
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · ファンタジー
73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 64: Water Overflows

"I currently have three known abilities I can use: one that is dangerous and another that I don't know how to activate."

"Inner Sight, Land Step, and the ability I got after devouring the extraordinary materials from the Ground Shaking Rhino's sole." Feeling the vibrations below his neck Nai suddenly felt the strength he had mustered to gather this day slowly flee away.

"It's been a year, but the rings I got from that slime invasion still haven't been completely digested yet. Why did I suddenly have a thousand of them at once back then?"

"Isn't that courting death?" At that time, he had just finished digesting the materials from the rhinos, but because of restlessness He can't wait to devour the rings he got from the slime invasion.

Unfortunately, because of a guess he had in his heart, That the more rings I devoured, the stronger the ability I could get and the more supernatural it was.

I got to this point after waiting for a year, and the moon's blessing still hasn't stopped vibrating and absorbing the moonlight around him.

He wonders when this will end. On the other hand, the ability he got from the rhino's materials was this: He lifted his feet and gently stepped on the ground, far away from the castle.

The ground suddenly shook as though an earthquake had occurred. "Yes, I got an earthquake activation ability." It's powerful; however, the shaking was just a magnitude between 5.0 and 8.0, and the area affected was just a kilometer.

"With this, I can at least scare some people and even animals or beasts away. With my current strength, I wonder what powered my ability."

Nai seriously thought about it, but aside from the bodily strength and flow in his body that would appear every time he meditated on his breathing exercise,

Nai wonders what source his ability was powered by. "Don't tell me it's my mind? Some kind of soul force or something? Mind power?"

Nai shook his head. "That should not be the case. As I awoke my spiritual mind using the insights and enlightenment,"

"Wait, what if Garut awakened his spiritual mind too? And then he got his future dream ability?"

Actually, there's no need to think of that. "Right, why should I delve too much into it? I can just find it out as I live longer."

All problems will be solved in time.

Nai knew that he was a man. There's no way he can single-handedly forge the path ahead without external help from others. Why not have an open heart and spread the Accepter Path?

"That'll depend on how the people react to the increase in numbers."


Days passed like that. The rain continued to fall every few days, causing the creek to overflow. However, this brought an abundance of fish and crabs underwater to the village.

Under the constant progress of the village, The village population finally increased in numbers as newborns welcomed their first breath of the world.

Garut is the leader and also an accepter. A powerful old man was invited to name their children in hopes of bringing luck to the younger generation.

They also have a tiny hope that by having an acceptor give names to their child, Their child would have a high chance of becoming an accepter and bringing glory and protection to their family.

Nai saw all of that atop his castle foundation. Although welcoming the birth of new lives was a happy thing, Nai wasn't that much affected by the joyful atmosphere as he turned around and looked at the overflowing water from the pool.

"It's not stopping." Splash, splash, splash.

Acacia looked at Nai worriedly and asked, "Can the castle's foundation contain this much miracle water?".

"No need to worry about that." Nai naturally knew the toughness and hardness of the mud bricks he made. When mixed with the miracle water during creation, it becomes something stronger than cement.

"What should we do?" Acacia asked softly.

Nai walked to the edge of the foundation castle as he looked down on what was below. Around the castle's foundation was a moat Nai had dug during the mud brick process.

If not, where do you think he got all the bricks he made from? "Just very nice timing."

With the width and depth of the moat around the castle's foundation. Nai doesn't need to worry about the miracle water he lost. After all, no matter how abundant it was, he would still feel some heartache if it were lost and not used.

Nai sighed; his voice was listless. Seeing the water he had worked so hard to contain selfishly for himself escape out of his safe He was speechless. "Should I build another tall wall around the moat?"

If he did that, wouldn't he need to postpone the progress of his castle? But if he didn't, wouldn't the secret of the miracle water's rejuvenation effects be discovered?

Nai must prevent the villagers and Garut from knowing that. especially Garut, as he can give him headaches, especially in battle. It can be said that Garut's new ability has its cons and pros for Nai.

And Nai didn't mind that in the past. But today, "Can I trust him?" Should he tell the secret to him and gain a reliable ally? But what if the information spread to his son and then to his grandson?

Nope, he shouldn't trust anyone. No one can be trusted in front of benefits. Even if the miracle water is abundant, that isn't a reason for possible betrayal in the future.

Why should he create trouble and enemies for himself when he can just have all the benefits instead? Nai breathed out some foul air as he spoke to Acacia.

"Don't go near the edge of the castle; you might slip." There's a need for a temporary fence to be constructed around the house for safety's sake.

Acacia nodded in relief. The water fairy beside her jumped around in the water before taking the form of the underground land dragon Browny as it swam around happily.

Nai didn't know where Browny was now. "It's been years." He looked at the small shelter below near the moat before shaking his head. The guardian of his territory is absent today, as always.

After some chitchat with Acacia about today's meal, Nai started building the wooden fence around the house. He did not forget to play with the water fairy sometimes.

And so, days come and go like the alternating sun and moon. Nai's daily life revolves around work. In the morning, he would wake up and take a swim underwater. Visit the underwater house and the center of the pond.

Then he would come out of the water and dry himself before taking a meal with Acacia. When he was resting, he would take on meditation with the breathing exercise every morning before making mud bricks.

If there are plenty, then he would resume his work with the walls. Currently, the pillars are already half done. He can start building the walls now and the other buildings, such as the watchtowers and walls.

At night, the moon's blessings absorb moonlight from the moon. Although he was saying that, the moon's blessings actually didn't stop absorbing the moonlight during this whole year.

Nai was silent at the thought of his recklessness back then. Why did he have to devour all those rings? But things can't go back in time anymore.

Months passed, and the rain continued to pour down every few days. The moat was already half-full with water. With the size of the moat, Nai estimated that it would increase in size until it became a big lake soon with his constant use of the soil around it to make mud.

Just like that, another year passed. The Creek Village has already welcomed another wave of births. It seems the whole family was determined to repopulate their village. liveliness. 

Meanwhile, Nai had postponed the castle's construction. Instead, he put most of his efforts into making another wall a few hundred meters away from the moat. Juan was sure that the moat would turn into a big lake someday.

So he decided to create some distance by building a wall. However, this also caused his area of work to get wider. I wonder if he can even finish his castle within a century.

At the same time, he was looking from above the castle at Acacia, who had grown more of a charming lady in his arms. The latter suddenly says it with a pitiful expression. "Husband, when can I have our child? I think I'm ready?"

Nai gives her a look in the eyes. He already knew that Acacia wanted to give birth to his child, but Nai has always postponed it because he feels that Acacia isn't ready.

However, today. Nai seriously considered that this time. With her physique and mentality. She should be ready. "Alright then, just don't go crying from pain when I'm going to make love with you tonight."