
Chapter 67

A sonic boom ravaged the battlefield in Damian's wake as he stole the two leaders from the frontlines. Panic consumed the soldiers for a moment before all hell broke loose, flames and magic descending from the sky onto the Thaumiel peerage.

"Good luck~." Marco spoke casually, vanishing from his spot in a much slower recreation of what their king did. And he wasn't the only one, all of them separated into different sectors of the battlefield.

Floating in the middle of what seemed to be a shopping district surrounded by mages and dragons Ingvild slowly raised her hands up to the sky as though she were holding the underworld's sky.

Bursting forth from the ground, water erupted into the air as the melodic sound of music concealed the screams of horror as the water dragged them into its depths and the dragons turned against them.

"Ingvild you wretch!" An enraged shout sounded out over the turbulent waves, the cracking of a whip splitting the sea Ingvild had created. Turning her gaze toward the source of the voice Ingvild laid eyes on somebody she had not seen in over a hundred years.

"Sister." Ingvild muttered, her voice cold and dripping with disgust as she looked upon her half sister Katerea Leviathan and two others she vaguely remembered from those times. Shalba Beelzebub and Creuserey Asmodeus.

"Ingvild Leviathan. Cease this foolishness and join us. Do not dishonor your family any further." Shalba commanded, his deep voice sounding incomparably foolish in her ears. For whom did she fight, the family that abandoned her or the King that saved her? The answer was obvious.

"Don't call my determination foolishness Beelzebub." Ingvild retorted, her eyes briefly flashing at the crimson tainting the sea she had created. Combat was not her strong suit, she was strong but she was too kind. She was only taking lives because they threatened their home.

"Do not get arrogant half blood!" Creuserey shouted angrily, a magic circle forming in his hand as demonic energy condensed into a small white dot in his palm. Space itself seemed to curl around the dot as time itself became strange before it.

The clan trait of Asmodeus, Starsend Moment, was the originator of the Oriax trait and could be considered an enhanced version of it. In essence, that made it nothing more than a nuisance for the Thaumiel clan.

"The arrogant one is you." Ingvild retorted with a sigh, dozens of water tendrils stretching from the water and chasing down the three descendants of the original Satans. Twelve wings appeared on their backs as they hurriedly dodged the tendrils.

"Stop her Katerea!" Shalba demanded, his surroundings abruptly filling with a mist of flies that forcefully charged into the water. Snapping his fingers, water erupted upward as the flies exploded simultaneously.

"You think I'm not trying?!" Katarea shot back in irritation, her whip once more striking the water yet besides disturbing the surface nothing happened. They were both Leviathans but she had Ophis' snake so why couldn't she control the water?!

"How pitiful." Ingvild muttered softly as she sat atop her ocean that had now devoured the dragons in the area. Sinking back into the ocean the tendrils vanished, an involuntary sigh of relief escaping her three opponents.

Yet even that hope died as the water once more rose. Made up of over ninety percent of the ocean body, unbreakable scales covering its liquid flesh, and radiating a malicious aura comparable to Gram sending shivers down their spines. It was a true Leviathan.

"Balance Breaker: Oceanic Hymn of Reverence." Ingvild chanted, her voice eliciting a screech from the Sea Serpent manifesting the End. Gazing up at the towering monstrosity they couldn't move. They couldn't help but fear the abomination of sea and blood.

"Huh?" Katarea muttered as she flew through the air, a sudden lightness overwhelming her as blood leaked from her lower half. No, where her lower half once was. Falling into the ocean her eyes went dim, the dying screams of Ophis' snake escaping her corpse.

The beast had moved, devouring half of her and spitting her out before she could even react, before any of them could react. Turning their heads slowly, fear tightly gripped their souls as their eyes latched onto the crimson serpent who lay curled up behind them.

"L-Let's make a deal!" Shalba declared in an instant, crumbling under the pressure. A large burst of wind sent him skidding back, the serpent stopped mere inches away from where he once stood with its jaws opened wide.

"What do you have to offer?" Ingvild asked curiously, absentmindedly stroking the serpent's head as it lay before her like a domesticated dog despite being a beast no different than death itself to those who had seen it.

"I…" Shalba began, instantly running into an issue. What did he have to offer? He couldn't offer power nor wealth, she had plenty, and he certainly couldn't offer her loyalty. Even if he faced Great Red himself he would not submit.

"Speak quickly, my child is hungry." Ingvild warned kindly, her voice gently and soft yet sending a shiver of terror down their hearts. Neither knew what to offer to that monster and its creator and it showed on their faces. She was playing with them.

"I'll give you everything so please spare me!" Creuserey begged as he kneeled with his head pressed to the ground. In comparison to his life, what did his pride matter? He would abandon it all if it meant he lived another day, another day for revenge!

"Alastor and Astros Leviathan. Bring them back." Ingvild demanded coldly, her tone well and truly devoid of all affection. She saw them briefly in between her frequent magically induced comas and they were wonderful people. 

"T-That's impossible you bitch!" Creuserey shouted angrily, wrath taunting his tone as yet another star formed in his palm. But it only lasted an instant as his arm alongside the entire right half of his torso was instantly digested in the serpent's body.

"Then don't offer everything." Ingvild declared coldly. She knew reviving the two was impossible, even Valerie wasn't able to do it, but she still had hope. Damian, her King, her savior, and the one who sacrificed himself for everyone else wanted them so badly. And she couldn't help him.

"Do not extend my suffering. End this." Shalba declared emptily, his voice devoid of its previous arrogance. He did not discard his status and pride yet even he could not retain hope in front of certain death.

Without saying a word she lightly tapped her creation's head. Rising to its full height its jaws opened wide as purple 'flames' made of water as hot as the sun itself formed between its numerous teeth.

Facing his death with pride Shalba gazed at the beam as it slowly formed in its mouth, its heat scalding him from where he stood. Releasing the beam it almost instantly reached him yet in that brief instant he felt a stinging pain in his side as another person was thrown in its way.

"Hakuji…" Ingvild muttered in disappointment with a shake of her head and a wry smile. 


Make sure to support me on pa_treon.com/TrapOverlord for 12 extra chapters. 

Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

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