
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Ch-5(3): The Weight of Memories

Jinzo and his group, exhausted but satisfied, had finally finished restocking the resources in the main central hall of Ashenveil. The hall was the heart of the city, and its grandeur was unmatched by any other building in the area.

As they made their way through the huge structure, Jinzo couldn't help but marvel at the intricately carved designs on the front gate. As Jinzo and his group made their way through the hall, they couldn't help but be awed by its grandeur. The walls were lined with marble columns, each one intricately carved with ornate designs.

The central hall was filled with natural light, streaming in through the stained-glass windows that lined the walls. The hall was enormous, with vaulted ceilings that seemed to stretch up to touch the sky.

The walls were adorned with tapestries and banners, each one telling a different story of the city's rich history. The floors were made of polished stone, so smooth that it felt like walking on glass.

Jinzo's group quickly got to work upon arriving in Ashenveil, diligently organizing and restocking the resources in the hall. They prioritized the medical shelf, gathering a variety of medicinal herbs, including the potent Flameleaf, to ensure that the town would have the supplies they needed to treat any illnesses or injuries.

Aside from restocking the medical supplies. They replenished the food stores, gathered fresh water, and the Eldeoak which was essential for the reconstruction of the town.

As Jinzo and Kenji made their way out of the hall, their stomachs began to growl with hunger. Valtor, couldn't help but notice.

"Seems like we've worked up quite an appetite," Valtor remarked with a chuckle. "How about we go grab a bite to eat?"

Jinzo and Kenji nodded eagerly, their mouths already watering at the thought of a hot meal. Valtor led them to a group of mercenaries sitting around a fire, roasting a wild boar over the flames.

The camp was set up on the outskirts of the city, with makeshift tents and shelters dotting the landscape. The smell of roasting meat and spices filled the air, and Jinzo's mouth watered as they approached the makeshift mess hall.

They joined the line of mercenaries waiting for food, and Jinzo couldn't help but notice the diversity of people around him. There were mercenaries, all gathered together in this makeshift community.

While waiting in line, Jinzo took notice of the mercenaries around him. Among them were those dressed in mere scraps of leather and fur, while others sported finely crafted armor and weaponry.

Despite their differences in appearance and experience, they were all in the same boat now, waiting together for a meager meal to sustain them through another day. Jinzo felt a sense of kinship with these people, united as they were by a common goal: to survive

As they finally reached the front of the line, a burly tavern keeper with a bushy beard and a missing tooth scooped some savory stew into their bowls and a hunk of crusty bread. The stew was a hearty mixture of tender chunks of meat, root vegetables, and savory spices, simmered for hours in a large cauldron over an open fire.

The bread was freshly baked, and coated in a generous layer of butter. They thanked him and made their way to a nearby table, where they sat down with Valtor and Lirien to eat.

Jinzo and Kenji sat with Valtor and Lirien as they ate their meal, filling their empty stomachs with hot soup and fresh bread. Valtor spoke in between bites.

"You know," he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Lirien and I used to live in Ashenveil. It was a city full of life, laughter, and love."

Jinzo added, "It's sad to see it in ruins now. What could have caused such destruction? It looks like a flood swept through here."

Valtor's face contorted into a grimace as he began to explain, "The town was destroyed by the Inyoka beast." Jinzo and Kenji exchanged puzzled looks, clearly not understanding what he meant.

"The Inyoka is a great serpent that inhabits the nearby forest," Valtor continued, his voice heavy with emotion. "Our ancestors made a pact with the beast many ages ago, and it lived peacefully alongside us for centuries. But something changed, and it turned against us, wreaking havoc on our town and causing the devastating flood that you see before you."

Kenji furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Could the Inyoka beast have something to do with the reign of terror that's been plaguing our land?" he asked.

Valtor's face turned grave as he considered the possibility. "It's hard to say," he replied. "We still don't know the full extent of the beast's capabilities or motivations. But it's clear that it poses a great threat to our town and its people."

Jinzo turned to Valtor, his brow furrowed with concern. "So, you're saying that the flood was caused by this beast?" he asked.

Valtor nodded solemnly and continued, "Yes, the great serpent has the ability to call forth storms and floods. When it turned against us, we were caught off guard and many buildings and houses were destroyed by the flood and storms."

He paused, a flicker of admiration in his eyes. "But luckily, the Thunderheart Lord used the storms to his advantage."

Jinzo raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Used the storms to his advantage?" he asked, puzzled.

Valtor looked at him in surprise. "You don't know the specialty of the Thunderhearts?" he exclaimed. "Well, their house is well known for producing great sorcerers who can harness the power of storms and lightning! It is said that the house was blessed by the god of thunder Thrain himself!"

Jinzo and Kenji exchanged impressed looks. They heard of the lord but didn't know his great feats.

Kenji asked Valtor, "So you must have wanted revenge against this beast, right?"

Valtor shook his head and replied, "No, revenge was my first thought, but then I realized that it wouldn't bring back the people we lost. I thought of their families and the homes they no longer had. That's when I decided to stay here and protect not just my hometown, but the people who call it home. Seeing the devastation caused by the Inyoka beast made me realize that I couldn't leave them to fend for themselves. I wanted to make sure that no one else had to suffer like that again."

Kenji and Jinzo exchanged glances, their expressions filled with surprise and admiration. They could see the maturity in Valtor's eyes and the determination etched on his face as he spoke about his dedication to protecting his people.

Jinzo asked, "So, what exactly does this Inyoka beast look like?"

Lirein finally broke her silence and spoke up, her voice calm and knowledgeable. "The Inyoka is a massive serpent-like creature, with short wings. It's an apex predator that primarily lives in deep pools and lakes. It's not just limited to this region, as it can also be found in other regions as well."

Jinzo and Kenji looked at Lirein with surprise, amazed at her knowledge. She quickly added, "I read about it in the books in the library."

"There's a library?" Kenji's eyes widened with excitement as he asked Lirien.

"Yes, it's around the central hall," Lirien replied, noticing Kenji's enthusiasm.

But as quickly as his excitement had risen, it fell. He suddenly remembered that he couldn't read, and a sense of disappointment washed over him. He couldn't understand why he and Jinzo could speak the language, but reading seemed impossible for them.

As they finished their meal, they stood up from their seats. Valtor turned to Kenji and suggested, "I was thinking of visiting the central hall to gather information on resources that might be needed. Do you want to come along?"

Kenji shook his head and replied, "I was thinking of exploring the town. You go ahead without me."

Valtor turned to Jinzo, "What about you?"

"I think I'll go with Kenji," he said, nodding toward his friend. "We'll catch up with you later."

Valtor nodded in understanding. "Alright," he said with a small smile. And with that, they parted ways, each heading off in their direction.

Kenji and Jinzo strolled along the cobblestone streets of Ashenveil, their eyes taking in the bustling activity around them. Despite the recent Inyoka attack, the town was still alive and bustling with activity. As they walked, they passed by different shops and merchants, selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts.

In particular, they noticed several weapons shops lining the main street, and they couldn't help but pause to take a closer look. The weapons gleamed in the sunlight, polished to perfection, and several mercenaries were examining them closely, considering their options.

A particular thing caught Jinzo's eyes as they walked around the streets of Ashenveil: a grappling hook resting on a red velvet cushion. The hook itself was crafted from gleaming metal, intricately designed with ridges and grooves that allowed for a firm grip.

Attached to it was a thick, sturdy rope made of tightly woven hemp. Jinzo couldn't help but be reminded of Batman's hand grapnel hook from the video games he played in his previous world, except this was a medieval version with an elegant design. The hook seemed to call out to him, beckoning him to try it out and swing around the city.

The owner, a middle-aged man with slightly white and brown hair, came to the scene and spoke firmly to Jinzo, "If you're going to buy it, just know that it won't be returnable. I've had too many customers return this and I earn nothing from this."

"Why would someone return this?" Jinzo asked.

The owner replied, "They likely returned it because they didn't know how to use it. I would advise you to purchase it only if you have prior climbing experience."

Jinzo put the grappling hook down and walked away with Kenji. Kenji chuckled and teased, "So you wanted to swing around like Batman, huh? Too bad the trees in this forest are a lot harder than the buildings in Gotham."

Jinzo couldn't help but laugh at what Kenji said, but his attention was quickly drawn to a group of knights wearing the Thunderheart crest. They were rushing towards a destination with urgency. Curious, Jinzo and Kenji tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Where are we headed, Captain?" asked one of the knights.

"The lord has summoned us for a council meeting," replied the captain, with a serious tone in his voice. "It has to do with the Inyoka."

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