
Fake Innocence

Under the blue sky on a resplendent day Walking desert on the bridge that day, Copious river golden sunshine that day I love that perception first time that day, I grin then jumped down the bridge last day Falling down I breathe first time that day, Under the water a little sunshine that day Push me in rayless depth of sadness last day, All moments of my life palisade me My heart stopped throbbing that day, No more propensity it's all happen that day My all glimpse left me alone that day. _______________*

Asma_Batool128 · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Help me!

His father told her what happened between them in his expressions. His father Moon accepts all his faults. He could not be a good father nor a good husband. Sara listened to him with full heed. They ate together but Rocky was sauntering into his room. Rocky thought, I have made a big mistake. I should not bring her here.

After listening to his father, Sara spoke, do not worry uncle. Everything will settle soon between you and Rocky, he is not so stubborn as he showed up to others. Give him some time.

"I think so."

Mister Moon laughed softly and thought, I think I got the point. Now, everything is in my hands. His smirk was suspicious.

Rocky went out to meet his friends. They were in the pub. As Rocky meet them, they giggled. John did his mimicry. Shuchang and Lingyun laughed at him but Rocky remained quiet. Lingyun asked, Are you okay?

Yeah! Rocky laughed. John, you are really a good mimicker but still, you are missing something. They laughed and cheers their glass. Shuchang asked Rocky,

What is your next plan?


John spoke,

Let's meet your girlfriend. I am curious to know about her.

Lingyun giggled, what about it to give her a surprise welcome party? We will have fun.

John replied with excitement,

Right, it is a good idea.

Rocky spoke, okay! As you wish, but do not try to fool me.

Lingyun spoke, no worry bro. We will assure her how much you love her with your heart. They laughed and enjoyed the party.

In the morning, Sara had waked up early. Sara was strolling in the garden and breathing fresh air. Rocky came to her and told her, in the evening, you have to go somewhere with me. I hope, you will feel good. Do you have any objections miss Sara?

No, Sir!

They laughed. Sara spoke hesitatingly, may I ask you something?


"Why are you ignoring your dad? Why are you angry with him?"

"Did he not tell you about it? You looked frank with him."

Sara answered back, I want to listen to you. I do not believe in one side story.

Rocky face became spun, I do not want to talk about him. It will be better if we do not discuss him. Try not to interfere between us. You do not know him. My father knows very well how to trick someone by using sugar-coated words.

Okay, alright! We will not talk about it. Sara replied to him and walked away in an upset mood. Her facial expressions was showing how is she feeling? Rocky gazed at her going away and sighed. Rocky diverted his sight and looked up at the sky.

In the evening, a team from the salon came to get her ready. Sara looked surprised. They did her makeup very well. After an hour, Sara was ready to go out.

Rocky was waiting for her in the hall. Sara was looking gorgeous in a long red dress like an angel. Her beautiful attractive eyes and tender smile make her more stunning. Sara was descending stairs in high heels. Rocky could not divert his sight for a while, he looked at her beauty.

Sara came near him and asked, how I am looking?

Rocky slipped a word to admire her,

"Gorgeous! You are looking amazing."

Sara smiled softly, thank you. If you are ready let's go.

Rocky and Sara sat in a long splendor vehicle. Sara seemed happy and excited. In a while, they arrived at the destination. John, lingyun, and Shuchang were waiting for them. The party had organized amazingly.

Sara came out of the vehicle, Rocky gave her his arm to hold up. They entered the hall like a couple, they were looking like a nice couple. Rocky introduced her to his friends. They greet her warmly with a big heart. Sara looked gaily.

John whispered in Rocky's ear, she looked more pretty in person than on the cameras. Your choice is admirable. Rocky chuckled softly, focusing on your plan. Rocky walked out to meet the other. John, lingyun, and Shuchang stood together with her. They told her their own stories to prove to her, that Rocky love her and was a decent person.

Fei Hong arrived there at the party, she was also looking stunning. Fei Hong came to join them, they looked at her with surprise and whispered,

"Who invited her?"

John glared at Lingyun. Lingyun spoke softly, "No I am not."

Fei Hong came forward with a smile and held Lingyun's arm. Nobody invited me but can I not come to my boyfriend's party? John giggled,

"Most welcome, why not?"

John whispered in Lingyun's ear with a smile and took her away before she blew our cover or do something crazy. Lingyun tried to divert her attention but Fei Hong greets Sara and asked about her. After a while, they became frank with each other. Fei Hong took her to the side and said, be aware of them.

They are playboys. I think you do not know them very well, and I heard you have lost your memory. Then, how can you trust them? Sara smiled, I think, you do not know me. Fei Hong further spoke,

They thought they are smarter than girls.

But we will show them, that girls' power is power.

They were gazing at them from a distance. Sara was listening to her with full heed. Rocky asked them, what they are talking about?

"Do not know!"

Music was playing, everyone started dancing in the hall. Rocky walked to her and forwarded his hand towards her, Sara held his hand. While they were dancing, a fire started up in the hall. Rocky run towards the fireside to stop it but everyone was running out hurriedly. Sara stood there in the hall. The fire was rising, it reminds her of how her parents died. A fire started up in their home and burnt out everything.

Her heart was aching. Sara remembered Harry was crying bitterly. Sara wanted to jump into the fire to save his parents' but the police stopped her. Some tears dropped out of her eyes. Everyone was running out of the hall. Sara stood there alone, she felt she was frozen. Sara could not move a step, she was feeling suffocating. In this riotous situation, her sight was searching for him. Sara shrill cried,

"Help me! Please..."

Rocky looked at the situation and came out, he searched for Sara but he could not find her outside of the hall, all were present there. Nobody knows about her. Rocky again gets in and saw Sara was stood there in trauma, he came near her and asked,

"Why did you not get out? Let's go hurry."

Sara put her hand on her heart, her condition was not so good. The fire had covered the whole hall. The smoke was creating a suffocating aura.