
Evolving Village

A vllage within a cultivation world, near the demonic creatures' frontier.

Erakel_Spargo · ファンタジー
112 Chs

His village

Coming towards the river, the building had grown up nicely. Unlike most of the buildings in Nirl, this building was made up of stone. This was something that was only found in the wealthiest or most important buildings.

In Nirl, only the church and the house that Louis had inherited from his mother had stone. In comparison, Cleppe was a little better provided, with a small part of its population having them, coupled with a particularly large castle, requiring many stones.

Alain sat on a rock and waited for the construction to be completed.


[Your 'Recruitment Inn' has been built. Since it's the first building in your village, it becomes the 'heart' of the village. If this building falls, your village will be considered destroyed].

'Was there any other type of village seed?' Alain frowned. If he couldn't distinguish between items, he would have a hard time choosing the right decision.

[You can now recruit two helpers to assist you. To do so, please proceed inside. ]

Alain entered the recruitment inn. The building consisted of a ground floor and a first floor. The first floor probably had rooms, while the ground floor was a single room with some tables and a bar. In the center of the room was a blue sphere positioned on a table.

Curious, he approached it. Soon, instructions came to him with a message.

[You still have 2 helpers available. Do you want to recruit a helper?]

Alain refused for the moment as he preferred to look at the building from top to bottom. There were still no humans, and the rest of the inn seemed normal. Only then did he accepted the helpers.

[Helper N°1. Name : Adrien de Rais.

Level : Apprentice Knight (elementary)

Specificities : ?]

[Helper N°2.

Name : Anne Martin

Level : Apprentice knight (elementary)

Specificities: ? ]

At the same time as the invocations were being made, knowledge entered his brain. The people he would recruit could come from anywhere, as long as they were human. These people would count as members of his new village and would also be loyal to him.

Loyalty was a great asset, although anything related to slavery and its laws made him a little upset. But it's not like those laws would be enforced here. Besides, this village wouldn't replace Nirl, so it didn't bother him much. Lives just didn't have the same values as him.

'Those names mean something to me... but I can't figure out what' He shook his head gently.

Perhaps he had heard their surnames before, or names that came close.

As for their rank, he wasn't really shocked by their power. Although apprentice knights sounded rather classy, in reality, their power was less than that of the veterans.

The full rank system is as follows:

Apprentice Guard → Recruit→ Militia → Guard → Apprentice Knight → Veteran → Knight → Great Knight → Paladin Apprentice → Master Knight → Failed Paladin → Grandmaster Knight → Low Paladin → Supreme Knight (exception) / High Paladin → Great Paladin → Sacred Paladin → Saint

[Level 1 Village - Villagers: 2/2000]

'Nirl... When will I be able to return?'

He didn't expect to gets an answer.

[New quest ''Return''

Upgrade your village to level 2. Once you complete the quest, a teleportation zone will open up between Nirl and your village. To do this, you shall build buildings thanks to your resources and your helpers. ]

'But I'm curious about something...' He thought

'How do I get rewards?' His question killed to bird with a stone, not only would the answer be useful to him, but it would also confirm whether the system could communicate with him.

And he was not disappointed

[Quests will be provided daily, weekly, and monthly, as well as according to your situation].

Alain nodded as he heard the sound of notifications.

[Daily Quest: Collect at least 10 wood resources. Reward: An helper]

[Weekly Quest: Construct at least one more building. Reward: Technique]

[Monthly Quest: Defend your village. Reward: You have been warned.]

[Situational Quest: Return]

[Main Quest. Evolve. Evolve at least one villager. Rewards: High-level Resources]

'Well... let's get busy.'

Having seen a forest nearby, Alain decided to venture into it.


The trio was in the forest cutting down trees with the weapons provided by the system. Alain, still wounded, was sit, looking at the new environment.

''There's definitely no sign of life around here,'' Alain remarked.

''Yeah, it's a strange forest - a strange world I would say''. Adrien replied, "But, it doesn't bother me that much. You know, where I come from, animals are everywhere. And I can tell you from my experience as an adventurer that they were much more deadly than a plague. So, as long as the system provides us with food and a safe place, all the better.''

Anne nodded. ''It's true that this system is damn useful'' A tree just fell under her ax blows, but with a simple movement of her hand, he disappeared.

[Daily Quest completed] Louis's voice rang in their ears.

With that, they continued to talk while taking more resources.