

Caster possessed extraordinary abilities in the realm of almost being called magic, capable of manipulating space to a level comparable to Assassin's temporary presence concealment. Lancer had battled on par with Saber, surpassing her in attribute values, and emerged victorious from a fight against both Rider and Assassin simultaneously. Each of them was undoubtedly a formidable presence among the superhuman Heroic Spirits. However, even within these extraordinary Servants, they couldn't fully exert their powers on this battlefield.

Although they had formed a cooperative relationship, it was not a collaboration that aligned with their own intentions. Caster reluctantly allied with Lancer due to a lack of pawns, and Lancer reluctantly joined forces due to his Master's orders. They had neither trust nor mutual reliance, and even their mutual interests were faint. Suspicion that one could be stabbed in the back made them wary of each other, even in the face of a common enemy. With the need to constantly focus on monitoring their allies, there was no room for coordination, let alone the ability for each of them to fully unleash their own power.

On the other hand, Saber was not bound by such restrictions. Originally overwhelming Caster and Lancer with simple attribute values, she also had a strong bond of trust with her Master. Supported by precise instructions and cover, Saber could freely wield her power. Lancer, who directly clashed with her, enhanced his attribute values with his inherent Rune magecraft, but it wasn't enough to close the gap. If it were Lancer alone, he might have been able to fight on equal terms as he did before, but now the presence of the ever-vigilant Caster hindered him.

Moreover, there was also the compatibility between Saber and Caster. Saber, equipped with extraordinary Magic Resistance, effectively nullified almost all forms of magecraft. No matter how skilled Caster was as a mage, it was difficult for her to inflict significant damage beyond Saber's defenses. If this were Caster's territory, she might have had means to overcome it, but she had no advantageous position at the moment. Even if she tried to use high-powered offensive magecraft, Lancer would interfere. Lancer, who had much lower magic resistance compared to Saber, couldn't defend against Caster's offensive magecraft. Although he considered the possibility of shooting spear soldiers from behind, attacking his allies at this moment would be the worst choice.

In that case, even if they aimed to shoot the Master, Saber's sword pointed at Caster, as if anticipating her move, restraining her. Occasionally, Rin's magecraft attacks, as if she suddenly remembered, were enough to disrupt Caster's timing.

As a result of these conditions overlapping, the battle situation was evenly matched—or rather, Saber's side held a slight advantage. Although neither side had sustained injuries yet, the aftermath of the intense combat was evident everywhere. Overgrown grass and trees were shattered and crushed, turning the forest into a barren land. The archery dojo that had once stood proudly was now partially destroyed, with slash marks on the collapsed roof and walls shattered by magecraft bombardment. There were no traces left of it being a training ground for students; instead, there were calm remnants of destruction that could be mistaken for the aftermath of an airstrike. The scene of both nature and artificial structures being ruthlessly cleared and collapsing resembled the devastating power of a natural disaster more than a personal battle.


Silently raising her sword and restraining the opposing forces, Saber evoked a sense of déjà vu. For her, this composition, which marked the second Holy Grail War, bore a striking resemblance to the previous one.

Ten years ago, during the initial battle that served as a prelude. Spreading shock and destruction, facing multiple Servants while causing artificial structures to collapse—it mirrored the situation back then. Furthermore, the fact that the opposing Servant was Lancer remained the same. The fact that the first Servant encountered was Lancer, and the fact that the golden Heroic Spirit had been summoned again, along with the existence of a human named "Emiya" among their allies... The current Holy Grail War brought back too many memories for Saber.

However, precisely because of that, she couldn't let the same outcome repeat itself. Even though the enemies were formidable heroes in their own right, it wouldn't be a reason for her swordsmanship to dull. Determined to defeat the enemy and reduce them to ashes in order to seize the Holy Grail, Saber's resolve remained unchanged, even in a one-on-two situation. If she hadn't heard about Caster's mimicry magecraft from Archer, she would have immediately unleashed her Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

"Saber, can we keep stalling for time like this?"

"Yes. These two are strong opponents, but as long as we maintain a defensive position, there should be no problem."

In the midst of their standoff, Rin and Saber communicated telepathically. Despite being in enemy territory, they had enough composure for that. Contrary to the initial objectives of the enemies, Saber's side was now the one buying time, while Caster's side needed to break through. Allowing Archer to withdraw so easily and the inability to breach Saber's defenses had reversed their positions. Saber's strength surpassing expectations had disrupted Caster's plans.

Once Rider completed the activation of the barrier and gained sufficient magical energy, the advantage would overwhelmingly shift to Caster's side. However, if Rider were to be defeated by Archer before that happened, the situation would be reversed, and Caster's side would be at a disadvantage. Even if Caster or Lancer tried to withdraw at this point, the knight would keenly restrain them. The knight's pride wouldn't allow him to do anything that betrayed the trust the golden Heroic Spirit had shown,

"This time, our objective isn't to defeat them. I don't want to reveal our hand too early, so if they're not coming out, we'll just continue the battle like this."

"For me as well, that would be preferable. I sense something unknown from Caster's Servant. If we make a reckless move, we might end up being counterattacked."

"Huh... Does that mean she's stronger than Lancer?"

"No, she is a powerful mage, but it would be difficult for her to break through my defenses. In terms of direct combat, I won't lose. However, that Servant has something more than just that."

Saber's intuition, which boasted the highest rank, went beyond mere instinct and approached almost precognition. Her intuition, which had saved her countless times before, sounded the alarm, leaving no room for reckless choices.

The current situation resembled the battle from ten years ago. Saber, who had engaged in a fierce battle with Lancer's Servant, fell victim to the enemy's scheme and was unable to use her Noble Phantasm, becoming a fatal hindrance. The Servant, an existence beyond human comprehension, could not be judged by what extraordinary mystic arts she possessed. Having witnessed summoning Noble Phantasms, flying Noble Phantasms, and numerous Noble Phantasms unconstrained by logic, and having already witnessed the extraordinary miracles of fate reversal and automatic resurrection in this Holy Grail War, rushing headlong into the unknown depths of the enemy's hand would be not only reckless but suicidal.

If Saber herself was not in a state of composure, the situation would be different. But the current Saber possessed sound judgment. Both reason and intuition told her that maintaining a balanced state was the optimal solution.

"Tch, no end in sight... Hey, Caster, are you out of your favorite traps?"

"Hmph. Maybe it's not that your spear skills have dulled? Or perhaps you're dissatisfied that the opponent is a woman."

"Don't be ridiculous. With a swordsman of this caliber, gender doesn't matter. Besides, we've fought three times already. Can anything be more enjoyable than this?

...But well, it's frustrating that interference keeps coming. I want a one-on-one fight with all my strength. It would be troublesome if someone spoiled it."

As Lancer spoke sarcastically, raising the corners of his mouth, Caster's expression also revealed her irritation at his blatant insults.

"This is why I can't stand men pretending to be warriors...!"

With a touch of anger, Caster raised her arm. Thud. The ground trembled.

Everyone looked around in alarm, mistaking the vibrations for an earthquake. This territory, covered by a boundary and transformed into a complete otherworld, should not have experienced natural sounds like this.

"What...? Caster, did you do something?"

Lancer, suspecting the witch's trickery first, cast an uncertain gaze at Caster. However, Caster shook her head in bewilderment, clearly troubled by the situation. Seeing her behavior that showed no signs of deception, Lancer's eyebrows furrowed. Just as he was about to further investigate, another heavy sound reverberated. And it seemed louder than before.

The sound, once, twice, and then three times, gradually transformed into intermittent shocks. The increasingly loud and powerful impact made everyone present alert.

"No way, could this be...!?"

Quickly realizing the source, Saber turned her head to the left with a shudder. At that very moment, the partially destroyed archery dojo was completely blown apart, and a towering figure appeared.


A massive bulk of muscles that easily surpassed human limits. Its figure embodied despair and violence, radiating a kind of divinity beyond mere intimidation.

And rightly so. This being, with a giant-like body of rock, unquestionably belonged to the ranks of the gods. Reverberating its name in Greek mythology, it was one of the greatest and strongest heroes, still spoken of as a half-god. Summoned in the fifth Holy Grail War, it was none other than an extraordinary Heroic Spirit.

"No way, why is Berserker...!?"

Knowing the mightiness of this enemy, Rin stepped back in astonishment. Possessing combat abilities that even Saber could not approach, this monster had an almost unfair defense and resurrection ability. Berserker's intervention was a complete surprise for her.

...No, it wasn't just Rin who hadn't predicted this situation. Even Caster and Lancer, who were hostile to each other, were visibly surprised. Caster, in particular, couldn't hide her half-awe expression from under her robe.

There were four Servants gathered in this place alone. Adding Archer and Rider, who were presumed to be fighting elsewhere, made it six. All Servants, except Assassin, were gathered within the confines of the school grounds. It was unusual for so many Heroic Spirits to gather in one place, and once the battle began, even though it was a vast area, it was not hard to imagine it turning into a barren wasteland. Berserker's entry had transformed the battlefield of the heroes, who had fought with order, into a chaotic maelstrom.

"Well, long time no see, Rin. I thought we'd meet a little later, but..."

Seated on the towering berserker's shoulder was a small snow girl. Both Rin and Saber's expressions became stern upon recognizing her figure. She was not an unfamiliar presence to either of them.

"Ilyasviel, why are you here...?"

"I actually came here just to have fun... Isn't it impolite not to invite a lady to the party? Besides, if there are plenty of Servants around, it's convenient for me. I have to crush all the bothersome flies."

With pure innocence in her voice, she declared. The killing intent emanating from Berserker, who followed the girl, visibly intensified. The expressions of everyone present grew tense.

With a force that had forcibly passed through the barrier isolating them from the outside world, not to mention the incomparable power itself, this master and servant pair paid no heed to the circumstances of Saber or Caster. In the midst of a fierce battle between opposing forces, attempting to simultaneously engage both sides was not a thought that would occur to someone with even a modicum of rationality. However, unfortunately, Berserker possessed a power that could, without exaggeration, take on all the Heroic Spirits gathered in this place.

Illyasviel had no intention of siding with either camp. On the contrary, she appeared in this place to eliminate all the Servants. From this point onward, the conflict would turn into a massive melee, with not two but three factions aiming at each other.

"This is..."

Caster quickly sensed the dire situation their side was in. Even though they needed to go to the aid of Archer before defeating Rider, the obstacles in their path had doubled. Furthermore, Saber and Berserker, due to their unique characteristics, couldn't be effectively dealt with by Caster. Their only chance of victory was to break through with an electric assault, but even that avenue had been sealed off, leaving them no choice but to temporarily retreat. However, abandoning Rider here would hinder their future strategies. Whatever choice they made, there were no favorable elements for Caster.


"Charge, Lancelot! Crush them all, Berserker!"

Without considering such circumstances, immediately after setting the small girl down from his shoulder, a violent storm of tyranny descended upon the three Servants.

"Master, step back! I'll handle Berserker!"

"Why did this old man show up here...!"

Taking over for Rin as she retreated, Saber swiftly attacked, wielding her sword with a reckless charge. Responding to her movement, Lancer also brandished his spear and engaged Berserker.

As elite warriors, they accurately understood the balance of power between themselves and others. Realizing that they would be overwhelmed alone and only leave behind corpses, they naturally formed a temporary alliance against their common enemy. With the battle already initiated, Caster reluctantly moved to provide cover for them from above.


However, despite facing three Servants at once, Berserker's figure remained unshakable.

Swinging his massive sword in all directions, he dug up the earth like a drilling machine, kicking up debris and shaking the air. Lancer, armed with a slender spear, was easily sent flying, and even Saber, with her strength and long sword, could barely withstand his attacks. Caster's magical bombardment only scattered light in futility against the divine protection of the curse.

Far from being evenly matched, it was an overwhelming display. With his combat abilities reaching the realm of gods and his enhanced parameters through madness, Berserker demonstrated significant superiority against the powerful Heroic Spirits before him.

"Darn... This is getting tough―――!"

Even Lancer, the fierce hound of Clan, couldn't help but cry out under the relentless onslaught. Although his temporary increase in physical abilities with Rune Magic had allowed him to temporarily match Saber, the difference in sheer power was overwhelming. While Lancer had the determination to rival even a great hero among the half-god Heroic Spirits, the gap in fame and the difference in masters were insurmountable.

No. If he and Saber fought at full power, it wouldn't be impossible to kill Berserker. However, they couldn't break through his Twelve Labors' God Hand, an abnormality that surpassed standards. If they landed a blow strong enough to kill Berserker, there would inevitably be a moment of vulnerability. Trying to claim victory against a superior opponent would require being prepared for a mutual kill. And even if they dealt a fatal blow to Berserker with such determination, he would simply resurrect and counterattack.

Saber had learned from practical experience, and Lancer had learned it from Caster's knowledge. For them, who excelled in close combat, there was no enemy as incompatible as this great hero.


Yet another strike. Saber countered the avalanche-like blow and struck back, slashing at Berserker's chest with her returned sword. Normally, such an attack would have decided the battle, but the invisible sword was simply deflected with a high-pitched sound. In the face of conceptual defense, the strength of the attack was meaningless. Not even a single scratch could be made on Berserker's body.

On the other hand, Berserker's swinging rock sword had lethal power even in its mere gusts of wind. Despite not having been hit directly even once, Saber and Lancer's armor already bore countless small cuts.


Seizing the opportunity while Saber and Lancer distanced themselves, Caster immediately unleashed her magic. Developed through high-speed incantations, it was comparable to a Noble Phantasm. Even with the Ten-Count Instant Contract, which normally required a moment to construct, her capacity to create such powerful spells in the blink of an eye far surpassed modern magi. Caster relentlessly rained down firepower capable of altering the terrain.

...However, even her barrage was repelled by Berserker's body. Although Caster had confidence that she could withstand this Hercules' onslaught if the battlefield were her stronghold, the current situation was too disadvantageous. Faced with a monster that could withstand attacks from three Servants working together, a bitter expression appeared beneath her robe.

In the midst of the intense battle where four Servants clashed, the two masters observed the situation from separate locations.

Rin clenched her teeth at the unexpected turn of events, while Illyasviel looked satisfied with her servant's magnificent appearance. Since the fierce battle was unfolding in the middle ground, they could only watch their Servants fight. But if the battlefield hadn't expanded between them, it meant that the battle between magi had begun. The elite magus known as the Five Great Elementalists, Average One, and the Homunculus created by the Einzbern family's finest magus, Suguru. Regardless of who emerged victorious, it was unlikely that they would emerge unscathed. Perhaps avoiding the battle was, indeed, fortunate.



That's why. Only they, who surveyed the battlefield from above, were able to notice the anomaly.

The deathly barrier that enveloped the entire school suddenly disappeared without any warning. In its place, a dazzling light replaced the crimson hue that adorned the sky.

The school buildings lined up behind Rin and in front of Illyasviel. All the trees and structures had been demolished, and now there was nothing obstructing the path between the buildings and this location. The brilliant light shining from the rooftop could be easily observed from here.

It appeared as if there were two suns, an aurora that created an illusion. Hindered by the overwhelming radiance that obscured their vision, the true nature of it remained unclear... Yet, bullets-like projectiles shot out from the rooftop, as if making a full turn in the sky, and hurtled toward the battlefield like meteors.



The two girls, with their extraordinary sixth senses and beast-like instincts, immediately sensed the danger and warned their respective Servants. Despite having been at odds with each other just moments ago, they instantly leaped back to their masters' side.

...However, Caster and Lancer, absorbed in the battlefield before them, noticed it a moment too late.


Their eyes widened as they looked up into the sky, but it was too late. The approaching aurora pierced through the space, engulfing them and...


—And then, vanished into the distant sky.

There was nothing left behind. Just like it was a phantom, the two Servants who had been there a moment ago disappeared without a trace. Whether they were still alive or had been erased, it was unclear.

The only evidence that made the current light seem real was the debris of shattered trees and buildings. The two remaining pairs of Master and Servant could only watch in astonishment as the light faded away.


Everything turned to stone.

As soon as the eyepatch covering Rider's upper face was removed... the entire world, without exception, turned into unyielding stone.

The arrow that should have pierced her turned into rubble and defied the laws of physics as it fell to the ground. The arrow that had fallen on the concrete floor shattered with a clang and dissipated into its original magical energy.

"What... is that?"

The Mystic Eyes.

Originally an organ that receives information from the outside world, it had been transformed into an organ that affects the outside world in reverse. It is a power possessed only by top-class magicians, capable of reversing input and output. However, the scene unfolding before their eyes was beyond the realm of regular magic. The extraordinary power to instantaneously petrify magical arrows and disregard all physical laws displayed an ability more akin to psychic power than magic.

It was questionable whether that gray Mystic Eye could even be called an eyeball. It would be more realistic to say it was a gem or crystal. Its pupils were square, its irises solidified, and it was far removed from what a human eye should look like. In that case, it wasn't a human eye but an eye directly linked to the gods.

The Mystic Eye of Petrification, Cybele.

That was Rider's Noble Phantasm... no, the Noble Phantasm possessed by the Heroic Spirit, Medusa.

"Hmph. For a mongrel, you possess quite the tool."

Archer jeered. However, he remained frozen in the same posture as when he released the arrow. The Mystic Eyes that could turn everything to stone with just a glance not only affected the arrows and the rows of skeletal soldiers, but also equally pierced through the Servants and Masters without discrimination. The immense mystery behind it was unfathomable. Even for an amateur like me, a magician of insufficient skill, its otherworldly nature was comprehensible.

"Damn it...!"

I tried to close my eyes, but it was too late. I could barely move my mouth, and before I knew it, my entire body was frozen solid, without a single place left unaffected.

The hand clenched around my bones remained frozen in place. My blood began to congeal, and even my senses grew faint. If my heart or brain were to solidify like this, it would be the end. While my legs could still move, where could I possibly escape to now? That ability simply required its target to be within its line of sight to petrify them without question. The small rooftop became my enemy, and there was nowhere to hide.

"Unfortunately, with your current abilities, you cannot defeat me."

With an inhuman gaze from her petrifying Mystic Eye, Rider spoke in a mechanical voice. Her words held no falsehood. Archer, who had overwhelmed Rider, was frozen in place as if his feet were rooted to the ground... and I, as his Master, also had most of my body petrified, rendering me immobile.


A monster known in Greek mythology as being defeated by the hero Perseus. It is said that she was originally a goddess, but due to the jealousy of another goddess, she was transformed into a monster with the eyes of petrification. While she is certainly famous, it is hard to understand why Medusa, who is not a hero, was summoned to the Holy Grail War... but rather than agonizing over that, we must find a way to overcome this petrification before it's too late.

"Hah... I thought it might be a snake-scorpion chimera, but to think it was a genuine snake woman. It is truly remarkable how a monster can rival a Heroic Spirit.

"Your bluffs end here, Archer. You and your companions are finished. To spare you unnecessary suffering, I shall decapitate you in one stroke."

Gripping the stake sword tightly, Rider leaped forward, staring down Archer. Unable to move, Archer had no means to dodge her attack. Before I could even cry out, Rider's cavalry stake sword was about to tear through his throat...



His right leg jumped up, resembling a bolt of lightning. With a sharpness that resembled lightning, it pierced Rider's side. Emitting a frog-like cry, Rider bounced off the ground and rolled. Perhaps her internal organs were damaged, as a bright red blood sprayed from her mouth.

Looking down coldly at Rider, who was coughing on the ground, Archer nonchalantly twirled his bow-shaped twin swords in his right hand. I thought maybe Rider's petrification had been lifted, but I still couldn't move. If that was the case, it wasn't that the petrification had been lifted... it simply hadn't affected me in the first place.

However, the power of Clairvoyance bestowed upon Masters... the privilege of those who command Servants, taught to me by Tohsaka... even with that, Archer did not possess such a special ability. If he himself didn't have that ability, then it must be in one of his weapons or armor... most likely, the armor had mechanisms to counteract petrification. It was an extremely limited ability, but the timing of its activation could only be described as fortunate.

Being able to unilaterally nullify Rider's trump card, her Noble Phantasm. It was easy to imagine how powerful that ability was just by looking at Rider's contorted face.

Reversals upon reversals. The shifting tides of battle continued, but Archer's advantage remained unshaken. Even when faced with Rider, who had exposed her true name and had her Noble Phantasm rendered ineffective, Archer showed no signs of weakness. With Archer standing proudly and Rider lying on the ground, the outcome was clear.


Archer slammed his twin swords, still in a bow-like shape, down like double-edged swords. Rider narrowly rolled out of the way, but Archer's follow-up kick effortlessly sent her flying.


Crashing into the rooftop door, Rider crumbled to the ground. She still clutched the stake sword tightly in her right hand, but she no longer possessed the strength to withstand Archer's attacks. As Archer drew his bowstring to deliver a finishing blow, Rider's right hand extended slowly.


Unbelievably, the stake sword deeply cut through Rider's own throat.

It wasn't a mere self-inflicted wound. It was a merciless strike that could have easily decapitated her. Even as a Servant, that blow was fatal. Archer, who had intended to release an arrow, halted his movement as he struggled to grasp her intentions.

However, upon seeing Rider's smile amid the splattering of blood, I realized it wasn't suicide but some kind of stratagem. In the blink of an eye, the scattered blood gathered together like a living creature, forming some kind of pattern in the air... That was it. It was something ominous.


"Tch, we're retreating, mongrel!"

Clicking his tongue, Archer swiftly turned around. With me, unable to move due to petrification, cradled in his left hand, he leaped off the rooftop without hesitation, still holding the twin swords.

—Immediately after. Something resembling a shooting star ascended into the sky, scattering an immense amount of light.

"Monster woman. To think you still had a hidden trump card at this point."

Placing me on the ground, Archer gazed bitterly at the light dancing in the sky. It emitted tremendous magical energy and, as if having circled the sky once, disappeared with incredible speed. It seemed that it wasn't meant to defeat us, but merely a means for escape from this location.

That light... the blood barrier, the Mystic Eyes of Petrification, and now Rider's third Noble Phantasm. It was likely a mount for her to ride, different from the previous two. We didn't know its true nature, but even from a distance, it was clear it possessed immense magical power and speed.

Although a Noble Phantasm isn't limited to being singular, that Servant possessed three powerful Noble Phantasms. Perhaps it was due to Rider's condition and the compatibility with Archer that we ended up in a situation where we had to escape.

"But rejoice, boy. The barrier set in this place has disappeared. Rider, it seems she struggled to maintain both that and her new Noble Phantasm."

"Does that mean...?"

"Yes. That mongrel failed to absorb enough magical energy. The meager amount she managed to take has likely been depleted by her recent display. It seems the mongrels here at this academy have had a lucky escape."

With those words, all the strength drained from my body. If I hadn't been petrified, I would have surely fallen to my knees.

...Thank goodness. We couldn't defeat Rider, but we removed the barrier and spared the students from becoming victims. If we only consider the results, it could be deemed as quite satisfactory.



Perhaps because I had relaxed, the figure of the Servant before me gradually became indistinct.

The owner of the Mystic Eyes was no longer here. The petrification would likely naturally recover. However, the recoil from being petrified all over, slowing down the flow of blood and the movement of internal organs, suddenly struck me... This was bad. At this rate, I would collapse.

As I caught a final glimpse of Archer's profile, who turned to face me, my consciousness plunged into pitch-black darkness.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts