
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · ファンタジー
73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 66: New Monsters?

With the existence of the bonfires that were fueled by firewood around the village. The dark fog can't engulf the village in its darkness at all.

The villagers were nervous, but not as nervous as before because they had Garut, who had grown stronger enough to fight the Slimes after seeing the fight he had with the ruler.

A man looked in the direction of the ruler's castle. Without delay, the dark fog rolls slowly, and it makes his sight of the castle slowly turn blurry until he can't see it again.

"I can't see the castle anymore," the man said softly. At his other corners were the other two men, who were standing in front of the entrance of the safe underground room.

Not far away were Garut, his son, and his grandson. "I hope the leader can finish this quickly." The man was actually more in line with Garut than the so-called ruler.

One thing to say is that they had grown up with Garut and were more familiar with his personality. However, the ruler was a weird person.

One moment he would look like he was in deep thought and then suddenly show a fierce expression. If he wasn't afraid to die, he would have blurted out the 'crazy' word to describe him during talks.

Though he wasn't the only one who felt that way. As everyone else does too, I could feel that the one called Ruler has some problems in his thinking.

That's why they seldom talked to him. As though afraid to incur his wrath upon their village. Although they feared him, they still dared to stay because he could protect them.

Now, although they had Garut, who could fight with those slimes for them, They still didn't want to leave under the wings of the ruler, for they knew

Their leader, Garut, is already old. It was already a miracle that his old body could still exert such monstrous strength, which they all attributed to him being an acceptor they dreamed of but couldn't obtain.


Suddenly, he and the men around him looked in the direction where the cry came from. It came from the frontline, where the leader was standing with a serious face and his spear.

"What's going on on the front?"

"I don't know."


At this moment, the figures inside the dark fog appeared. Garut immediately prepared himself for battle. Bending down a bit so that he can immediately exert strength with his legs.

Eyes on the figures slowly coming out of the dark fog Garut suddenly felt something was amiss. Are those slimes going head-on battle directly? It seems not to be how they do things at all.

Could it be another kind of monster they hadn't seen before? If so, then it was not worth being too confident. Garut immediately signaled with his hand behind him to go away.

His son and grandson didn't dare to be strong-headed this time as they listened to the order given for their safety. Slowly, the sounds of footsteps rang amidst the soft grasses.

"The same footsteps; could it be they're doing their kink together?" What could they give us this time? Garut, who had been thinking of possibilities all this time that there might be another kind of bizarre monster invading them, suddenly stopped thinking too much, as what appeared before him had made him stop doing so.

This is? A standing corpse? Bones? Is this another type of slime? Ugh— Garut immediately took off a piece of his clothes and made it into a mask he wore on his lower face.

The smell emitting from this standing rotten corpse was just too disgusting! Even with his old-age mindset, he has lived long and seen more grotesque sights from hunting games.

Garut still felt a little nausea, and it even provoked in his stomach an urge to vomit; however, he reigned it in as he narrowed his eyes in seriousness. "Another unknown bizarre monster. I just don't know if the stone spears and axes bathed in the water of miracles can still kill them."

"But I won't know until I try. Since this time are corpse monsters. They should be very slow in their movements. Looks like I can do this after all." Analyzing one's opponent via eyes and a common characteristic among how a body made of flesh works

Such a basic thing to do in a fight is already imprinted inside every human's blood. There's no need to think for more; what's important now is how many are their numbers and the things that can be hidden from him.

"Son, don't be careless. Look out for surprises. This is a new monster; we can't be sure if this is the only type here." After Garut said his piece to his son, who had retreated near the safe underground entrance,

He didn't dilly-dally and immediately stomped hard on the ground with his two spears in hand. "Come on!" There is no need to activate his Berserk Ability first, as that would only waste his unneeded strength and trump card.

"Let me experience you first." Of course, he knew that he was fighting an unknown enemy, so he wouldn't be blinded because he thought they were slow.

Like a Belgian Ardennes horse galloping straight on the road, leaving only the stomping steps that left visible footprints and grasses in the air.

With every step, Garut felt like he could almost fly from the momentarily defying gravity feel. With each step, he left behind a huge distance that can be counted as three meters by Nai.

This feeling immediately took over his body and made his blood boil, as though he had returned to his youth, reckless and bold once again. "Hahahaha, have a taste of my spear and axe!"

"Come at me, you filthy curr!" Bang! With his dashed! His body forcefully leaned forward despite the air resistance as he made a sweep with his spear on the nearer groups of rotten, skeleton-like corpses.

However, just as he was about to make contact with the seemingly fragile, grotesque monster in front of him, A dangerous premonition immediately set his heart ablaze.

If he continued his forward sweep, he would surely die!

"Not good!" With his rich battle experience since he was a youth. Garut immediately made the best decision he, or more precisely, his body, could react to.

With gritted teeth, he forcefully changed the direction of his sweep towards the land, causing him to move upwards. Crack! The spear handle can't bear the momentum of his dash, so it can't pierce through the soil fully.

It had already broken in half from the backlash. Feeling the numbness in his hand, Garut gritted his teeth while still in midair when a sharp whistle passed below him.



A large patch of soil was blasted up into a small, square-meter crater from the impact of a stone. Garut landed behind the grotesque monster and immediately stepped to the side as he retreated.

As expected, there are more dangerous ones hiding behind the fog. He almost died back then; he had to be thankful that he was careful. Looking at the small crater, he sucked in a breath of cold air as cold sweat seeped out profusely without him noticing.

"That was close, phew." He threw away the broken spear stone handle and retreated more back to the piles of new ones. Picking up one, he positioned himself and took a throwing stance.

His stance seems to have alerted something behind the dark fog that has caused the walking corpses to suddenly stop in unison as though they were being controlled.

"Hmm?" Garut naturally noticed those changes. They stopped? And even simultaneously? His eyes flickered with gleaming light as he seemed to have thought of a possibility.

"They were being controlled; this is troublesome." This sudden change and guess suddenly alerted the cautious man. Although the slime has some kinks, present someone a gift first before killing.

This one is a hidden monster who made use of the fog to remain hidden as he controlled the grotesque corpse as his warriors attacked. As an intelligent monster, Garut thought that killing it might be impossible.

He can't go and dive inside the fog, as that might get him lost. There's a saying in their village from a long time ago. Those who didn't die but still entered the fog out of curiosity never came back.

There are many guesses as to why those people didn't return at all. One of them is that they got lost inside. Another guess was that they became the monsters who attacked their village.

Although he had no proof, he didn't dare risk his life because his newfound strength had given him newfound confidence. So because of this thought, he lowered his spear a bit.

Meaning that he was waiting for the other side to move. He was at a disadvantage because he was in the light. But that doesn't mean he was a coward. Worse comes to worse, he would follow his heart.

As that's how he always down things. Not to mention, he had something up his sleeve. "I haven't dreamed of the future at all. Why should I be afraid of it?"