
Falling in Love With You All Over Again

"Ruolan, men can be monsters. It's best that you admit what you are up to, before...goodness knows what happens to you." He pronounced each word coldly, and it felt like ice pricks stabbing directly into her heart. ..... Orphaned since young, Qiao Ruo has never known a parent's love. Her life almost falls apart when she is bullied at work in the busy city A, and with her career on the line, she pursues adopted mysterious heir Cree Ye for her scoop. The cold and mysterious Cree, on the other hand, turns to be hiding a secret all along... But why is her heart beating so hard whenever he stares at her? ..... Read along with my story to know what happens to Qiao Ruo as she sets on a journey to find her true destiny, but is her destiny what she wanted in the first place? ----- Disclaimer: The female protagonist, Qiao Ruo is a woman whose parents hold a dark and complicated secret. She is not your average goody-two shoes protagonist, and adapts very quickly to her new identity. She will also have her new family on her side to help her with her journey. There will be no rape or cheating in this story.

ssfx3yuchens · Urban
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80 Chs


Two days after Xiazhi's trip to City X

Xiazhi groaned as the train came across a rough spot on the track. She had already been flung a few times when she got up to take a peek from the window of her carriage. A glance at her watch informed her that it would be two more hours of endless waiting. Beside her, the matchmaker snored. 

Her eyes wandered around the carriage to observe the passengers. Of the hundreds of people in the carriage, she wondered who was going to disembark at City X or take a plane to City A as well. Cree's loyal assistant Ye An had arranged her plane ticket, and she knew nothing about flying on a plane. Fortunately, the plane would just be two hours, and she could doze in it as well.