"I greet the future leaders of our society." Damian announced his presence, a deep bow concealing his extraordinarily tall figure. If devils weren't already used to their own oddities they would have been surprised to see what appeared to be an adult joining the children's circle.
"It is a pleasure. I assume you are Damian Thaumiel?" Sona Sitri questioned him professionally, her voice devoid of any interest in him. Her tone was dismissive but it wasn't exactly rude either, it was like she had no real interest in him and was only being polite.
"I am. It is a pleasure to meet you miss Sitri." Damian spoke sincerely. While he was disinterested in the event as a whole there were certain parts, such as this, that he was excited to experience.
"The feeling is mutual." Sona agreed blandly, subtly nudging Rias to speak up next. There were certain formalities in moments like these that demanded that they, the siblings of a satan, go before Sairaorg, the eldest Bael, and then finally Seekvaira will introduce herself.
"It's nice to meet you, Damian. I am Rias Gremory." Rias introduced herself somewhat awkwardly, her slight slip up when referring to Damian going mostly ignored. How to refer to those 'below' themselves was an issue many adult devils faced, she wouldn't be shamed for it.
"It's a pleasure miss Gremory." Damian repeated, a soft smile on his face to show that he wasn't trying to be rude. Formalities were difficult to work with when it came to the volatile devils who would be angered by the slightest slight even if it was merely the process of things.
"Sairaorg Bael." The future Lion King introduced himself softly, completely disinterested in the conversation as a whole. Rather than the confident and boisterous man he was in the 'canon' he was merely a depressed child with a decent physique.
Merely nodding in response Damian turned his head toward the one he was most interested in, Seekvaira Agares. Not only was the Agares clan trait immensely interesting but he was also interested in her personality as a popular character in the canon that hadn't really been explored.
"I am Seekvaira Agares." She introduced herself strictly, a deep frown on her face that Damian didn't understand. Regardless, it was clear that she was a strict lady even if she was incredibly young at the moment.
"It's nice to meet you all." Damian finalized the introduction, slightly interested by their ages. Of course, Rias and Sona were both the same age at eight years old, the same as him, while Sairaorg and Seekvaira were both a year older at nine.
The humor of the situation was not missed by him of course. He, a man that appeared to be an adult, bowing down and speaking respectfully to a group of children who responded with just as much maturity. If they weren't devils it would be impossible to see a group of children this young go through the formalities of devil society.
'What a society we live in.' Damian thought to himself as he rose from his bow, an amused grin on his face. While there were certainly strange places among the supernatural world he was sure the devils were one of the strangest factions.
All factions had their oddities but the devils took that to the extreme. Of course, that wasn't always a good thing. There was a reason that almost no factions wanted to ally themselves with the powerful but irritating and sly devils despite the four satan's earnest attempts.
"Would you all be kind enough to entertain me for the time being?" He requested politely, hoping for one person in particular to answer since the other three would deny him immediately. They didn't seem very interested in becoming friends after all.
"Of course!" Rias agreed without hesitation, clearly annoying Sona who had planned to chase Damian off. In general, the more one talks at events like this the more they would reveal so she intended to keep her silence. She couldn't exactly do that with a guest though.
"Thank you miss Gremory." Damian thanked her with a polite smile before taking a seat at the small table they had claimed for themselves. It was quite a comical sight since the chairs were higher than normal to fit normal children but he ignored it.
"You don't have to thank me." Rias replied, a sincere smile on her face. While the gesture was appreciated it wasn't something he could do. He was the son of the leader of the extra demons, if he were to be seen being 'rude' to a heiress of a pillar it would complicate things.
"In any case, I'm quite interested in you all. Would you be kind enough to answer some questions of mine? Of course, you can ask away as well." Damian offered, the same polite smile on his face despite his less than kind intentions.
He liked to believe that he was a kind man however he would use whatever he could to ensure the safety of his family, especially in this dangerous world. While many would look at him in distaste, he would use this chance to learn a bit more about the next generation and hopefully, he'll learn something worth using.
"Then I'll start." Sona spoke up, clearly catching onto his plans if the glint in her eyes was anything to go off. "Your mother is a member of the Astaroth clan correct?" She questioned him solemnly.
"A member of a branch family yes." Damian acknowledged with ease, the same polite smile on his face as he looked at her with analytical eyes. People had habits that they could hide, hints of their emotions and actions. If he could decipher them, he could control the flow of the conversation.
Sona Sitri would be a difficult opponent but ultimately he had more experience in both manipulation and controlling his expression. They were skills he had trained throughout his previous life and they were his 'golden spoon' as some called it.
His own experience would be the key to surviving, not something given to him by somebody else.
Make sure to support me on pa_treon.com/TrapOverlord for 12 extra chapters.
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