
Fake Innocence

Under the blue sky on a resplendent day Walking desert on the bridge that day, Copious river golden sunshine that day I love that perception first time that day, I grin then jumped down the bridge last day Falling down I breathe first time that day, Under the water a little sunshine that day Push me in rayless depth of sadness last day, All moments of my life palisade me My heart stopped throbbing that day, No more propensity it's all happen that day My all glimpse left me alone that day. _______________*

Asma_Batool128 · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

First Love

In the hospital, it was a boring morning. A nurse came in to check her, she gazed at Sara's face. Sara was quiet. That nurse told her, you are lucky you have someone in your life who loves you very much. Sara stared at her with questioning eyes, she understood her sight and spoke, I am talking about your boyfriend. He was handsome, he stood still at the door for a while and looked at you with worried.

Sara did not slip a word, she was just staring at her because everything was unusual to her after losing memory. That nurse left the room quietly. Sara was alone in the room, she did not where are Emily and Harry.

Sara rested her feet on the floor and tried to stand up but she could not because her shoulder hurt. Emily came in and held her hurriedly and stopped her. Sara again sat on the bed when Rocky's manager gets in the room. Emily chuckled softly and asked him with her sharp voice in a shouting tone,

Where is your boss? Who exclaimed I would declare everything to the public? Where is he right now? His girlfriend is here in the hospital but he has disappeared. I have not seen him from the night. Tell him, he can not take care of anyone. He just knows how to hurt others, he does not know how to heal others' wounds. Jim remained quiet, he was just looking at Emily.

Emily was scaring him with her harsh speech. Sara was irritating because of them. Rocky was walking towards her room. In the hospital, passers-by were gazing at him because he was a notable person. There were two men in black were following him seemed his guards.

The door cracks and Rocky enters the room, Sara looked at him. Jim stood at the side of the room. Emily became silent and stared at him for the first time looking at him clearly before it she did not focus on his look because Emily fought with him. Rocky came forward near her. A team of doctors also came into the room.

Rocky spoke, I want you to check her completely. I want to take care of her at home. She does not want to start here anymore. Sara put a glance at him, she really wanted it but how did he know about it. They checked her and a doctor told him cheerfully,

Sir, everything is fine. She is recovering very fast. You can take her home but still, she needs a regular check-up and proper care.

Rocky smiled, thank you, doctor. I will do my best to take care of her properly. They left the room.

Emily was noticing their actions quietly. Rocky ordered a lady to come in. She came in and bring a dress for her. Rocky bend a little to hold her shoulders and looked into her eyes and spoke politely, Sara we are going back home. Get ready. She will help you, Rocky pointed to the lady. She smiled and now her head to greet Sara. Rocky stood up straight and took a look at Emily, she was glaring at him as if she will kill him.

Sara went to another room to change her hospital gown. Rocky stood straight in front of Emily and spoke, do not worry about Sara. I won't hurt her. I am not the bad guy that you are imagining me. I just want to repay her because she saved my life.

Emily pointed a finger at him and said, I swear I will kill you if you try to do something with her. There was no fear in her eyes.

Rocky chuckled softly and whispered,

Let's see.

Emily put a glance at Jim, he did not divert his sight. Emily breathe deeply and closed her eyes to calm herself. Sara came out, she was looking nice in a beautiful dress it was simple but looked on her graceful. Rocky held her hand and walked out of the room. Rocky was stepping forward to the exit door, and Sara was following him. Sara put a glance at the hands they held each other, she was not angry. Sara was feeling comfortable and happy. Emily was staring at their backs, they were going away.

Jim spoke to her, do not worry about her. Emily turned back and gazed at his face. Jim walked away before she blasted at him. Emily clenched her fists. The media was waiting outside of the hospital, they had arrived there because they were pursuing Rocky to get hot news.

As Sara and Rocky came out of the hospital, they surrounded them. They were asking a lot of strange questions and they were capturing their pictures. Their questions were making Sara discomfort. They were calling her gold digger. Sara was not feeling comfortable there, she wanted to run away.

Rocky still held her hand, the grip on her hand he tightened up and spoke, I do not want anyone to interfere in my matter but this matter needs to be cleared in the public. Rocky looked at Sara with a smile and spoke up, Sara is my girlfriend and she is my first love. I do not want anyone to talk about her who will try to disgrace her.

I will take it he disgraced me because her respect is mine. I do not want to explain anything more about us. The flashlights of the cameras were disturbing her, Sara had not recovered yet. Rocky understood her condition, they moved toward the car. Rocky put her in the car. Rocky ordered his driver to drive fast.

Rocky asked her,

Are you alright?

Sara spoke, yes I am okay.

John, Lingyun, and Shuchan were also listening to the news. They were laughing. John giggled and spoke, I can not believe it. It was not his nature. He is Rocky using these words. Amazing!

His father was also listening to the news, he was chuckling. Mister Moon was in his office. Harry was sleeping on his bed someone was peeping horn in front of the house. Its noise was disturbing him.

Harry got up with fury and came out of the house. His dream car was in front of his eyes, Jim gave him a key to Harry and said,

Now, it is yours.

Harry was walking around the car and touched it he was so excited. His heart was dancing with joy, I can not believe it. Its mine. Harry jumped and hugged Jim with excitement. Jim told him, that Rocky gifted him this car.