
Dragon ball Master: Next Generation

Welcome to AGE 804, In a cosmic era, seasoned warriors venture into space, unveiling ancient secrets. Meanwhile, Earth's new protectors-Goten, Bulla, Pan, and Uub-trained in diverse arts, stand ready. Yet, their true challenge lies beyond combat, in grasping the forces shaping the universe. Join the cosmic odyssey in Dragon Ball MASTER: The Next Generation Saga. Unveil past legacies, embrace future promises, and witness the timeless saga unfold. What comic mysteries await? Discover in Dragon Ball Master. DISCLAIMER: Dragon Ball MASTER: The Next Generation Saga is a work of fan fiction inspired by the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama. All characters, concepts, and artwork within this non-canon fiction are derived from the rich lore of Dragon Ball, with creative liberties taken to expand upon the established universe.

Mathiuz · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Revenge Rising

[AGE 804 ]



The camera focuses on Goku and Uub, now older, their bodies bearing the scars of countless battles. The desert landscape around them quakes with each powerful clash, a sonic boom reverberating through the air. The earth shatters beneath their feet as fists collide, leaving behind a battlefield marked by the intensity of their fight.

Goku and Uub, both showing signs of weariness, pause for a moment, staring at each other with mutual respect and determination. In the distance, the Z-Fighters observe the spectacle. Gohan stands with Videl, Mr. Satan, and Chi-Chi, their eyes fixed on the fierce clash of the two warriors. Krillin on a wheelchair and with a grin, comments on the seemingly everlasting match.

Krillin: "It's been a hot minute, and they're still at it. Looks like both fighters are in it for the long haul."

The camera shifts to Goten and Pan, cheering for Uub and urging him not to be intimidated by Goku's Super Saiyan god. Uub, however, remains focused, determined to prove his strength. Krillin jokes about the distractions, prompting Uub to scoff and tell them to stop interfering.

As the clash resumes, Goku and Uub charge their energy, the air crackling with anticipation. Uub, with closed eyes, emanates a pink aura, while Goku, unleashing the Super Saiyan god blue fused Kaioken x100, pushes his limits further. The battlefield becomes a spectacle of energy, a testament to the raw power each warrior possesses.

Goku, looking at Uub, acknowledges his growth.

Goku: "You've come a long way, Uub. You've trained with everyone, faced the toughest challenges. Now, it's time to show the world your strength."

Uub, recovering from his recent bout with Vegeta, acknowledges the difficulty of his journey but remains determined to prove himself. He tells Goku that even Vegeta wasn't an easy opponent, and now, facing Goku, he needs to emerge victorious to gain the respect of others.

In a fraction of a second, they clash again, their movements faster than the eye can follow. Every blow, every combination, executed with precision and skill. The long-awaited rematch is unfolding, and Goku seems to be taking the lead. Uub, keenly observing Goku's tendency to enjoy the fight, seizes the opportunity to turn the tide.

Uub: "It's time to try it!"

In an instant, the air around Uub changes, his power surging. Goku, sensing the shift, braces himself for what's to come. The battlefield becomes a storm of God ki energy as Uub prepares to unveil a technique he's been saving for this moment.

[Narrator: The mysterious being continues to watch, a sense of anticipation lingering in the air as Uub unveils the hidden power he holds.]

Suddenly, with a powerful roundhouse kick, Uub sends Goku hurtling towards the ground. Goku, recovering mid-air, braces himself as Uub rushes towards him, a pink aura now emanating from his body. The transformation unfolds, turning the pink hue to a deep purple, and an unknown energy surrounds Uub.

As Uub's skin briefly changes, a hushed murmur ripples through the onlookers. Tien, Piccolo, and Krillin instinctively take defensive stances, their senses heightened. Gohan, shouting desperately, tries to halt the impending conflict. Chi-Chi and Mr. Satan, standing beside him, join in the chorus of concern. Goten, however, raises his hand, signaling for everyone to watch and trust in Uub's journey.

[Goten's flashback: In the hyperbolic time chamber, Uub and Goten spent a month sparring and exchanging knowledge. Goten, tapping into the essence of his father's fighting style, guided Uub on how to face Goku. The two warriors reached their limits, revealing their full power. Uub, despite losing to Goten, demonstrated an unexpected hidden energy, linked to the history of Majin Buu's power.]

Meanwhile, in the present, Uub, now fully transformed, teleports around Goku, unleashing a relentless barrage of strikes. Goku struggles to keep up, the blows sending shockwaves through the air. Uub's movements are a blur as he effortlessly dodges and attacks, showcasing the newfound power he has unlocked.

Uub, showing incredible speed, beats Goku mercilessly, each punch and kick resonating with the force of unleashed energy. Goku, caught off guard, attempts to counter, but Uub's agility prevails. The battlefield becomes a chaotic dance of energy, a testament to Uub's mastery of his new form.

As Uub prepares for a finishing blast, Goku retaliates, turning the tables on his opponent. However, Goku's counter becomes a trap, and his fist gets stuck in Uub's abdomen. Uub's transformation reaches its climax as fangs emerge, and his hair takes on a greyish-pink hue.

[Goten's flashback: Uub reveals that his unique transformation is linked to south Supreme Kaioshin's memories absorbed by Majin Buu. This power the was revealed to him from the memories calling this forgotten technique "Zen" with his god ki, which allows Majin Buu to not only absorb but also temporarily fuse beings' powers, creating copies of abilities and skills. Majin Buu can still access the powers of those he absorbed, but he must maintain control to prevent the forms from taking over.]

Uub, now resembling a Saiyan in a Super Saiyan 3 state, absorbs Goku's arm and then his entire body. Descending to the ground, Uub releases a smokescreen, revealing the original Goku unharmed. Uub, without uttering a word, gazes at Goku with eyes turned black, pink pupils, and a tail-like appendage behind him - a fusion of Majin Buu's and Saiyan features.

Goku, astonished by the destructive potential of Uub's power, smiles, ready to face this new challenge. The shock reverberates through the spectators, except for Pan, Goten, and Bulla, who understand the depth of this transformation.

With a thunderous roar, Uub releases Goku, and his hair extends. The two warriors, now transformed, face each other, ready to conclude their intense match. Uub, addressing Goku, speaks with determination.

Uub: "Finish this, Goku."

Goku, fully charged, acknowledges the gravity of the moment. The tension in the air reaches its peak as the two warriors prepare for the final clash, their stances locked in a silent agreement to give it their all.

As the intense battle between Uub and Goku continues, the onlookers watch in awe, sensing the overwhelming power radiating from the two warriors. Vegeta, having just arrived, observes the confrontation with a critical eye, questioning the wisdom of allowing Uub's power to grow unchecked.

Vegeta: "Kakarot, you're a fool! Allowing him to reach such power without knowing if he can control it. What if he turns out to be another Kid Buu? We can't afford to take that risk."

Goten, Pan, and Bulla exchange glances, a silent agreement passing between them. Bulla steps forward, addressing her father with a determined look.

Bulla: "Dad, we've been preparing for this. We're not the same kids you knew. If Uub loses control, we'll handle it. But for now, we trust him. We trust that he's trained enough to harness this power for good."

Pan chimes in, echoing Bulla's sentiments, emphasizing the importance of unity and understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses. Goten stands firm, taking on the mantle of leadership and ensuring that they are prepared for any unforeseen challenges.

Goten: "We've learned from the mistakes of the past. We're not blindly charging into this, Vegeta. We know the consequences, and we've trained ourselves to be ready. If it comes to it, I'll take responsibility, but for now, let's trust Uub and the path he's chosen."

The discussion among the Z fighters becomes heated, with Krillin and Tien expressing reservations about preemptively preparing for potential threats. Gohan, however, supports Goten's perspective, highlighting the responsibilities that come with protecting Earth and ensuring the safety of their loved ones.

Gohan: "As a scholar, I've learned the value of preparation. If there's a threat, we can't afford to be caught off guard. It's not about honor; it's about protecting our families and the people of Earth. We have to do whatever it takes."

The debate rages on, showcasing the diversity of opinions within the new and old Z fighters. The characters remain true to their personalities, with Vegeta's skepticism, Goten's leadership, Bulla's determination, Pan's optimism, and Gohan's wisdom all shining through in their words.

As the discourse continues, the tension on the battlefield rises. Goku and Uub, locked in a fierce struggle, sense the gravity of the moment. The outcome of their clash could have far-reaching consequences for the Earth and its protectors. The Z fighters must now reconcile their differences and find common ground, standing united against whatever challenges lie ahead.

Vegeta, with his characteristic scowl, intervenes between the clashing titans, Goku and Uub, blocking their devastating blows with crossed arms. The ground beneath them cracks, and the shockwaves ripple through the air. Vegeta, displaying his Saiyan pride, berates the two for their recklessness.

Vegeta: "You fools! We already know the both of you can't reach your full powers here but remember that you're not on some barren planet. You're on Earth! Have some sense before you destroy it!"

Goku and Uub, reverting to their base forms, share a chuckle at Vegeta's stern intervention. The Z fighters, relieved that the potential catastrophe has been averted, watch as Goku, still smiling, turns to Uub.

Goku: "Haha, guess I got carried away there, Uub. You really pushed me to, I forget where we were. Looks like you're ready for the next step."

Uub, showing a humble smile, nods in acknowledgment. The onlookers cheer, celebrating the incredible display of power and skill. Goten, Pan, and Bulla exchange glances, silently acknowledging the strength they now face as the new protectors of Earth.

Pan: "Looks like "Master" Uub has passed the test. He's not just strong; he's got control too."

Gohan: "Yep, and that means we're in good hands. The Earth is safe with Uub around."

Bulla: "We better keep up with our training. Who knows what challenges lie ahead?"

As the Z fighters converse, Goku, still facing Uub, suggests a rematch with a mischievous grin. Uub accepts the challenge, but suggests not on Earth next time. The two warriors take their stances once again, ready to resume their friendly battle. Vegeta rolls his eyes but can't help a small smirk, recognizing the eternal Saiyan drive for improvement.

Meanwhile, the mysterious being from before continues to watch, intrigued by the unfolding events. The being muses about the unpredictable nature of the Saiyan race and the challenges that lie ahead for this new generation of protectors.

Narrator: "In the ever-evolving world of Dragon Ball, the torch is passed to a new generation. As Uub rises to the occasion, the Z fighters must prepare for the unforeseen threats that loom on the horizon. The journey continues, and the Earth's destiny rests in the hands of its defenders."

The night sky illuminated with the glow of Capsule Corp, where the new and old Z fighters gathered for a celebration. The air was filled with laughter and joy as the fighters reveled in their victories and the passing of the torch. Bulma, standing amidst the crowd, raised her glass for a toast.

Bulma: "To new beginnings! To our legacy and the protectors of Earth!"

The cheers echoed through the night, and the Z fighters celebrated with a feast. Goku, ever the enthusiast, challenged everyone to a friendly eating competition. Vegeta, maintaining his pride, scoffed at the notion but joined in nonetheless, determined to outdo Goku in every aspect.

As the night progressed, Bulma took the stage again, making a significant announcement.

Bulma: "We've faced countless threats, and each time, we've stood strong. But it's time to prepare for the unknown. Trunks, Tien, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Piccolo, and Gohan have decided to embark on a journey, a mission to rescue Shenron from the Villains that distroyed our homes and the lives of the people of earth leaving us no choice to take them down and claim him home before it's too late. our heroes are bring the fight to them,they will explore other planets, and expand their skills. It's a risky venture and we only have 4 years and 9 months left before our planet explode. We don't know the situation out there for the other planets besides understanding the pain they might be feeling right now. Lossing friends, family and even legends like Master Roshi who died honorably for the future, but we believe it's necessary for this task."

Trunks, looking more mature and confident, stepped forward.

Trunks: "Don't worry, We'll learn from other who have helped us this far, make friends, encounter new challenges, and come back stronger than ever, we will give it our all even to our last dying BREATH. Earth will be in good hands, especially with our new protectors."

Vegeta, though silent, nodded in agreement. The torch was being passed to the next generation, and everyone felt the weight of responsibility.

Videl then stepped forward, her voice projecting authority.

Videl: "Our new protectors, please stand up. Pan, Bulla, Uub, and lead by Goten, you have shown incredible strength and resilience. It's your turn to carry on the legacy."

The Z fighters gathered, their expressions a mix of determination and bittersweet farewells. Trunks faced Goten, a lifelong companion, as they exchanged glances filled with unspoken history.

Trunks: "Goten, take care of Earth for us. It's in your hands now."

Goten, nodding, responded with a smirk.

Goten: "Chill out, Trunks. I'll make sure to keep things interesting. You better come back in one piece."

They clasped hands in a powerful shake, each knowing the weight of their roles. Piccolo approached Gohan and Videl, the family facing an uncertain future.

Gohan: "Pan, take care of your Mum and brother. They're counting on you."

Videl, with a determined look, replied, "We'll be waiting for you, Gohan. Just make sure you all come back safe to us."

Piccolo, with a stern expression, approached Gohan and Videl. Gohan glanced at Bulla and Goten, sensing the absence of someone important.

Gohan: "Where's Gochi? She should be here."

Goten, scratching his head nervously, turned around to witness the arrival of Gochi on the Flying Nimbus. She landed on Gohan's outstretched hands, her innocent voice echoing through the air.

Gochi: "I haaaaavvvvvveeeee arrived! Ready for the adventures, Daddy!"

Goten smiled, relieved, while Bulla, from a distance, shot a disapproving look at Goten. He could feel the cold stare even without turning, sending a shiver down his spine.

Broly faced Cheelai and Lemo, the bonds formed during their adventures evident in the air.

Lemo: "Broly, don't make it a long goodbye. Show them the power they've never seen."

Cheelai, playfully hitting Lemo, added, "And eat lots, okay? We'll be waiting."

Broly, a man of few words, embraced them both, his actions speaking louder than any farewell.

Goku approached Chi-Chi, Uub, and the wheelchair-bound Krillin. Chi-Chi, always concerned for Goku's safety, couldn't help but land a punch, a mix of worry and love.

Chi-Chi: "Don't play the hero too much you idiot !!! And Gohan, you better make sure your dad behaves."

Gohan, chuckling, assured his mother, "I'll keep an eye on him, mum."

Chichi and Goku shared a poignant hug, a silent acknowledgment of the times they've faced together.

Android 17 bid farewell to his family, a mixture of pride and concern in his eyes. His stoic demeanor wavered slightly as he hugged his niece, Marron.

Android 17: "Take care, Marron. Protect them all."

Marron, with a confident smile, responded, "I got this, Uncle."

Tien, saying his goodbyes, shared a poignant moment with Chiaotzu, Dende, and Mr. Popo. Reminiscing about Master Roshi and Yamcha, they faced an uncertain future with unwavering resolve.

Bulma, organizing the departure, noticed Vegeta lingering. Bulla, seizing the opportunity, playfully pushed Vegeta towards Bulma, urging a proper goodbye.

Vegeta, begrudgingly, muttered, "Bye, woman."

Bulma, seeing through his facade, hugged him tightly. She handed Vegeta a device, a tool for an unresolved vendetta.

Bulma: "Make sure justice is served, Vegeta. Don't let him escape."

As the Capsule Corp ship was ready to launch into the vastness of the multiverse, Goku and Vegeta took a moment to share parting words with their respective students, Uub and Goten. Goku, his eyes reflecting wisdom earned through countless battles, laid a reassuring hand on Uub's shoulder.

Goku: "Uub, you've grown stronger than I ever imagined. Remember, your power is a gift, not just for you but for everyone you protect. Embrace it and be the guardian this world needs."

Uub, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and determination, nodded with newfound confidence.

Uub: "Thank you, Goku. I'll make sure to do you proud."

Meanwhile, Vegeta stood sternly before Goten, the gravity of his words echoing the weight of Saiyan pride.

Vegeta: "Goten, being a Saiyan means more than just strength. It means responsibility that we also take Pride in. The honor of our race rests on your shoulders now. Don't disgrace it."

Goten, bowing respectfully, absorbed Vegeta's words with a solemn expression. The handshake that followed symbolized not just a passing of knowledge but a recognition of Goten's journey.

Goten: "I won't let you down, Vegeta. I'll protect Earth and our Saiyan pride, I swear on it on my Life."

With the lessons imparted and encouragement given, the ship's departure marked the beginning of a new chapter for Uub, Goten, and the rest of the protectors left behind. The Earth, now entrusted to a new generation, awaited the challenges that lay ahead.


[ FLASHBACK of the events during the Xon Arc ]

The Z Fighters, unaware of the machinations of Dr. Gero and his new allies a mysterious forces, faced a cataclysmic event that had befallen Earth. The once vibrant planet was now shrouded in an unyielding blanket of snow. Buildings lay in ruins,

The chilling winds swept across a desolate landscape, a stark reminder of the events that unfolded a year ago. The world, once vibrant and alive, now lay buried beneath a blanket of snow. The aftermath of a mysterious virus had left scars on the Earth, scars that ran deeper than the visible destruction.

It began with an insidious infection, a contagion that transformed the unsuspecting into grotesque beings with Cell-like features. Those with high Ki levels faced a grim fate, turning into monstrous Cell Juniors, while those with lower Ki energies succumbed to sickness. Yamcha, once a formidable warrior, stood infected, his appearance distorted by the sinister virus, resembling a nightmarish fusion of his former self and Perfect Cell.

The Z fighters, valiant as ever, fought against the tide of the epidemic. Yet, despite their best efforts, they found themselves overpowered by the sheer magnitude of the threat. Buildings lay in ruins, and the once-mighty warriors faced the devastating consequences of a power beyond their comprehension.

Amidst the chaos, an air of mourning pervaded the snowy battlefield. Mr. Roshi, the wise and seasoned martial artist, lay lifeless in the snow, a victim of the merciless virus. Goku, kneeling beside his fallen mentor, felt the weight of the loss.

Goku: "Roshi, you taught us so much. I promise we'll put an end to this."

As the Z fighters struggled to comprehend the nature of the virus and its origin, a chilling presence loomed overhead. General Rilldo, a Machine Mutant notorious for his ruthlessness, observed the chaos with a sinister smirk. His metallic form contrasted sharply against the cold, gray sky.

General Rilldo: "Pathetic creatures. Your feeble attempts to resist were never going to be enough."

The Z fighters, battered and weary, gazed up helplessly as General Rilldo reveled in their suffering. Little did they know that the true orchestrator of this catastrophe, Dr. Gero, observed from the shadows. The same villain who once sought revenge with his androids, now aligned himself with new malevolent forces.


The Capsule Corp ship traversed through dimensions, leaving behind the familiar blue sky of Earth. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Z fighters, Dr. Gero and the malevolent forces he aligned with continued to observe their every move from the shadows.

As the ship ventured deeper into the unknown, the Z fighters, both those on board and those left behind, braced themselves for the unforeseen challenges that awaited them. Little did they know that the sinister plot that began a year ago was merely the prologue to a saga that would test their limits, unravel the mysteries of the multiverse, and confront the very essence of what it meant to be a protector of Earth.

Dr. Gero: (sinister laughter recalling the prior events a year ago) "Let them revel in their false sense of security. you witnessed the fruits of your despair, Z fighters. The chaos has just begun, and you are powerless to stop it... To stop US"


The stage was set, and the tale of Dragon Ball MASTER unfolded across the cosmos, blending the legacy of the past with the uncertainty of the future. Unbeknownst to our heroes, a dark alliance between Dr. Gero and the mysterious villains who unleashed the virus had set the stage for a conflict that spanned the vast reaches of the multiverse. As the Z fighters left Earth in pursuit of justice. Will they be remained oblivious to the lurking menace that awaited them beyond the stars?


Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Master !