
Epoch of Twilight

Have you ever thought that the state of the world as it presently is, could revert to the laws of the ancients? When a series of strange incidents beginning with the disappearance of his friend led Luo Yuan to question the possibility of an apocalypse, he becomes embroiled in the midst of a global-scale chaos. Evolution has turned the flora and fauna of the vast and bountiful Earth into something that had never been seen before. Coincidentally, the all-dominating Homo sapiens have ended up at the bottom of the food chain. From mystery to crisis, will Luo Yuan discover a means of saving humanity by racing to the top of the food chain? Or will he strive in accordance with the law of the jungle? It is the dawn of an age of the survival of the fittest.

Do not toy with others · SF
593 Chs


編集者: Svjohn /TheRealSeal

Chen Xianfeng staggered as he left his room. At first, he could not stand steadily, but soon his movements became smoother. He walked out to the garden and took a few steps before he started running. The faster he ran, the more hideous his face looked. Finally, he let out a loud, weird growl from his mouth.

Hearing his beast-like growl from a distance, everyone in the hall went quiet. Their thoughts were complicated to say the least.

“He is too dangerous…” Cao Lin said, her head bowed down. She dared not look at the others.

Although she had not said it outright, her meaning was obvious. No normal person would want to live around a ticking bomb. Judging by his actions just now, his emotions were very unstable. If Luo Yuan wasn’t there, he would have already lost control.

“Yeah, his eyes looked just like a beast’s,” Zhao Yali said anxiously.