
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 65: Dark Fog On The Horizon

When the villagers thought that everything would pass peacefully like every day from now on, Something would suddenly appear to disrupt those very peaceful lives.

At this moment, it was a chilly morning, and the sky was already brightening; however, the sun couldn't be seen beyond the horizon because of the slowly moving dark fog towards them.

"Call the leader." Three men looked at the far horizon with dread. However, they weren't panicking like before. Instead, they were much calmer, though the fear that symbolizes the dark fog still lingers in their hearts and hasn't dissipated yet.

"Yes, sir." One of them left with shaky legs as he ran towards the village leader's house and informed him of what was happening.

Looking at the coming dense, dark fog and the eerie mood it brought with it Garut was serious and calm. Different from before, he can fight seriously with his newfound ability.

"Gather the villagers, prioritize the safety of all newborns and pregnant women, and evacuate to the safety underground." The safety underground was a building built underground to ensure safety.

While Nai was working toward his goals. The villagers weren't just plowing the land to sow seeds. But also dug up a large area near the leader's house to accommodate a large number of villagers in times of emergency like now.

It was built using mud bricks that they modified with their trials and errors. Now it was finally put to good use, though no one really wanted to use it because it symbolized dangers that could wipe out their existence.

"One of you go and inform the Ruler. Just inform him; there's no need to come. I alone can enjoy this battle to my heart's content." Garut looked at his grandson at the side.

"Do you believe in Grandpa?" he asked.

"Of course, grandpa is the strongest in our Creek Village!" Accepting the praise from his grandson, he let him help the men take out the stone spears and axes from the storage houses and pile them at the side.

"Go back after this."

"But I want to watch you fight, grandpa." The grandson didn't want to leave at all. Instead, he was showing the bravery of a man at the moment. A stupid and reckless attitude in every courageous young man.

"Son, make sure to watch out for any surprises in other directions. Shout at me if you can." Garut didn't want to waste his time on his grandson, so he turned his attention to his son and said

"Yes, father." The son understood his father, and he nodded. At the same time, he glared solemnly at his son.


Juan saw the dark clouds rolling from the horizon, preventing the sun's rays from illuminating the ground. Now the surroundings are dim and chilly, with a bit of eeriness in the air.

He didn't like this feeling at all. While he was stepping down the slippery stairs flowing with water like some kind of waterfall. A man came running from Creek Village in his direction.

Not to be expected, he already knew what information brought this man here. It's to inform him of the news, and we were asked to be their slave protector. However, the man seems to have something else he hadn't expected.

"Ruler, I got a message from the village leader. Huff." Breathing heavily from too much running, the man bent a bit after arriving while supporting himself with his hands on his trembling knees.

Seeing that, Nai said something suggestive. "Calm for a second first." After all, if the man were to speak right now, It might waste his time and energy to burn some more brain cells to piece together the scattered information to be said.

"Yes, thank you." A few seconds later, the man regained his breath and started recounting what happened and what the village leader had said before he left.

"I see. So he can do this on his own. Alright, I'll stay here then. You can leave." Nai didn't mind; more like he liked it very much. That's what a village leader should be, like Garut. Shouldering everything for the village.

As for him, as a ruler of this vast grassland, He naturally had to sit around and let his subjects do the work for him. "Finally, a worthy subordinate. But with only one of him, it won't be enough."

"I only hoped that the miracle water bathed on newborns would be helpful in increasing the probability of accepters being born." Soon, Nai returned back on top of the castle and saw that the house seemed to be a bit noisy.

It seems Acacia has already woken up and is preparing breakfast. Even with their first night's love-making session, blood spilled from the valleys where the river flows in its center.

"She can still move that much, huh. As expected, she is ready." There's nothing much to be said upon these remarks. Nai knew that from this day on, he had to make Acacia work hard to the bone.

Turning around, he took out two stone spears from the rack at the side for security purposes. The water fairy flew in towards him upon seeing him.

With its little head tilted, Nai petted it for a while before he said "Tell me if you found anyone other than me and Acacia coming here okay?" It doesn't matter if the water fairy understands that or not.

Just to be on the safe side, if the water fairy can understand him, Then it will be a boon to this castle's security. But if it were not, it would not matter, as he wouldn't leave anyway.

"Right, why did I suddenly want to go and help them anyway? I have my Acacia here to protect. How careless of me. Tsk." Nai decided to reflect on his reckless decision that almost made him a mistake.

"I'm no hero; what I want to protect is only my life and interests. However, if I can be of help, then I will help those in need without sacrificing or betting what's mine in the process."

Sitting on the stairs, he observes the dark clouds on the horizon that will arrive in a few minutes. Somehow, he had a feeling that this would not be a fight that would happen.

Instead, there will be some...guests? How did he even think of that? Are there living beings other than those monster slimes that can survive in there? Right, he wonders where this dark fog even formed.

Where did they come from? Maybe if he followed them, he would know? But to do that? That's just stupidity. Without absolute safety that he can rely on to be carefree in this place,

I dare not take on any risk. Although he had powered up Garut, he only did that to escape being used as a shield for the village. He hated being used, after all.

After all, for Garut. Nai can feel that he had good intentions and just wanted to be as carefree as him. However, he was bound by the shackles of society, which he now protects.

Nai didn't want that to happen to him a second time.

Back to the Creek Village

At this moment, only Garut, his son, and grandson remain in front to meet the churning and rolling dark fogs from afar.

The remaining men were busy making fire around them as well as transporting the pregnant women and their babies safely underground.

With piles of stone spears and stone axes beside him. Garut started warming up his old bag of bones. "I'm old, but I can still feel the growth of my strength even to this day."

Feeling the rising heat boil his blood in his heart. Garut's lips slowly curled up into a smile. He can't wait for those slimes to come here faster!

"I want to let loose!" He growled, feeling the restlessness of his mind and body growing harder and harder to suppress. His son looked at him and immediately pulled him away.

"Father? What's grandpa been doing? He seems to be shaking from... fear? No way grandpa is afraid, right?"

"Silly son, can't you see your grandpa is smiling?".

Indeed, his grandpa was smiling so creepily that he thought he was going to taste something ominous. "This...why?" 

"Father is excited. He wants to fight!" His father guess was indeed, as he said. At the same time, he was envious. If only he had such strength. The village chief position wouldn't be taken away from him back then.

"What are you chit-chatting around the back for?!! Pay attention, for they are coming!"

"Yes Father!"

"Yes Grandpa!"


The land churned, and the dark fog covered the verdant, vast grassland. The sun's warm sunshine was nowhere to be seen.

At the same time, it surrounded the village as though it were casting its net slowly to avoid alerting its prey. Soon, a few figures in shadow appeared in Garut's family's vision.