
Dragon ball Master: Next Generation

Welcome to AGE 804, In a cosmic era, seasoned warriors venture into space, unveiling ancient secrets. Meanwhile, Earth's new protectors-Goten, Bulla, Pan, and Uub-trained in diverse arts, stand ready. Yet, their true challenge lies beyond combat, in grasping the forces shaping the universe. Join the cosmic odyssey in Dragon Ball MASTER: The Next Generation Saga. Unveil past legacies, embrace future promises, and witness the timeless saga unfold. What comic mysteries await? Discover in Dragon Ball Master. DISCLAIMER: Dragon Ball MASTER: The Next Generation Saga is a work of fan fiction inspired by the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama. All characters, concepts, and artwork within this non-canon fiction are derived from the rich lore of Dragon Ball, with creative liberties taken to expand upon the established universe.

Mathiuz · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Legacy's Trial

The AGE is 803, a time where the Z fighters are still on Earth, not yet embarking on their space adventures. Gohan and Piccolo, under the moonlit desert sky, are engaged in a training session with Pan and Kiro. The air is charged with anticipation as the two generations prepare for a sparring match.

Pan, with a determined expression, urges her brother Kiro to work together as a team. However, Kiro, inheriting some of Piccolo's battle instincts, seems more focused on proving himself. The spar kicks off with Gohan and Piccolo testing the reflexes of the young duo by launching Ki blasts from above.

In the midst of the action, Pan showcases her agility, dodging Gohan's attacks with grace. On the other hand, Kiro, fueled by a desire to prove his strength, charges forward recklessly. The clash of generations unfolds in the moonlit arena.

With a swift combo, Gohan and Piccolo aim to make quick work of the younger fighters. Pan, relying on her keen instincts, evades her father's attack, but Kiro is caught off guard by Piccolo's strategic Ki shock, sending him crashing down. Pan helps her brother up, offering words of encouragement.

Gohan, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and family, shares his wisdom and experiences gained from training under Piccolo. However, Piccolo interjects, addressing the weaknesses of Pan holding back and Kiro's impulsive fighting style. Gohan acknowledges Piccolo's insights, but Kiro, refusing to accept criticism, flies off in frustration.

As Pan and Kiro leave the arena, Gohan and Piccolo remain behind, the vast expanse of the desert stretching before them. Piccolo breaks the silence, his deep voice cutting through the night air.

Piccolo: Gohan, you can't deny Kiro's potential, but he lacks control. And Pan, she's holding back, doesn't want to overshadow her brother.

Gohan: (nodding) Yeah, Piccolo, it's challenging. Parenthood comes with its own set of struggles.

Piccolo: You're too soft on them. They need more than just strength; they need discipline.

Gohan: I understand, but I don't want to stifle their individuality. Goten always felt overshadowed by me; I don't want Kiro to feel the same.

Piccolo: (grunting) Goten had his own battles. He looked up to you, admired you, but it also left him feeling lost. He needed guidance, not just admiration.

Gohan gazes into the distance, his thoughts momentarily drifting to his younger brother, Goten.

Gohan: (softly) Goten... I wish I had been there for him more. He deserved a better big brother.

Piccolo: (crossing his arms) Nonsense, you were a good brother but he needed a mentor but you can't change the past. Focus on the present, Gohan. Kiro and Pan need your guidance now.

Gohan nods, the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. The night breeze carries with it a sense of reflection, as the two warriors stand under the moon, contemplating the intricate web of family, mentorship, and the echoes of the past.

Meanwhile, that night

Agent Jones found himself deep within the heart of the jungle, a vibrant sea of greenery enveloping him like a protective cocoon. By his side, a striking blonde woman mirrored both fear and determination in her eyes as they confronted their captor – a peculiar-looking villain whose twisted smile hinted at a malevolent plan.

Dr. O'clock: (monologuing) Ah, Agent Jones, my dear operative, you've stumbled right into my meticulously crafted trap. But fear not, for your demise shall be swift and entertaining!

Before the Dr.O'clock could conclude his nefarious monologue, Agent Jones executed a swift and precise escape from his restraints. A confident smirk graced his face as he effortlessly scooped up the woman in his arms, deftly evading the villain's desperate attempts to seize them.

As they navigated their escape, the ground beneath them gave way, revealing a treacherous cliff's edge. In an awe-inspiring display of agility, Agent Jones leaped into action, rescuing the woman from certain doom with a daring acrobatic performance.

Agent Jones: (smirking) Looks like you underestimated me, Doc. Better luck next time.

The woman gazed at Agent Jones with a blend of awe and gratitude, her eyes reflecting admiration for the agent's quick thinking and bravery. Their escape took a flirtatious turn, the air charged with playful banter, abruptly interrupted by a commanding voice.

Director: (off-screen) Cut! Excellent work, Agent joe-, I mean Goten ! You never fail to impress.

With a triumphant grin, Goten basks in the glow of the director's praise. His eyes sparkle with satisfaction, mirroring the sense of accomplishment that courses through him like a surge of energy. The film set buzzes with activity as they prepare for the next scene, the director seizing the opportunity to add a lighthearted touch.

Director: (jokingly) Well, looks like we're saving some Zeni this week, thanks to Goten's flair for the dramatic. Who needs expensive special effects when we have the real deal?

Goten chuckles at the jest, reveling in the camaraderie of the film crew. As he exits the set, the ambient sounds of the studio fade, and he makes his way toward his trailer. Each step resonates with the rhythm of accomplishment, the taste of success lingering in the air.

Exiting the set, Goten made his way to the trailer, basking in the glow of accomplishment. However, his moment of solitude was abruptly disrupted by the persistent ring of his phone. A sudden knock on the door added an unexpected layer of suspense.

In the solace of his trailer, Goten's mind wanders through the scenes of the day's shoot. The adrenaline-fueled stunts, the chemistry with his co-stars, and the director's approving nods—it's a kaleidoscope of memories that paints a portrait of triumph. However, his moment of reflection is abruptly shattered by the insistent ringing of his phone.


Ignoring the persistent calls from Vegeta, Goten is taken aback when a rhythmic knock echoes through his trailer. With a curious frown, he opens the door to discover Trunks standing outside, wearing a sheepish grin that hints at mischief.

Trunks: (grinning) Hey, Goten! Long time no see. Mind if I crash your victory celebration?

Goten welcomes Trunks in, and as they stroll outside, their conversation takes on the cadence of old friends catching up. Laughter punctuates their banter as they reminisce about the adventures of their youth and share anecdotes from their recent endeavors.

Goten: You won't believe the crazy stunts they had me pulling off today. I swear, it's like they're trying to turn me into the next great action star.

Trunks: (smirking) Well, you always did have a knack for the dramatic. But hey, speaking of intense workouts, how's your training been lately... tell me everything. How's life been treating you these past three months?

Goten: Oh, you know, the usual chaos. Between filming, training, and trying to maintain a relationship, it's been a whirlwind.

Trunks: I can imagine. Being President of Capsule Corp doesn't leave much room for downtime either. Mai and I have been busy with the twins, and let me tell you, training them in fusion has been a challenge.

Goten: Fusion training, huh? Reminds me of the good ol' days when we were Gotenks, taking on Majin Buu. Rulah's been putting up with a lot lately, especially with all the noise from my training sessions. I don't know how she does it.

Trunks: (laughs) Sounds like Mai. She's been a trooper, but even she has her limits. Hey, at least Gochi adores you. You should give yourself more credit as a dad.

Goten: Yeah, maybe. It's just hard sometimes, you know? And Rulah and I had a fight recently about... something. I'm not even sure what it was about, to be honest.

Trunks: Relationships can be tricky. Just give it some time, and things will work out. In the meantime, let's focus on dinner. Bullma's cooking is always a welcome distraction.

Goten: Agreed. Let's go eat before we have to face Vegeta's training regimen.

Vegeta: (angry) Trunks! Goten! What in the hell are you doing wasting time here? We've got a more important matter at hand!

Trunks: (nervously) Dad, calm down. We were just catching up.

Vegeta: (grumbling) Catching up when we're under attack. Unbelievable.

Goten: Attack? What are you talking about?

Vegeta: (seriously) The truth, Goten. We've been infiltrated. Someone's been spying on Capsule Corp for years. We're not alone, and I won't tolerate being under surveillance.

Goten: (raising an eyebrow) Spying? Why would anyone target Capsule Corp?

Trunks: (explaining) Bulla and mom's research team found evidence of hacking into our systems. We need to investigate and figure out who's behind this.

Vegeta: (determined) We're not waiting around. I won't let anyone threaten my family. Follow me.

The three of them soar into the sky, ascending higher and higher. Trunks briefs Goten on the details of the situation, expressing concern about their privacy being invaded. Vegeta, visibly aged with a beard reminiscent of King Vegeta, leads the way with a stern expression, fueled by his commitment to protect his family.

As they reach a vantage point, Vegeta scans the surroundings, his eyes sharp and focused. Goten senses the gravity of the situation, remembering past invasions and powerful foes they faced, like Goku Black.

The trio arrives at Capsule Corp, meeting Bulma with urgency in her eyes. Bulma explains her findings, revealing a mysterious device that has infiltrated their systems for years. The coding suggests a connection to the Red Ribbon, but the intricate programming hints at an extraterrestrial origin.

Bulla, having cracked the code, shows them the hidden location of the bug's origin on the lab monitor. Goten expresses frustration, questioning the safety of knowing the enemy's plans while being under constant surveillance. Bulma assures them that she and Bulla have devised a solution — a bug tracker that not only locates but also neutralizes the invasive devices.

Bulma: (confidently) We've got it covered. The bug trackers follow the same structure as our systems, making it easy for us to defuse the machines.

Trunks adds that they need to distribute these bug trackers to everyone, forming teams to defuse the bugs without engaging in combat. Mai raises concerns about the outnumbered situation, but Trunks proposes involving the kids since the plan involves defusing bugs, not direct confrontation.

Trunks: (determined) We might be outnumbered, but this is the best chance we've got. Including the kids can help us defuse and collect the bugs without a fight. It'll take a week or two, but we'll track and analyze their purpose.

Mai, having contributed to the creation of the bug trackers, fine-tunes them for optimal performance. As the team mobilizes, the weight of the impending mission hangs in the air. They prepare to face an unseen adversary, relying on their wits and teamwork to unravel the mystery of the alien-infested bugs plaguing Capsule Corp.

As the teams embarked on their mission to locate and neutralize the elusive bugs, Bulma, Mai, and their grandsons, Veradin and Buljin, soared through the skies toward Dr. Gero's concealed laboratory. The supercomputer hummed with activity, its flashing lights and whirring mechanisms casting an eerie glow as the team worked diligently to gather crucial data on the bug locations.

Bulma: (tapping on the keyboard) Mai, make sure we get the readings from sector seven. We can't afford to miss any data points.

Mai: (nodding) You got it, Bulma. Veradin, Buljin, keep an eye out for any unusual readings.

As the trio collaborated, their focus intensified, determined to unravel the mystery behind the invasive bugs. Meanwhile, across the region, the designated teams embarked on their assigned missions, each city holding the potential key to thwarting the unseen threat.

Back at Capsule Corp, Goten swiftly dialed Gohan's number, conveying the urgency of the situation and the need for their collective strength.

Goten: Gohan, we've got a situation at Capsule Corp. We need your help. Get Pan and Kiro ready. We're facing something big.

Gohan: (on the other end) Understood, Goten. We'll be there soon.

With the communication lines established, Gohan relayed the news to Pan and Kiro, the trio preparing for the imminent task that awaited them. As the teams dispersed to various cities, a sense of urgency and determination filled the air.

In Satan City, Gohan joined forces with Piccolo, the seasoned warriors prepared for whatever challenges awaited them.

Piccolo: Gohan, stay alert. We don't know what we're dealing with yet.

Gohan: Right, Piccolo. We've faced worse. We'll handle it.

Simultaneously, Krillin and Master Roshi found themselves navigating the peculiar landscape of Penguin Village.

Krillin: (scratching his head) This place always gives me the creeps. Master Roshi, you good?

Master Roshi: (chuckles) Nothing I can't handle, Krillin. Let's find those bugs.

As each team tackled their assignments, the situation took an unexpected turn in Dr. Gero's hidden lab. Bulma and Bulla, engrossed in their research, completed the data collection, only to be confronted by the malevolent laughter of the supercomputer.

Supercomputer: (echoing) You thought you could outsmart me, Bulma. Now witness the consequences of your interference.

The room trembled as a rocket soared into the sky, exploding and releasing a mysterious gas that swiftly transformed the climate, plunging the surroundings into an unnaturally cold winter. The teams on the ground were unaware of this sudden change, focused on their respective missions.

In South City, Yamcha and Android 17 witnessed the harrowing transformation of innocent civilians into insect-infected beings.

Yamcha: (grimacing) This isn't good, 17. We need to act fast.


The hidden base was shrouded in an ominous stillness as Bulma, Mai, Veradin, and Buljin realized they were not alone. A sinister presence revealed itself—a corrupted Cell Jr., standing tall with an eerie aura surrounding its malevolent form. The twins exchanged worried glances, Mai tightened her grip on her weapon, and Bulma, though uneasy, maintained a steely resolve.

Cell Jr.: (sinister tone) You can't escape what's coming. Prepare for annihilation.

The chilling declaration echoed through the dimly lit chamber, sending shivers down the spines of the unsuspecting quartet. The corrupted Cell Jr. advanced slowly, its movements calculated and predatory. Its evil smirk widened, revealing a menacing confidence that hinted at an intelligence beyond the typical mindless aggression associated with its kind.

Bulma: (whispering to Mai) We need to find a way out of here. This is far more dangerous than we anticipated.

Mai: (nodding) I've got your back, Bulma. twins, stay close.

Veradin and Buljin, though visibly frightened, followed closely behind as Bulma and Mai assessed their surroundings. The hidden lab, once a sanctuary for scientific endeavors, now felt like a claustrophobic trap. The corrupted Cell Jr. continued its approach, its every step echoing through the tense silence.

As Bulma accessed her portable device, attempting to initiate an emergency lockdown, the corrupted Cell Jr. seemed to anticipate their every move. It chuckled darkly, reveling in the knowledge that escape was an illusion.

Cell Jr.: (mocking) You think your feeble attempts can thwart our plans? You are insignificant.

The malicious intent in its words sent a shiver down Bulma's spine, but she refused to yield. Mai, ever vigilant, readied her weapon, ready to defend her comrades against this unforeseen threat.

The situation took an abrupt turn as alarms blared, signaling an impending lockdown. The base's defenses kicked into overdrive, sealing entrances and activating protective shields. Bulma, Mai, and the twins found themselves trapped within the confines of the lab, the corrupted Cell Jr. grinning malevolently.

Bulma: (frustrated) We need to find a way to override the lockdown or break out of here. We can't let this thing have its way.

The twins, visibly shaken, looked to Bulma for guidance. Despite the fear that gripped them, Veradin and Buljin recognized the determination in their grandmother's eyes and nodded, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As the corrupted Cell Jr. continued its ominous advance, the fate of our heroes hung in the balance. The once-hidden base had become a battleground, entangling Bulma, Mai, and the twins in a web of unforeseen challenges and sinister plots, leaving them to navigate a perilous path toward an uncertain destiny.


Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Master !