
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Buu Saga

Tsukasa was now a high schooler, attending Orange Star High School just like Gohan had done before him. He was still as serious as ever, but he had learned to relax a bit and enjoy life outside of fighting.

One day, as he was walking to school, he saw someone he recognized. It was Android 18, who had married Krillin and now lived in the area.

Tsukasa approached her cautiously, not sure what to expect. But to his surprise, Android 18 greeted him warmly.

"Hey there," she said with a smile. "You're Tsukasa, right? Krillin has told me all about you."

Tsukasa was taken aback. He had never thought of himself as anyone special, just another fighter doing his part to protect the Earth.

But as he talked with Android 18, he realized that he had made a name for himself in the fighting world. And he was grateful for the friendships he had formed along the way.

As he walked into school that day, Tsukasa felt a sense of pride and purpose. He knew that he would always be a fighter at heart, but he was excited to see what other adventures life had in store for him.

Goten was wandering around outside when he saw Tsukasa and Gohan training in a nearby field. Curiosity getting the better of him, he approached the two of them.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing?" Goten asked with excitement in his voice.

"We're training, Goten," Gohan replied with a smile.

"Can I join you? I wanna be a strong fighter too!" Goten exclaimed eagerly.

Tsukasa and Gohan exchanged glances, and then Gohan spoke up.

"Sure, Goten. We'd love to have you train with us."

From that day forward, Goten became a regular training partner for Tsukasa and Gohan. They taught him everything they knew, and Goten quickly became a formidable fighter in his own right.

The three of them had many adventures together, both in training and in battle. And though they faced many challenges and obstacles, they always had each other's backs.

Tsukasa was grateful for the friendship and camaraderie he shared with Gohan and Goten. They were more than just training partners to him; they were like family.

Tsukasa was walking through the halls of Orange Star High School when he heard a voice calling out to him.

"Hey, Tsukasa! Wait up!"

He turned to see Erasa running towards him. She had always been friendly to him, but they had never really talked much before.

"Hey, Erasa. What's up?" Tsukasa asked, curious.

"I was just wondering if you could help me train for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament," Erasa said, a hopeful look in her eyes. "I've heard you're a really strong fighter, and I could use all the help I can get."

Tsukasa nodded, pleased that someone was recognizing his skills as a fighter. But then, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A ball was headed straight for Erasa, and she didn't even seem to realize it.

Without hesitation, Tsukasa sprang into action, his reflexes honed from years of training. He caught the ball in midair, protecting Erasa from getting hit.

"Wow, thanks Tsukasa!" Erasa exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes.

Tsukasa smiled at her, causing her to blush a little. He had never really paid attention to her before, but he couldn't deny that she was cute.

"Sure, I can help you train," Tsukasa said, his mind now on the tournament. "Gohan and his brother are already training Videl, so it makes sense that we help each other out too."

Erasa beamed at him, grateful for his offer. And as they walked down the hall together, Tsukasa couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what was to come. The tournament was going to be tough, but he was confident that they would be able to face any challenge together.

Tsukasa was walking with Erasa after school when a sleazy-looking man approached them, a camera hanging around his neck.

"Hey, you two!" the man called out. "I'll give you 50,000 zeni if you let me take some pictures of your girlfriend here."

Tsukasa's eyes narrowed at the man's words. He didn't like the way he was looking at Erasa, as if she was just an object to be captured on film.

"Excuse me?" Tsukasa growled, stepping in front of Erasa protectively. "That's my girlfriend you're talking about. She's not for sale."

The man snickered, thinking that Tsukasa was just trying to play hard to get more money out of him.

"Come on, kid. Don't be like that," the man said, winking at Erasa. "I'll make it worth your while."

But Tsukasa wasn't having it. He could feel his blood boiling at the man's insinuations.

"I said no," Tsukasa said firmly, his voice low and dangerous. "Now leave us alone before I make you regret it."

The man seemed to sense that he wasn't going to get anywhere with Tsukasa, so he shrugged and walked away, muttering under his breath.

As soon as the man was out of earshot, Tsukasa turned to Erasa, concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Erasa nodded, a grateful smile on her face.

"Yeah, thanks to you," she said, looking up at him with admiration in her eyes. "You're always so brave and protective of me."

Tsukasa felt his cheeks heat up at her words, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. He had never thought of himself as a hero before, but if it meant keeping Erasa safe and happy, he was willing to do whatever it takes. And as they walked home together, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to be with her.

Tsukasa, Gohan, Goten, and Videl were at a secluded spot in the mountains, surrounded by trees and cliffs. Gohan and Goten were standing together, while Videl was a bit behind them, trying to concentrate on levitating in the air.

Tsukasa had already mastered flying and was helping the others with their training. He watched Videl carefully and noticed that she was struggling to stay in the air. He flew over to her and said, "Videl, you need to relax and let your ki flow. Imagine it like a stream of energy that's carrying you up."

Videl took a deep breath and tried again, this time picturing the energy flow in her mind. Slowly, she began to rise off the ground, wobbling a bit as she adjusted to the sensation. Tsukasa stayed close by, giving her pointers and encouraging her to keep going.

Meanwhile, Gohan and Goten were sparring with each other, throwing punches and kicks back and forth. Tsukasa watched them from afar, impressed by their skills. He could sense the immense power they both possessed and knew that they were going to be a formidable team in the upcoming tournament.

As the sun began to set, the group took a break and sat down to rest. Tsukasa pulled out some snacks he had brought with him and offered them to everyone. They chatted and laughed, enjoying the peaceful moment.

Eventually, it was time to wrap up the training session. Tsukasa gave each of them some final advice, encouraging them to keep practicing and pushing themselves to become stronger. As they said their goodbyes and headed back to their homes, Tsukasa felt a sense of pride knowing that he had helped his friends improve their skills.

Tsukasa and Erasa were training in a secluded area in the mountains. Tsukasa had been teaching Erasa the basics of ki manipulation and control, but now it was time for her to learn how to fly. Tsukasa stood in front of her with a serious expression, ready to teach her the technique.

"Okay, Erasa, the key to flying is to concentrate your ki in your feet and use it to propel yourself off the ground. You need to focus all of your energy and willpower into lifting yourself up."

Erasa nodded, determined to learn. She closed her eyes and focused on her ki, trying to feel the energy flow through her body. Tsukasa watched her closely, ready to step in if she needed help.

Suddenly, Erasa opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She focused all of her ki into her feet and pushed off the ground. To her surprise, she lifted off the ground and began to float in the air.

"I'm doing it!" Erasa exclaimed, feeling exhilarated.

Tsukasa smiled at her. "Good job, Erasa! Now try to maintain your altitude and control your movements."

Erasa nodded and concentrated on her ki, adjusting her movements as she floated around the training area. Tsukasa watched her with pride, impressed by her quick progress.

As they continued to train, Erasa and Tsukasa grew closer. They shared their dreams and aspirations with each other, and Tsukasa couldn't help but feel grateful for having someone like Erasa by his side.

As the day of the tournament arrived, everyone gathered at the World Martial Arts Tournament arena. The Z Fighters were there, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, and Yamcha. They were all eager to see who would come out on top in the tournament.

Tsukasa and Erasa arrived together, both ready to compete. Tsukasa wore a new outfit, a black and purple gi with his name embroidered in gold on the back. Erasa wore a blue and white fighting outfit, with a white headband to keep her hair back.

As they walked towards the arena, they were greeted by the other Z Fighters. "Hey Tsukasa, good luck out there!" said Krillin.

"Yeah, show them what a Saiyan can do!" added Yamcha.

Tsukasa nodded, a determined look on his face. Erasa smiled, feeling proud of her boyfriend's strength and determination.

As they entered the arena, they saw the other fighters preparing for the tournament. Goten and Trunks were already sparring with each other, while Gohan and Videl were discussing their strategies.

Tsukasa and Erasa headed over to the registration desk to sign up for the tournament. As they filled out their forms, they could hear the crowd cheering in the background.

The announcer's voice boomed over the loudspeaker, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the World Martial Arts Tournament! It's time to begin the first round of the competition!"

Tsukasa and Erasa exchanged a nod, ready to show everyone what they were made of. They headed to their designated areas, the crowd watching in anticipation.

The tournament was intense, with many skilled fighters competing. However, Tsukasa and Erasa proved to be formidable opponents, knocking out fighter after fighter.

As the tournament progressed, Tsukasa and Erasa faced off against each other in the semi-finals. The crowd was amazed by their strength and agility as they exchanged blows.

In the end, Tsukasa emerged as the winner of their match, but he didn't celebrate too much as he knew the finals would be a tough match.

In the final match, Tsukasa was up against Goku. The two Saiyans faced off, their power levels equal. The crowd watched in awe as they exchanged punches and kicks, creating shockwaves with each hit.

However, in the end, Tsukasa emerged as the winner of the tournament, much to the delight of Erasa and the other Z Fighters.

As Tsukasa was declared the winner, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had proven his strength and skill as a Saiyan warrior, and had made many new friends in the process.

As the crowd gathered around to watch Mr. Satan's video, the Z Fighters were all present, with Tsukasa and Erasa standing among them. Mr. Satan's video played on the big screen, and everyone watched in anticipation, wondering what great feat the champion had achieved.

But as the video progressed, it became clear that it was nothing more than a badly edited compilation of Mr. Satan's supposed battles with various villains, including Cell and Frieza. The video was filled with terrible acting, bad special effects, and ridiculous dialogue that made even the civilians in the audience cringe.

As the video came to an end, the Z Fighters could only stare in disbelief. Krillin shook his head and muttered, "This is just embarrassing." Yamcha turned away, unable to watch any longer. Piccolo let out a deep sigh, while Tien covered his face with his hand.

Goku, who was back to full health and had just arrived, watched the video with a puzzled expression on his face. He turned to the others and asked, "What's wrong? This video is great!"

The Z Fighters all turned to him, stunned. Even Vegeta, who had a deep-seated dislike for Mr. Satan, couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief.

Tsukasa and Erasa looked at each other and burst out laughing, unable to contain their amusement at the absurdity of it all. Even though they were also cringing, they found the situation hilarious.

Eventually, the video ended, and the Z Fighters were left to wonder how Mr. Satan had managed to maintain his reputation as a champion. They all knew that the real heroes were the ones who had saved the world time and time again, and that Mr. Satan was nothing more than a fraud.

Tsukasa was pacing back and forth in the waiting area, mentally preparing himself for his match. He had seen some weird and bizarre opponents before, but the overweight guy in a speedo winking at him was a new level of strange.

As the match began, the overweight guy made his way towards Tsukasa, winking and blowing kisses at him. Tsukasa was visibly weirded out and the z fighters in the stands cringed and looked away. However, the civilians in the stands cheered on, excited for the match.

Tsukasa managed to dodge the guy's attacks while trying to avoid his winks and kisses. Finally, the overweight guy went in for an attack and Tsukasa saw his opening. With a swift movement, he slapped the guy, sending him flying out of bounds. Tsukasa then kicked him into the ground to make sure he stayed out of bounds.

As Tsukasa walked towards the z fighters, Erasa playfully hit his stomach, congratulating him on his victory. Tsukasa breathed a sigh of relief, glad the match was over. He couldn't wait to see what other bizarre opponents awaited him in the tournament.

As Gohan stepped into the ring, his opponent was revealed to be Kibito, the attendant of the Kaioshin. Kibito was polite and respectful, and Gohan couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by him.

"Good luck, Gohan," Kibito said with a smile.

Gohan nodded and took his stance. "Thanks, Kibito. Let's have a good match."

The two fighters began to circle each other, both sizing the other up. Suddenly, Kibito stopped and looked at Gohan with a curious expression.

"Say, Gohan, can you show me your Super Saiyan transformation?" Kibito asked.

Gohan was taken aback by the request but decided to comply. He closed his eyes and focused, feeling the power building up inside him. Suddenly, his hair turned golden and his aura flared up.

Kibito was impressed. "Incredible! Your power has increased tenfold!"

Gohan smiled, feeling proud of his achievement. But his joy was short-lived as Kibito's expression grew serious.

"I must warn you, Gohan. There is a great evil lurking in the universe. His name is Majin Buu, and he is a creature of immense power. You must be prepared to face him if he ever comes to Earth."

Gohan nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities of what this new enemy could be like. He vowed to do whatever it took to protect his family and friends.

The match continued, but Gohan couldn't concentrate fully. His mind kept drifting to thoughts of Majin Buu and what he could do to stop him. In the end, he won the match, but he knew that the real battle was yet to come.

As Tsukasa was carrying the injured Erasa out of the arena, anger was boiling within him. He could not believe that someone had dared to hurt his girlfriend like this. As he approached Goku, who was holding a bag of Senzu beans, Tsukasa spoke in a low and angry voice.

"Give me one of those beans, Goku. I need to get Erasa healed up."

Goku nodded and handed Tsukasa a bean. Tsukasa immediately put the Senzu bean in Erasa's mouth, and within seconds, her injuries began to heal. She slowly began to regain consciousness, and Tsukasa breathed a sigh of relief.

As the group made their way back to the stands, Tsukasa could feel his anger still simmering just beneath the surface. He knew that he needed to calm down, but he could not help but feel enraged at what had just happened to Erasa.

Once they arrived back in the stands, Tsukasa gently set Erasa down and turned to Gohan.

"I need to take care of this guy. I can't let him get away with hurting Erasa."

Gohan put a hand on Tsukasa's shoulder.

"I understand how you feel, but we can't let our anger control us. We need to stay calm and think logically about our next move."

Tsukasa took a deep breath and nodded.

"You're right, Gohan. I can't let my emotions get the best of me. But I swear, whoever hurt Erasa will pay for what they did."

After Yamu's attack on Erasa, Tsukasa was enraged and ready to take on whoever hurt his girlfriend. However, Gohan managed to calm him down and convinced him to focus on the bigger threat: Majin Buu.

The Z fighters continued to fight against Majin Buu, but it seemed like they were unable to defeat him. Even the fusion of Gotenks, the combination of Goten and Trunks, wasn't enough to take down Buu.

Eventually, Goku returned from Other World and began to fight against Buu. However, even he had trouble against Buu's immense power. It wasn't until Vegeta joined the fight and sacrificed himself that Goku was able to form the Spirit Bomb and defeat Buu once and for all.

After the battle, Tsukasa and Erasa joined the rest of the Z fighters to celebrate their victory. Tsukasa thanked Goku for providing the Senzu Bean that healed Erasa, and the group was happy to see that she was okay.

As life went on, Tsukasa continued to train and improve his skills as a Saiyan. He also grew closer to Erasa, and the two began to explore their relationship more. Eventually, they got married and had a child together.

Despite the many dangers they faced as Z fighters, Tsukasa and Erasa remained committed to each other and to protecting the Earth from any threats that might arise.

Tsukasa was now a high schooler, attending Orange Star High School just like Gohan had done before him. He was still as serious as ever, but he had learned to relax a bit and enjoy life outside of fighting.

One day, as he was walking to school, he saw someone he recognized. It was Android 18, who had married Krillin and now lived in the area.

Tsukasa approached her cautiously, not sure what to expect. But to his surprise, Android 18 greeted him warmly.

"Hey there," she said with a smile. "You're Tsukasa, right? Krillin has told me all about you."

Tsukasa was taken aback. He had never thought of himself as anyone special, just another fighter doing his part to protect the Earth.

But as he talked with Android 18, he realized that he had made a name for himself in the fighting world. And he was grateful for the friendships he had formed along the way.

As he walked into school that day, Tsukasa felt a sense of pride and purpose. He knew that he would always be a fighter at heart, but he was excited to see what other adventures life had in store for him.

Goten was wandering around outside when he saw Tsukasa and Gohan training in a nearby field. Curiosity getting the better of him, he approached the two of them.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing?" Goten asked with excitement in his voice.

"We're training, Goten," Gohan replied with a smile.

"Can I join you? I wanna be a strong fighter too!" Goten exclaimed eagerly.

Tsukasa and Gohan exchanged glances, and then Gohan spoke up.

"Sure, Goten. We'd love to have you train with us."

From that day forward, Goten became a regular training partner for Tsukasa and Gohan. They taught him everything they knew, and Goten quickly became a formidable fighter in his own right.

The three of them had many adventures together, both in training and in battle. And though they faced many challenges and obstacles, they always had each other's backs.

Tsukasa was grateful for the friendship and camaraderie he shared with Gohan and Goten. They were more than just training partners to him; they were like family.

Tsukasa was walking through the halls of Orange Star High School when he heard a voice calling out to him.

"Hey, Tsukasa! Wait up!"

He turned to see Erasa running towards him. She had always been friendly to him, but they had never really talked much before.

"Hey, Erasa. What's up?" Tsukasa asked, curious.

"I was just wondering if you could help me train for the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament," Erasa said, a hopeful look in her eyes. "I've heard you're a really strong fighter, and I could use all the help I can get."

Tsukasa nodded, pleased that someone was recognizing his skills as a fighter. But then, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A ball was headed straight for Erasa, and she didn't even seem to realize it.

Without hesitation, Tsukasa sprang into action, his reflexes honed from years of training. He caught the ball in midair, protecting Erasa from getting hit.

"Wow, thanks Tsukasa!" Erasa exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes.

Tsukasa smiled at her, causing her to blush a little. He had never really paid attention to her before, but he couldn't deny that she was cute.

"Sure, I can help you train," Tsukasa said, his mind now on the tournament. "Gohan and his brother are already training Videl, so it makes sense that we help each other out too."

Erasa beamed at him, grateful for his offer. And as they walked down the hall together, Tsukasa couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what was to come. The tournament was going to be tough, but he was confident that they would be able to face any challenge together.

Tsukasa was walking with Erasa after school when a sleazy-looking man approached them, a camera hanging around his neck.

"Hey, you two!" the man called out. "I'll give you 50,000 zeni if you let me take some pictures of your girlfriend here."

Tsukasa's eyes narrowed at the man's words. He didn't like the way he was looking at Erasa, as if she was just an object to be captured on film.

"Excuse me?" Tsukasa growled, stepping in front of Erasa protectively. "That's my girlfriend you're talking about. She's not for sale."

The man snickered, thinking that Tsukasa was just trying to play hard to get more money out of him.

"Come on, kid. Don't be like that," the man said, winking at Erasa. "I'll make it worth your while."

But Tsukasa wasn't having it. He could feel his blood boiling at the man's insinuations.

"I said no," Tsukasa said firmly, his voice low and dangerous. "Now leave us alone before I make you regret it."

The man seemed to sense that he wasn't going to get anywhere with Tsukasa, so he shrugged and walked away, muttering under his breath.

As soon as the man was out of earshot, Tsukasa turned to Erasa, concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Erasa nodded, a grateful smile on her face.

"Yeah, thanks to you," she said, looking up at him with admiration in her eyes. "You're always so brave and protective of me."

Tsukasa felt his cheeks heat up at her words, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. He had never thought of himself as a hero before, but if it meant keeping Erasa safe and happy, he was willing to do whatever it takes. And as they walked home together, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to be with her.

Tsukasa, Gohan, Goten, and Videl were at a secluded spot in the mountains, surrounded by trees and cliffs. Gohan and Goten were standing together, while Videl was a bit behind them, trying to concentrate on levitating in the air.

Tsukasa had already mastered flying and was helping the others with their training. He watched Videl carefully and noticed that she was struggling to stay in the air. He flew over to her and said, "Videl, you need to relax and let your ki flow. Imagine it like a stream of energy that's carrying you up."

Videl took a deep breath and tried again, this time picturing the energy flow in her mind. Slowly, she began to rise off the ground, wobbling a bit as she adjusted to the sensation. Tsukasa stayed close by, giving her pointers and encouraging her to keep going.

Meanwhile, Gohan and Goten were sparring with each other, throwing punches and kicks back and forth. Tsukasa watched them from afar, impressed by their skills. He could sense the immense power they both possessed and knew that they were going to be a formidable team in the upcoming tournament.

As the sun began to set, the group took a break and sat down to rest. Tsukasa pulled out some snacks he had brought with him and offered them to everyone. They chatted and laughed, enjoying the peaceful moment.

Eventually, it was time to wrap up the training session. Tsukasa gave each of them some final advice, encouraging them to keep practicing and pushing themselves to become stronger. As they said their goodbyes and headed back to their homes, Tsukasa felt a sense of pride knowing that he had helped his friends improve their skills.

Tsukasa and Erasa were training in a secluded area in the mountains. Tsukasa had been teaching Erasa the basics of ki manipulation and control, but now it was time for her to learn how to fly. Tsukasa stood in front of her with a serious expression, ready to teach her the technique.

"Okay, Erasa, the key to flying is to concentrate your ki in your feet and use it to propel yourself off the ground. You need to focus all of your energy and willpower into lifting yourself up."

Erasa nodded, determined to learn. She closed her eyes and focused on her ki, trying to feel the energy flow through her body. Tsukasa watched her closely, ready to step in if she needed help.

Suddenly, Erasa opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She focused all of her ki into her feet and pushed off the ground. To her surprise, she lifted off the ground and began to float in the air.

"I'm doing it!" Erasa exclaimed, feeling exhilarated.

Tsukasa smiled at her. "Good job, Erasa! Now try to maintain your altitude and control your movements."

Erasa nodded and concentrated on her ki, adjusting her movements as she floated around the training area. Tsukasa watched her with pride, impressed by her quick progress.

As they continued to train, Erasa and Tsukasa grew closer. They shared their dreams and aspirations with each other, and Tsukasa couldn't help but feel grateful for having someone like Erasa by his side.

As the day of the tournament arrived, everyone gathered at the World Martial Arts Tournament arena. The Z Fighters were there, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, and Yamcha. They were all eager to see who would come out on top in the tournament.

Tsukasa and Erasa arrived together, both ready to compete. Tsukasa wore a new outfit, a black and purple gi with his name embroidered in gold on the back. Erasa wore a blue and white fighting outfit, with a white headband to keep her hair back.

As they walked towards the arena, they were greeted by the other Z Fighters. "Hey Tsukasa, good luck out there!" said Krillin.

"Yeah, show them what a Saiyan can do!" added Yamcha.

Tsukasa nodded, a determined look on his face. Erasa smiled, feeling proud of her boyfriend's strength and determination.

As they entered the arena, they saw the other fighters preparing for the tournament. Goten and Trunks were already sparring with each other, while Gohan and Videl were discussing their strategies.

Tsukasa and Erasa headed over to the registration desk to sign up for the tournament. As they filled out their forms, they could hear the crowd cheering in the background.

The announcer's voice boomed over the loudspeaker, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the World Martial Arts Tournament! It's time to begin the first round of the competition!"

Tsukasa and Erasa exchanged a nod, ready to show everyone what they were made of. They headed to their designated areas, the crowd watching in anticipation.

The tournament was intense, with many skilled fighters competing. However, Tsukasa and Erasa proved to be formidable opponents, knocking out fighter after fighter.

As the tournament progressed, Tsukasa and Erasa faced off against each other in the semi-finals. The crowd was amazed by their strength and agility as they exchanged blows.

In the end, Tsukasa emerged as the winner of their match, but he didn't celebrate too much as he knew the finals would be a tough match.

In the final match, Tsukasa was up against Goku. The two Saiyans faced off, their power levels equal. The crowd watched in awe as they exchanged punches and kicks, creating shockwaves with each hit.

However, in the end, Tsukasa emerged as the winner of the tournament, much to the delight of Erasa and the other Z Fighters.

As Tsukasa was declared the winner, he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had proven his strength and skill as a Saiyan warrior, and had made many new friends in the process.

As the crowd gathered around to watch Mr. Satan's video, the Z Fighters were all present, with Tsukasa and Erasa standing among them. Mr. Satan's video played on the big screen, and everyone watched in anticipation, wondering what great feat the champion had achieved.

But as the video progressed, it became clear that it was nothing more than a badly edited compilation of Mr. Satan's supposed battles with various villains, including Cell and Frieza. The video was filled with terrible acting, bad special effects, and ridiculous dialogue that made even the civilians in the audience cringe.

As the video came to an end, the Z Fighters could only stare in disbelief. Krillin shook his head and muttered, "This is just embarrassing." Yamcha turned away, unable to watch any longer. Piccolo let out a deep sigh, while Tien covered his face with his hand.

Goku, who was back to full health and had just arrived, watched the video with a puzzled expression on his face. He turned to the others and asked, "What's wrong? This video is great!"

The Z Fighters all turned to him, stunned. Even Vegeta, who had a deep-seated dislike for Mr. Satan, couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief.

Tsukasa and Erasa looked at each other and burst out laughing, unable to contain their amusement at the absurdity of it all. Even though they were also cringing, they found the situation hilarious.

Eventually, the video ended, and the Z Fighters were left to wonder how Mr. Satan had managed to maintain his reputation as a champion. They all knew that the real heroes were the ones who had saved the world time and time again, and that Mr. Satan was nothing more than a fraud.

Tsukasa was pacing back and forth in the waiting area, mentally preparing himself for his match. He had seen some weird and bizarre opponents before, but the overweight guy in a speedo winking at him was a new level of strange.

As the match began, the overweight guy made his way towards Tsukasa, winking and blowing kisses at him. Tsukasa was visibly weirded out and the z fighters in the stands cringed and looked away. However, the civilians in the stands cheered on, excited for the match.

Tsukasa managed to dodge the guy's attacks while trying to avoid his winks and kisses. Finally, the overweight guy went in for an attack and Tsukasa saw his opening. With a swift movement, he slapped the guy, sending him flying out of bounds. Tsukasa then kicked him into the ground to make sure he stayed out of bounds.

As Tsukasa walked towards the z fighters, Erasa playfully hit his stomach, congratulating him on his victory. Tsukasa breathed a sigh of relief, glad the match was over. He couldn't wait to see what other bizarre opponents awaited him in the tournament.

As Gohan stepped into the ring, his opponent was revealed to be Kibito, the attendant of the Kaioshin. Kibito was polite and respectful, and Gohan couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by him.

"Good luck, Gohan," Kibito said with a smile.

Gohan nodded and took his stance. "Thanks, Kibito. Let's have a good match."

The two fighters began to circle each other, both sizing the other up. Suddenly, Kibito stopped and looked at Gohan with a curious expression.

"Say, Gohan, can you show me your Super Saiyan transformation?" Kibito asked.

Gohan was taken aback by the request but decided to comply. He closed his eyes and focused, feeling the power building up inside him. Suddenly, his hair turned golden and his aura flared up.

Kibito was impressed. "Incredible! Your power has increased tenfold!"

Gohan smiled, feeling proud of his achievement. But his joy was short-lived as Kibito's expression grew serious.

"I must warn you, Gohan. There is a great evil lurking in the universe. His name is Majin Buu, and he is a creature of immense power. You must be prepared to face him if he ever comes to Earth."

Gohan nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities of what this new enemy could be like. He vowed to do whatever it took to protect his family and friends.

The match continued, but Gohan couldn't concentrate fully. His mind kept drifting to thoughts of Majin Buu and what he could do to stop him. In the end, he won the match, but he knew that the real battle was yet to come.

As Tsukasa was carrying the injured Erasa out of the arena, anger was boiling within him. He could not believe that someone had dared to hurt his girlfriend like this. As he approached Goku, who was holding a bag of Senzu beans, Tsukasa spoke in a low and angry voice.

"Give me one of those beans, Goku. I need to get Erasa healed up."

Goku nodded and handed Tsukasa a bean. Tsukasa immediately put the Senzu bean in Erasa's mouth, and within seconds, her injuries began to heal. She slowly began to regain consciousness, and Tsukasa breathed a sigh of relief.

As the group made their way back to the stands, Tsukasa could feel his anger still simmering just beneath the surface. He knew that he needed to calm down, but he could not help but feel enraged at what had just happened to Erasa.

Once they arrived back in the stands, Tsukasa gently set Erasa down and turned to Gohan.

"I need to take care of this guy. I can't let him get away with hurting Erasa."

Gohan put a hand on Tsukasa's shoulder.

"I understand how you feel, but we can't let our anger control us. We need to stay calm and think logically about our next move."

Tsukasa took a deep breath and nodded.

"You're right, Gohan. I can't let my emotions get the best of me. But I swear, whoever hurt Erasa will pay for what they did."

After Yamu's attack on Erasa, Tsukasa was enraged and ready to take on whoever hurt his girlfriend. However, Gohan managed to calm him down and convinced him to focus on the bigger threat: Majin Buu.

The Z fighters continued to fight against Majin Buu, but it seemed like they were unable to defeat him. Even the fusion of Gotenks, the combination of Goten and Trunks, wasn't enough to take down Buu.

Eventually, Goku returned from Other World and began to fight against Buu. However, even he had trouble against Buu's immense power. It wasn't until Vegeta joined the fight and sacrificed himself that Goku was able to form the Spirit Bomb and defeat Buu once and for all.

After the battle, Tsukasa and Erasa joined the rest of the Z fighters to celebrate their victory. Tsukasa thanked Goku for providing the Senzu Bean that healed Erasa, and the group was happy to see that she was okay.

As life went on, Tsukasa continued to train and improve his skills as a Saiyan. He also grew closer to Erasa, and the two began to explore their relationship more. Eventually, they got married and had a child together.

Despite the many dangers they faced as Z fighters, Tsukasa and Erasa remained committed to each other and to protecting the Earth from any threats that might arise.