
Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81

If you wanted to read 20 Chapters ahead, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sico has always been hospitalized since he was a kid because his body is very weak and the doctor doesn't know what the reason is, so his parents always find a way to make him happy. They gave him a PS4 console to keep him from being bored and distracted. When he downloaded Fallouts, especially Fallout 4 it became his favorite game of all time but someday his body became deteriorated and became weak so he had to be bedridden. Because of that, he can not play his favorite game again and feels sad because of it. He asked his parent to cut his life support system so that he can rest in peace and when he slowly closing his eyes, he made a wish to be reincarnated in Fallout 4 world. Many people don't know because of that wish, a legend born in alternates Fallout 4 world.

Tang12 · ゲーム
334 Chs

5. Expanding Vault 81

A/T: I have a special announcement! Due to something that happened in IRL, I have many free time since last week and I used it to make Fallout 4 which helped me freshen my mind from making my ROTK novel.

I make so many chapters of Fallout from last week to today lol. So I decided to upload all of that to my Patreon for everyone who wants to read 15+ and more chapters ahead, I hope everyone enjoyed it!

Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12


After planning and thinking about what ways he should convince the overseer and all the people who live in the vault, Sico slowly closes his eyes and gets to sleep because of an exhausting day.

The next day, Sico and the twins are ordered by the overseer to see Dr. Jacob Forsythe for a medical checkup. The overseer worried that they may be contaminated by the virus or diseases in there and bring them to the vault.

After arriving at the infirmary, Rachel welcomes them and asks to wait for Dr. Forsythe to check them one by one. While Dr. Forsythe checks them, he asks them why they foolishly go there alone without the adults knowing that the place is dangerous. While explaining what they told the overseer yesterday, Dr. Forsythe finished the checkup and told them that they were healthy and no injuries were detected.

After that Sico parts ways with the Twins and goes to the overseer's room to convince her to expand the vault. When arrived at the overseer's room door, the security guard who guards the door asked him what the purpose he was.

Security Guard: "What are you doing here?."

Sico: "Can I meet the overseer, please? I have something to talk about with her."

Security Guard: "Well, you may come in but don't do anything stupid or else."

Sico: "Okay Sir thank you."

After getting the permission to go through, Sico sees the overseer doing some work on her terminal.

Sico: "Excuse me, overseer may I have a moment?."

Gwen: "Of course Sico, what do you need?."

Sico: "Well it's about what I told you yesterday that I think we can try expanding our vault to the section that I discovered. Don't worry about the mole rat because me and the twins already clearing out of them if you worry about them."

Gwen: "Hmm… I know Sico, but you know that it needs many resources and people to be able to fix the place and make it a liveable place for the people."

Sico: "I know what you're worried about overseer, don't worry overseer I have a plan for that. Why don't we slowly expand it from Curie lab that connected to the elevator and from there we slowly expand it. We will not expand it within a month it will need a year if we have the resources and manpower for that. That's why we expanding it from Curie Lab first, if we don't have enough resources to continue we stop it first and gather the resources. After we accumulated the resources we continued it again and when the project was stopped we could allocate the manpower we previously used there to another project while waiting for the resources to come."

Gwen: "Hmm… a very good plan Sico, but I need the approval from all the section chiefs so that we can do this plan. Considering the monthly meeting is tomorrow I can propose it during the meeting while waiting for the answer to this plan, I asked Officer Edwards to order his man to guard the entrance so nobody can enter that place without my order."

Sico: "Okay the overseer and can I ask you to place Curie in the infirmary? I think she can help Dr. Forsythe and Miss Rachel's job because she can do a diagnosis easily with her sensor and knows many kinds of disease."

Gwen: "Well I think that's a good idea but you need to talk to Dr. Forsythe himself to ask permission to him if he can let Curie help him in the infirmary."

Sico: "Thank you, overseer, well then I dismiss myself because I have to get to work, or if Calvin knows me doesn't do my job he can kill me."

Gwen: "Hahaha… of course Sico thank you for your plan."

Sico: "The pleasure is mine and thank you too for hearing from me."

After finishing talking to the overseer, Sico continued to do his job until night and when his shift was done he went back to his room. When he arrives his mom and dad are already asleep and his mom leaves him dinner on the table so that he can eat tonight, after finishing dinner his mom makes him take a shower and get to sleep because he is already tired from all the jobs he does.

In the morning Sico continued the same routine as yesterday he was done too, when suddenly a security guard who guarding the overseer came to him and told him that the overseer was looking for him.

Following the security guard to the overseer's room, Sico guessed that the meeting was already done and the overseer wanted to tell him about the results of the plan he gave her yesterday.

When arrived at the overseer's room the security guard stopped and told him to go into the room himself. Entering the room he sees that the overseer is looking at him and wonders why the overseer looking at him like that.

Gwen: "Sico before I tell you about the result of the meeting, there is something I want to ask you."

Sico: "Hmm..? What is it overseer?"

Gwen: "When proposing your plan to every section chief in the meeting while saying your name that propose this plan. They asked me how you a boy who just got his job think of a plan like this and with details for that. So when they asked me about that I realized yeah why do you can think like that? Now please answer me."

Sico: "Well because I was smarter since little and always read books so that I can think of a plan like that. If you are worried, you can ask my parent I always give them advice every day and always right in the end."

Gwen: "Hmm… that's a good point, well then on the main issue the result of the meeting is that they agree and appoint you as the vice leader of this project with Robert as one of the security guards and Jenny as one of the attending doctors because you guys have an experience in there."

Sico: "Huh? Aren't we too young to join this project?."

Gwen: "We chose you guys first because you are the ones who found this place and know the inside in and out. Second, you guys are smarter than average people here and considered prodigies in your own field."

Sico: "Okay then on behalf of me and my friends I accept the job and say thank you for trusting us."

Gwen: "You welcome, now is there anything else you want to say? If not we can end the conversation here."

Sico: "Oh yes there's one, can Curie join this project as one of the doctors too? You know she is a robot that is designed to know what diseases are there and how to treat them."

Gwen: "Hmm… well considering that she knows this place well enough then I suppose it's not a problem for me."

Sico: "Thank you, overseer, now I have to get back to my job if there is nothing else to discuss of course."

Gwen: "Okay then dismiss see you tomorrow Sico, we meet up in front of the elevator tomorrow morning so that the project can be done as soon as possible."

Sico: "Okay overseer goodbye then."

After leaving the overseer's room, Sico back to his work, and when finished he brought the news he got to the Twins and they were ecstatic about it. They can wait for tomorrow, after Sico went back to his room to eat some dinner while sharing the news with his parent they were happy that he was recognized by the overseer and told him not be to too proud, after eating dinner he took a shower and then back to his room to telling Curie that she has a job tomorrow and then went to bed early in for the night while telling Curie to help wake him up if he doesn't wake up from the alarm because tomorrow he has to wake up early more than usual.

In the morning Curie wakes Sico and tells him that it's time to eat breakfast and take a shower or if he doesn't wake up soon he be late. After that Sico woke up, ate his breakfast took a shower then went to the meeting spot. On the way, Sico and Curie meet the Twins who are on the way to the meeting spot too, and then walk together to the meeting spot. When they arrive they see many people who are participating in the project, and see that the overseer with Calvin organizing the people.

When they see us, they call us and then introduce us as the people who found this place so that's why we are considered as the ones who know the place better and Curie is the robot who knows the details of the place. After introducing us, Calvin led all of us to the elevator and then went to the vault new section while bringing resources and tools for the renovation of the place.

After arriving at the place, the lab was still the same and then we started renovating from there and cleaning the place like the skeleton of the scientist we will save it first and then bury or cremate it later. While the others renovate the place, Sico and Calvin head to the next place and discuss what they need to renovate that place while thinking that the resources they brought are enough or not to renovate this place.

After a 14 hour job renovating the place, it looks almost the same as before. We stop because it's time to get back to eat some dinner and take a shower then go to sleep. After all, tomorrow still need to continue renovating the place. Then we headed back to the old vault after that we parted ways and went back to our own room, when Sico arrived at his room he told his parents about how the project going while eating dinner with his parents and went to take a shower after finishing eating dinner then went to sleep.


• Name: Sico

• Stats

S: 4,44

P: 3,44

E: 2,44

C: 5,44

I: 8,44

A: 2,44

L: 2

Skills: intermediate Mechanic skills, beginner Shooting, Medical, and science skills

Inventory: 10.000 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 5 mole rats meat, 3 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, and 1 fusion core.

Active Quest: Prepare For The Future

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