

While Mathias and Barnock were fighting Diablo, Selina had begun to stir awake... Her eyes slowly opening before widening in shock.

Selina "Quennie!" she exclaims as she sits up, sweat beginning to form on her face.

Tyrael "Calm yourself child, your sister is safe." he reassures her as he guesses what Diablo had forced her to see.

Selina hearing Tyraels force becomes confused for a moment, but when she spots Selina next to her the despair she was experiencing quickly disappeared. She hugged the sobbing girl tightly, becoming slightly worried when her sister didn't give any reaction aside from muttering apologies.

Selina "What's wrong with her?!" she quickly asks, hoping that Quennie would be ablet to recover from whatever is ailing her.

Tyrael "I don't know for certain, but I think whatever Diablo had shown her is the cause of this... It isn't immediately dangerous so we should focus on what is." he says, gesturing with his head towards Diablo.

The demon had apparently become more willingly to use large area of effect spells, most of his minions had already been killed by Diablo and they saw no reason to restrict their range of abilities any longer. Barrages of fireballs were being thrown at Mathias and Barnock, both dodging, blocking, or deflecting them away to the best of their ability.

Tyrael noted that Barnock was so angry he seemed to be foaming at the mouth, unrecognisable muttering, growling and shouting being the only sound they make.

Selina "Go help them, I'll protect my sister." she says, not wishing to place Quennie's life in anyone else's hands.

Tyrael nods, agreeing to her wishes even if he thought the girl would be better suited at fighting against Diablo than he.

Mathias was quickly running out of mana, even in his arcane form the amount of spells he was shooting at the demon wasn't sustainable. He wasn't even sure if he'd done any damage to Diablo in the first place...

He launches a huge comet at them but Diablo simply vanishes before reappearing behind him in a red burst of light, releasing a fiery explosion from his body that sending Mathias flying, his body rolling to a stop against the floor a few meters away.

Barnock runs up behind Diablo and slams his axe onto the tip of the demons tail, severing it and causing them to roar in rage. They raise their arms in the air and bring them down on Barnock, slamming the barbarian to the ground and proceeding to pound him with endless strikes.

Diablo ended the assault by kicking the barbarian across the room, Barnocks beaten and battered body being sent head over heel as he spun through the air.

He tried to get up by found that while he was angrier than ever, his body was unable to endure the damage he'd taken. Regardless, he pushes through the pain and started hobbling towards the demon again, axe in one hand as he holds his stomach that'd begun to leak blood.

Tyrael had also made his way over, pointing El'druin at Diablo, "You will die at the tip of El'druin Diablo!" he shouts before charging.

Diablo "Tyrael, as an angel you might have had a chance... But now?" they teleport behind him, "You are nothing!" they shout as the stab their arm-spear through his chest.

Tyrael gives a pained shout as he's lifted off of the floor by Diablo, the bone-spear had pierced his lunch and barely missed his heart... He attempts to swing El'druin at his enemy but Diablo simply smacks it away, sending it clattering off in the distance.

Tyrael is brought closer to Diablo's face, he could feel the searingly hot breath of the demon burning his skin, but the pain of his pierced lung trumped whatever damage the heat was doing.

Diablo "Once I kill you all, I will travel back to heaven... I will destroy all you love, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It is too bad you will never seen the destruction of heaven with your own eyes. Now die." they state, as they grip Tyrael skull.

Mathias upon seeing this roars at them, "NOOO!"


Tyrael skull is crushed in Diablo's hand, blood and grey matter sprays everywhere as the former-angels body begins disappearing into motes of light. Barnock roars at seeing this, his rage somehow becoming even greater than before, he attempts to leap at Diablo to bury his axe in the demons head, but is easily knocked away. His speed becoming lesser and lesser the longer the fight continues.

Mathias tries to blast the demon with more spells but quickly realises that he'd run out of mana, his arcane body fading as his human one returns to him. He drops to his knees as weakness overtakes him, magical exhaustion making him unable to even most from this position.

Selina who'd been watching was shocked, she'd never witnessed one of her friends dying before, and seeing their death at the hands of another was even worse... A pulse of light draws her attention and she quickly releases its El'druin, Tyraels sword. Nodding to herself she blinks over to it and grips it tightly, finding that the large blade didn't weigh as much as she'd initially thought.

Diablo stomps over to Barnock, preparing to end this annoying savages life. He rears back and unleashes some-kind of laser beam which looked to be the combination of fire and red lightning.

Barnock blocks it with both arms but feels the heat and electricity wracking his body, the titanate may protect him against most things but this was not one of those things. Even in his enraged state he knew that he wouldn't last more than a couple seconds under this attack.

Fortunately, Selina had finally joined the battle. Diablo was too distracted with his spell to notice the young girl teleporting behind him with El'druin in hand. She brought the blade down on the demon's head but is shocked when something stops her, gripping her hand tightly to prevent the attack from succeeding.

Selina "Dad?!"

Hope you guys liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts