
Engrossed with my Stepbrother

Annabelle Clifford is a very reserved student, but yet the daughter of one of the richest scientists in history. She's seen as a dork and was about to be bullied by Dan and his cohorts when Jamesly Freud, an heir to the CEO of Freud’s Group of Companies, came to her rescue. This led to a romantic relationship springing up between the duo, but was cut short when Jamesly was introduced to her as her step brother. Both refuse to give in, but rather accept to stand for each other no matter the heat. A surge of betrayal spikes in when Annabelle realises that she gave her heart to the official playboy of the century even after she gave up her relationship with her mum and other benefits, thus, risking being disowned just for love. She now seeks revenge to soothe her anger. But is the revenge worth it, considering that Jamesly truly loved her? A must read for everyone.

BlessUdy_Best · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter One


They say love is blind. But how can this be true when two people with hot desires come together? Of course, you should know the resultant effect - "fire" which may consume the soul. For me, love's not blind but foolish because we tend to act foolishly, ignoring the needed signs at hand.

This is the story of my life. By the way, my name is Annabel Clifford. A daughter to one of the richest female scientists in history. I try to conceal my identity from the fuming students as most see me as a dork and some try taking advantage of me.


You thought you could run away from me right? Dan advanced closer, laughing annoyingly alongside his rude friends.

I had tried walking faster, trying as much as possible not to allow them to meet up with me, but I was too dumb to understand that they knew their way around the campus.

While trying to find my way, I stumbled on the floor and had a bruise. Knowing that I couldn't move again, I was already on my knees pleading, "please don't hurt me." I shivered with my voice sounding crooked, and with tears gushing out of my eye. I was too scared to realise that Dan, who had been making passes at me, could do anything when he's determined to, especially now that he's in the company of his friends.

"Leave me alone please," I yelled while shivering. He sensed my fear and decided to capitalise on that.

He came closer and blurted; "I have two options for you, either you come to bed with me, or you risk being used by force by me and by my boys."

"I would rather die than give myself willingly to a dumbass like you," I hissed, feeling doughty despite the consequences.

"Then let's see how it goes." he smirked, dauntlessly colluding with his clique.

Before I could realise what was going on, I felt a punch on my face, and after which, I felt a hand swindling me and with his hand wrapped on my hair while pulling me along. The pain was so excruciating as I had no other option than to follow the direction in which the bastard went.

"Gosh, I'm in for the worst", I murmured. How did I ever come in contact with these devils? I had always tried to avoid them at any slightest provocation facing the reality that he was a dull bully.

Well, I'm already in and I'll need God's intervention, if not, consider me dead by morning.

While being dragged away, immediately, a figure crossed the gang and impeded their way. I wasn't able to access his face as I was being held in my hair. If I tried to struggle, I'd be in pain.

For me, it was such a relief that I had someone to stand up for me.

"Let her go, or else" I heard him mutter;

"Or else what?" Dan replied. At this point, students were already trooping to the scene. Some took out their cameras in readiness to capture the scene.

The boys left me and immediately I ran behind my saviour. It was now a battle of two against four.

Yea, Dan's cohorts were three, plus their leader, adding up to four and here I was with my saviour. I shouldn't even count myself as one because I was too feeble and fearful to do anything.

Finally, the boys advanced forward launching an attack. But he dodged all and instead headed out to them with hot slaps. Each held their checks and retrieved.

Finally, came Dan, but he was never a match for my saviour. He was beaten mercilessly and immediately, he ran off to avert the embarrassment, but it was too late as cameras were already on, recording the activities of the day. Some murmured, finally this bully has been shown his right place, what a relief it was to many.

While still gazing at Dan's swift walk away with his limping steps, I suddenly heard a bang. Unfortunately, my saviour was banged in his head with a plank by one of the cohorts who ran away immediately causing him to fall. I crouched beside him in order to console him only to observe a surge of blood which was already tripping on his clothes.

Confused as to what action to take, I quickly inquired, "Are you okay?" "Yes I'm okay," he responded.

But a closer look at him revealed the contusion on his head which was still bleeding. I guess he was in pain but refused to acknowledge it. Maybe he never wanted me to see him as weak, afterall, who keeps quiet in pain without yelping. I immediately dialled an emergency line, thus, while anticipating the arrival of the ambulance, I had placed a clean piece of clothing on his head to avert the bleeding.

The ambulance arrived just on time with sounds of sirens blown across the campus.

Instantly, a Nurse and a first aider stepped out and tout de suite got to work. The haemorrhage was profuse and needed skilled attendance which was given to him swiftly. Suturing procedures were then carried out under local anaesthesia which helped to arrest the haemorrhage and after which a wound dressing was done to cover the site.

He was immediately rushed to the hospital for further treatment, thus I followed in order to assist while receiving his treatment.

We arrived at the hospital and a ward was immediately allocated to us.

I never really knew his name, that's why I called him my saviour. Afterall, just like Jesus Christ, he got wounded for me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I kept asking.

"I'm fine, just a little sensation of pain in my head," he snorted. "Don't be scared, I believe I'll be given some medications to ease the pain." While still conversing, a Doctor walked into the ward with a Nurse. History was obtained, and they left.

"By the way, my name is Annabelle Clifford, but you can call me Ann." I stretched out my hands to him, he did the same, and we exchanged handshakes.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue, I would have been dead by now, but not for your intervention." It's nothing Ann," he replied. "I'm glad I could help."

"I'm Jamesly Freud (Jnr), it's my pleasure to meet you." While still on the handshake, he stared at me deeply with all amount of concentration.

But for the bandage on his head, he had an oblong face, a pointed nose, his eyes were brown and bright, with strong hairlines. He was tall and muscular with a broad chest just as I liked it. I couldn't help but blush which he noticed. He faked a smile and withdrew.

"How about we become friends? I'll do my best to protect you as those guys may be planning a revenge attack on you." He muttered.

"It's okay with me," I replied. "You saved my life, so being friends with you is a blessing." I avered.

"So, to friendship," he cheered, "to friendship", I iterated.

He fixed his hand on mine and drew me close to himself not minding he was in pain and proceeded to give me a kiss. At this instance, my eyes were closed, as I could perceive his Elon Musk designer's perfume scenting heavily as he came closer. Just when his orals were about to join mine, the door cracked open.