
Extra's Magic

Author: Gurdon
Ongoing · 1.5M Views
  • 209 Chs
  • 4.3
    32 ratings
  • NO.200+


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Hero of Darkness

Elric's life had been nothing short of a nightmare since his childhood. He was constantly bullied at school, detested and ignored by his family, and left with nobody to care whether he lived or died. The accumulated loneliness and suffering from decades pushed him into a severe depression, and he ultimately decided to take his life’s final decision… Suicide. One day, Elric's soul heard a voice calling out to him. "Wake up, Elric. I am the God of Darkness, and I'm here to give you another chance at life." To the God of Darkness, Elric replied with only two words… "Fuck off!" Now forced with the possibility of a new life despite his unwillingness… Elric must decide whether to become a puppet or forge a new destiny with his own hands. Will he overcome his traumatic past, or will he squander yet another chance at life? Join the Protagonist on his journey as he is given an impossible task while striving to become one of the strongest beings in a world full of Magic, Mythical creatures, Dragons, and Gods. ---------------- [[Author : The protagonist of this story is a scheming mastermind who doesn't trust anyone and plans everything based on his present strength, knowledge and circumstances. No Romance, Harem, or Fan-service here. The main character is also not an Edgelord or a Psychopath who kills people without reason. Character development is a gradual process as the Main Character learns to acknowledge and overcome his flaws. This is a story for those who appreciate a psychologically well-developed character. The protagonist is an Antihero character who exists in the gray area between good and evil. This is a story for those who enjoy complex characters, greatly improving and expanding World-building along with intricate plots. If you are looking for a story with a nuanced and morally ambiguous yet humorous protagonist in a mature and gritty world, then this is the novel for you.]] ---------------- Note : Character Reference Arts available in chapter comments. Discord Link : https://discord.com/invite/ASRdeHfDMX ---------------- Note : Vote for the Novel for extra weekly chapters. 500 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 1000 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 2500 Power Stones = 5 Extra chapters per week 500 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 1000 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week 1500 Golden Tickets = 7 Extra chapters per week

CrimsonWolfAuthor · Fantasy
1069 Chs


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Ive read up to chapter 87 and i have to say this is a good novel. i have to guess that rose will be the FL and i hope it wont turn into a harem.


can you make it a small harem like 4 to 5


Spoiler review: The writing quality is very good. But the story development wasn't very interesting at first and some things weren't explained at all. Firstly the mc keeps saying he has combat experience from a game but the author didn't say much about what kind of game it was. You would think it's something like a Vr game but sometimes the way he talks about the game makes it seem like it isn't that. The memory palace ability also wasn't explained enough at all. Some things also feel like the author just made them up on the spot for convenience like when the mc gets an artifact that gives a boost in speed based on whether he's in pain or not. He suddenly mentions how he's always in pain apparently due to his soul being damaged during reincarnation. But that wasn't mentioned before at all. There are also some things that are way too similar to Author's pov. The mastery of a weapon art or something being called "world splitter" here which is the name of keiki style's 4th movement in author's pov.But! That aside at around 70 or chapters this novel has a lot of greatly detailed action scenes and around chapter 85 Mc starts having character development. That's when the novel became very fun to read for me. I hope the story keeps improving but even before that I hope the things I mentioned are explained better and maybe changed a bit so the shortcomings in the start can be somewhat dismissed.


Please don't screw up this novel It was good up until the part the MC becomes emotional and rose and MC weird and awkward scenesDon't make the MC and emotional idiot I understand he has to deal with his darkness but don't make it too weird and crazy. Make him a tiny bit emotionless and get him to be angry at Rose and her family for restricting his freedom. Get him to tell her to leave him alone or for him to strong arm her father into giving him some space(I mean he's a transmigrator so he knows some info get him to properly use it for his advantage) I know he should use the light and not just be in the shadow but don't make him fully come out into the light keep the majority of his actions un the shadowsand for gods sake make him a bit smarter to be a tiny step ahead of everything and everyone I really hope you take my suggestions into consideration because this novel has potential


I fell the mc is pretty dumb at starting and author should atleast show case playing a game is not same as surviving in a fantasy world .mc should have a reality check(after reading restaurant fight)


cool and simple, would very much recommend


Well, it's hard to describe,but i say it's good and bad at the same time,if i compare it then i would say it's like seven deadly sins (anime), or The novel's extra,NOT THE STORYLINE but the way it's written, Good at start, but keep getting mediocre as you move forward, You want to drop it, but still for some reason, can't completely drop it, I dropped it yesterday but today i started reading again and now i am dropping it again,


Good so far, feels a bit too familiar to Author Pov with the system and the main character using a katana. Hopefully that will change. Also please no harem.


Here's my impression of the novel:Give the author a piece of stone that's big as a hand and he will tell you what it is, its description, color, size, shape, history, and comparison to tales, myths, feelings etc.. and before you know it, the author had created an entire chapter of a piece of stone.


Author love your novel ... its very interesting i didnt get bored anytime although the recent arc was somewhat dragged. good work[img=recommend]


Enjoyable read not ground breaking or unique but much better than most of the other trash out there.


I mean it's OK it's good even but pay starts at chapter 30. and tbh I haven't got that far in to know if it's really worth the money I'd be putting in on it. I don't know the price per chapter either I'll post it in comments I mean this story has potential idk how far it'll go.


Great so far the pacing is great but I wish we could get more insight on the world but that comes as the story develops


Okeeey, the concept it's pretty great, writing quality also amazing but the story after a while became boring to me. I'm at 200 and planing to drop, this guy knows about future from the game, but behave like he didn't. At first every fight was exciting to read when he was close to death and very weak. But it's irritating if every fight is like that. There are ranks but this guy always finds someone who is a little stronger than him and he is using his wits and genius to win while being almost dead. Beach please, if I would knew about the future, then I would trade more or took free treasure. He should die a 100 time's if it was not for the plot armor 😢. I was hoping to see him grow but it's soo slow and as I said every enemy is always stronger than the guy 😑. Do with that info what you want. Writing quality is pretty great, relationships with other character are good also but this slow paced grow is killing me.


I have finished all free chapters and from that, I can say this is just going on in it story, I have not found any mind-blowing part in it, this is my experience from free chapters and I am not sure that I will read paid chapters or not and for author please don't take my review to heart and keep writing


Good start and development to start the story


Decent. .


I love this novel the only thing i hate is consnat fights like half of them could be reduced to few sentaces instead of entire chapter there was even what 2 whole chapters about how some lizard was eaten alive by crabs and mc saying he is scared, and i skip fights but whenever i read it feels as if mc is going to die at any time he is saying how he is using his last bit of power and he is lucky he didnt die and then goes fight another thing and says the same thing,why??? all fights expect few could be reduced to few sentaces, the fights where he fights random stuff is the same lenght as when he fights really important stuff like demons ?? why other than that its pretty good


Overall amazing, love how smoothly everything goes. Plus the cover art is amazing looking


good novel ,hope it doesn't turn into harem and rose is the FL


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating