
Fake Innocence

Under the blue sky on a resplendent day Walking desert on the bridge that day, Copious river golden sunshine that day I love that perception first time that day, I grin then jumped down the bridge last day Falling down I breathe first time that day, Under the water a little sunshine that day Push me in rayless depth of sadness last day, All moments of my life palisade me My heart stopped throbbing that day, No more propensity it's all happen that day My all glimpse left me alone that day. _______________*

Asma_Batool128 · 都市
21 Chs

Begin Again

Sara stood in front of the White Palace, it was present at a calm place far away from the noise. Sara was not excited so much as she came here before. Sara entered the white palace, many servants were inside. Everything was glistening and all ornaments were so unique. Rocky stepped in with her, and Sara came in and took a look at the surrounding.

Rocky asked her,

What are you thinking?

Sara replied softly, it looks like an a museum more than a house.

Rocky asked her surprisingly,

"Do you not like it?"

Sara spoke softly,

"I did not mean it. Everything is so good but there is nothing that can give comfort to sight. Everything looked mythical."

Rocky chuckled softly and muttered to himself,

"Such a weird girl! It is a dream palace for a lot of girls."

Miss Maliky came near them and welcome them warmly. Rocky took Sara's stairs up and show her room. It was a wide airy room, everything was organized very well. Sara took a look at the room with a calm face. Maliky showed her her wardrobe, all branded dresses were arranged nicely.

Sara checked out some dresses. Maliky asked her politely,

"Ma'am, do you like it? All are bought from a satisfactory place and their stuff is also so outstanding. I hope you would like it."

Sara turned back and came into her bedroom, straight up her head, and looked at Rocky. Then Sara spoke up with a soft pitch, I do not like a dress from them. It does not suit my taste. Sara asked Rocky,

"Did you buy anything for me?"

Rocky looked at her with a smile and replied,

No, you prefer your choice. I think, your taste also changed after memory loss.

Sara chuckled softly, I do not remember how was I before but I want to live my life as I am now. I prefer to live the present without worrying about the past. We should not repent what already had passed.

You are right. So, let's begin again miss Sara. I am Rocky the CEO of AK company and a famous artist. Rocky forwards his hand towards her with a big smile.

Sara smirked and joined his hand,

I am Sara and just a kind-hearted human being. I have nothing to show off except my sincerity. Is it okay for you mister Rocky?

Rocky chuckled, you are really so fascinating. Let's go, I have something to show you.

Rocky took her to the room where he tinted unique paintings. Sara stared at those paintings with surprise.

There was a picture under the cover. Rocky removed its cover and showed her that painting. Sara remained stunned, it was her picture colored amazingly. It was showing his deep feelings.

After seeing it, Sara hugged him with warmth. Rocky became startled and looked at her, Sara was smiling gaily. Sara detached from him and gazed at the picture with bright eyes. Her hug tickled his heart. Rocky was looking at her.

Sara asked him, why are you looking at me as it?

No, I was just looking at the picture and you. I could not understand which one is more fascinating.

Sara laughed and pointed to herself,


Yes, of course. You are.

Rocky visited her every corner of the palace. During this time, Rocky was observing her expressions and thoughts,

"Why she is different from other girls?"

Sara was touching the flowers with a pleasant smile, she breathe in and out to take fresh air. Sara was smelling the fragrance of the flowers in the garden. Maliky was staring at them through the big glass window. Rocky stood still there. They came in and sat together on the sofa.

Sara asked him,

"Do you have a family? I mean, I do not see a person in your family."

Rocky told her, my mother passed away many years ago.

Ahh...I am sorry! What about your father?

Rocky remained silent for a while then, he opened up his mouth to tell her when his cell rang.

Excuse me!

After the call, Rocky said, now I have to go. Something urgent has come into the office. Rocky gave her his card, you can buy anything. Miss Maliky will give you a company. Sara asked with surprise,


Yes, as you wish.

Rocky walked out of the palace hurriedly. Sara put glanced at miss Maliky, she stood still obediently. Sara went out shopping. Sara bought some dresses that she liked. Sara choose all dresses of her own choice. Maliky did not speak too much, she looked serious cold lady. All time her facial expressions were the same. Sara bought a watch for Rocky. Rocky went to his office, his assistant told him that NCC refused to sign a deal with us. They were agreed last week. I do not know why they are doing this now?

You can leave now. I will look into this matter own myself, Rocky crossed his fingers and thought deeply, and turned his back by spinning his chair.

In the evening, Rocky came back from the office. Sara gave him back his card and gave him a gift that she bought for him. Rocky smiled and said,

"Is it for me? I am first time accepting a gift from a girl. You did not spend too much as I was expecting."

Sara stood straight in front of him laughed softly and said, open up the gift. Tell me do you like it or not?

Is it necessary to do it now? I think we should eat first. The dinner is getting cold.

Sara nodded her head in no and smirked, no open it first.

Rocky opened the little box and looked at the wristwatch. It was amazing. Rocky smiled and said,

It is nice!

Sara spoke up, I know you have a lot of expensive and branded watches, but it is special. Do you know why?

Sara paused and looked into his eyes. Then, Sara spoke, because I give it to you. It is not much expensive but I want you should give it value because I give it to you. Keep it safe. Time is very important for everyone. I know the value of time, I want you should know about it. Only time can turn the whole table of life. Time always gives you a return gift.


Thank you, I did not know about the value of the wristwatch. Okay, I will keep it in my mind. I think we should eat now. Rocky grinned. Sara spoke,

Yeah, of course.

Give me a minute to freshly up, Rocky went upstairs to his room. Rocky shut the door loudly and threw that little box on the bed. What bullshit!

Mister Moon came in, Sara met him and greet him warmly. Rocky had come down in the hall. Sara spoke up, come eat together. Look your father is also here.

I do not have an appetite. Enjoy your meal.

Rocky went upstairs in a frenzy mood. Sara was staring at his back. Do not mind him, uncle! Come and eat.

What is this nonsense? Stupid girl! Rocky was growling in his room.