

Harry just shrugs and tosses some Remi at them, "Get going, I've got another appointment in five minutes." he says as he waves them off.

The group steps through the portal after taking everything and it quickly closes behind them, leaving them stranded in this unfamiliar area...

It seemed they were left in a large field with a large Fortress overlooking what they assume to be the Yaruga river.

Jerma "Ah! Our horses!-"

Another portal opens and four horses trot through, all carrying saddles with bags filled with supplies...

Jerma "Huh... We must remember to thank Harry when we get back." she mutters.

Mathias shrugs, taking out the map and compass while trying to see where they are relative to where the compass is pointing... Looking at the sun and positioning the Yaruga river behind him, he positions the map correctly and looks at the compass...

It's pointing North, which means that Tyrael is in between Spalla and Kaer Morhen/Ichor. Luckily, it means that they'll not have to travel further north and increase the amount of time it takes to get back to Ichor. "Tyrael is North from here, let's get moving." he says, hopping on a horse and kicking it with his heels to get it moving.

They follow the road and immediately head towards the city of Rivia, the journey takes a day or two, but with Jerma speaking about the history of the City and the Country previously known as Lyria and Rivia, the general events that caused the country to split into two.

Mathias and Barnock were both intrigued by this realms politics, at least, when it existed, as their own world lacked the capability to form stable countries large enough to debate one another... This is mainly due to the endless hordes of demons constantly banging at the door. Even when there were large countries, they usually pursued good relations with everyone else in-order to ask for assistance when the time came... It couldn't really be called politicking due to how basic it was.

Eventually, the group spotted the city, relatively small walls circling the town with a large castle sitting next to a lake.

They enter inside and send Lennon off to find them suitable accommodation for the night, aswell as to find a stable to keep the horses. The only thing of note within the city was a large golden statue in the middle of a majestic fountain, it depicted a person with two swords on their back, long hair tied into a ponytail, a scar across their left eye, and a Wolf's head amulet displayed prominently sitting on their chest.

Mathias "Another Witcher?" he mutters, spotting the two swords.

Jerma nods, "Not just another Witcher... THE Witcher." she states as she looks up at the statue. "It's Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf, Butcher of Blavikan, and only just recently... The Patron Saint of Rivia."

Barnock "Hm? Just Rivia?" he wonders.

Jerma shakes her head, "I think he's also the Patron saint of... Silver, Portals... and for some reason fertility?"

Mathias "I thought you said all Witchers were infertile?" he asks, why would a being that symbolizes Infertility be made the saint of it?

Jerma nods, "They are... Usually, I haven't heard much about Geralt of Rivia in recent years apart from that, so perhaps he was cured and displayed how virile he truly was?"

Mathias shakes his head, "Regardless of the man's sexual prowess I think we should try to look around for information before we leave in the morning." he says, and the other two nods at him.

The next morning they left for Aldersberg, they'd tried to look for any information regarding Tyrael or anything unnatural, but they'd found nothing... Rivia was a pretty peaceful and boring place apparently.

However, in Aldersberg they did manage to find some peculiar things out... Apparently in the next city Vengerberg, there had been many cases of people going missing, aswell as unnatural sightings. Cows weren't producing as much milk, crops were taking longer to grow, birds traveled in flocks of thirteen, and every night there'd be the shrieking cry of a dying woman...

The compass still hadn't begun spinning yet, which meant they weren't close enough to Tyrael yet, but these clues could possibly lead them to his location... Especially since the Compass seemed to be pointing straight towards Vengerberg.

Mathias's suspicions were confirmed when the compass's pointer started randomly pointing in directions as if it had no idea where North was as they were halfway to Vengerberg. "Tyrael should be in this very city, keep your eyes open for anything suspicious." he says.

Barnock "Why don't we just shout his name until he comes out?" he says semi-sarcastically.

Mathias "Because Tyrael is not some lost child, doing something like that would be extremely disrespectful to him, and the residents of the city... We might even find ourselves thrown out for public misconduct."

Jerma shakes her head, "I doubt that would happen, you might be given a slap on the wrist if you ignored their warning though."

Barnock shrugs, "Fine, we'll do it the hard way."

The group arrives at the gates of Vengerberg, getting questioned for a while before being finally let inside. It seemed that even the guards had their hackles up due to the rumours. Lennon put away the horses and found a place for them to stay as the Mathias, Barnock, and Jerma split up to "look for clues".

Each look for places that have many people, alcohol that'll inevitably loosen their tongues, and are placed in different districts of the city so they can hear what all kinds of people think and know.

I hope you guys like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts