

"Cree," she gasped again and again. Even after coming together umpteen times throughout the night, she had been left craving for more, and the thought of this just amused Cree further.

"What's wrong, Xiaoruo? Is it not enough for you?" he joked. She glared at him moodily, keeping silent. Why did he always have to poke fun at her for her needs?

After half an hour had passed without a single word from her, Cree realised she was still mad, offered her his sincerest apology. When she ignored him, he sang the best he could as a peace offering.

"It was you who rocked my world,

And without you, I am nobody, because we are one-"

She put an end to his singing hastily with a hand gesture from her to stop.

"You should know that singing isn't one of your qualities," she told him crossly.