
Dragon Sorcerer in One Piece

What would you do when you end up in a world full of adventure and great stories? What would you do when you obtain a power of 12 talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures? It's a new adventure for our main character David and he will witness stories he knew and interact with. Note: I grew up watching Jackie Chan Adventure and One Piece. This is fanfiction and the cover picture isn't mine but it looks awesome so I post it. Please support the original work of One Piece and Jackie Chan Adventure. Give me tips and advice on how to improve stories and world-building. Thank you

ElJonson · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Unexpected Freedom

Fisher Tiger's POV

Inside of Slave Warehouse

I hate humans ever since I was young, this was before I was captured and became a slave to this so-called Celestial Dragons or World Nobles but seeing how they enslave each other (their kinds), the cruelty of humans is beyond forgivable.

So, imagine my surprise when groups of strange humans with black cloths and red eyes appeared out of nowhere and start releasing everyone from their collars and shackles, I was surprised. A few minutes later, another group of humans appear from the shadow and start distributing foods and weapons to everyone. With no hesitation, everyone ate and drank to their fill, cry at the same time, I wouldn't judge them since I was also doing the same thing, eating and crying, hoping this wasn't a dream.

After I had my fill and regain my strength, I looked for strange humans, but they disappeared while we were eating. Freed from the chain and explosive collar, I grab the weapon near to me and told others to escape before the guard return. They agree and gather foods or weapons to escape while I walk toward the opposite direction, to free other slaves in the warehouses and take my revenge.


Boa Hancock's POV

Women's Quarter

"Sister, wake up, our chains are removed." I woke up thanks to Marigold as she shakes me and trying to wake Sonia (Sandersonia) up. I realize that Marigold was telling truth as my chains and even explosive collars were removed, what surprised me most is that other women are also free and eating a mountain of food in the middle of a warehouse. "Grab some food before the guards come back."

Just as I finish my sentence, something breaks through the warehouse door and a large fisherman appeared through the hole, the object that break through the wall was one of the guards who was guarding outside. "You are free now and I advise you to move quickly before guards come!" The fisherman spoke out loud than he turns around and leaves the warehouse as we can hear more guards are coming to the warehouse.

"Girls, grab whatever food you can, and let's get out of here," I told Sonia and Mari as I grab food and move towards open door to see if it's clear to escape. Outside of the warehouse, I saw fisherman finish off a group of guards all by himself and move towards the noble district as if he is looking for something.

"Sis, let's get out of here", "There is a group of people running towards the gate, we should follow them." As I follow my sisters, we encounter few guards on our way, so my sisters use their devil fruits to turn into snake hybrid and take down the guards.

We finally at the bubble lift called Bondola which is the only way down to the Red Port. Everybody including us knows that there is heavy security at the port, but we all have one reason to go through them, to freedom.


David's POV

"Holy crap, the city is on fire." By the time the city is in panic and chaos everywhere, I manage to collect nearly 17 billion berries (Not counting gold and jewels) and a large number of treasures including 13 devil fruits.

By the time team one and two finish their mission, team three manage to score 7 mansions, I know it is time to run and not be greedy, so I dismiss every Shadowkhans and fly high up into the sky while turning invisible. "Damn, they didn't hold back at all, at this rate Admirals will be here soon."

I'm glad that slaves are free, and the plot of the story is intact since few of my ninjas report back about Fisher Tiger and Gorgon sisters escaping from their chains. "Staying in Mary Geoise is just playing dumb, its time to go and check what goodies I got." Combining rabbit talisman, I flew in super speed away from the holy land, in search of the island, and explore the world of One Piece.

End of POV.


Pass midnight, David arrives at Sabaody Archipelago, a final island of Paradise (half of Grand Line) and closest island to Red Line. The first thing David did was to find a place to stay and since Sabaody Archipelago has various restaurants, shops, and hotels for tourists and pirates. Most importantly, a legendary figure made a home on this island, Silvers Rayleigh and Shakky, a former pirate member of Roger and Rocks pirate, they are the power couple who made a name in the history book.

Within 20 minutes, David found a forest and went to the top of the overgrown tree so he can rest and sleep without any disruption. There are two reasons why he didn't go to the hotel, first, Marines will search the entire island to find runaway slaves and re-capture them.

Second is because he still has the mark of the slave which identifies him as a property of World Noble and David wants to stay under the radar until he is ready. 'Sleep first and do everything else later' David thought and slept a few minutes later.

Early afternoon

David's first sleep in the world of One Piece was peaceful as he was well hidden and thanks to his fire element any bugs that tried to bite him turned into ash.

After waking up, David had a quick meal and went over items in his inventory as he didn't have a chance to go over everything last night. Inventory keeps in track of his berries as it has its slots for the money and the treasures, the same items are stacked together with a number display in the lower right side of each item. Thanks to this it was much easier to organize, after an hour later, David now has a large number of rare books, weapons, armors, equipment, and jewelry, but one that got his most attention was his 13 devil fruits.

After going over, David has 6 Paramecia, 4 Zoan, and 3 Logia fruits and was able to identify all fruits. They are…


1: Speed Speed Fruit (Increase user's movement and ability to think faster)

2: Armor Armor Fruit (Turn skin into harden armor)

3: Aura Aura Fruit (Able to control and affect user's and others' emotions)

4: Sonar Sonar Fruit (Sense and attack with sonar within the user's range can boost with Haki)

5: Absorb Absorb Fruit (Absorb any kinetic and thermal energy than release into raw power)

6: Reflection Reflection Fruit (Can copy the appearance of a person after one look, much superior version of Mimic Mimic Fruit)


1: Metal Metal Fruit (Control and transform into liquid metal)

2: Earth Earth Fruit (Control and transform into the earth)

3: Oil Oil Fruit (Control and transform into different types of oil)


1: Ancient Zoan: Cat Cat fruit model: Saber Tooth Tiger (Much stronger, faster and bigger than any other cat types)

2: Mythical Zoan: Dog Dog fruit model: Fenrir (Comes with an element of fire as Fenrir ate sun in the legend)

3: Mythical Zoan: Human Human fruit model: Storm Titan (Turn into Titan with ability to control storm and lightning)

4: Mythical Zoan: Bird Bird fruit Model: Three-legged Crow (Large three-legged blackbird that possesses the power of the sun and creates whirlwind with a flap its wings)

With a smile on his face, David accesses the shop system searching for an item that can help him remove the slave brand from his chest. 5 minutes later, he found what he was looking for, lotion of healing and rejuvenation, it can heal any scars even if it's an old wound. Lotion costs 500,000 berries per bottle, which is worth every berry from David's point of view as in the market, it would be the highest demand since it will be popular with ladies.

David applies lotion to his chest and a few seconds later his slave brand disappeared like it never happened before. So now with his slave brand gone and fully rested, David has to decide which path he has to take in the world of One Piece.